Trump will win but tough times are ahead.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
If someone wants to kill themselves because they are sick of it, then that is bad. If people want to kill themselves because they are sick, doctors should be forced to help them. <------this is the American mentality. My personal belief is if someone wants to check out, so be it. I don't care why or when. Just don't take anybody else out with you, and I don't care the hows either.
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
This is a globalist new world order movement that has been in the works since the academic elites became enamored with Das Kapital. The first world war was supposed to usher in this NEW WORLD ORDER and when that war proved karl marx wrong, do you think those in academia would admit it? No, they went back to the drawing board and formed the Frankfurt School, which is where the notion of political correctness came from. Via political correctness, they would be able to destabilize a nation from within. Nation by nation. Prop up victims. Seduce the gullible with the notion of FREE STUFF. The whole idea of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY must be eradicated. Then come in as Robin Hood and always blame the free market for the plight of ALL SUFFERING.

Why do we suppose the History Channel, owned by National Broadcast Communism, has all but stopped showing actual history. Instead it is all aliens and bigfoot sightings. An actual educated public about actual history is EXACTLY what that movement DOESN'T WANT.

Our pathetic ivy leaguers are now complete embarrassments to Ivy Leaguers of the past.

Yes, the tribulations must happen and the never believer will be giggling all the way to hell on their road to perdition.
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
You are suffering under the fallacy that Trump is a good guy trying to fix the problems in our society. He isn’t. How much evidence do you require to recognize the truth?
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Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
You are suffering under the fallacy that Trump is a good guy trying to fix the problems in our society. He isn’t. How much evidence do you require to recognize the truth?
Your only evidence is that he is a Russian spy. Got anything else?
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
You are suffering under the fallacy that Trump is a good guy trying to fix the problems in our society. He isn’t. How much evidence do you require to recognize the truth?
Your only evidence is that he is a Russian spy. Got anything else?
What? LOL. Dumb Don isn’t a Russian spy. Only fools believe that.

Funny how people like you make dumb conclusions to try and hide your inability to accept the truth.
America is going the way of Rome. It's inevitable.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”

― Alexander Fraser Tytler
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
You are suffering under the fallacy that Trump is a good guy trying to fix the problems in our society. He isn’t. How much evidence do you require to recognize the truth?
I saw no such argument being made.

Whether he's a "good guy" or not, Trump isn't a member of The Big Club™.... Therefore, he will be hounded to the four corners of the Earth, and maybe even into outer space if need be, in order to bring both he and the wretched "deplorable" refuse that support him in to their proper pace: under the jackboot of The State.

I fail to understand how this isn't patently obvious to an alleged "libertarian/anarchist".
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
You are suffering under the fallacy that Trump is a good guy trying to fix the problems in our society. He isn’t. How much evidence do you require to recognize the truth?
Who is this, "good guy" you would prefer? Trump isn't above criticism. I am quite critical of Trump. He is a pompous blowhard often and makes things too easy for his opponents. There are times to be magnanimous and it is almost totally lost on him.

However, there are times when he is compassionate and does do things that if it were done by a democrat would garner sweaty glorious praise from the media. Like his prison reform. He was instrumental in judicial reform by getting the criminal justice reform bill, the “First Step Act,” through Congress, which has been praised by the black community as a significant help to their community. President Barack Obama was unable to get this done. President Trump has reduced many regulations to help small businesses that, in turn, have helped all minorities. So, instead of focusing on some tweets or his sometimes rough rhetoric, we should recognize that President Trump is a person who gets things done for everyone, even in the face of the far left democommie Party.

So, who is this good guy or good woman you would prefer?
Several "experts" predicted we'd never survive the 60's but we did without much damage at all. These anarchists are the fruit of the government schools and commie media. Once Trump is reelected, both will be in his cross-hairs. Got to retake the House and send Pelousy into delirium tremens.
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.

Great post dude. Couple comments to add how I believe we got here.

I saw the head of this coming 4 decades ago. Never could have imagined the methods less technology, but one day and we're close now, 50% will be unemployed. And surely education and work will be done from home. Doesn't mean they're all poor of course. In addition to drug abuse and technology, the deep state desires we dumb down and dumb down we'll do. This is one purpose for PC, soften us up too. We are in training to be lazy (e.g., Mexicans are the only ones who will do the work". Mentally and physically lazy.

The internet & gadgets most clearly. They desire to manipulate and trash our brains and that's exactly what they do. They surely enjoy the dependency too. Dumb + propaganda + lazy + dependent, gee, I wonder why so many can no longer think straight.

You mention a decline in intelligence, and this is where things seem to get interesting. IQ average is 100 which fluctuates of course. Per the test that 100 average demonstrates in increase in intelligence somehow, it must have to do with technology. HOWEVER, the most basic IQ test long recognized is reaction time, which is in rapid decline (go figure). Can I tell you what my driver's ed. teacher told me about my reaction time :clap2: HA!....I'm blond though, it kinda' evens out . After-all, I was a straight F student.

End of the day our peak intelligence and even being better humans past us at least 80-90 years ago. They'd look at us in a peculiar way how common sense and courtesy have grown well above us as a whole. So many no longer know how to solve basic problems, and often they don't need to or they're lost to take on a task. Yet an IQ test suggests there's an increase? Sure right.

Young children today are fucked. Not only will they be well-instituted, but their tolerances both emotionally and physically will be half what we were at best. You think we were pampered and sheltered just wait. Which brings me to our biggest problem of all, IMO....

OVER-POPULATION- What better way to reduce a population than pampered children, isolation, manipulation and drug abuse. I suppose COVID might be an option as well. There's a lot more to COVID than meets the eye, many of us recognize that.
Several "experts" predicted we'd never survive the 60's but we did without much damage at all. These anarchists are the fruit of the government schools and commie media. Once Trump is reelected, both will be in his cross-hairs. Got to retake the House and send Pelousy into delirium tremens.
That is why were never supposed to be a "democracy." The word doesn't appear in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. Here are the salient warnings put out many centuries ago by Socrates in regards to democracy.

The cultural marxists have convinced us through their political correctness strategy that voting was and is supposed to be a RIGHT.

As a result of having a dumbed down populace voting, they can be easily seduced. By the power of group think, conformity becomes far more crucial than truth.

We now see the result. Please watch what Socrates says and get to the part where he refers to the sweet shop owner candidate versus the doctor in an election under a democracy.
The cultural marxists have convinced us through their political correctness strategy that voting was and is supposed to be a RIGHT.

As a result of having a dumbed down populace voting, they can be easily seduced. By the power of group think, conformity becomes far more crucial than truth.

We now see the result. Please watch what Socrates says and get to the part where he refers to the sweet shop owner candidate versus the doctor in an election under a democracy.

The solution is still one man one vote except in order to get a ballot you have to pass a literacy test...the same one we give immigrants applying for citizenship.
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
You are suffering under the fallacy that Trump is a good guy trying to fix the problems in our society. He isn’t. How much evidence do you require to recognize the truth?
You are suffering under the fallacy of projecting Trump's alleged wrongs that Democrats do as a habit. And next to Hillbillary, he is a very good guy while she engages in her usual lying modus operandi. Many of us have accustomed ourselves to the short stick the DNC handed over to President Trump instead of an orderly transfer of power, which US law requires them to.

The trouble with the Democrat Party and you is that you have cried "wolf" many, many times, and your schtick that President Trump is not trying to fix the problems in our society is a blatant lie you and your sinister colleagues who stand for Marxist rule aka communism is getting to be tiresome. Go ahead. try being master of the calumny already firmly in place on the side of the DNC. You people make the nation's people sorry and sick. Your monster state governors and mayors are putting habituated criminals on the street, many of whom are noticed acting out unpleasant roles that threaten the lives of adults and children.
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
This is a globalist new world order movement that has been in the works since the academic elites became enamored with Das Kapital. The first world war was supposed to usher in this NEW WORLD ORDER and when that war proved karl marx wrong, do you think those in academia would admit it? No, they went back to the drawing board and formed the Frankfurt School, which is where the notion of political correctness came from. Via political correctness, they would be able to destabilize a nation from within. Nation by nation. Prop up victims. Seduce the gullible with the notion of FREE STUFF. The whole idea of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY must be eradicated. Then come in as Robin Hood and always blame the free market for the plight of ALL SUFFERING.

Why do we suppose the History Channel, owned by National Broadcast Communism, has all but stopped showing actual history. Instead it is all aliens and bigfoot sightings. An actual educated public about actual history is EXACTLY what that movement DOESN'T WANT.

Our pathetic ivy leaguers are now complete embarrassments to Ivy Leaguers of the past.

Yes, the tribulations must happen and the never believer will be giggling all the way to hell on their road to perdition.
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
So deep Ray. So deep. Is your brain burning?
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
This is a globalist new world order movement that has been in the works since the academic elites became enamored with Das Kapital. The first world war was supposed to usher in this NEW WORLD ORDER and when that war proved karl marx wrong, do you think those in academia would admit it? No, they went back to the drawing board and formed the Frankfurt School, which is where the notion of political correctness came from. Via political correctness, they would be able to destabilize a nation from within. Nation by nation. Prop up victims. Seduce the gullible with the notion of FREE STUFF. The whole idea of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY must be eradicated. Then come in as Robin Hood and always blame the free market for the plight of ALL SUFFERING.

Why do we suppose the History Channel, owned by National Broadcast Communism, has all but stopped showing actual history. Instead it is all aliens and bigfoot sightings. An actual educated public about actual history is EXACTLY what that movement DOESN'T WANT.

Our pathetic ivy leaguers are now complete embarrassments to Ivy Leaguers of the past.

Yes, the tribulations must happen and the never believer will be giggling all the way to hell on their road to perdition.
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
So deep Ray. So deep. Is your brain burning?
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
This is a globalist new world order movement that has been in the works since the academic elites became enamored with Das Kapital. The first world war was supposed to usher in this NEW WORLD ORDER and when that war proved karl marx wrong, do you think those in academia would admit it? No, they went back to the drawing board and formed the Frankfurt School, which is where the notion of political correctness came from. Via political correctness, they would be able to destabilize a nation from within. Nation by nation. Prop up victims. Seduce the gullible with the notion of FREE STUFF. The whole idea of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY must be eradicated. Then come in as Robin Hood and always blame the free market for the plight of ALL SUFFERING.

Why do we suppose the History Channel, owned by National Broadcast Communism, has all but stopped showing actual history. Instead it is all aliens and bigfoot sightings. An actual educated public about actual history is EXACTLY what that movement DOESN'T WANT.

Our pathetic ivy leaguers are now complete embarrassments to Ivy Leaguers of the past.

Yes, the tribulations must happen and the never believer will be giggling all the way to hell on their road to perdition.

Marxists are like mosquito's.
They never go away and periodically infect too many people with a fever.

For now, they've infected the Dimm Party and Beijing Biden.
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Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.
Does Don the Con qualify as a corporate predator or feckless fascist?

Capitalism is failing, and nothing proves that more conclusively than the demented crony-capitalist in the Oval Office.

MR Online | Fascism: The decay of capitalism

"As protests continue around the globe and COVID continues to take it’s toll, more and more people are becoming disillusioned with the current system.

"They are sick of being told things are fine when they’re not.

"Capitalism is crumbling, it’s contradictions are becoming more and more apparent, and the world seems to be sliding right, closer and closer to fascism."
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
You are suffering under the fallacy that Trump is a good guy trying to fix the problems in our society. He isn’t. How much evidence do you require to recognize the truth?
I saw no such argument being made.

Whether he's a "good guy" or not, Trump isn't a member of The Big Club™.... Therefore, he will be hounded to the four corners of the Earth, and maybe even into outer space if need be, in order to bring both he and the wretched "deplorable" refuse that support him in to their proper pace: under the jackboot of The State.

I fail to understand how this isn't patently obvious to an alleged "libertarian/anarchist".
I agree that Don isn’t a member of the club. This is why many voted for him. The problem is he wants to be a member of the club. So, he’s doing nothing to reduce the club’s power.
Conclusions can be drawn from all this wokeness that is going around. Life expectancy has been declining in the US at an alarming rate. Early deaths from drug abuse, alcoholism and economic despair are rampant in America as the middle class is attacked by the US government and academia.

It occurs to reasonable minds that this kind of population behavior is encouraged by our government to create a cerebrally stunted society hooked on toxins and dependent on control mechanisms that enslave the people to addictions. At some point US politicians and academics apparently made a dark deal with the People’s Republic of China to destroy the brains of millions of US citizens with opioids so they could impose a world government on them.

With superstorms of a pandemic and an election year converging It is important that the people understand the ramifications, but the United States has been set up to fail. As information technology expands with no bounds, the average intelligence of the US is falling at a rate tantamount to a national contamination of lead poisoning.

The situation is dire, and the deep state is about to run a candidate for president, Joe Biden, so incapacitated that under normal circumstances he would be institutionalized. But because no one from the state can compete with the incumbent, a desperation move banking on the stunted intellects of millions of voters who hate Donald Trump like rabid dogs has been set into motion.

It is a propagandized robotic response that along with mail-in voter harvesting could make the election a lot closer than it should be. The great sellout of the middle class was exposed in 2016 and the elites have now resorted to tearing apart society at the seams in a zero-sum effort to save the state from the people.

Corporate predators like Big Pharma own US Congress and a bioengineered pathogen has been released into world populations to bring Donald Trump and any other world leader that supports nationhood to their knees. This is not going to work but great suffering is going to follow. Subsidies paying the people not to work will disappear and sudden poverty will hit many after the election.

Children will be deprived of schooling and martial law may appear to keep order. All this because Trump blew the lid off the plans of the state. He will succeed but tough times are ahead.
You are suffering under the fallacy that Trump is a good guy trying to fix the problems in our society. He isn’t. How much evidence do you require to recognize the truth?
You are suffering under the fallacy of projecting Trump's alleged wrongs that Democrats do as a habit. And next to Hillbillary, he is a very good guy while she engages in her usual lying modus operandi. Many of us have accustomed ourselves to the short stick the DNC handed over to President Trump instead of an orderly transfer of power, which US law requires them to.

The trouble with the Democrat Party and you is that you have cried "wolf" many, many times, and your schtick that President Trump is not trying to fix the problems in our society is a blatant lie you and your sinister colleagues who stand for Marxist rule aka communism is getting to be tiresome. Go ahead. try being master of the calumny already firmly in place on the side of the DNC. You people make the nation's people sorry and sick. Your monster state governors and mayors are putting habituated criminals on the street, many of whom are noticed acting out unpleasant roles that threaten the lives of adults and children.
You have me entirely wrong. I voted for Don. Knowing full well she was the greater evil.

That said, Don has been a terrible failure. Time to go. Sadly, the dumb Ds have nominated a bimboo who is no better than Don.

You however needn’t worry about the election. You win either way, but don’t know it. Joe is more conservative than Don.

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