Planned Parenthood is evil in the sight of God

Abortions are not important if you consider, that those bullies that have defunded Planned Parenthood are also the enemies of contraceptives. How is it logical to oppose abortions if you cause it by not using contraceptives?

Conservatives are not against birth control.
I whole heartedly recommend it over killing a baby
Republicans have no problem with the baby dying. It's the fetus they protect. Otherwise, they wouldn't fight to end healthcare for babies and they wouldn't want to protect the rights of crazies to carry guns where they could visit schools like Sandyhook.

Fucked up lie
Abortions are not important if you consider, that those bullies that have defunded Planned Parenthood are also the enemies of contraceptives. How is it logical to oppose abortions if you cause it by not using contraceptives?

Conservatives are not against birth control.
I whole heartedly recommend it over killing a baby

But didn't they even buy out pharmacy chains, only to prevent them from selling condoms?

Also when I went to the USA to visit a fellow church, two of the girls there also worked part time in the pharmacy after school. When I bought an American condom, they laughed and told me a few things. I thought they were joking, but now I think they were against contraception, they were conservative girls.

Who bought pharmacy chains to stop the sale of condoms?
Abortions are not important if you consider, that those bullies that have defunded Planned Parenthood are also the enemies of contraceptives. How is it logical to oppose abortions if you cause it by not using contraceptives?

Conservatives are not against birth control.
I whole heartedly recommend it over killing a baby

But didn't they even buy out pharmacy chains, only to prevent them from selling condoms?

Also when I went to the USA to visit a fellow church, two of the girls there also worked part time in the pharmacy after school. When I bought an American condom, they laughed and told me a few things. I thought they were joking, but now I think they were against contraception, they were conservative girls.

Who bought pharmacy chains to stop the sale of condoms?

It was on another forum some time ago, that a bunch of Texas (?) stores that always used to sell condoms were bought out buy one or two Christian charities, strategically, in neighborhoods where there was no next door competition, , and were tempered with.
Abortions are not important if you consider, that those bullies that have defunded Planned Parenthood are also the enemies of contraceptives. How is it logical to oppose abortions if you cause it by not using contraceptives?

Conservatives are not against birth control.
I whole heartedly recommend it over killing a baby

But didn't they even buy out pharmacy chains, only to prevent them from selling condoms?

Also when I went to the USA to visit a fellow church, two of the girls there also worked part time in the pharmacy after school. When I bought an American condom, they laughed and told me a few things. I thought they were joking, but now I think they were against contraception, they were conservative girls.

Who bought pharmacy chains to stop the sale of condoms?

It was on another forum some time ago, that a bunch of Texas (?) stores that always used to sell condoms were bought out buy one or two Christian charities, strategically, in neighborhoods where there was no next door competition, , and were tempered with.

If that occurred, it was an isolated event and not an example of normal conservative practice
Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than all the Republican policies

Planned parenthood endorses and encourages women to kill their baby

Republicans leave them no choice

They oppose birth control, sex education, women's healthcare, neonatal care, child care, food stamps, welfare

Then they scream if a woman chooses abortion as her only option

Not just bullshit, but outrageous bullshit
Show any of those programs supported AND funded by Conservatives

Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than Conservative shaming
Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than all the Republican policies

Planned parenthood endorses and encourages women to kill their baby

Republicans leave them no choice

They oppose birth control, sex education, women's healthcare, neonatal care, child care, food stamps, welfare

Then they scream if a woman chooses abortion as her only option

Not just bullshit, but outrageous bullshit
Show any of those programs supported AND funded by Conservatives

Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than Conservative shaming

You show conservatives actively against and preventing.
Democrats and their baby killing factories do nothing to prevent murder of unborn babes.
Abortion is NEVER a woman's only choice
Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than all the Republican policies

Planned parenthood endorses and encourages women to kill their baby

Republicans leave them no choice

They oppose birth control, sex education, women's healthcare, neonatal care, child care, food stamps, welfare

Then they scream if a woman chooses abortion as her only option

Not just bullshit, but outrageous bullshit
Show any of those programs supported AND funded by Conservatives

Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than Conservative shaming

You show conservatives actively against and preventing.
Democrats and their baby killing factories do nothing to prevent murder of unborn babes.
Abortion is NEVER a woman's only choice
So she needs a mans permission?
Republican policies cause more abortion than they prenpvent

You're like Woody from Toy Story, right?
Just pull the string and one of three recorded messages blurts out

Let's look at know, from a pregnant woman's perspective

If she has no possible way to support a new baby, she will choose abortion

Republicans are slashing all programs to support her and her child
She can choose birth control. She can choose adoption. She can choose to not get pregnant until she's ready financially and emotionally.
Having a baby for some in some situations is going to be a real challenge.
That doesn't mean they should have a green light to murder.
She can choose birth control. She can choose adoption. She can choose to not get pregnant until she's ready financially and emotionally.
Having a baby for some in some situations is going to be a real challenge.
That doesn't mean they should have a green light to murder.

Sometimes women get pregnant skippy

Why do Republicans want to force her to get an abortion rather than do all they can to help her keep the baby?

At least Planned Parenthood works to help keep her from getting pregnant
She can choose birth control. She can choose adoption. She can choose to not get pregnant until she's ready financially and emotionally.
Having a baby for some in some situations is going to be a real challenge.
That doesn't mean they should have a green light to murder.

Sometimes women get pregnant skippy

Why do Republicans want to force her to get an abortion rather than do all they can to help her keep the baby?

At least Planned Parenthood works to help keep her from getting pregnant

Yes, I know women get pregnant Mr. Gump.
Shouldn't mean they get to murder their unborn.
Absolutely no one forces a woman to kill her baby.
One would think... If they are experiencing one of the pitifully contrived reasons for abortion, they'd put forth a greater effort to not get pregnant.
Her body, her choice.
Why isn't it legal for her to snarf drugs?
Her body.
Why isn't she allowed to prostitute?
Her body.
Abortions are not important if you consider, that those bullies that have defunded Planned Parenthood are also the enemies of contraceptives. How is it logical to oppose abortions if you cause it by not using contraceptives?

Conservatives are not against birth control.
I whole heartedly recommend it over killing a baby
Republicans have no problem with the baby dying. It's the fetus they protect. Otherwise, they wouldn't fight to end healthcare for babies and they wouldn't want to protect the rights of crazies to carry guns where they could visit schools like Sandyhook.

Fucked up lie
No it's not. Haven't you been following the GOP/Trump/Ryan budget? How can you not know that?
She can choose birth control. She can choose adoption. She can choose to not get pregnant until she's ready financially and emotionally.
Having a baby for some in some situations is going to be a real challenge.
That doesn't mean they should have a green light to murder.

Sometimes women get pregnant skippy

Why do Republicans want to force her to get an abortion rather than do all they can to help her keep the baby?

At least Planned Parenthood works to help keep her from getting pregnant

Yes, I know women get pregnant Mr. Gump.
Shouldn't mean they get to murder their unborn.
Absolutely no one forces a woman to kill her baby.
One would think... If they are experiencing one of the pitifully contrived reasons for abortion, they'd put forth a greater effort to not get pregnant.
You aren't very bright are you?

44 - Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

Even a woman conservative like Sarah Palin wants to cut funding for unwed mothers. And this coming from a woman whose daughter has had multiple men up inside her making babies.
If anyone knows evil it's the GOP.

Look at how they screwed over the country.

How they screw over the sick.

How they screw over the poor.

How the idolize the rich.

They are the people God drowned except for Noah and his family.
Ahhhh ... an anti-Semite!!

I should have figured.

As for the rest of your "rant" ..... nonsensical.
Planned Parenthood does stuff besides abortion and rarely do they do that.
An amazing piece of logic .....

Jeffrey Dahmer rarely robbed his victims.

Now, as for your "rarely" ... in 2014, Planned Parenthood was directly responsible for over 1/4th of all abortions performed (323,000 of 1.2 million) in the USA .... but it gets even better .... they referred out an additional 461,000 "patients" for abortion.

Is that "rarely"?

Let's not mention the "941,589 emergency contraception kits"

Planned Parenthood is quick to tell you how abortions are only 3% of the services they supply. BUT --- what they don't tell you is that abortion services generate 68% of their income. (That doesn't even count the money they make for selling baby parts).

There's good money in killing babies ...

The baby parts thing has been debunked.
Actually, it hasn't .... we've developed a socially acceptable cover story.

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