Plan for the poor little innocents ones.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

If they have been in college for more than two years, let them stay. And those who are not in college deport them with their parents. Since their parents were the one who broke the law and the children were just innocent accomplices. And those children who are in gangs and in prisons round them up literally with posses and deport them.
We cannot possible give all the little ones a path to citizenship. And we don’t need them in our military. Mexico needs them in their military more than we do to help defeat drug cartels. If they go home, join Mexico’s military and help defeat drug cartel let them back in.
All that are not in school or working, deport them. They are up to no good anyway.
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If they have been in college for more than two years, let them stay. And those who are not in college deport them with their parents. Since their parents were the one who broke the law and the children were just innocent accomplishers.
And those children who are in gangs and in prisons round them up literally with posses and deport them.
We cannot possible give all the little ones a path to citizenship. And we don’t need them in our military. Mexico needs them in their military more than we do to help defeat drug cartels. If they go home, join Mexico’s military and help defeat drug cartel let them back in.
All that are not in school or working, deport them. They are up to no good anyway.

They must spend 5 years in the Peace Corps as missionaries in Africa helping people a thousands times poorer than they claim to be.
So enrollment in college will determine if immigration laws will be enforced?

I remember in the good old Vietnam era when guys would go to college just to be deffered from the draft. Daddy's money bought them their freedom while poor people got DEAD!
So enrollment in college will determine if immigration laws will be enforced?

We are about 60 years way past enforcement and border security. So the next best things may get done. Compromise may get some of them deported but all in a waste of time because nothing will get done. Supporter want all out amnesty and non supporters want all our deportation. Neither is going to happen. We have been talking about both forever with nothing being done. Because talk is cheap.
So enrollment in college will determine if immigration laws will be enforced?

SNot just enrollment but at least a few years.There is a possibility that they will eventually contribute.
My son's wife at 23, has a degree in International Business and is working for an attorney and will start Law school in Sept. She will eventually make a big contribution and is already. She stays. She is helping pay your social security and medicare. She has never been on welfare or a burden. She stays. Others have to go. Maybe those with secure jobs and contributing may also stay. The entire point of immigration is contributing and not useing the system.
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