PJM Sources Report Details of Alleged Cain Incident


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Mar 16, 2010
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PJM Sources Report Details of Alleged Cain Incident

PJ Media ^ | November 03, 2011 | RICHARD POLLOCK
PJ Media » BREAKING: PJM Sources Report Details of Alleged Cain Incident
Adding to the ongoing Herman Cain sexual harassment controversy, two sources have now confirmed to PJ Media that a female employee of the National Restaurant Association told associates she had been brought by Mr. Cain to his Crystal City, Virginia residence where she alleged “he had taken advantage of me.”

Both sources claim to be politically conservative.

One source, a male, told PJ Media:

Herman took advantage of seniority and power with a young woman. It was an abuse of power.

Implying that coming forward with the accusations was an ordeal for the young woman, the source also said:

Who do you believe, a CEO or a mid-level staffer? It was unsettling for her to make charges.

The name of the woman — who was in her early twenties at the time of the alleged incident — has been confirmed by PJ Media. We have chosen not to reveal her identity for reasons of discretion.

Both sources, one male and one female, worked at the time — mid-1990s — for the governmental affairs department of the National Restaurant Association, as did the woman.

According to the female source, Mr. Cain and the woman had been with a large group for a long evening of food and drink at the Ciao Baby Cucina, a restaurant near NRA headquarters in downtown Washington, D.C. This was a normal routine, as the trade association worked with the food and beverage industry. Afterwards, Mr. Cain allegedly took the woman by taxi to his apartment, where she spent the night and woke up.

The female source told PJ Media that she witnessed the woman and Herman Cain break away from the large group as part of a smaller group.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:
They retracted all sorts of bullshit in the story today.

I guess you didn't get the memo.
Here's some of the retractions. I'm sure more will come. This is such bullshit.

Hell's bells don't you just love all these anonymous sources running around with this smear campaign?

(CORRECTIONS: A previous version of this story mentioned that a source witnessed Cain and the woman entering a taxi together. This was incorrect.

The previous version also mentioned that the woman awoke in Cain’s bed — the source only claimed that the woman awoke in Cain’s apartment.

The previous version incorrectly attributed comments from one source to the other source.)

Here's some of the retractions. I'm sure more will come. This is such bullshit.

Hell's bells don't you just love all these anonymous sources running around with this smear campaign?

(CORRECTIONS: A previous version of this story mentioned that a source witnessed Cain and the woman entering a taxi together. This was incorrect.

The previous version also mentioned that the woman awoke in Cain’s bed — the source only claimed that the woman awoke in Cain’s apartment.

The previous version incorrectly attributed comments from one source to the other source.)

It's just a sick version of who's on first.
Anybody getting the gist of the bullshit Matthew has put up?

Let's say this story is true. It would mean that the young woman got into a cab with Herman after being wined and dined and went to his apartment and "got taken advantage of".

Okey dokey. If this story really happened, let's really stretch our imaginations here, wouldn't that be classified as rape /date rape and should have been dealt with by the police?

And again IF this incident happened the way these sources are trying to tell it, don't you find it odd that she didn't charge rape, but instead just cruises into work and goes for blackmail oh pardon me *cough* a sexual harassment complaint?

Oh too funny!

Bring forth the BIMBOS!!! Let's have some fun with credibility.

"Herman took advantage of seniority and power with a young woman. It was an abuse of power."

This is the new standard?



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