Planned Parenthood is evil in the sight of God


Gold Member
Mar 28, 2014
With all the Planned Parenthood advertising on this site, I thought I would inject some truth on the subject with the video "Maafa 21"

With all the Planned Parenthood advertising on this site, I thought I would inject some truth on the subject with the video "Maafa 21"

No one is forcing you blacks to walk into PP and have abortions. Soon you will be having back street abortions since the GOP is defunding PPs, even those who do not do abortions.
Don't know how God feels about it but I know it's a despicable atrocity to allow women to kill their unborn
see those verses ..god is good with abortion.....its in the bible...and instructions on how to do it

you can feel that way just stop using the bible to justify those feelings
Don't know how God feels about it but I know it's a despicable atrocity to allow women to kill their unborn
Perhaps you should move to a country whose government doesn't protect their citizens' inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but rather the government's right to dictate what women must do with their bodies.
Don't know how God feels about it but I know it's a despicable atrocity to allow women to kill their unborn
Perhaps you should move to a country whose government doesn't protect their citizens' inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but rather the government's right to dictate what women must do with their bodies.

Yeah. Don't think the way we want you to? Get out. We don't need any opposing viewpoints messing up our perfect way of doing things.
I happen to believe that unalienable right to life begins as soon as there is life
'God' watched 6 million men, women, and children be walked into concrete buildings and gassed to death without lifting a finger. People that WERE born. After that he doesn't have much claim to morality in my book.

Whichever 'god' you might believe in.
>>Thomas Aquinas, Pope Innocent III, and Pope Gregory XIV also believed that a fetus does not have a soul until "quickening," or when the fetus begins to kick and move, and therefore early abortion was not murder<<

>>The Apostolic Constitutions (circa 380 CE) allowed abortion if it was done early enough in pregnancy. But it condemned abortion if the fetus was of human shape. "Thou shalt not slay the child by causing abortion, nor kill that which is begotten. <<

>>"I will . . . cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live" (Ezekiel 37:6), "thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust" (Psalm 104:29). To die one must first breathe, after childbirth.<<

Thesaurus pauperum [in italiano] Tesoro de poveri : John XXI, Pope : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Teaches birth control and abortion
Don't know how God feels about it but I know it's a despicable atrocity to allow women to kill their unborn
Perhaps you should move to a country whose government doesn't protect their citizens' inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but rather the government's right to dictate what women must do with their bodies.
"... inalienable right to life ... "

How ironic.
Don't know how God feels about it but I know it's a despicable atrocity to allow women to kill their unborn
Perhaps you should move to a country whose government doesn't protect their citizens' inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but rather the government's right to dictate what women must do with their bodies.
"... inalienable right to life ... "

How ironic.

God is the biggest aborter of all: stillbirth and spontaneous abortions are part of god's nature.
Don't know how God feels about it but I know it's a despicable atrocity to allow women to kill their unborn
Perhaps you should move to a country whose government doesn't protect their citizens' inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but rather the government's right to dictate what women must do with their bodies.
"... inalienable right to life ... "

How ironic.

If 15-20% of all pregnancies in the US in this day and age naturally end in miscarriage, where is this inalienable right to life from "god"?

If some 300,000 women in the US each year die of complication during pregnancy and childbirth each year, where is this inalienable right to their life?
I am not using religion as a pro or con.
It's in the Declaration of Independence
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