Pence Says He Will Not Support Trump..............Well DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's been one of the biggest stories in this disaster -- how many people just folded.
Lindsey Graham said in 2016 that Trump was "crazy". After a private breakfast with the orange buffoon Graham came out of the W.H. grovelling at his feet.

And he's been kissing his ass ever since.
This back-stabber didn't have to say this but I guess he chose the opportunity to once again take a dump on his former running-mate.

This only reaffirms that Pence was never on Trump's side from the beginning.

As a matter of fact it raises concerns that he was indeed one of the co-conspirators in the coup that was carried out at the end of the Trump Adm.

My grandma would have said that he was too big for his britches. She disdained personal traitors.
My grandma would have said that he was too big for his britches. She disdained personal traitors.
I doubt your Grandma would have supported a man that sought to overturn a fair election so he could remain in power. The Traitor is the one that sought to destroy our constitutional republic. Pence rose to the occasion and saved it.
I doubt your Grandma would have supported a man that sought to overturn a fair election so he could remain in power. The Traitor is the one that sought to destroy our constitutional republic. Pence rose to the occasion and saved it.
Protest a Mail in Vurus Election.

You asses cheated your asses off.
Former Vice President Mike Pence on Friday said he “cannot in good conscience” endorse presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump, arguing that Trump is pursuing an agenda that is “at odds with the conservative agenda.”

“Donald Trump is pursuing and articulating an agenda that is at odds with the conservative agenda that we governed on during our four years. That’s why I cannot in good conscience endorse Donald Trump in this campaign,” Pence said on Fox News, in a stunning repudiation of his former running mate.

Mike Pence has declined to endorse Trump. Unlike McConnell, Cruz, Graham and hundreds, if not thousands of other Republicans, who have bent the knee to Trump, Pence kept his manhood and dignity intact.

Good for Pence. It is nice to see a a real Republican who put country before Trump. He may be among the last of the old Republicans, but at least he went out with head held high.
Well it's good to finally understand that pence is NOT a team
player.It started with his chickening out when it came to
Certitying the 2020 election.Then when asked about J6.
Pence was a Pussy compared to Trump.Playing it safe most
I doubt your Grandma would have supported a man that sought to overturn a fair election so he could remain in power. The Traitor is the one that sought to destroy our constitutional republic. Pence rose to the occasion and saved it.
At least that's the rubbish they shoveled to you idiots.......but the truth isn't one of the things they were shoveling.

Funny, how they attempted to use this fake Jan 6th event to disqualify Republicans this year, and would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for the Supremes bringing the gavel down on that Happy Horse shit.

Pence was convinced to stab Trump in the back.....and the very fact that the left refused to do anything to him after he left office is proof enough that he was in on it from the very beginning.

Trump never did anything illegal, yet they have that nasty whore Fani Willis trying to prosecute him for interfering in their stolen election.
Now she's been caught abusing her authority and fucking the primary prosecutor, PRECISELY THE VERY THING SHE ACCUSED HER PREDECESSOR OF.
Well it's good to finally understand that pence is NOT a team
player.It started with his chickening out when it came to
Certitying the 2020 election.Then when asked about J6.
Pence was a Pussy compared to Trump.Playing it safe most
On 1/6 Pence stood up for the Country, the Constitution and the rule of law. The nation owes him our gratitude.
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Yes i look forward to Trump dying in prison.
I didn't know you were unjust, zw. In my circles, a man is innocent until proven guilty. He was shown to be innocent of Russian collusion. Yet I keep seeing radical deep staters raising the hateful lies months and months later.

Look out for evil lies against good men. The wrong you just raised from the dead could someday come back and bite you on the butt
You owe a good man an apology
At least that's the rubbish they shoveled to you idiots.......but the truth isn't one of the things they were shoveling.

Funny, how they attempted to use this fake Jan 6th event to disqualify Republicans this year, and would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for the Supremes bringing the gavel down on that Happy Horse shit.

Pence was convinced to stab Trump in the back.....and the very fact that the left refused to do anything to him after he left office is proof enough that he was in on it from the very beginning.

Trump never did anything illegal, yet they have that nasty whore Fani Willis trying to prosecute him for interfering in their stolen election.
Now she's been caught abusing her authority and fucking the primary prosecutor, PRECISELY THE VERY THING SHE ACCUSED HER PREDECESSOR OF.
Pence stood up for Country and Constitution. He is a hero and history will look kindly upon him for his fortitude in the face of the mob and the forces of evil that attacked our nation’s capital.
At least that's the rubbish they shoveled to you idiots.......but the truth isn't one of the things they were shoveling.

Funny, how they attempted to use this fake Jan 6th event to disqualify Republicans this year, and would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for the Supremes bringing the gavel down on that Happy Horse shit.

Pence was convinced to stab Trump in the back.....and the very fact that the left refused to do anything to him after he left office is proof enough that he was in on it from the very beginning.

Trump never did anything illegal, yet they have that nasty whore Fani Willis trying to prosecute him for interfering in their stolen election.
Now she's been caught abusing her authority and fucking the primary prosecutor, PRECISELY THE VERY THING SHE ACCUSED HER PREDECESSOR OF.
Only ones interfering are the Dems. Using lawfare to try another steal.

Bringing 10 million illegals in, ids, Santuaries against our own laws, they are TRAITORS
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Trump will soon rule you Democrats again.
because you can't keep a good man down.
Very simple human equation.
" It has been discovered that the best way
to insure implicit obedience is to commence
tyranny in the nursery. "
Benjamin Disraeli { Earl of Beaconsfield }

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