Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest

Read the teachings of Jesus. He'll explain.
How about you save us the time and YOU explain what YOU meant.
Nope. Read the Gospels.
Cop out. No lectures, you need to be more succinct and tell us unwashed what you mean. Islam, they kill Xtians, you know that, right? Just for being Christian. What excuse is there for that?
Eye for an eye for an tooth for a tooth? Vengeance is mine, sayeth the lord. Love thy enemy as thy self. Still. Were are you going here? Muslims are the death of freedom of other religions. Bombs and foreign policy be damned, Islam can't stand freedom. Stonings and beheadings and shadow cells and crashing airliners. Islam. They hate cartoonists drawing pictures, they are that petty and mean. What do you take away from this?
Religion is insanity, and humans are a disease.
'"People are also encouraged to utilize (their) second amendment right at this event just (in case) our first amendment comes under the much anticipated attack," the event's Facebook page says.'

This idiocy has clearly gotten out of hand, the consequence of the unwarranted fear and hatred of Islam and Muslims.

It sounds like they are encouraging if not calling for violence.
an armed society is a polite society Coyote !!
thanks for the Reply Sunni , yeah look , many muslims might be nice people but I have no use for the religion and its sharia and would like to see all muslim , any immigration actually into the USA and western world stopped . I watch the USA , England and Europe and I don't like what I see being caused by muslims both legal and illegal in all the places I mention . I also know about iran where sharia is law of the land , I don't want to see that in the USA or west and iran is a relatively advanced society except for their religion and law . To sum up , I see islam as alien to western thought , law and just about everything else that I want for my kids and extended family . --------- the motorcycle clubs art show as well as Pams was legal and that's all that counts . I think [HEARD] that the shooters at Pams event were both from the mosque where YOU say that everyone is nice and sweet . And , sinuses , 2 shots of whiskey and a good night sleep may help !! ------------- checkout my links about muslims in Minnesota , I bet that everyone of them attends some nice sweet mosque somewhere in Minneapolis / Minnesota .

What church did Eric Rudolph attend?
Read the teachings of Jesus. He'll explain.
How about you save us the time and YOU explain what YOU meant.
Nope. Read the Gospels.
Cop out. No lectures, you need to be more succinct and tell us unwashed what you mean. Islam, they kill Xtians, you know that, right? Just for being Christian. What excuse is there for that?
PAYBACK --- so , thing is that you are aware but you just like what you call payback ehh Paint ?? Good to know your attitude !!
How about you save us the time and YOU explain what YOU meant.
Nope. Read the Gospels.
Cop out. No lectures, you need to be more succinct and tell us unwashed what you mean. Islam, they kill Xtians, you know that, right? Just for being Christian. What excuse is there for that?
Eye for an eye for an tooth for a tooth? Vengeance is mine, sayeth the lord. Love thy enemy as thy self. Still. Were are you going here? Muslims are the death of freedom of other religions. Bombs and foreign policy be damned, Islam can't stand freedom. Stonings and beheadings and shadow cells and crashing airliners. Islam. They hate cartoonists drawing pictures, they are that petty and mean. What do you take away from this?
Religion is insanity, and humans are a disease.
Are you ok, guy? you are scaring me here....
'"People are also encouraged to utilize (their) second amendment right at this event just (in case) our first amendment comes under the much anticipated attack," the event's Facebook page says.'

This idiocy has clearly gotten out of hand, the consequence of the unwarranted fear and hatred of Islam and Muslims.

It sounds like they are encouraging if not calling for violence.
an armed society is a polite society Coyote !!
yep , just wasn't enough native Americans at that time Coyote .
Amazing. We have beautiful sculptures or paintings of God, the Madonna or Jesus here in the west. Islam dictates, demands under pain of death: don't portray the human figure or Mohammed or Allah. Lots and lots of crazy swirls and geometric art is ok, though. More proof islam is insane.
Read the teachings of Jesus. He'll explain.
How about you save us the time and YOU explain what YOU meant.
Nope. Read the Gospels.
Cop out. No lectures, you need to be more succinct and tell us unwashed what you mean. Islam, they kill Xtians, you know that, right? Just for being Christian. What excuse is there for that?
PAYBACK --- so , thing is that you are aware but you just like what you call payback ehh Paint ?? Good to know your attitude !!
Mess with the bull you get the horns.
Amazing. We have beautiful sculptures or paintings of God, the Madonna or Jesus here in the west. Islam dictates, demands under pain of death: don't portray the human figure or Mohammed or Allah. Lots and lots of crazy swirls and geometric art is ok, though. More proof islam is insane.
Graven images are forbidden in Judaism and Christianity. Read the damn Bible.
Nope. Read the Gospels.
Cop out. No lectures, you need to be more succinct and tell us unwashed what you mean. Islam, they kill Xtians, you know that, right? Just for being Christian. What excuse is there for that?
Eye for an eye for an tooth for a tooth? Vengeance is mine, sayeth the lord. Love thy enemy as thy self. Still. Were are you going here? Muslims are the death of freedom of other religions. Bombs and foreign policy be damned, Islam can't stand freedom. Stonings and beheadings and shadow cells and crashing airliners. Islam. They hate cartoonists drawing pictures, they are that petty and mean. What do you take away from this?
Religion is insanity, and humans are a disease.
Are you ok, guy? you are scaring me here....
I'm perfectly sane, hence the problem for you.
well , that is another point , either Christianity has evolved or you are incorrect in you interpretation of what Christianity allows Paint . I mean , as Mary says , beautiful images are accepted on a widespread basis in Christianity and everyone likes it . Except YOU I guess !! ------ Would you cut off heads or kill the guy that did the Sistine Chapel if he was still running around Paint ??
Amazing. We have beautiful sculptures or paintings of God, the Madonna or Jesus here in the west. Islam dictates, demands under pain of death: don't portray the human figure or Mohammed or Allah. Lots and lots of crazy swirls and geometric art is ok, though. More proof islam is insane.
Graven images are forbidden in Judaism and Christianity. Read the damn Bible.
Really. Michelangelo or Da vinci, art in the west is representational and it presents images of Jesus, God on various themes. Is islam threatened by art? Why? besides the dogma, is Allah that afraid of the light of human consciences? Because it's a fraud and shhhh, do as you are told and don't question. No, I will do more than that.
Amazing. We have beautiful sculptures or paintings of God, the Madonna or Jesus here in the west. Islam dictates, demands under pain of death: don't portray the human figure or Mohammed or Allah. Lots and lots of crazy swirls and geometric art is ok, though. More proof islam is insane.
Graven images are forbidden in Judaism and Christianity. Read the damn Bible.
Really. Michelangelo or Da vinci, art in the west is representational and it presents images of Jesus, God on various themes. Is islam threatened by art? Why? besides the dogma, is Allah that afraid of the light of human consciences? Because it's a fraud and shhhh, do as you are told and don't question. No, I will do more than that.
Jews don't spell out or say the names of God. Why?

Learn something today.
well , that is another point , either Christianity has evolved or you are incorrect in you interpretation of what Christianity allows Paint . I mean , as Mary says , beautiful images are accepted on a widespread basis in Christianity and everyone likes it . Except YOU I guess !! ------ Would you cut off heads or kill the guy that did the Sistine Chapel if he was still running around Paint ??
Christians ignore what is forbidden. That cannot be helped. Regardless, it is still forbidden.

Exodus 20:4

"You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below."
Jews can do as they like , no problem Paint .
The point is, they follow are rule that says you cannot speak the names of God, or write them, as I just did. They would write G-d. Now, why is that?

The reason is the same as why the Prophet, blessings be upon him, cannot be shown as an image.

Intro to the Ten Commandments:
Exodus 20 Parallel Chapters

And: Why Don t Jews Say G d s Name - On the use of the word i Hashem i - Questions Answers

Silly rules eh? Yes, there are many indeed.
Last edited:
Tough --- Jews can do as they like but I can also do as I like . God , Jehovah , Yahweh , Jesus . See that , no Jew or Christian is mad at me or putting out a 'fatwa' on me Paint !! ----------- So , looks like your a muslim ehh Paint ??
Tough --- Jews can do as they like but I can also do as I like . God , Jehovah , Yahweh , Jesus . See that , no Jew or Christian is mad at me or putting out a 'fatwa' on me Paint !! ----------- So , looks like your a muslim ehh Paint ??
Nope. All religion is nonsense. Pablum for mental children.
Unwarranted fear of muslims? 9/11 warrants it. ISIL warrants it. And if people want to get out their crayons and doodle a picture of Allah in front of a Mosque, nobody is being hurt so what is the big deal?
It's the arrogance and disrespect of the Muslim world by Americans that brought on 9/11. Expect more karma.

If you believe this, you are one sad and lost soul.
Unwarranted fear of muslims? 9/11 warrants it. ISIL warrants it. And if people want to get out their crayons and doodle a picture of Allah in front of a Mosque, nobody is being hurt so what is the big deal?
It's the arrogance and disrespect of the Muslim world by Americans that brought on 9/11. Expect more karma.

If you believe this, you are one sad and lost soul.
^^^^^Sleep walking though life.^^^^^

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