People Attempted To Break Into Federal Courthouse And Lit Fires Downtown


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
People Attempted To Break Into Federal Courthouse And Lit Fires Downtown

21 Jul 2020
On July 20, 2020 large groups of people gathered in downtown Portland in Chapman Square Park and Lownsdale Square Park and in Waterfront Park near the Salmon Springs Fountain. At about 9:00 p.m. the crowds converged on SW 3rd Avenue outside the Justice Center and gave speeches. Cars, motorcycles and bicycles blocked streets around the crowd.
Several hundred people concentrated on the west side of the Federal Courthouse and dozens of them pounded on and began breaking the plywood covering the west side of the building. People were using hammers, crowbars and other pry tools. Many people could be seen carrying bats and shields, people wore helmets and gas masks. At about 12:45 a.m. on July 21, 2020, people broke through the plywood outside the courthouse and started pounding windows with metal objects, breaking at least one window. Hundreds of people were packed tightly in the portico on the west side of the courthouse pushing toward the entrance.

This is not the description of "peaceful assembly" which is guaranteed by the Constitution and it's amendments to the Bill of Rights. This is physical mob anarchy. When local political and Law authorites fail to protect it's citizens, the Federal government has no choice but to send law authority to assist and succor to those citizens under attack.
We now have open violent rebellion within cities like Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia while politicians (Democrats All) have decided that they will allow anarchy and mob rule to predominate.
The Governors and Mayors of these Blue Plantation cities have abrogated their authority to #Antifa and #BLM causing violence, deaths to citizens, arson, destruction of property and businesses. This is intolerable and Preisdent Trump has no choice in the matter but to protect federal facilities under attack.
People Attempted To Break Into Federal Courthouse And Lit Fires Downtown

21 Jul 2020
On July 20, 2020 large groups of people gathered in downtown Portland in Chapman Square Park and Lownsdale Square Park and in Waterfront Park near the Salmon Springs Fountain. At about 9:00 p.m. the crowds converged on SW 3rd Avenue outside the Justice Center and gave speeches. Cars, motorcycles and bicycles blocked streets around the crowd.
Several hundred people concentrated on the west side of the Federal Courthouse and dozens of them pounded on and began breaking the plywood covering the west side of the building. People were using hammers, crowbars and other pry tools. Many people could be seen carrying bats and shields, people wore helmets and gas masks. At about 12:45 a.m. on July 21, 2020, people broke through the plywood outside the courthouse and started pounding windows with metal objects, breaking at least one window. Hundreds of people were packed tightly in the portico on the west side of the courthouse pushing toward the entrance.

This is not the description of "peaceful assembly" which is guaranteed by the Constitution and it's amendments to the Bill of Rights. This is physical mob anarchy. When local political and Law authorites fail to protect it's citizens, the Federal government has no choice but to send law authority to assist and succor to those citizens under attack.
We now have open violent rebellion within cities like Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia while politicians (Democrats All) have decided that they will allow anarchy and mob rule to predominate.
The Governors and Mayors of these Blue Plantation cities have abrogated their authority to #Antifa and #BLM causing violence, deaths to citizens, arson, destruction of property and businesses. This is intolerable and Preisdent Trump has no choice in the matter but to protect federal facilities under attack.

BIden is crazy here for pushing this kind of incivility from his operatives.

This whole shit storm just plays into President Trump's hand.
People Attempted To Break Into Federal Courthouse And Lit Fires Downtown

21 Jul 2020
On July 20, 2020 large groups of people gathered in downtown Portland in Chapman Square Park and Lownsdale Square Park and in Waterfront Park near the Salmon Springs Fountain. At about 9:00 p.m. the crowds converged on SW 3rd Avenue outside the Justice Center and gave speeches. Cars, motorcycles and bicycles blocked streets around the crowd.
Several hundred people concentrated on the west side of the Federal Courthouse and dozens of them pounded on and began breaking the plywood covering the west side of the building. People were using hammers, crowbars and other pry tools. Many people could be seen carrying bats and shields, people wore helmets and gas masks. At about 12:45 a.m. on July 21, 2020, people broke through the plywood outside the courthouse and started pounding windows with metal objects, breaking at least one window. Hundreds of people were packed tightly in the portico on the west side of the courthouse pushing toward the entrance.

This is not the description of "peaceful assembly" which is guaranteed by the Constitution and it's amendments to the Bill of Rights. This is physical mob anarchy. When local political and Law authorites fail to protect it's citizens, the Federal government has no choice but to send law authority to assist and succor to those citizens under attack.
We now have open violent rebellion within cities like Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia while politicians (Democrats All) have decided that they will allow anarchy and mob rule to predominate.
The Governors and Mayors of these Blue Plantation cities have abrogated their authority to #Antifa and #BLM causing violence, deaths to citizens, arson, destruction of property and businesses. This is intolerable and Preisdent Trump has no choice in the matter but to protect federal facilities under attack.
Probably the federal”officers” who are there purposely starting trouble
People Attempted To Break Into Federal Courthouse And Lit Fires Downtown

21 Jul 2020
On July 20, 2020 large groups of people gathered in downtown Portland in Chapman Square Park and Lownsdale Square Park and in Waterfront Park near the Salmon Springs Fountain. At about 9:00 p.m. the crowds converged on SW 3rd Avenue outside the Justice Center and gave speeches. Cars, motorcycles and bicycles blocked streets around the crowd.
Several hundred people concentrated on the west side of the Federal Courthouse and dozens of them pounded on and began breaking the plywood covering the west side of the building. People were using hammers, crowbars and other pry tools. Many people could be seen carrying bats and shields, people wore helmets and gas masks. At about 12:45 a.m. on July 21, 2020, people broke through the plywood outside the courthouse and started pounding windows with metal objects, breaking at least one window. Hundreds of people were packed tightly in the portico on the west side of the courthouse pushing toward the entrance.

This is not the description of "peaceful assembly" which is guaranteed by the Constitution and it's amendments to the Bill of Rights. This is physical mob anarchy. When local political and Law authorites fail to protect it's citizens, the Federal government has no choice but to send law authority to assist and succor to those citizens under attack.
We now have open violent rebellion within cities like Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia while politicians (Democrats All) have decided that they will allow anarchy and mob rule to predominate.
The Governors and Mayors of these Blue Plantation cities have abrogated their authority to #Antifa and #BLM causing violence, deaths to citizens, arson, destruction of property and businesses. This is intolerable and Preisdent Trump has no choice in the matter but to protect federal facilities under attack.
Probably the federal”officers” who are there purposely starting trouble

The federal officers in Denver are the "Federal Protection Services"- that's what I think they are called. But its their mission to protect US federal office buildings and other properties.

They aren't "starting trouble" , just doing their job.
Thomas from Kentucky says...

The report in OP is from the continuation of events created by the incompetent federal operatives.
At about 12:38 a.m. federal law enforcement began dispersing the crowd using a variety of munitions. Many people in the crowd threw rocks, bottles, and other projectiles at the federal officers. People scattered into the surrounding blocks over the next twenty minutes. At one point a group of about seventy five people holding shields lined up across SW Main west of SW 3rd. They moved slowly toward the middle of the intersection but eventually broke up.

By 1:30 a.m. there were a few dozen people back on the courthouse portico throwing glass and plastic bottles, wood, pieces of metal, rocks and other debris at the building. People also lit fires in garbage cans, and near a tree by the courthouse.

Note the "variety of munitions:" Crowd Control?

There is a lot of federal intervention competence missing between 12:38 a.m., and 1:30 a.m., at which time mostly the protesters were gone, and no reports of any federal police doing much of anything, or even nearby.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(No munitions, noted, in Deut 23: 19-20!)
People Attempted To Break Into Federal Courthouse And Lit Fires Downtown

21 Jul 2020
On July 20, 2020 large groups of people gathered in downtown Portland in Chapman Square Park and Lownsdale Square Park and in Waterfront Park near the Salmon Springs Fountain. At about 9:00 p.m. the crowds converged on SW 3rd Avenue outside the Justice Center and gave speeches. Cars, motorcycles and bicycles blocked streets around the crowd.
Several hundred people concentrated on the west side of the Federal Courthouse and dozens of them pounded on and began breaking the plywood covering the west side of the building. People were using hammers, crowbars and other pry tools. Many people could be seen carrying bats and shields, people wore helmets and gas masks. At about 12:45 a.m. on July 21, 2020, people broke through the plywood outside the courthouse and started pounding windows with metal objects, breaking at least one window. Hundreds of people were packed tightly in the portico on the west side of the courthouse pushing toward the entrance.

This is not the description of "peaceful assembly" which is guaranteed by the Constitution and it's amendments to the Bill of Rights. This is physical mob anarchy. When local political and Law authorites fail to protect it's citizens, the Federal government has no choice but to send law authority to assist and succor to those citizens under attack.
We now have open violent rebellion within cities like Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia while politicians (Democrats All) have decided that they will allow anarchy and mob rule to predominate.
The Governors and Mayors of these Blue Plantation cities have abrogated their authority to #Antifa and #BLM causing violence, deaths to citizens, arson, destruction of property and businesses. This is intolerable and Preisdent Trump has no choice in the matter but to protect federal facilities under attack.
Probably the federal”officers” who are there purposely starting trouble
And you accuse us of believing Conspiracy Theories?
The report in OP is from the continuation of events created by the incompetent federal operatives.
At about 12:38 a.m. federal law enforcement began dispersing the crowd using a variety of munitions. Many people in the crowd threw rocks, bottles, and other projectiles at the federal officers. People scattered into the surrounding blocks over the next twenty minutes. At one point a group of about seventy five people holding shields lined up across SW Main west of SW 3rd. They moved slowly toward the middle of the intersection but eventually broke up.

By 1:30 a.m. there were a few dozen people back on the courthouse portico throwing glass and plastic bottles, wood, pieces of metal, rocks and other debris at the building. People also lit fires in garbage cans, and near a tree by the courthouse.

Note the "variety of munitions:" Crowd Control?

There is a lot of federal intervention competence missing between 12:38 a.m., and 1:30 a.m., at which time mostly the protesters were gone, and no reports of any federal police doing much of anything, or even nearby.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(No munitions, noted, in Deut 23: 19-20!)
Yes indeed
Just another “Peaceful “ protest by the leftwing wackos
The symbol of "conservatism" today is a public-sector union asking for the deployment of federal troops in an American city, without the request or permission of the elected city officials, and the Feds honoring the request of the public-sector union, over city officials. :eusa_eh:
Not unlike when president eisenhower sent troops into little rock arkansas over the objections of the mayor and governor
Thomas from Kentucky says...

Love it!!!

Check out his twitter page, he's got a lot of things going on legislation-wise. So does Rand and a handful of others. With all of the cable news entertainment theater dictating the headlines I haven't even seen anyone mention anything about any of it on here and I'm not starting threads. Which, I suppose, is best in the scheme of things.

Portland Local Officials expressed the obvious doubts about the attempted "Round-Up" of a bunch of local liberals.
The union’s vice president Michael Mette told The Daily Beast on Monday that his organization would welcome federal agents like those from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. “If we could get extra agents on the ground, that would help,” he said. “We don’t want troops-troops, but anything that can help.”

Asked whether he would support CBP agents, like those currently acting in Portland, Mette neither invited them nor discouraged their arrival. “Why would we have Border Patrol in the city? We have no international border here,” he said. In a statement, a Chicago Police spokesperson said the agency had no authority over federal agents and that, while it regularly works with feds, it is crucial that those departments coordinate with them.

Neither Portland nor Oregon have international borders. Nevertheless, CBP agents have maintained an aggressive presence in Portland,
ostensibly to protect a federal court building. Mette said he’d only seen videos of CBP agents in that context.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(If street gang A follows Deut 23: 19-20; and street gang B follows Deut 23: 19-20: Does that mean we have world peace?)
People Attempted To Break Into Federal Courthouse And Lit Fires Downtown

21 Jul 2020
On July 20, 2020 large groups of people gathered in downtown Portland in Chapman Square Park and Lownsdale Square Park and in Waterfront Park near the Salmon Springs Fountain. At about 9:00 p.m. the crowds converged on SW 3rd Avenue outside the Justice Center and gave speeches. Cars, motorcycles and bicycles blocked streets around the crowd.
Several hundred people concentrated on the west side of the Federal Courthouse and dozens of them pounded on and began breaking the plywood covering the west side of the building. People were using hammers, crowbars and other pry tools. Many people could be seen carrying bats and shields, people wore helmets and gas masks. At about 12:45 a.m. on July 21, 2020, people broke through the plywood outside the courthouse and started pounding windows with metal objects, breaking at least one window. Hundreds of people were packed tightly in the portico on the west side of the courthouse pushing toward the entrance.

This is not the description of "peaceful assembly" which is guaranteed by the Constitution and it's amendments to the Bill of Rights. This is physical mob anarchy. When local political and Law authorities fail to protect it's citizens, the Federal government has no choice but to send law authority to assist and succor to those citizens under attack.
We now have open violent rebellion within cities like Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia while politicians (Democrats All) have decided that they will allow anarchy and mob rule to predominate.
The Governors and Mayors of these Blue Plantation cities have abrogated their authority to #Antifa and #BLM causing violence, deaths to citizens, arson, destruction of property and businesses. This is intolerable and President Trump has no choice in the matter but to protect federal facilities under attack.
Probably the federal”officers” who are there purposely starting trouble
Gee, Jillian...I had forgotten just how nonsensical your statements can be.
Ok Doc, I'm gonna disagree with you a little bit here, when you say:

" When local political and Law authorities fail to protect it's citizens, the Federal government has no choice but to send law authority to assist and succor to those citizens under attack. "

" This is intolerable and President Trump has no choice in the matter but to protect federal facilities under attack. "

Public safety and security is the primary responsibility of state and local officials who were elected to do just that, first and foremost within their jurisdictions. If they can't do it, then it is their responsibility to ask the Feds for help to restore law and order, and the Feds should come to their aid. BUT - if the state and local officials could but WON'T, that's another matter. In that case it is not incumbent on the president to make that decision for them. And I do not believe the current laws allow him to make that call without a request from the state, unless the situation really is out of control. Which it isn't, if Portland wants to allow that shit to happen then so be it. Even now, they could get their shit together and end this shit. Trump should not be doing their job for them, that is not within the constitutional rights of the Executive except in the case of a real Insurrection. Which we do not have yet.

That said - the president does have the duty to enforce federal laws and protect federal property. Which could include protecting the federal courthouse in Portland from attack and destruction. And if they have reasonable cause to believe a rioter is an illegal alien or a person who is suspected of breaking a federal law then they have the right to arrest that person whenever and wherever they find him, even in the middle of a riot. BUT - they do not have the right to arrest someone who has not broken federal law or who is not attacking federal property, it's as simple as that.

You say the president has no choice; yes, he does. He can pull out all federal agents and let Portland burn, including the federal courthouse. And when it's over he can have his DOJ sue the city of Portland for their failure to protect federal property. Or he can send them the bill for the repairs and deduct the cost from the appropriate federal funding they get. It's hard to watch this shit going on across the country after almost 2 months. Maybe the Senate GOP can write a bill to help people relocate from any city that has allowed the rioting and burning and destruction to continue.

I don't like this shit anymore than you do, but if those fuckwads in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York, and elsewhere want to stand by and watch their city be destroyed, then I see let 'er rip. But you ain't getting one thin dime to rebuild what shouldn't have been destroyed in the 1st place. Unless of course Biden wins in November, which means federal tax dollars will be given to all those places where damage was done. Count on it.
Thomas from Kentucky says...

Love it!!!

Check out his twitter page, he's got a lot of things going on legislation-wise. So does Rand and a handful of others. With all of the cable news entertainment theater dictating the headlines I haven't even seen anyone mention anything about any of it on here and I'm not starting threads. Which, I suppose, is best in the scheme of things.

The permanent Cyber Czar is one that surprised me. WHAT THE FUCK???

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