Pop Quiz! Who's Winning the Tax Game (and By How Much)?

Pop Quiz! Who's Winning the Tax Game (and By How Much)?

Pop Quiz! Who's Winning the Tax Game (and By How Much)? - DailyFinance

We all lose.

But hey, everyone should be gifted with a half trillion interest payment due every year.

Keeping cronies in billions takes gullible people. Right Democrats?

Here's the funny thing; those on the left blame the rich for all of our economic problems while those on the right blame the poor for all of our problems. Please explain what the poor can do to make the economy better. Do you think they should pay more in taxes? Or do you think they should magically find better paying jobs so they can contribute more?

This isn't so much about pointing fingers and laying blame, but the fact is that those who hold the wealth are the key. Telling us that they can only create more jobs by giving them even more money when they are making more than any other time in history is just stupid thinking. You really need to ask yourself how the wealthy continue to build wealth even during economic times when everyone else is losing wealth. If you can ever wrap yourself around the idea that the problem is not with the poor and middle class, then you might begin to get a better grasp of the problem.

This isn't necessarily so much about tax rates. It has much more to do with the fact that we have pushed this idea that the only way for companies to make money is by paying their employees as little as possible. This starts with the fight against any increases in the minimum wage, but it goes well beyond that all the way up, and the driving force behind this is shortsightedness as businesses seem to only be concerned with this quarter's profits rather than the long term health and potential growth of the business. Today, companies are not as concerned with growth as they are just making a solid profit. The difference is that in order to grow, companies need to invest in themselves; in order to just maximize profits, companies only need to cut expenses to the bare bones minimum.

This whole thing about income inequality is a much bigger thing than most of you realize. And it actually is about fairness, not that everyone should earn the same amount (that's where the righties seem to get confused), but that those who are contributing to the successful growth of a company should be paid a reasonable wage compared based on their productivity. As it stands now, those who are contributing the most, those at the bottom, see very little while all of the money floats to the top.

In 1970, average CEO pay was 39 times that of company's employees. As of 2000, it was 1039 times the average pay. Those numbers are truly mind boggling. Based on these numbers, we are saying that the average employee is worth less than one tenth of one percent of said CEO. Again though, it's not so much about being jealous of the wealthy, as the right always accuses everyone of, but it's questioning why the average workers value has dropped so much at a time when that same worker's productivity has increased dramatically. However this all came about, we are fucking the working class, whether they are blue collar or white collar workers. If we ever want to turn things around, we need to address this problem, because it is the cause of our economic problems.

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