Pope Cites Psalmist To Call Warm Water Storm Deniers "Stupid! (About Due Process!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Likely making a connection with His Eminence, Chuck Schumer, at DNC: Anyone notices that Hurricane Irma liked to bathe, herself--in the nearly 90 degree waters off the coast of Florida(?)! San Francisco Bay, that is not. So out of Psalms, a more Christian message is sounded: "Man is Stupid!"
Pope quotes Bible to call climate change deniers 'stupid' | IOL News

Actually, Dreamers(?) would take better heart in the concept of Amendment Five(?). Trump is. . .not too skilled, is another way of putting it. Keep your mouth shut--many learn this, early on--and let the government make a case about how it is that anyone can be deprived Constitutionally: Of Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of . . . Cannabis and anything else: Without Due Process of Law.

What Obama conferred, as a status, is widely conceded to have been law of the land. A Civil War is not how anyone makes the change back to an original status. The Civil War did not change the status of the dead. Reparations advocates actually have no case. The law conferred a status to the property.

The Status Change would be said to apply to any new "Dreamers," before or after the six month period. Even a Visa status gets revoked, under conditions of Due Process.

The Holy Father even has a take on it(?). Global Warming--headed to 100 degrees off the coast of Florida(?), is under way!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Great Half-Wit Father in Washington, now obsessed with condemning human groups to eternal subjugation, Like Stupid Prince of Egypt. . . ."Learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and. . . mighty in words and in deeds," Acts 7:22. Many know what that means, on Lands of Many Nations! Denigrators, subjugators, conquerors, and rapists-bringing-crime; and then its on to thieves, and purloiners--probably sadists, with the masochists attached(?)--and then it's on to the torturers, enviers, idolators, and bestial. Those were the generally admired Imperialists worldwide! Onto the boxcars the rabbis would herd the people, in the name of a deity. . .above or below maybe a toss-up(?)!)
I'm sure you have some relevant points in there somewhere. Why don't you get someone to help you reword all that crap, so we can understand what you are trying to say?

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