Romney Defender Says Americans Would Find Romney Financial Shenanigans Distasteful

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Romney Defender Says Americans Would Find Romney Financial Shenanigans Distasteful

Steve Rattner, the man who in Romney's defense supposedly sandbagged the Obama campaign's presentation of an anti-Bain ad had this to say about Romney's financial tricks...

"If you say to your tax people, as he seems to have done, 'I want every trick in the book. I want to push this to the edge,'" Rattner said during an appearance on "Fareed Zakaria GPS" on CNN. "I will tell you that as a private equity guy, I'm familiar with many of the things that he did. And I know many people who have done many of the things that he did. I do not know anyone who did everything that he did."

"Some of what he did, like the IRA, I have asked fellow private equity guys," Rattner said, referencing the account in which Romney has stored up to $100 million tax-free. "None of us had even known this was a possible trick, if you will. He has pushed the envelope all the way to the edge, to his benefit, and I think that Americans would find that pretty distasteful."

Follow the money. Money is Romney's god. Romney likes firing people when it makes him money. Romney prostrates himself before the altar of profit-at-any-expense.

The American people do not need the empty and selfish, mean-spirited, values of a Vulture Capitalist (Texas GOP Governor Rick Perry's phrase for sleazy business types like Romney) like Willard Mitt Romney.

Steve Rattner sandbags the Obama campaign's presentation of an anti-Bain ad | Capital New York

Steve Rattner: Mitt Romney Used 'Every Trick In The Book' To Avoid Tax Penalties
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the tax issue will hound romney till nov unless he gets it behind him now.
Romney Defender Says Americans Would Find Romney Financial Shenanigans Distasteful

Steve Rattner, the man who in Romney's defense supposedly sandbagged the Obama campaign's presentation of an anti-Bain ad had this to say about Romney's financial tricks...

"If you say to your tax people, as he seems to have done, 'I want every trick in the book. I want to push this to the edge,'" Rattner said during an appearance on "Fareed Zakaria GPS" on CNN. "I will tell you that as a private equity guy, I'm familiar with many of the things that he did. And I know many people who have done many of the things that he did. I do not know anyone who did everything that he did."

"Some of what he did, like the IRA, I have asked fellow private equity guys," Rattner said, referencing the account in which Romney has stored up to $100 million tax-free. "None of us had even known this was a possible trick, if you will. He has pushed the envelope all the way to the edge, to his benefit, and I think that Americans would find that pretty distasteful."

Follow the money. Money is Romney's god. Romney likes firing people when it makes him money. Romney prostrates himself before the altar of profit-at-any-expense.

The American people do not need the empty and selfish, mean-spirited, values of a Vulture Capitalist (Texas GOP Governor Rick Perry's phrase for sleazy business types like Romney) like Willard Mitt Romney.

Steve Rattner sandbags the Obama campaign's presentation of an anti-Bain ad | Capital New York

Steve Rattner: Mitt Romney Used 'Every Trick In The Book' To Avoid Tax Penalties

Another projection from the mentally challenged.
It is a distaste millions are going to swallow down cause he is the best choice out of the two poor ones we have.

Americans will take the warts that give them the best shot at feeding thier families.
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Americans not only fail to concern themselves with Romney's finances, but they find their own finances under obama abysmal.

That why the Romney's Rich argument fails. No one cares how much Romney has, but they do care, very much, about how much the government takes from them.
Jobs will only come back when Americans support America and buy American.

Sorry, Haters – Stock Market Surging Under ‘Socialist’ Obama, Recovering from Decline under ‘Free Market’ Bush*Pensito Review

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Romney Defender Says Americans Would Find Romney Financial Shenanigans Distasteful

Steve Rattner, the man who in Romney's defense supposedly sandbagged the Obama campaign's presentation of an anti-Bain ad had this to say about Romney's financial tricks...

"If you say to your tax people, as he seems to have done, 'I want every trick in the book. I want to push this to the edge,'" Rattner said during an appearance on "Fareed Zakaria GPS" on CNN. "I will tell you that as a private equity guy, I'm familiar with many of the things that he did. And I know many people who have done many of the things that he did. I do not know anyone who did everything that he did."

"Some of what he did, like the IRA, I have asked fellow private equity guys," Rattner said, referencing the account in which Romney has stored up to $100 million tax-free. "None of us had even known this was a possible trick, if you will. He has pushed the envelope all the way to the edge, to his benefit, and I think that Americans would find that pretty distasteful."

Follow the money. Money is Romney's god. Romney likes firing people when it makes him money. Romney prostrates himself before the altar of profit-at-any-expense.

The American people do not need the empty and selfish, mean-spirited, values of a Vulture Capitalist (Texas GOP Governor Rick Perry's phrase for sleazy business types like Romney) like Willard Mitt Romney.

Steve Rattner sandbags the Obama campaign's presentation of an anti-Bain ad | Capital New York

Steve Rattner: Mitt Romney Used 'Every Trick In The Book' To Avoid Tax Penalties

First off, Rattner was defending Bain, not Romney.

On April 26, 2012, Rick Perry had a change of heart and endorsed the former Massachusetts governor, even though he understands he will likely not be asked to be Vice President. Governor Rick had just undergone back surgery, and his unusual speech was noted by those who knew him well. It could be it had to do with anesthesia used during his surgery. Many of them have throwback symptoms as far as a year following the surgery, and we saw him stop, stumble, search for words, and say things in a way he would never have said them had he not had this crying need for back surgery just a couple of weeks before he announced that he was running for President.

Everything that could go wrong did go wrong for Perry, and his post-surgical issues were likely culpable for his misspeaking so many times, so out of character with his normal give-and-take chit chat in politics that made him the popular choice for Texas governor at least twice in a row. The only other person to achieve that was President George W. Bush, another favorite son from my state.

Business people have to make hard calls and only pay taxes they owe. Why pay more taxes than you have to pay if it means you would have to lay off 300 people vital to the business' success?

If it were 300 people keeping jobs if my lawyers found ways to save them by obeying the tax laws, I'd go for it too, Mr. Dante, whether it set reporters' noses out of joint or not.

That is likely and most certainly was Romney's motive in searching for a way to keep people in the money. Yes, he liked having the ABILITY to keep or fire people based on their contribution to making the business profitable, but a Simon Legree, he is not.

A dream-come-truer is he. He saved the Summer Olympics in Salt Lake City, who hired him to step in and bail them out of the mess their plans had become due to earlier mismanagement. The summer games were not cancelled, because Romney did what he had to do to get the event back on track and running smoothly again before the torch-running series began.

Romney learned a lesson from tea partiers. He knows he has to save taxpayers dollars, and he knows the best ways to do it. He knows he has to bring back the stock market and to put long-term unemployed Americans back to work in jobs that will pay them well enough such that they will never look back to those killing times of being idle and idle with no job.

Let's do our unemployed American brothers and sisters who are jobless a gift. Let's give them the affirmation of hope that Romney will, as he did in the SLC Olympics, put the teams back in business to do the best jobs they can do and find jobs for everyone who doesn't have one but wants one.

Let's elect Mitt Romney and change the friction between the Executive, Legislative, and even the Judicial branches to one of accomplishment for the American people.

A President Romney will get along with people the way a good executive does: work with people in Congress to pass that budget. Work with the new Congress to see if it can come up with a Health Care System that will leave nobody behind except excesses in the system that would cause taxes to accelerate 8.5% without him in there pitching for the right cuts that will hurt no one except those lining their pockets in the nepotistic way that Nancy Pelosi lines all her childrens' pockets first with government guarantees no government should ever do, because it smells of favoritism.

Romney will put winners in charge, and not people who evade their income taxes. He's a business-minded politician, and he knows private industries must do the hiring or everyone gets stuck with higher taxes.

He might even ask Rick Perry's input on jobs development for America on an international level. Rick will bring those jobs right back here, and Romney knows it. You watch. It's going to happen with the Republicans in charge of bringing those manufacturing jobs back home.

It's right there on Romney's issue page. His priority is bigger than himself: get those jobs back on these shores!

And he does the team thingy. America will be a team again under a President Romney. He has the proven leadership and record of accomplishment. Give the man the job. And a Congress that will work with him, because he will make it fun for them to act in America's goodly interests again.

I think they're kinda sick of being cross with one another anyway. Romney will give them a reason to work together. I know he will.
True Zander. For those who'd like to keep their eye on the ball in this game, the National Debt Clock has ticked its way to 15.901930 trillion.

Nothing has been done to slow it down; Obama has done nothing done to pass a budget except to insist it's all somebody else's fault. He wants to dictate and not work with men of negotiation. He has no plan to negotiate nor to agree to any budget, because his plans are to keep spending money this nation does not have.

Romney is going to bring American jobs back to America. No, it won't be easy. Yes, some people will not like it. But when the rubber hits the road, it will be American rubber, and the steel in the steel belted radials will be American steel.

The unions would be wise to contact future President Romney today and give input about where they would like the new manufacturing plants to be along with their plan to make American manufacturing competitive with China..

imvho. :D
the tax issue will hound romney till nov unless he gets it behind him now.

Let's not think of all the issues that make Obama look very bad...No wonder Obama is going to win. Our side can't attack and doesn't have the balls. :mad:

Fast and Furious-Holder lied before congress and Obama used his powers to cover his ass...But O'boy we drop it. The left spins, spins and spins some more and people think 2 dead border guards is now a JOKE.
Shutting down coal plants-I'm not against wind or solar, but this isn't a very wise policy the way he's going about it.
Sharing secrets with Russia
Getting whites beat up and killed by fanning hatred-Instead of saying let the law work, he came out in stood with his people. Well, maybe in my world where we're all with our peoples, but not in the world most people are trying to build.
800,000 illegals granted a free pass-O'shit, the last time I read my consultation I didn't see anything about this.
A thousand other things The left bitched about Bushes policy in the middle east...Well, Obama compounded it.

Yet we can't so much as put up an opposion that can win. Now I understand how these people get into power...I'm considering going into the mountains and letting it all go to HELL. :mad: Foundering fathers we have failed to keep your republic.
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Romney Defender Says Americans Would Find Romney Financial Shenanigans Distasteful

Steve Rattner, the man who in Romney's defense supposedly sandbagged the Obama campaign's presentation of an anti-Bain ad had this to say about Romney's financial tricks...

"If you say to your tax people, as he seems to have done, 'I want every trick in the book. I want to push this to the edge,'" Rattner said during an appearance on "Fareed Zakaria GPS" on CNN. "I will tell you that as a private equity guy, I'm familiar with many of the things that he did. And I know many people who have done many of the things that he did. I do not know anyone who did everything that he did."

"Some of what he did, like the IRA, I have asked fellow private equity guys," Rattner said, referencing the account in which Romney has stored up to $100 million tax-free. "None of us had even known this was a possible trick, if you will. He has pushed the envelope all the way to the edge, to his benefit, and I think that Americans would find that pretty distasteful."

Follow the money. Money is Romney's god. Romney likes firing people when it makes him money. Romney prostrates himself before the altar of profit-at-any-expense.

The American people do not need the empty and selfish, mean-spirited, values of a Vulture Capitalist (Texas GOP Governor Rick Perry's phrase for sleazy business types like Romney) like Willard Mitt Romney.

Steve Rattner sandbags the Obama campaign's presentation of an anti-Bain ad | Capital New York

Steve Rattner: Mitt Romney Used 'Every Trick In The Book' To Avoid Tax Penalties

Another projection from the mentally challenged.

Steve Rattner, a man who defends Romney against some of Team Obama's attacks, mentions how distasteful Romney's tactics are when it comes to worshipping profit at any cost, and this is all you've got?

better hope Team Romney has better than you on it's defense:eusa_clap:
Romney Defender Says Americans Would Find Romney Financial Shenanigans Distasteful

Steve Rattner, the man who in Romney's defense supposedly sandbagged the Obama campaign's presentation of an anti-Bain ad had this to say about Romney's financial tricks...

"If you say to your tax people, as he seems to have done, 'I want every trick in the book. I want to push this to the edge,'" Rattner said during an appearance on "Fareed Zakaria GPS" on CNN. "I will tell you that as a private equity guy, I'm familiar with many of the things that he did. And I know many people who have done many of the things that he did. I do not know anyone who did everything that he did."

"Some of what he did, like the IRA, I have asked fellow private equity guys," Rattner said, referencing the account in which Romney has stored up to $100 million tax-free. "None of us had even known this was a possible trick, if you will. He has pushed the envelope all the way to the edge, to his benefit, and I think that Americans would find that pretty distasteful."

Follow the money. Money is Romney's god. Romney likes firing people when it makes him money. Romney prostrates himself before the altar of profit-at-any-expense.

The American people do not need the empty and selfish, mean-spirited, values of a Vulture Capitalist (Texas GOP Governor Rick Perry's phrase for sleazy business types like Romney) like Willard Mitt Romney.

Steve Rattner sandbags the Obama campaign's presentation of an anti-Bain ad | Capital New York

Steve Rattner: Mitt Romney Used 'Every Trick In The Book' To Avoid Tax Penalties

First off, Rattner was defending Bain, not Romney.
It's right there on Romney's issue page. His priority is bigger than himself: get those jobs back on these shores!

"Some of what he did, like the IRA, I have asked fellow private equity guys," Rattner said, referencing the account in which Romney has stored up to $100 million tax-free. "None of us had even known this was a possible trick, if you will. He has pushed the envelope all the way to the edge, to his benefit, and I think that Americans would find that pretty distasteful."
Outsourcing American jobs, not paying taxes, stealing pension money, Medicaire fraud,....

Romney is the problem, not the solution.
The GOP Field of Candidates was onto this guy a long time ago.

Too bad the GOP base allowed the Super PACs to sway their pathetic minds

Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) is renewing his criticism of the former Massachusetts governor as a “vulture capitalist,” arguing that Romney is trying to “paper over” the details of his tenure at the helm of Bain Capital.

“There’s a real difference between venture capitalism and vulture capitalism,” Perry told Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity Tuesday night. “Venture capitalism we like. Vulture capitalism, no. And the fact of the matter is that he’s going to have to face up to this at some time or another, and South Carolina is as good a place to draw that line in the sand as any.”

Perry cited two companies in Gaffney and Georgetown, S.C., that he said had lost jobs while the venture capital firm took in millions of dollars. He accused Romney and Bain of “picking their bones clean” rather than working to “clean up those companies, save those jobs.”

”That’s not what we’re looking for in a president of the United States,” he said. “We’re looking for someone that knows how to build jobs, create jobs. And that’s what I’ve done in the state of Texas. So there’s no use trying to paper this over. That is a problem for Mitt, and he’s going to have to face it.”
Outsourcing American jobs, not paying taxes, stealing pension money, Medicaire fraud,....

Romney is the problem, not the solution. just described Obama and his comrades in arms administation..
vote OBAMA and this administration OUT PEOPLE

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