Pelosi: Health Care 'Public Option' needs New Name....Orwell Lives!

so an hour has passed and all the Cons have come up with as a plan - no, insults and allow the Insurance Companies to do as they please.

sound familiar?

i will call it the competitive option when one of you can tell me when the us government has been economically competitive at any business they have run.....

unless of course they are simply cannon fodder for the insurance companies.....

how about this for a up medicare to all us citizens...and let them file a tax return quarterly to write off their insurance costs....

simple form....send in your w-2 for the quarter attach your check to medicare or any other insurance carrier....

subtract medical costs from the taxes taken out and ...boom you are covered...

your own taxes pay for your health care....and if your health care costs more than your taxes the govt sends you a check ...

us tax dollars spent on us citizens
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so an hour has passed and all the Cons have come up with as a plan - no, insults and allow the Insurance Companies to do as they please.

sound familiar?

Hey jackanapes they have a LOT of a re just a few off the top of my head

1) Allow the purchase of insurance across state lines to increase competition and drive down prices
2) Pass legislation stating that the insurance company can not deny you coverage if you get sick after they have agreed to extend you coverage
3) Pass Tort reform to lower costs.
4) Provide an income tax credit of 100% for those making 2x the poverty level or less. Those at 3-2x poverty get a 75% credit and those between 3x and 75,000/year get a 50% break. Everyone else buys it or takes the gamble of going broke for not having it. Then provide a subsidy for those on unemployment and welfare.

Any more lies about those who oppose the Obama/Pelosi health plan you need disproven?
L.O.L - Kevin thinks it's the governments fault that insurance companies fix their prices and raise them at will....but people driving from state to state looking for lower rates will fix that!

It's the government that forces doctors to have a fixed price on certain procedures and medications.
What was I thinking? - charity and charity alone is the answer to healthcare reform.....that and maybe some more taxbreaks for the large insurance companies.

Reforming regulations including interstate commerce and interstate purchase for health insurance is one thing... what is being proposed is far from that and complete bullshit

And again.... for those 'without' the 'insurance' for their personal care.. their personal care is their personal responsibility.... not something to suck off the tit of society for
Wow, the right bullshitted so much lying about the pubic option, so the left got smart and called it something most people will understand.

Oh, how terrilble.

Bend over, the right is in charge.
Wow, the right bullshitted so much lying about the pubic option, so the left got smart and called it something most people will understand.

Oh, how terrilble.

Bend over, the right is in charge.

Gee you thkink "public option" is too difficult?

Then again, the Dums think anything they do is too difficult to understand. That's why Obama got to the WH with two one syllable words.
Wow, the right bullshitted so much lying about the pubic option, so the left got smart and called it something most people will understand.

Oh, how terrilble.

Bend over, the right is in charge.

The left is so desperate to get socialized medicine that they'll call it "free gold bars" if they have to, to get it passed.
Wow, the right bullshitted so much lying about the pubic option, so the left got smart and called it something most people will understand.

Oh, how terrilble.

Bend over, the right is in charge.

The left is so desperate to get socialized medicine that they'll call it "free gold bars" if they have to, to get it passed.

There. See! Even if the Democrats passed out FREE GOLD BARS you conservatives would be complaining!!!

Spin. Rinse. Repeat.
"Medical bankruptcies are an epidemic in the United States. Nearly 62 percent of all U.S. bankruptcies in 2007 were due to health care costs - and 78 percent of medical bankrupt people had insurance."
-- --Zaid Jilani , Link

"Who gives a fuck?"
-- The Republican party

Maybe the dems will save us all? They will just say "no treatment for you". Problem solved, no bankruptcy (not to mention no more life, but that will be okay, the dems are doing it...), the money that would have been spent on healthcare will now go to politicians, thank goodness. Where would this country be without 1/2 of all incomes (between taxes and paying for medical care that will not be provided to most people's satisfaction) going to the gov. Feel like a sharecropper, slave? You will, you will.....
I'm trying to imagine you giving a fuck about your fellow countrymen with no healthcare insurance or going bankrupt and having far - I'm having no luck.
Do not confuse opposition to the socialist health care plan with opposition to those that need health care.

"There are 52 solid Democrats for the public option. Only about five Democrats oppose it. Should the 52 give in to the five? Or should the five go along with the vast majority of the Democratic caucus?"
-- Tom Harkin, making more sense than usual, Link

Senate health bill will include public option - 10-26-09
The Senate fate of any bill with a public option is unclear, due to unanimous Republican opposition and concerns by some conservative and moderate Democrats
It is not the duty of a duly elected representative of the people to vote the way their party leaders direct them to vote. They are duty bound to represent to best interests of their constituents. You are confused.

What was I thinking? - charity and charity alone is the answer to healthcare reform.....that and maybe some more taxbreaks for the large insurance companies.
There is no single answer. There is no simple solution. Giving health care to the government is certainly not a viable solution...that would be suicide. A quick look at the countries that have already tried this will tell you that it fails every time.

That's not what I said.

No...not what you said at all.

Interesting how progressives consistantly twist words to make conservatives come across as racists, anarchists, and obstructionists.

show me something that resembles a true conservative remark or plan and you won't feel like you are being identified correctly.
Republican proposed amendments to the bills have been shot down by Democrats. The lying Marxist says that illegal aliens will not be covered by the plan...a Republican proposes an amendment to MAKE that happen and it gets shot down. The lying Marxist says that the plan will not add a dime to the deficit...a Republican introduces an amendment to MAKE that happen and it gets shot down. It appears that efforts by Republicans to keep the bastard honest are being shot down by the Democrats.

Just as the lying Marxist told lie after lie to get elected to the highest office in the land, he tells lie after lie to get you to believe he really has the interest of those poor, uninsured Americans in his prayers every night. It is pure bullshit. He has bigger and better government in mind.

Take a look at the countries where this socialized medicine plan has failed and you will get an idea of how shitty health care will be when the lying Marxist and his band of followers gets through with your stupid, gullible ass.

so an hour has passed and all the Cons have come up with as a plan - no, insults and allow the Insurance Companies to do as they please.

sound familiar?

This cartoon has nothing to do with health care. It has more to do with the financial collapse seeded in the mortgage debacle brought on by the forcing of banks to loan money to people unworthy of credit just to make the fucking liberals feel good and to get them more votes down the line. The cons in this case are Carter, Clinton, Frank, Raines et al. The Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac scheme to make some rich is replete with participation by liberals and Democrats.

Wake the fuck up!
Can't bullshit anyone anymore with "universal coverage", "single-payer" or the uber-cynical "public option" to describe socialized medicine?

How 'bout the Fidel Castro Health Plans?

The Hugo Chavez Wellcare Clinics?

The Joseph Stalin Medical System?

The Adolf Hitler Community Clinics?

Am I close?


what Dude was sayin went right over your head....didnt it?.....
Having Jay Canuck on ignore sure makes for a nicer board. Less stupid, better avatars.

...if you put someone on ignore who disagrees with you, you are just saying you cant handle the guys posts....we had a little weasel here a while ago who had anyone who disagreed with him on ignore....and that was just about everyone....its kinda chicken shit....fucking confront the put him on ignore....he lost.....whos next?....

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