Popular Obama's may decide this election


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
The Presidents job approval rating is well over 50%, and Michelle Obama is well thought of by moderates on both sides of the political aisle, this can make a big difference in an election where both candidates are not well liked. Michelle Obama gave a good speech, it was inclusive, positive and will win over that vital group of swing voters that will decide this election. - Advantage Hillary.
The Presidents job approval rating is well over 50%, and Michelle Obama is well thought of by moderates on both sides of the political aisle, this can make a big difference in an election where both candidates are not well liked. Michelle Obama gave a good speech, it was inclusive, positive and will win over that vital group of swing voters that will decide this election. - Advantage Hillary.
Whatever helps you sleep at night...
The speech was good, yes. Dems are doing the right things: Bernie and Warren to raise up the left and the social just warriors with Michelle handling the moderates.

What has changed in the dynamics that Donald now has gone from being stuck with "the election is HRC's to lose" to a stance of "Trump can win this sucker."

He must not hit back when Romney, the Bushes, Cruz, Kasich et al campaign against him. Let it go, that part of the campaign is over and he has lost it. So now let him campaign forward on a vision for America that other Americans can accept.
The Presidents job approval rating is well over 50%, and Michelle Obama is well thought of by moderates on both sides of the political aisle, this can make a big difference in an election where both candidates are not well liked. Michelle Obama gave a good speech, it was inclusive, positive and will win over that vital group of swing voters that will decide this election. - Advantage Hillary.
There is no doubt to me that Hillary will be elected on BHO's coattails same as GHW was elected on Reagan's.

The apparent fact (really a conclusion not a true fact) that Donald Duck Trump is a madman does not hurt Hillary either, so to speak.
The speech was good, yes. Dems are doing the right things: Bernie and Warren to raise up the left and the social just warriors with Michelle handling the moderates.

What has changed in the dynamics that Donald now has gone from being stuck with "the election is HRC's to lose" to a stance of "Trump can win this sucker."

He must not hit back when Romney, the Bushes, Cruz, Kasich et al campaign against him. Let it go, that part of the campaign is over and he has lost it. So now let him campaign forward on a vision for America that other Americans can accept.
Do you think Trump is going to just "let go" of anything ??

He is a rich frat boy with no maturity at all.

He has been beating back others with an eye for an eye since he was a little Fokker in middle school.
Note: a Fokker is a kind of German airplane.

There is an old aviation joke about that, where the punch line is that the Polish WW1 ace says, "That's true too, but these two Fokker's were Messerschmitt's!"
There's just no way to know, given this amazingly goofy election cycle.

It could be argued that Trump's numbers rose because people took a good first look at him during his speech and liked what they saw, and that Hillary is a known quantity and her numbers can't increase much.

Or it could be argued that Hillary will get a convention bounce and go back in front.

No one can claim to "know" for sure.

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