Peter Navarro: President Trump continues to deliver on his promise to 'Buy American, Hire American'


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019

This has been a theme for Trump since he was elected. You would never know it since though all that fake news wants to talk about is their fake Russia fantasies.

Peter Navarro: President Trump continues to deliver on his promise to 'Buy American, Hire American'
Peter Navarro: President Trump continues to deliver on his promise to 'Buy American, Hire American'

Just weeks after taking office, President Trump signed Executive Order 13788 -- “Buy American I.” This robust order immediately imposed greater oversight to stop unnecessary waivers to federal contractors. As a result, waivers dropped by 15 percent in just one year, and the proportion of federal government contract spending on foreign goods has hit a 10-year low.

Last January, President Trump signed “Buy American II” -- Executive Order 13858. This order closes another costly loophole whereby, prior to this order, Buy American rules were often not applied to many forms of indirect federal government procurement that occurs through federal financial assistance to the states and other entities.

Going forward, under the rules of Buy American II, more than 30 federal agencies are now strongly encouraged to apply Buy American to loans, loan guarantees, cooperative agreements, insurance and interest subsidies, and other instruments. When fully implemented, this order will potentially extend Buy American’s reach by tens of billions of dollars.

Monday, the president is adding a third pillar to his Buy American platform by directing the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council to consider amending regulations that adopted the policies expressed in President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Executive Order 10582.

In this landmark 1954 order, Eisenhower declared that a product is American-made if it is manufactured domestically and at least 50 percent of its value components by value are domestically sourced
. . . . . .(SNIP)
hmmmm...... that's nice. but do you think he'll finally bring any of his branded cheap ass products to america, have them made here, & give americans jobs under that umbrella?

enquiring minds want to know....
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hmmmm...... that's nice. but do you think he'll finally bring any of his branded cheap ass products to america, have them made here, & give americans jobs under that umbrella?
enquiring minds want to know....

As soon as Americans stop wanting cheap clothes that require cheap labor. I suggest you check yourself and see where all those clothes in your closet were made before you open you stupid ignorant fat moth, asshole.
Buy American

Unless you are a Trump Business
In spite of the haters......

Trump is a tremendous success for America.
He is forcing China to the negotiating table.
No other president has had the nerves of steel to do that the way he has.

Of course, anything that benefits America will make the haters hate more.
In spite of the haters......

Trump is a tremendous success for America.
He is forcing China to the negotiating table.
No other president has had the nerves of steel to do that the way he has.

Of course, anything that benefits America will make the haters hate more.

You know Obama put tarrifs on Chinese Steel?

Obama brought in a range of laws in IP theft with China... Some worked some not so much...

Problem is Trump hasn't actually done much more apart from Huawei, which any President would do at this stage...

Trump thinks the problem is the trade imbalance but that is manure... IP theft and unfair trade practices which his predecessor was going after is were he should be concentrating on too...
hmmmm...... that's nice. but do you think he'll finally bring any of his branded cheap ass products to america, have them made here, & give americans jobs under that umbrella?
enquiring minds want to know....

As soon as Americans stop wanting cheap clothes that require cheap labor. I suggest you check yourself and see where all those clothes in your closet were made before you open you stupid ignorant fat moth, asshole.

lol... excuses excuses. & i buy straight american made whenever it's available. donny has more than cheap clothing which he peddles. besides, i'd like to see your excuse for the ridiculous mark up he imposes on his fellow i mean suckers that pay for the same crap cheap labor makes for walmart.

The American List | Made in USA Companies | Made in America

Buy American

Unless you are a Trump Business
/——/ Got any proof? And keep in mind anyone can order hats and clothes from China and put Trump’s name on it.

Actually you can't on certain items.

FACT CHECK: Did Donald Trump Register 'Make America Great Again' in 2012?

MAGA is trademarked...

Trump's famous 'Make America Great Again' hats could get caught in the crossfire of the US-China trade war
/——/ Yeah, Communist Chinese are famous for respecting foreign intellectual property rights, you dolt. Fake Rolex Watches in China | Cheap Audemars Piguet Replica Watches China
You know Obama put tarrifs on Chinese Steel?
Obama brought in a range of laws in IP theft with China... Some worked some not so much...
Problem is Trump hasn't actually done much more apart from Huawei, which any President would do at this stage...
Trump thinks the problem is the trade imbalance but that is manure... IP theft and unfair trade practices which his predecessor was going after is were he should be concentrating on too...

Go ahead and list all those tariffs why dont you?
On second thought...Im sure CNN has plenty of fake news propaganda all packaged up and ready for your consumption and distribution.

Obama was nothing more than a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER. His record in the Senate was dismal......IF he showed up at all (check his attendance record) He had zero real world business experience. It was like putting a bus driver in charge of the ER. Face it, he wasn't elected because of his qualifications to be President....he was elected because he was not a WHITE president.
Morons think skin color alone somehow creates qualification.
His 8 years were a National Disaster and will take decades to undo if ever.

I don't care what 'color' the president is, I care that he's a sharp businessman and knows how to negotiate and has America's best interests in mind. I don't even care if he's no angel or says dumb things occasionally as long as he excels as a businessman and takes care of America.
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Buy American

Unless you are a Trump Business
/——/ Got any proof? And keep in mind anyone can order hats and clothes from China and put Trump’s name on it.

Actually you can't on certain items.

FACT CHECK: Did Donald Trump Register 'Make America Great Again' in 2012?

MAGA is trademarked...

Trump's famous 'Make America Great Again' hats could get caught in the crossfire of the US-China trade war
/——/ Yeah, Communist Chinese are famous for respecting foreign intellectual property rights, you dolt. Fake Rolex Watches in China | Cheap Audemars Piguet Replica Watches China

But that is illegal and if found will be seized and seller prosecuted..

There is a difference between that and buying it at Walmart or even high end stores...
What good is a "polite", courteous angel of a president....if his mistakes put Americans and the US economy at risk?

Let's not forget, Obama did all he could to help the Radical jihadist Morsi take over Egypt in 2012.
Thankfully, the good people of Egypt weren't having any of that and ousted him by force and massive street protests across Egypt..

Americans would be wise to "Walk like Egyptians"
In Egypt in 2012....ALL that would have been required for evil men to prevail was for good Egyptians to have done nothing.

Trump is at least working to do something FOR America. His initiatives are bringing US companies back to the US. Obamas' policies did just the opposite.
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You know Obama put tarrifs on Chinese Steel?
Obama brought in a range of laws in IP theft with China... Some worked some not so much...
Problem is Trump hasn't actually done much more apart from Huawei, which any President would do at this stage...
Trump thinks the problem is the trade imbalance but that is manure... IP theft and unfair trade practices which his predecessor was going after is were he should be concentrating on too...

Go ahead and list all those tariffs why dont you?
On second thought...Im sure CNN has plenty of fake news propaganda all packaged up and ready for your consumption and distribution.

Obama was nothing more than a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER. His record in the Senate was dismal......IF he showed up at all (check his attendance record) He had zero real world business experience. It was like putting a bus driver in charge of the ER. Face it, he wasn't elected because of his qualifications to be President....he was elected because he was not a WHITE president.
Morons think skin color alone somehow creates qualification.
His 8 years were a National Disaster and will take decades to undo if ever.

I don't care what 'color' the president is, I care that he's a sharp businessman and knows how to negotiate and has America's best interests in mind. I don't even care if he's no angel or says dumb things occasionally as long as he excels as a businessman and takes care of America.

Obama took the US economy in freefall and turned around... Every number of where he took it and gave it back were improvements...

Trump comparing to Obama is running a very poor economy...

He has increased borrowing while in a boom... That is economic suicide.. It classic overheating the economy, this is macro economics 101... What happens is the economy will crash and crash hard... Now Trump has a problem in that the Middle Class is shrinking and they are the real consumers who drive the economy...
On top of that while unemployment is down, the labour market is shrinking... There are less people working.

His GDP Growth figures aren't anything fantastic no matter how many time he tells you...

Trump is quite a poor businessman, very poor negotiator... He is a good sales and marketing guy.. He would be as rich today or richer if he invested his money in the stock market across bonds, commodities and stocks... He inherited his wealth, he is no brilliant business man... Actually most people who deal with him don't want to deal with him again, he swindles and has the name for it... Really good business men do a deal with you and you can't wait to do the next deal with them fro even bigger than before..
Ask yourself why it was only a German Bank that would end up lending to him?
Buy American

Unless you are a Trump Business
/——/ Got any proof? And keep in mind anyone can order hats and clothes from China and put Trump’s name on it.

Actually you can't on certain items.

FACT CHECK: Did Donald Trump Register 'Make America Great Again' in 2012?

MAGA is trademarked...

Trump's famous 'Make America Great Again' hats could get caught in the crossfire of the US-China trade war
/——/ Yeah, Communist Chinese are famous for respecting foreign intellectual property rights, you dolt. Fake Rolex Watches in China | Cheap Audemars Piguet Replica Watches China

But that is illegal and if found will be seized and seller prosecuted..

There is a difference between that and buying it at Walmart or even high end stores...
/—-/ Oh like that would stop a Trump hater from ordering a dozen hats. Give me a break.
hmmmm...... that's nice. but do you think he'll finally bring any of his branded cheap ass products to america, have them made here, & give americans jobs under that umbrella?

enquiring minds want to know....
Your are free to use the Internet to look up where something is manufactured before you buy.

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