Polls are confirming Ryan was a game changer

The polls are the first comprehensive surveys to have been conducted since Romney chose Paul Ryan as his running mate and suggest he has received a small positive bump from his selection.

Daily tracking polls from both Rasmussen Reports and Gallup also put Romney slightly ahead nationally, although the RealClearPolitics conglomerate Poll of Polls — which does not include the Purple Poll as it was not conducted nationally — still has Obama with a three-point lead.

Overall, the four Purple polls taken together show Romney with a single-point lead of 47 percent to 46, reversing July’s figures when Obama led by 47 percent to 45.

Purple Strategies said Romney has received a huge boost among independent voters, now holding an 11 percentage point lead in that group, up from five points in July.

Read more on Newsmax.com: Poll: Ryan Bump Gives Romney Lead in Swing States Ohio, Fla., Va.
Poll: Ryan Bump Gives Romney Lead in Swing States Ohio, Fla., Va.

By the time its November
It will not even be close
I truly believe that, I did not 2 weeks ago

NEWSMAX? The "news source" probably listed the ticket as Mitt Romney/David Duke and the extremist right broke their wrists rushing to click YES!:eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
I think you're lying and know it.
Yep. Rasmussen now has Obama up by 1, which is an Obama bump from last week.

Actually, Rasmussen's daily tracker has Obama up 2 today.

How the right's polling mouthpiece is missing the Ryan bump I couldn't guess...

So is Rasmussen is credible today or not?

You libs flip-flop so much on everything that we never know for sure...
Yep. Rasmussen now has Obama up by 1, which is an Obama bump from last week.

Actually, Rasmussen's daily tracker has Obama up 2 today.

How the right's polling mouthpiece is missing the Ryan bump I couldn't guess...

So is Rasmussen is credible today or not?

You libs flip-flop so much on everything that we never know for sure...

Rasmussen is biased to the right.

You never told us whether you think Rasmussen is credible. Why don't you state that here and now, for the record?
Actually, Rasmussen's daily tracker has Obama up 2 today.

How the right's polling mouthpiece is missing the Ryan bump I couldn't guess...

So is Rasmussen is credible today or not?

You libs flip-flop so much on everything that we never know for sure...

Rasmussen is biased to the right.

You never told us whether you think Rasmussen is credible. Why don't you state that here and now, for the record?
You first, fat boy...

Is Rasmussen credible or not?
Remember the bump McCain got from appointing Palin. How'd that work out for ya?

We had to endure about 3 weeks of wingnut woohooing, until the bump wore off.

That post is as stupid as the Palin choice in 2008.

In Ryan, you've got someone who knows the numbers and has thought about them more than Romney, Obama, or Biden...probably all combined.

You've really regressed as a thinker.

So is Rasmussen is credible today or not?

You libs flip-flop so much on everything that we never know for sure...

I have no particular reason to believe that Ras's numbers aren't skewed a few points in Romney's favor, per usual, today when he shows Obama's lead growing to +2.

Hence my amusement.
So how did that Ryan pick work out? « Hot Air

Online Fundraising

Donations: 124,800+
Amount: $10,157,947
Average Donation: $81
% New Donors: 68%

The Obama campaign doesn’t seem to release their fundraising numbers on such a granular level these days, but if there had been some sort of massive, anti-Ryan backlash flood of donations I think Axlerod or Cutter would have let us know by now.

How’s Mitt faring in the social media and web world since the Ryan announcement?

Site Traffic – Total: 2,000,000
Mitt Romney Facebook: +510,000 — Now 4,360,000
Mitt Romney Twitter: +54,000 — Now 861,000
Paul Ryan Facebook: +860,000
Paul Ryan Twitter: +118,500
Volunteers 45,000+ sign up to volunteer online

You can go out on all the Sunday shows and spin the headlines however you like, but that’s got to be a pretty encouraging set of numbers for America’s Comeback Team. But what explains them in terms of the reality on the ground? If Paul Ryan is so scary and radical, where is this surge of support coming from?

There is more than one kind of bump. :D
You do know that only 2 polls in the RCP average span the time after Ryan was announced, don't you?

Nah, you're just not that smart...

Yep. Rasmussen now has Obama up by 1, which is an Obama bump from last week. The Gallup poll is the same,

so on balance, in the two polls you want to use,

Obama has a slight gain post - Ryan.

The Gallup daily had a 46-46 tie a week ago... Now + 2 for Romney....

Your math teachers must be banging their heads against a wall...

So Rasmussen is now credible to you... Ok, good to know for future reference...
The Gallup 7-day rolling average today is:

Romney 47

Obama 45

I think polling over a few days is a better way of getting at how things are.

Paul Ryan as a Vice-Presidential candidate seems to touch a harmonious chord with America. And I think some people are relieved that the only way to get the out-of-control spending to stop is to turn the disastrous debt back over to someone famous for belt-tightening and paying debt down, who is Mitt Romney.

I wish my country's fiscal integrity well by thinking I will be praying that the debates go well for Mitt Romney. I personally like Obama and Biden, but I think the truth-stretching has gotten a little thin, and I don't think we can afford 4 more years and being twenty trillion in debt is gonna cut it.

The Democrats didn't do their cost accounting homework, and since most Americans on every level have to, they're a little dissatisfied thinking how deeply in debt our country has become under Barack Obama, who thinks he can blame all the spending he's done on other people who didn't make the decisions he made to get us here in $15.975 trillion in debtsville.

Also, from the USA National Debt Clock page, our other statistics are:

population - ...................314,186,040

taxpayer # - ..................114,171,320

actual unemployed............23,150,357
The data on battleground states comes from the Purple Poll, a project of a bipartisan group of political strategists. That survey showed the Republican ticket up by one point, 47% to 46%, in the 12 states surveyed, compared with a two-point Obama lead last month, 47% to 45%.

The survey suggested that the Romney/Ryan ticket has an edge on one important theme —change — with voters by a 6-point margin saying that the Republicans were more likely to bring “real change to Washington.” But in a cautionary note for the GOP, the survey also showed the Democrats with a strong edge on the subject of Medicare. Asked which ticket was more likely to protect Medicare, Obama/Biden led by 48% to 40%.

Poll Watch: Paul Ryan pick doesn't give Romney a bounce - Los Angeles Times
Paul Ryan as a Vice-Presidential candidate seems to touch a harmonious chord with America.

Indeed! When Gallup wrote "Reaction to Ryan as V.P. Pick Among Least Positive Historically" their headline should probably have been "Ryan Touches Harmonious Chord with America."

I've already shown that there is more than one kind of bounce, however given that Ryan was supposedly a "high risk/high reward" pick the polls seem to be showing otherwise. So far.

Some of that is likely due to the unusually low number of persuadable voters these days. It's hard to blame the voters since the options are the Party with unpopular ideas (a balanced budget) verses the Party of no ideas (no budget) but it's the times we live in.
Eleven! That seems high to me. I was thinking more like 7 or so. One a day.


It was on his show yesterday. But the transcript isn't posted yet. This was one of them:

GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan took a swipe at President Barack Obama on Thursday for failing to rescue a General Motors factory in his Wisconsin congressional district, calling it "one more broken promise" on the Democratic administration's record.

"I remember President Obama visiting it when he was first running, saying he'll keep that plant open," Ryan said during a campaign stop. "One of the reasons that plant got shut down was $4 gasoline. You see, this costs jobs. The president's terrible energy policies are costing us jobs."

The attack has already received a fair amount of ridicule because the Janesville, Wis., plant actually closed during the last year of George W. Bush's presidency. What hasn't really been emphasized is whether Ryan clearly knew this and made the charge nonetheless.

Paul Ryan Got Federal Funds To Help With Bush-Era GM Plant Closure He Blames On Obama
Part of obama's problem is that Romney has a VP to campaign with and obama doesn't! Biden has been sent to Delaware in a time out. Romney and Ryan are taking questions about the issues and obama is talking about what kind of superpowers he would prefer.
Speaking only for myself, Ryan has made the difference between a vote for Romney vs. the planned vote for "None of The Above". He doesn't make the choice a great one but it opens a realm of possibilities if there is a "God" and if He/She with the welfare of the free world in mind. If Gods have minds. If Gods really do hurl lightning around.

Yeah, a lotta supposition and superstitious hope but at least it is better than the current brand of "hope". Which, originally was to be "Dope and Change" but some Democrat public school grad couldn't spell. Pity; the margin could have been a landslide.

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