Poll: Trump’s performance lags behind even tepid public expectations


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Poll: Trump’s performance lags behind even tepid public expectations

"A majority of Americans say President Trump has not accomplished much during his first nine months in office and they have delivered a report card that is far harsher even than the tepid expectations they set for his tenure when he was sworn into office, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News survey.

Approaching the first anniversary of his victory over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, Trump has an approval rating demonstrably lower than any previous chief executive at this point in his presidency over seven decades of polling. Fewer than 4 in 10 Americans — 37 percent — say they approve of the way he is handling his job".

Interesting..everyone runs to their per-prepared position..and no-one addresses the actual OP. Seems to be a trend here. Attack the messenger..ignore the message.

Whatever you think of the poll..does not anyone see the significance of the unchanging Trump supporter percentage? Hard-core. Unchanging.

To me, it says that it does not matter what Trump does..his supporters are emotionally engaged..to the point that reason..does not matter to them..objectivity is completely lost.

If..if...the Trump legacy comes crashing down..what do these people do? Many of the alt/right feel that this is their last, best hope of changing the direction of the country. The demographics are against them..thus..something has got to give.

Also..is there a difference between Trump supporters..and the Bannon/Spencer Alt/right?

We have seen what the alt/right is like when they win--what will they be like..when they lose??

What will happen if/when the Left gains power...and start ramming shyte right down the Right's throat?
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Trump, along with his alt right supporters, is a classic failure. He can't president. He needs to resign.
Interesting..everyone runs to their per-prepared position..and no-one addresses the actual OP. Seems to be a trend here. Attack the messenger..ignore the message.

Whatever you think of the poll..does not anyone see the significance of the unchanging Trump supporter percentage? Hard-core. Unchanging.

To me, it says that it does not matter what Trump does..his supporters are emotionally engaged..to the point that reason..does not matter to them..objectivity is completely lost.

If..if...the Trump legacy comes crashing down..what do these people do? Many of the alt/right feel that this is their last, best hope of changing the direction of the country. The demographics are against them..thus..something has got to give.

Also..is there a difference between Trump supporters..and the Bannon/Spencer Alt/right?

We have seen what the alt/right is like when they win--what will they be like..when they lose??

What will happen if/when the Left gains power...and start ramming shyte right down the Right's throat?

Don't worry. From what I can tell, most right wingers here are used to things down their throats. Many no longer even have a gag reflex.
"To me, it says that it does not matter what Trump does..his supporters are emotionally engaged..to the point that reason..does not matter to them..objectivity is completely lost'.

Bullshit. What it should tell you is that President Trump is doing-or trying to do-what his supporters elected him to do therefore there is no cause to withdraw support. The election should have proven that polls can and are manipulated to "prove" whatever it is designed to "prove". These are not really difficult concepts.
The very first sentence of the OP's link...."A majority of Americans" is misleading. They thought that a majority of Americans would put Hillary in office too. They just can't seem to grasp that NY and LA do not represent most of America. They call it a 'random national sample' of 1,005 people. Questions arise....How 'random' was the sample, why only 1,000 people? Where did they take the sample? How many non-voters and illegals were sampled? etc. etc. etc. The ongoing desperation of the left and their sycophant media is really becoming like a bad medicine show.
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No, Trump is not doing a good job.

He is a failure. No replace no repeal. No tax reform. No wall, for which the Mexicans will pay. No mass deportation. Scaring the world about nuclear warfare. Interfering with the DOJ and its investigations of him. And on and on and on.

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