Poll: Most Democrats Seldom Or Never Attend Church...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
A majority of Democrats -- 52 percent -- say they seldom or never go to church, according to Gallup data published this week, CNSNews.com reports. Twenty percent of Democrats said they went to church nearly weekly or monthly, while 27 percent said they went every week.

As for Republicans, 38 percent said they seldom or never went, while 21 percent said they went nearly weekly or monthly and 40 percent said they went every week. According to the data, Democrats are less religious than the typical American and Republicans are more religious, Gallup says. A related study shows that self-professed conservatives now outnumber self-professed liberals in the United States, 42 percent to 21 percent.

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What relevancy does someones belief in the imaginary man that lives in the clouds have to do with anything?
I really do believe this is more important than most like to think. I truly believe the further you move away from God,the more lost you become. I think Church is important.
A majority of Democrats -- 52 percent -- say they seldom or never go to church, according to Gallup data published this week, CNSNews.com reports. Twenty percent of Democrats said they went to church nearly weekly or monthly, while 27 percent said they went every week.

As for Republicans, 38 percent said they seldom or never went, while 21 percent said they went nearly weekly or monthly and 40 percent said they went every week. According to the data, Democrats are less religious than the typical American and Republicans are more religious, Gallup says. A related study shows that self-professed conservatives now outnumber self-professed liberals in the United States, 42 percent to 21 percent.

A Majority of Democrats Seldom or Never Go to Church, Says Gallup | CNSnews.com

Another one from the 'holier than thou' brigade trying to imply that church goers are better people than those who don't go. :cuckoo:
A majority of Democrats -- 52 percent -- say they seldom or never go to church, according to Gallup data published this week, CNSNews.com reports. Twenty percent of Democrats said they went to church nearly weekly or monthly, while 27 percent said they went every week.

As for Republicans, 38 percent said they seldom or never went, while 21 percent said they went nearly weekly or monthly and 40 percent said they went every week. According to the data, Democrats are less religious than the typical American and Republicans are more religious, Gallup says. A related study shows that self-professed conservatives now outnumber self-professed liberals in the United States, 42 percent to 21 percent.

A Majority of Democrats Seldom or Never Go to Church, Says Gallup | CNSnews.com

Another one from the 'holier than thou' brigade trying to imply that church goers are better people than those who don't go. :cuckoo:

BTK was a decon at his church.
A majority of Democrats -- 52 percent -- say they seldom or never go to church, according to Gallup data published this week, CNSNews.com reports. Twenty percent of Democrats said they went to church nearly weekly or monthly, while 27 percent said they went every week.

As for Republicans, 38 percent said they seldom or never went, while 21 percent said they went nearly weekly or monthly and 40 percent said they went every week. According to the data, Democrats are less religious than the typical American and Republicans are more religious, Gallup says. A related study shows that self-professed conservatives now outnumber self-professed liberals in the United States, 42 percent to 21 percent.

A Majority of Democrats Seldom or Never Go to Church, Says Gallup | CNSnews.com

Science vis a vis Faith. Anyone surprised?
I know some are gonna get real snotty and start up with the predictable "Evil Hypocrite" rhetoric,but i guess i held out hope for something different. Church is a very comforting and uplifting experience. I think more Americans should attend. Being with God really does soothe the soul.
I think many Left/Democrats especially,get the wrong impression of Church by way of dumbed-down Media. Church is a positive experience and leaves you feeling refreshed and full of love. It really does help.
Can you imagine the amount of Holy Water it would take if lefties decided to go to a church? We'd all need crucifixes as well!
I know some are gonna get real snotty and start up with the predictable "Evil Hypocrite" rhetoric,but i guess i held out hope for something different. Church is a very comforting and uplifting experience. I think more Americans should attend. Being with God really does soothe the soul.

Religious beliefs are important for some people. They are not important for most others. Some need the foundation of religion to function, most don't. Some feel as if they're superior because of their religious beliefs, as do some atheists (kind of a common annoying behavior there), some feel that religious people are one step removed from neanderthals and are incapable of thought.

I do not ascribe to that particular line of reasoning. Many religious people I deal with are very conversant in science, many are far more conversant than liberal posters here:lol:

Most religious people I know follow their religion because they were born into it and they follow along because of tradition. There are a few though, who need it. Just like there are liberlas and conservatives who need their alcohol or drugs. People, as a race, tend to be addictive. Be it suger, sex, alcohol, drugs or religion. That's just the way people are. To ignore that is simply idiotic.

Religious people (at least the really nice ones (who vastly outnumber the bad ones) actually do a lot of good work that helps those in need. Something that liberals almost never do relying on the government to do it instead....even when the government fails to do so.

A belief that mankind needs religion to be a good person is wrong. A belief that a person of faith is bad, is likewise wrong.
I really do believe this is more important than most like to think. I truly believe the further you move away from God,the more lost you become. I think Church is important.
Common-sense is MUCH-more important.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGrlWOhtj3g]Lewis Black - The Old Testament - YouTube[/ame]​
A majority of Democrats -- 52 percent -- say they seldom or never go to church, according to Gallup data published this week, CNSNews.com reports. Twenty percent of Democrats said they went to church nearly weekly or monthly, while 27 percent said they went every week.

As for Republicans, 38 percent said they seldom or never went, while 21 percent said they went nearly weekly or monthly and 40 percent said they went every week. According to the data, Democrats are less religious than the typical American and Republicans are more religious, Gallup says. A related study shows that self-professed conservatives now outnumber self-professed liberals in the United States, 42 percent to 21 percent.

A Majority of Democrats Seldom or Never Go to Church, Says Gallup | CNSnews.com

Another one from the 'holier than thou' brigade trying to imply that church goers are better people than those who don't go. :cuckoo:

BTK was a decon at his church.

Jack Abramoff is an Orthadox Jew; Scott Roeder is a born-again Christian; Eric Rudolph identified with radical Christian Churches.
They belong to the Church Of Obama, why should they bow to any other deity? Didn't Chris Matthews refer to the tingles he felt?
A majority of Democrats -- 52 percent -- say they seldom or never go to church, according to Gallup data published this week, CNSNews.com reports. Twenty percent of Democrats said they went to church nearly weekly or monthly, while 27 percent said they went every week.

As for Republicans, 38 percent said they seldom or never went, while 21 percent said they went nearly weekly or monthly and 40 percent said they went every week. According to the data, Democrats are less religious than the typical American and Republicans are more religious, Gallup says. A related study shows that self-professed conservatives now outnumber self-professed liberals in the United States, 42 percent to 21 percent.

A Majority of Democrats Seldom or Never Go to Church, Says Gallup | CNSnews.com

AAAAAHhhhhhh, Progress.

Now all we need is for the rest of the population to reject Bronze Age Superstitions...
Church is a positive experience and leaves you feeling refreshed and full of love. It really does help.
Yeah.....we've heard......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk0ZJ6-MGY4]"Gay people should be executed" Westboro Baptist Church - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFkBshZ39xM]"Westboro Baptist Church" Filthy George Carlin, has Gone to Hell? - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpkxoql4xz0]Fred Phelps Thanks God for the Shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnTE5UzC1yM]Fred Phelps vs Bill Maher - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhekTRrvGrI]Michael Moore vs Fred Phelps - YouTube[/ame]​
Everyone knows Republicans don't believe in science

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