Poll: Do you regret voting for Obama?

Do you regret voting for Obama

  • Yes I do regret voting for Obama

    Votes: 8 12.9%
  • No I don't regret my vote

    Votes: 23 37.1%
  • I didn't vote for Obama

    Votes: 30 48.4%
  • I didn't vote

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
I really don't get how anyone who voted for him is satisfied with his performance.

The poverty rate, unemployment, the debt, credit rating downgrade, weak foreign policy, the solyndra's, and much more divided nation.

Liberals don't agree with conservatives, I get it, but eventually we all have to look at results, and make the POTUS responsible.

It is like this for them... blind loyalty to the (D).

Unfortunately, there are many Republicans who have the same problem when it comes to the (R).

Ability to lead is not important to so many Americans. All they care about is that stupid initial after the name... which should be changed to (O) by the way because we really only have (O)ne party... the party of thieves.

No. I didn't regret voting for Carter, Dukakis, Mondale, Clinton, Gore, and Kerry either.

And I will be voting for Obama again.

You'd vote for Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Al Bundy, Daffy Duck, Homer Simpson and Osama Bin Laden consecutively, as long as they all had a (D) next to their name.......
I really don't get how anyone who voted for him is satisfied with his performance.

The poverty rate, unemployment, the debt, credit rating downgrade, weak foreign policy, the solyndra's, and much more divided nation.

Liberals don't agree with conservatives, I get it, but eventually we all have to look at results, and make the POTUS responsible.

Yes, but just like them you only want to hold the other party responsible and that is just childish BS by both sides. It is not Obama that created this problem, although he is a chicken apparently. It is this attitude, you can see it any day you watch the senate or the house. It is like elementary school children playing nasty politics.
I only regret the no compromise "un-American" (TIME) Pubs in congress, their dupes brainwashed by a never before seen propaganda machine, now stalling the world recovery for purely political purposes.

Obama now up 6% since fighting back in last couple of weeks, another landslide in the offing. Not reported by Fox, etc...

So, yes, we can see that in the actual political arena that Obama will fight back, but he needs to do it everyday. Is he terrified of getting the Clinton treatment or is he naturally weak? I really want to know because I would vote for Obama over some of the republican candidates, even knowing he will just cave on everything and never take a real stand, but not all.
yes I regret voting for Obama, however only partisan hacks think things would have been better if McCain/Palin had been elected.
So it is a mixed regret.

A) While I held my nose voting for McCain.. I knew that McCain would NOT sell our U.S. Troops down the river!
I mean how can ANYONE vote for a person that accused our military of methodically and systematically "air-raiding villages and killing civilians" as Obama did! McCain respected and has respect of the military because McCain knows the value of "peace through strength"!

B) I also know McCain would NEVER tear down Americans as Obama has!
There is absolutely NO need for the class warfare Obama is waging!

C) Again.. I never liked McCain's posturing for MSM blessings and I knew once the MSM had convinced GOPers McCain was the answer the MSM would turn and because of McCain's naivete regarding and the totally "chill up my leg" of the MSM for Obama America was in for a rough haul!

D) As far as the "economic crisis" McCain like most of us that understand economics that bad Congressional actions caused the meltdown.
When Fannie/Freddie was NOT regulated as exemplified by these comments:

* House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) criticized the President's warning saying: "these two entities - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - are not facing any kind of financial crisis ... The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing." (Stephen Labaton, "New Agency Proposed To Oversee Freddie Mac And Fannie Mae," New York Times, 9/11/03)

* Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Chairman Christopher Dodd also ignored the President's warnings and called on him to "immediately reconsider his ill-advised" position.
New York Times, 8/11/07)

collapse was unavoidable!

Well, as far as the first thing goes, if it is true then I would not have a problem with it and I do not think it has anything to do with the troops, but with those in charge.
No. I didn't regret voting for Carter, Dukakis, Mondale, Clinton, Gore, and Kerry either.

And I will be voting for Obama again.

Well you definitely show you put party before your country!
1) Carter gave us misery index
2) Clinton gave us a rapist in the white house
3) Gore became a billionaire from selling hot air! (Global warming???)
4) Kerry called our troops terrorists. Said troops worse the Genghis Khan
5) Obama's
a) EPA costing literally 100,000s of jobs.
b) healthcare destroying $100 billion a year TAX payer entities
c) supports OWS and destruction of capitalism
d) supports foreign oil dependency.."Brazil..we'll be your best customers"!
e) Receives 90% donations from Unons that get dues from pubic slave
workers PAID with all our tax dollars...

SO I guess you are proud of that voting record?

Proud that your vote of party first is tearing America apart?

No actually I put the good of the country first.

As to Carter..like Ford before him and George HW Bush after him, he did some things things that were politically very unpopular but in the long term was good for the country. Like standing up to the oil companies and appointing Paul Volcker..who creates a mini recession to deal with the runaway inflation. The rest of your stuff is just plain crap with little or no basis in reality.

George W. Bush..was the first president convicted of a crime..and the second president who lost the popular election, selected by the Supreme court to the office. He also botched 9/11, committed a war crime with Iraq and completely fucked the American Economy.

Reagan committed real life treason by bargaining with the Iranians to get the hostages released and used that money to fund terrorists who raped American nuns.

That shit really happened.

Carter helped create the hostage situation in the first place because he could not be a bad guy. Which is not a bad thing in real life, but can be a very bad thing when you are president.
No. I didn't regret voting for Carter, Dukakis, Mondale, Clinton, Gore, and Kerry either.

And I will be voting for Obama again.

You'd vote for Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Al Bundy, Daffy Duck, Homer Simpson and Osama Bin Laden consecutively, as long as they all had a (D) next to their name.......

I really think this says more about you than the other poster.
This board is not that representative, but it does look like there is enough buyers remorse to take Obama out of the white house
I only regret the no compromise "un-American" (TIME) Pubs in congress, their dupes brainwashed by a never before seen propaganda machine, now stalling the world recovery for purely political purposes.

Obama now up 6% since fighting back in last couple of weeks, another landslide in the offing. Not reported by Fox, etc...

So, yes, we can see that in the actual political arena that Obama will fight back, but he needs to do it everyday. Is he terrified of getting the Clinton treatment or is he naturally weak? I really want to know because I would vote for Obama over some of the republican candidates, even knowing he will just cave on everything and never take a real stand, but not all.

He's "weak" the way FDR, Truman and Clinton were "weak". He's very popular and his opponents are doing everything they can do to assassinate his character.

It isn't working..but not for lack of trying.
Well you definitely show you put party before your country!
1) Carter gave us misery index
2) Clinton gave us a rapist in the white house
3) Gore became a billionaire from selling hot air! (Global warming???)
4) Kerry called our troops terrorists. Said troops worse the Genghis Khan
5) Obama's
a) EPA costing literally 100,000s of jobs.
b) healthcare destroying $100 billion a year TAX payer entities
c) supports OWS and destruction of capitalism
d) supports foreign oil dependency.."Brazil..we'll be your best customers"!
e) Receives 90% donations from Unons that get dues from pubic slave
workers PAID with all our tax dollars...

SO I guess you are proud of that voting record?

Proud that your vote of party first is tearing America apart?

No actually I put the good of the country first.

As to Carter..like Ford before him and George HW Bush after him, he did some things things that were politically very unpopular but in the long term was good for the country. Like standing up to the oil companies and appointing Paul Volcker..who creates a mini recession to deal with the runaway inflation. The rest of your stuff is just plain crap with little or no basis in reality.

George W. Bush..was the first president convicted of a crime..and the second president who lost the popular election, selected by the Supreme court to the office. He also botched 9/11, committed a war crime with Iraq and completely fucked the American Economy.

Reagan committed real life treason by bargaining with the Iranians to get the hostages released and used that money to fund terrorists who raped American nuns.

That shit really happened.

Carter helped create the hostage situation in the first place because he could not be a bad guy. Which is not a bad thing in real life, but can be a very bad thing when you are president.

No he didn't. That would have been Operation Ajax that created the enviroment for the Hostage taking. It was only a matter of time. Most people don't like their governments installed by foreigners.
This board is not that representative, but it does look like there is enough buyers remorse to take Obama out of the white house

I don't think it does. The one real live person I know who regrets voting for Obama is a conservative/liberatarian. He's mad at Obama for colluding with Republicans and not reversing much of Bush's policies.

But he's either not going to vote next election or vote Obama again.
I really don't get how anyone who voted for him is satisfied with his performance.

The poverty rate, unemployment, the debt, credit rating downgrade, weak foreign policy, the solyndra's, and much more divided nation.

Liberals don't agree with conservatives, I get it, but eventually we all have to look at results, and make the POTUS responsible.

Yes, but just like them you only want to hold the other party responsible and that is just childish BS by both sides. It is not Obama that created this problem, although he is a chicken apparently. It is this attitude, you can see it any day you watch the senate or the house. It is like elementary school children playing nasty politics.

I'm holding him responsible for his job performance.

One, can make the argument that no one wants to work with him (although its total bullshit), ok, then lets bring someone in that congress will work with. The president has to be held accountable. There's no escaping that.
I really don't get how anyone who voted for him is satisfied with his performance.

The poverty rate, unemployment, the debt, credit rating downgrade, weak foreign policy, the solyndra's, and much more divided nation.

Liberals don't agree with conservatives, I get it, but eventually we all have to look at results, and make the POTUS responsible.

Yes, but just like them you only want to hold the other party responsible and that is just childish BS by both sides. It is not Obama that created this problem, although he is a chicken apparently. It is this attitude, you can see it any day you watch the senate or the house. It is like elementary school children playing nasty politics.

I'm holding him responsible for his job performance.

One, can make the argument that no one wants to work with him (although its total bullshit), ok, then lets bring someone in that congress will work with. The president has to be held accountable. There's no escaping that.

That would work if he hadn't "reached out" and tried. From the get go the other side have been openly stating that they wanted him to fail and they wanted him to be a one term president. And quite honestly, in my lifetime, I've never seen that sort of rhetoric.

Like my "conservative" friend has stated to me, he blames him for not listening and completely ignoring the environment he was getting into. And he's sort of a Rockerfeller republican type. He thought George W. Bush was going to be another Reagan. When that didn't happen, he soured on Republicans. He still votes for them, however.
No. I didn't regret voting for Carter, Dukakis, Mondale, Clinton, Gore, and Kerry either.

And I will be voting for Obama again.

You'd vote for Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Al Bundy, Daffy Duck, Homer Simpson and Osama Bin Laden consecutively, as long as they all had a (D) next to their name.......

Ted Bundy worked for republicans though. :lol:

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