Pelosi Defends MS-13

There once was a man who had unprotected sex with a porn star who could have had HIV.
Then he went home to his wife and newborn baby and had unprotected sex with his wife not knowing if he was giving her a death sentence.
Republicans made him their moral and cultural leader.
That's where today's Republican party is. It's what they've become.
there once was a guy who was obsessed with trump...he went home and saw trump there too,he even called out his name when he was screwing his boyfriend,he is what is known today as a pathetic person who brings trump into any and all conversations he is in....
I wish Nancy Pelosi would defend the unborn like she does animals like MS-13.
Yesterday she actually said that everyone has that spark from God, at the same time she feels that this spark doesn't exist in an unborn fetus.
What a hypocrite. Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members 'Animals:' 'Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?'

Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members ā€˜Animals:ā€™ ā€˜Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?ā€™

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) twisted President Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members during her Thursday press conference.
On Wednesday, during a meeting at the White House, Trump blasted violent illegal alien MS-13 gang members who have entered the country posing as unaccompanied minor children, calling them ā€œanimals,ā€ as Breitbart News reported.

ā€œThese arenā€™t people. These are animals,ā€ Trump said of MS-13 gang members. ā€œAnd weā€™re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate thatā€™s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. Itā€™s crazy.ā€

Immediately after the remarks, the mainstream media and Democrats began twisting Trumpā€™s words, taking the comments out of context to claim that he was referring to all 12 to 30 million illegal aliens living in the U.S.

In her Thursday press conference, Pelosi followed suit, claiming Trump was referring to illegal aliens and border-crossers when he called MS-13 gang members ā€œanimals.ā€

PELOSI: We believe, some of us that are attracted to the political arena, to government and public service, that weā€™re all Godā€™s children. Thereā€™s a spark of divinity in every person on earth and that we all have to recognize that. as we respect the dignity and worth of every person. And as we recognize our responsibilities with that spark of divinity within us. [Emphasis added]

And so when the president of the United States says about undocumented immigrants, ā€˜These arenā€™t people, these are animals,ā€™ you have to wonder: Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person? ā€˜These are not people, these are animals.ā€™ The president of the United States. [Emphasis added]

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) similarly twisted Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members, going as far as to compare his ā€œgreat-great-grandparentsā€ to illegal aliens.​

You're incapable of coming up with an independent idea, so instead you treat this forum as an echo chamber for Tucker Carlson?

Tucker Carlson - Dems: We Must Protect MS-13

No one in their right mind defends the Maratrucha Salva 13.
The point that the Dems are making is the fact that, far as Trump is concerned, ALL Mexicans might as well be MS-13.

Well, unfortunately for your political chances, that's total Bull Shit.
Everyone knows what he meant.
Except for a lying POS like yourself.
Have a nice day.

Again, this entire thread is an echo chamber for lying POS who are only capable of parroting Tucker Carlson. Show me fifteen different online forums and I'll show you thirty-five identical threads full of parrots and their steaming piles of parrot droppings.

Everyone knows MS-13 is a terrorist organization but only POS RW snowflakes would try to imply that anyone is defending MS-13. That's a LIE.

On the other hand, if you do a search for Trump's use of the word "animals":
Donald Trump Complete - Search Tweets, Speeches, Policies | Factbase

Turns out Donald Trump thinks that anyone from a foreign land is an animal, except for his wife and a few Norwegians. Of course, most Norwegians would rather stick needles in their eye rather than live here with Trump as President.
Trump has made a living out of pissing up your leg and saying it's raining.
There once was a man who had unprotected sex with a porn star who could have had HIV.
Then he went home to his wife and newborn baby and had unprotected sex with his wife not knowing if he was giving her a death sentence.
Republicans made him their moral and cultural leader.
That's where today's Republican party is. It's what they've become.
He was a Democrat when acting in such a dangerous and shameful manner.
Does this have anything to do with Nancy Pelosi and MS-13? No its like democrats can have only one thought in their heads at any one time. And that thought is Trump, no matter what else is going on.
I wish Nancy Pelosi would defend the unborn like she does animals like MS-13.
Yesterday she actually said that everyone has that spark from God, at the same time she feels that this spark doesn't exist in an unborn fetus.
What a hypocrite. Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members 'Animals:' 'Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?'

Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members ā€˜Animals:ā€™ ā€˜Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?ā€™

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) twisted President Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members during her Thursday press conference.
On Wednesday, during a meeting at the White House, Trump blasted violent illegal alien MS-13 gang members who have entered the country posing as unaccompanied minor children, calling them ā€œanimals,ā€ as Breitbart News reported.

ā€œThese arenā€™t people. These are animals,ā€ Trump said of MS-13 gang members. ā€œAnd weā€™re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate thatā€™s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. Itā€™s crazy.ā€

Immediately after the remarks, the mainstream media and Democrats began twisting Trumpā€™s words, taking the comments out of context to claim that he was referring to all 12 to 30 million illegal aliens living in the U.S.

In her Thursday press conference, Pelosi followed suit, claiming Trump was referring to illegal aliens and border-crossers when he called MS-13 gang members ā€œanimals.ā€

PELOSI: We believe, some of us that are attracted to the political arena, to government and public service, that weā€™re all Godā€™s children. Thereā€™s a spark of divinity in every person on earth and that we all have to recognize that. as we respect the dignity and worth of every person. And as we recognize our responsibilities with that spark of divinity within us. [Emphasis added]

And so when the president of the United States says about undocumented immigrants, ā€˜These arenā€™t people, these are animals,ā€™ you have to wonder: Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person? ā€˜These are not people, these are animals.ā€™ The president of the United States. [Emphasis added]

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) similarly twisted Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members, going as far as to compare his ā€œgreat-great-grandparentsā€ to illegal aliens.​

You're incapable of coming up with an independent idea, so instead you treat this forum as an echo chamber for Tucker Carlson?

Tucker Carlson - Dems: We Must Protect MS-13

No one in their right mind defends the Maratrucha Salva 13.
The point that the Dems are making is the fact that, far as Trump is concerned, ALL Mexicans might as well be MS-13.

Well, unfortunately for your political chances, that's total Bull Shit.
Everyone knows what he meant.
Except for a lying POS like yourself.
Have a nice day.

Again, this entire thread is an echo chamber for lying POS who are only capable of parroting Tucker Carlson. Show me fifteen different online forums and I'll show you thirty-five identical threads full of parrots and their steaming piles of parrot droppings.

Everyone knows MS-13 is a terrorist organization but only POS RW snowflakes would try to imply that anyone is defending MS-13. That's a LIE.

On the other hand, if you do a search for Trump's use of the word "animals":
Donald Trump Complete - Search Tweets, Speeches, Policies | Factbase

Turns out Donald Trump thinks that anyone from a foreign land is an animal, except for his wife and a few Norwegians. Of course, most Norwegians would rather stick needles in their eye rather than live here with Trump as President.
Trump has made a living out of pissing up your leg and saying it's raining.

One thought shared between all democrats.
I wish Nancy Pelosi would defend the unborn like she does animals like MS-13.
Yesterday she actually said that everyone has that spark from God, at the same time she feels that this spark doesn't exist in an unborn fetus.
What a hypocrite. Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members 'Animals:' 'Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?'

Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members ā€˜Animals:ā€™ ā€˜Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?ā€™

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) twisted President Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members during her Thursday press conference.
On Wednesday, during a meeting at the White House, Trump blasted violent illegal alien MS-13 gang members who have entered the country posing as unaccompanied minor children, calling them ā€œanimals,ā€ as Breitbart News reported.

ā€œThese arenā€™t people. These are animals,ā€ Trump said of MS-13 gang members. ā€œAnd weā€™re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate thatā€™s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. Itā€™s crazy.ā€

Immediately after the remarks, the mainstream media and Democrats began twisting Trumpā€™s words, taking the comments out of context to claim that he was referring to all 12 to 30 million illegal aliens living in the U.S.

In her Thursday press conference, Pelosi followed suit, claiming Trump was referring to illegal aliens and border-crossers when he called MS-13 gang members ā€œanimals.ā€

PELOSI: We believe, some of us that are attracted to the political arena, to government and public service, that weā€™re all Godā€™s children. Thereā€™s a spark of divinity in every person on earth and that we all have to recognize that. as we respect the dignity and worth of every person. And as we recognize our responsibilities with that spark of divinity within us. [Emphasis added]

And so when the president of the United States says about undocumented immigrants, ā€˜These arenā€™t people, these are animals,ā€™ you have to wonder: Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person? ā€˜These are not people, these are animals.ā€™ The president of the United States. [Emphasis added]

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) similarly twisted Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members, going as far as to compare his ā€œgreat-great-grandparentsā€ to illegal aliens.​

You're incapable of coming up with an independent idea, so instead you treat this forum as an echo chamber for Tucker Carlson?

Tucker Carlson - Dems: We Must Protect MS-13

No one in their right mind defends the Maratrucha Salva 13.
The point that the Dems are making is the fact that, far as Trump is concerned, ALL Mexicans might as well be MS-13.

Well, unfortunately for your political chances, that's total Bull Shit.
Everyone knows what he meant.
Except for a lying POS like yourself.
Have a nice day.

Again, this entire thread is an echo chamber for lying POS who are only capable of parroting Tucker Carlson. Show me fifteen different online forums and I'll show you thirty-five identical threads full of parrots and their steaming piles of parrot droppings.

Everyone knows MS-13 is a terrorist organization but only POS RW snowflakes would try to imply that anyone is defending MS-13. That's a LIE.

On the other hand, if you do a search for Trump's use of the word "animals":
Donald Trump Complete - Search Tweets, Speeches, Policies | Factbase

Turns out Donald Trump thinks that anyone from a foreign land is an animal, except for his wife and a few Norwegians. Of course, most Norwegians would rather stick needles in their eye rather than live here with Trump as President.
Trump has made a living out of pissing up your leg and saying it's raining.

You only assume that.
However, removing that assumption clearly shows that Democrats like Nancy Pelosi are not only defending the indefensible, like MS-13, but terrorist organizations like Hamas, who send their kids into danger at the Israel border.
So basically you and the rest of you lying fucks are doing the pissing, and I know it ain't raining.
This speaks to my post in the other thread. Our communist USMB board members lie when they say the left does not defend MS13

I think sometimes the desire to score political points and cause divisions and hatred overrules their common-sense.

It's as good as any explanation I have heard for why you post.

Are you running out of things to be falsely outraged about?
I wish Nancy Pelosi would defend the unborn like she does animals like MS-13.
Yesterday she actually said that everyone has that spark from God, at the same time she feels that this spark doesn't exist in an unborn fetus.
What a hypocrite. Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members 'Animals:' 'Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?'

Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members ā€˜Animals:ā€™ ā€˜Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?ā€™

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) twisted President Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members during her Thursday press conference.
On Wednesday, during a meeting at the White House, Trump blasted violent illegal alien MS-13 gang members who have entered the country posing as unaccompanied minor children, calling them ā€œanimals,ā€ as Breitbart News reported.

ā€œThese arenā€™t people. These are animals,ā€ Trump said of MS-13 gang members. ā€œAnd weā€™re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate thatā€™s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. Itā€™s crazy.ā€

Immediately after the remarks, the mainstream media and Democrats began twisting Trumpā€™s words, taking the comments out of context to claim that he was referring to all 12 to 30 million illegal aliens living in the U.S.

In her Thursday press conference, Pelosi followed suit, claiming Trump was referring to illegal aliens and border-crossers when he called MS-13 gang members ā€œanimals.ā€

PELOSI: We believe, some of us that are attracted to the political arena, to government and public service, that weā€™re all Godā€™s children. Thereā€™s a spark of divinity in every person on earth and that we all have to recognize that. as we respect the dignity and worth of every person. And as we recognize our responsibilities with that spark of divinity within us. [Emphasis added]

And so when the president of the United States says about undocumented immigrants, ā€˜These arenā€™t people, these are animals,ā€™ you have to wonder: Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person? ā€˜These are not people, these are animals.ā€™ The president of the United States. [Emphasis added]

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) similarly twisted Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members, going as far as to compare his ā€œgreat-great-grandparentsā€ to illegal aliens.​

You're incapable of coming up with an independent idea, so instead you treat this forum as an echo chamber for Tucker Carlson?

Tucker Carlson - Dems: We Must Protect MS-13

No one in their right mind defends the Maratrucha Salva 13.
The point that the Dems are making is the fact that, far as Trump is concerned, ALL Mexicans might as well be MS-13.

Well, unfortunately for your political chances, that's total Bull Shit.
Everyone knows what he meant.
Except for a lying POS like yourself.
Have a nice day.

Again, this entire thread is an echo chamber for lying POS who are only capable of parroting Tucker Carlson. Show me fifteen different online forums and I'll show you thirty-five identical threads full of parrots and their steaming piles of parrot droppings.

Everyone knows MS-13 is a terrorist organization but only POS RW snowflakes would try to imply that anyone is defending MS-13. That's a LIE.

On the other hand, if you do a search for Trump's use of the word "animals":
Donald Trump Complete - Search Tweets, Speeches, Policies | Factbase

Turns out Donald Trump thinks that anyone from a foreign land is an animal, except for his wife and a few Norwegians. Of course, most Norwegians would rather stick needles in their eye rather than live here with Trump as President.
Trump has made a living out of pissing up your leg and saying it's raining.

You only assume that.
However, removing that assumption clearly shows that Democrats like Nancy Pelosi are not only defending the indefensible, like MS-13, but terrorist organizations like Hamas, who send their kids into danger at the Israel border.
So basically you and the rest of you lying fucks are doing the pissing, and I know it ain't raining.

The days of you propaganda artists on the Right dictating the terms of the dialogue and controlling the messaging for both sides is over. You're talking to yourselves. No one else believes you. But keep fucking that chicken.
There once was a man who had unprotected sex with a porn star who could have had HIV.
Then he went home to his wife and newborn baby and had unprotected sex with his wife not knowing if he was giving her a death sentence.
Republicans made him their moral and cultural leader.
That's where today's Republican party is. It's what they've become.
He was a Democrat when acting in such a dangerous and shameful manner.
He was still a Trump.
He knew Democrats would find his behavior disgusting.
He knew he would be accepted by Republicans.
Both times, he was right.
I wish Nancy Pelosi would defend the unborn like she does animals like MS-13.
Yesterday she actually said that everyone has that spark from God, at the same time she feels that this spark doesn't exist in an unborn fetus.
What a hypocrite. Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members 'Animals:' 'Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?'

Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members ā€˜Animals:ā€™ ā€˜Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?ā€™

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) twisted President Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members during her Thursday press conference.
On Wednesday, during a meeting at the White House, Trump blasted violent illegal alien MS-13 gang members who have entered the country posing as unaccompanied minor children, calling them ā€œanimals,ā€ as Breitbart News reported.

ā€œThese arenā€™t people. These are animals,ā€ Trump said of MS-13 gang members. ā€œAnd weā€™re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate thatā€™s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. Itā€™s crazy.ā€

Immediately after the remarks, the mainstream media and Democrats began twisting Trumpā€™s words, taking the comments out of context to claim that he was referring to all 12 to 30 million illegal aliens living in the U.S.

In her Thursday press conference, Pelosi followed suit, claiming Trump was referring to illegal aliens and border-crossers when he called MS-13 gang members ā€œanimals.ā€

PELOSI: We believe, some of us that are attracted to the political arena, to government and public service, that weā€™re all Godā€™s children. Thereā€™s a spark of divinity in every person on earth and that we all have to recognize that. as we respect the dignity and worth of every person. And as we recognize our responsibilities with that spark of divinity within us. [Emphasis added]

And so when the president of the United States says about undocumented immigrants, ā€˜These arenā€™t people, these are animals,ā€™ you have to wonder: Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person? ā€˜These are not people, these are animals.ā€™ The president of the United States. [Emphasis added]

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) similarly twisted Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members, going as far as to compare his ā€œgreat-great-grandparentsā€ to illegal aliens.​

You're incapable of coming up with an independent idea, so instead you treat this forum as an echo chamber for Tucker Carlson?

Tucker Carlson - Dems: We Must Protect MS-13

No one in their right mind defends the Maratrucha Salva 13.
The point that the Dems are making is the fact that, far as Trump is concerned, ALL Mexicans might as well be MS-13.

Well, unfortunately for your political chances, that's total Bull Shit.
Everyone knows what he meant.
Except for a lying POS like yourself.
Have a nice day.

Again, this entire thread is an echo chamber for lying POS who are only capable of parroting Tucker Carlson. Show me fifteen different online forums and I'll show you thirty-five identical threads full of parrots and their steaming piles of parrot droppings.

Everyone knows MS-13 is a terrorist organization but only POS RW snowflakes would try to imply that anyone is defending MS-13. That's a LIE.

On the other hand, if you do a search for Trump's use of the word "animals":
Donald Trump Complete - Search Tweets, Speeches, Policies | Factbase

Turns out Donald Trump thinks that anyone from a foreign land is an animal, except for his wife and a few Norwegians. Of course, most Norwegians would rather stick needles in their eye rather than live here with Trump as President.
Trump has made a living out of pissing up your leg and saying it's raining.

One thought shared between all democrats.

I wish Nancy Pelosi would defend the unborn like she does animals like MS-13.
Yesterday she actually said that everyone has that spark from God, at the same time she feels that this spark doesn't exist in an unborn fetus.
What a hypocrite. Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members 'Animals:' 'Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?'

Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members ā€˜Animals:ā€™ ā€˜Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?ā€™

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) twisted President Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members during her Thursday press conference.
On Wednesday, during a meeting at the White House, Trump blasted violent illegal alien MS-13 gang members who have entered the country posing as unaccompanied minor children, calling them ā€œanimals,ā€ as Breitbart News reported.

ā€œThese arenā€™t people. These are animals,ā€ Trump said of MS-13 gang members. ā€œAnd weā€™re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate thatā€™s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. Itā€™s crazy.ā€

Immediately after the remarks, the mainstream media and Democrats began twisting Trumpā€™s words, taking the comments out of context to claim that he was referring to all 12 to 30 million illegal aliens living in the U.S.

In her Thursday press conference, Pelosi followed suit, claiming Trump was referring to illegal aliens and border-crossers when he called MS-13 gang members ā€œanimals.ā€

PELOSI: We believe, some of us that are attracted to the political arena, to government and public service, that weā€™re all Godā€™s children. Thereā€™s a spark of divinity in every person on earth and that we all have to recognize that. as we respect the dignity and worth of every person. And as we recognize our responsibilities with that spark of divinity within us. [Emphasis added]

And so when the president of the United States says about undocumented immigrants, ā€˜These arenā€™t people, these are animals,ā€™ you have to wonder: Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person? ā€˜These are not people, these are animals.ā€™ The president of the United States. [Emphasis added]

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) similarly twisted Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members, going as far as to compare his ā€œgreat-great-grandparentsā€ to illegal aliens.​

You're incapable of coming up with an independent idea, so instead you treat this forum as an echo chamber for Tucker Carlson?

Tucker Carlson - Dems: We Must Protect MS-13

No one in their right mind defends the Maratrucha Salva 13.
The point that the Dems are making is the fact that, far as Trump is concerned, ALL Mexicans might as well be MS-13.

Well, unfortunately for your political chances, that's total Bull Shit.
Everyone knows what he meant.
Except for a lying POS like yourself.
Have a nice day.

Again, this entire thread is an echo chamber for lying POS who are only capable of parroting Tucker Carlson. Show me fifteen different online forums and I'll show you thirty-five identical threads full of parrots and their steaming piles of parrot droppings.

Everyone knows MS-13 is a terrorist organization but only POS RW snowflakes would try to imply that anyone is defending MS-13. That's a LIE.

On the other hand, if you do a search for Trump's use of the word "animals":
Donald Trump Complete - Search Tweets, Speeches, Policies | Factbase

Turns out Donald Trump thinks that anyone from a foreign land is an animal, except for his wife and a few Norwegians. Of course, most Norwegians would rather stick needles in their eye rather than live here with Trump as President.
Trump has made a living out of pissing up your leg and saying it's raining.

One thought shared between all democrats.

That Trump is disgusting for endangering his wife? You're right.
There once was a man who had unprotected sex with a porn star who could have had HIV.
Then he went home to his wife and newborn baby and had unprotected sex with his wife not knowing if he was giving her a death sentence.
Republicans made him their moral and cultural leader.
That's where today's Republican party is. It's what they've become.
He was a Democrat when acting in such a dangerous and shameful manner.
Does this have anything to do with Nancy Pelosi and MS-13? No its like democrats can have only one thought in their heads at any one time. And that thought is Trump, no matter what else is going on.
Sure it does. MS-13 is an American gang that started in Los Angeles.
When Trump said they are animals, he really means all Hispanics.
And this coming from a man who stiffed his workers and put his wife's life in deadly danger and is now a cult figure for the GOP and a Russian Stooge.
This speaks to my post in the other thread. Our communist USMB board members lie when they say the left does not defend MS13

I think sometimes the desire to score political points and cause divisions and hatred overrules their common-sense.

It's as good as any explanation I have heard for why you post.

Are you running out of things to be falsely outraged about?
It's difficult because Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, John McCain, Hillary, the MSM, and the rest of you losers keep giving us plenty of ammo.
It used to be difficult to believe that anyone could be this fucked up in the head.
And then you give us repeated examples.
I hear the constant stupidity and all I want to do is kick someone's stupid teeth in.
But then that's the real reason for the asinine statements by Democrats.
They're trying to create a poisoned atmosphere so that nut-cases will crawl out of the woodwork and kill someone.
That's the goal.
Hate, murder, chaos.
Piss on all of you.
I wish Nancy Pelosi would defend the unborn like she does animals like MS-13.
Yesterday she actually said that everyone has that spark from God, at the same time she feels that this spark doesn't exist in an unborn fetus.
What a hypocrite. Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members 'Animals:' 'Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?'

Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members ā€˜Animals:ā€™ ā€˜Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?ā€™

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) twisted President Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members during her Thursday press conference.
On Wednesday, during a meeting at the White House, Trump blasted violent illegal alien MS-13 gang members who have entered the country posing as unaccompanied minor children, calling them ā€œanimals,ā€ as Breitbart News reported.

ā€œThese arenā€™t people. These are animals,ā€ Trump said of MS-13 gang members. ā€œAnd weā€™re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate thatā€™s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. Itā€™s crazy.ā€

Immediately after the remarks, the mainstream media and Democrats began twisting Trumpā€™s words, taking the comments out of context to claim that he was referring to all 12 to 30 million illegal aliens living in the U.S.

In her Thursday press conference, Pelosi followed suit, claiming Trump was referring to illegal aliens and border-crossers when he called MS-13 gang members ā€œanimals.ā€

PELOSI: We believe, some of us that are attracted to the political arena, to government and public service, that weā€™re all Godā€™s children. Thereā€™s a spark of divinity in every person on earth and that we all have to recognize that. as we respect the dignity and worth of every person. And as we recognize our responsibilities with that spark of divinity within us. [Emphasis added]

And so when the president of the United States says about undocumented immigrants, ā€˜These arenā€™t people, these are animals,ā€™ you have to wonder: Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person? ā€˜These are not people, these are animals.ā€™ The president of the United States. [Emphasis added]

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) similarly twisted Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members, going as far as to compare his ā€œgreat-great-grandparentsā€ to illegal aliens.​

You're incapable of coming up with an independent idea, so instead you treat this forum as an echo chamber for Tucker Carlson?

Tucker Carlson - Dems: We Must Protect MS-13

No one in their right mind defends the Maratrucha Salva 13.
The point that the Dems are making is the fact that, far as Trump is concerned, ALL Mexicans might as well be MS-13.

Well, unfortunately for your political chances, that's total Bull Shit.
Everyone knows what he meant.
Except for a lying POS like yourself.
Have a nice day.

Again, this entire thread is an echo chamber for lying POS who are only capable of parroting Tucker Carlson. Show me fifteen different online forums and I'll show you thirty-five identical threads full of parrots and their steaming piles of parrot droppings.

Everyone knows MS-13 is a terrorist organization but only POS RW snowflakes would try to imply that anyone is defending MS-13. That's a LIE.

On the other hand, if you do a search for Trump's use of the word "animals":
Donald Trump Complete - Search Tweets, Speeches, Policies | Factbase

Turns out Donald Trump thinks that anyone from a foreign land is an animal, except for his wife and a few Norwegians. Of course, most Norwegians would rather stick needles in their eye rather than live here with Trump as President.
Trump has made a living out of pissing up your leg and saying it's raining.

You only assume that.
However, removing that assumption clearly shows that Democrats like Nancy Pelosi are not only defending the indefensible, like MS-13, but terrorist organizations like Hamas, who send their kids into danger at the Israel border.
So basically you and the rest of you lying fucks are doing the pissing, and I know it ain't raining.

The days of you propaganda artists on the Right dictating the terms of the dialogue and controlling the messaging for both sides is over. You're talking to yourselves. No one else believes you. But keep fucking that chicken.

Good advice.....because regardless what your corrupt media is telling you.....people are wise to your lies.
I really don't think they're watching your propaganda anymore, commie bastard.
I wish Nancy Pelosi would defend the unborn like she does animals like MS-13.
Yesterday she actually said that everyone has that spark from God, at the same time she feels that this spark doesn't exist in an unborn fetus.
What a hypocrite. Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members 'Animals:' 'Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?'

Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members ā€˜Animals:ā€™ ā€˜Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?ā€™

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) twisted President Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members during her Thursday press conference.
On Wednesday, during a meeting at the White House, Trump blasted violent illegal alien MS-13 gang members who have entered the country posing as unaccompanied minor children, calling them ā€œanimals,ā€ as Breitbart News reported.

ā€œThese arenā€™t people. These are animals,ā€ Trump said of MS-13 gang members. ā€œAnd weā€™re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate thatā€™s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. Itā€™s crazy.ā€

Immediately after the remarks, the mainstream media and Democrats began twisting Trumpā€™s words, taking the comments out of context to claim that he was referring to all 12 to 30 million illegal aliens living in the U.S.

In her Thursday press conference, Pelosi followed suit, claiming Trump was referring to illegal aliens and border-crossers when he called MS-13 gang members ā€œanimals.ā€

PELOSI: We believe, some of us that are attracted to the political arena, to government and public service, that weā€™re all Godā€™s children. Thereā€™s a spark of divinity in every person on earth and that we all have to recognize that. as we respect the dignity and worth of every person. And as we recognize our responsibilities with that spark of divinity within us. [Emphasis added]

And so when the president of the United States says about undocumented immigrants, ā€˜These arenā€™t people, these are animals,ā€™ you have to wonder: Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person? ā€˜These are not people, these are animals.ā€™ The president of the United States. [Emphasis added]

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) similarly twisted Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members, going as far as to compare his ā€œgreat-great-grandparentsā€ to illegal aliens.​

You're incapable of coming up with an independent idea, so instead you treat this forum as an echo chamber for Tucker Carlson?

Tucker Carlson - Dems: We Must Protect MS-13

No one in their right mind defends the Maratrucha Salva 13.
The point that the Dems are making is the fact that, far as Trump is concerned, ALL Mexicans might as well be MS-13.

Well, unfortunately for your political chances, that's total Bull Shit.
Everyone knows what he meant.
Except for a lying POS like yourself.
Have a nice day.

Again, this entire thread is an echo chamber for lying POS who are only capable of parroting Tucker Carlson. Show me fifteen different online forums and I'll show you thirty-five identical threads full of parrots and their steaming piles of parrot droppings.

Everyone knows MS-13 is a terrorist organization but only POS RW snowflakes would try to imply that anyone is defending MS-13. That's a LIE.

On the other hand, if you do a search for Trump's use of the word "animals":
Donald Trump Complete - Search Tweets, Speeches, Policies | Factbase

Turns out Donald Trump thinks that anyone from a foreign land is an animal, except for his wife and a few Norwegians. Of course, most Norwegians would rather stick needles in their eye rather than live here with Trump as President.
Trump has made a living out of pissing up your leg and saying it's raining.

One thought shared between all democrats.

I wish Nancy Pelosi would defend the unborn like she does animals like MS-13.
Yesterday she actually said that everyone has that spark from God, at the same time she feels that this spark doesn't exist in an unborn fetus.
What a hypocrite. Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members 'Animals:' 'Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?'

Nancy Pelosi on Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members ā€˜Animals:ā€™ ā€˜Does He Not Believe in the Spark of Divinity?ā€™

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) twisted President Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members during her Thursday press conference.
On Wednesday, during a meeting at the White House, Trump blasted violent illegal alien MS-13 gang members who have entered the country posing as unaccompanied minor children, calling them ā€œanimals,ā€ as Breitbart News reported.

ā€œThese arenā€™t people. These are animals,ā€ Trump said of MS-13 gang members. ā€œAnd weā€™re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate thatā€™s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. Itā€™s crazy.ā€

Immediately after the remarks, the mainstream media and Democrats began twisting Trumpā€™s words, taking the comments out of context to claim that he was referring to all 12 to 30 million illegal aliens living in the U.S.

In her Thursday press conference, Pelosi followed suit, claiming Trump was referring to illegal aliens and border-crossers when he called MS-13 gang members ā€œanimals.ā€

PELOSI: We believe, some of us that are attracted to the political arena, to government and public service, that weā€™re all Godā€™s children. Thereā€™s a spark of divinity in every person on earth and that we all have to recognize that. as we respect the dignity and worth of every person. And as we recognize our responsibilities with that spark of divinity within us. [Emphasis added]

And so when the president of the United States says about undocumented immigrants, ā€˜These arenā€™t people, these are animals,ā€™ you have to wonder: Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person? ā€˜These are not people, these are animals.ā€™ The president of the United States. [Emphasis added]

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) similarly twisted Trumpā€™s attack on MS-13 gang members, going as far as to compare his ā€œgreat-great-grandparentsā€ to illegal aliens.​

You're incapable of coming up with an independent idea, so instead you treat this forum as an echo chamber for Tucker Carlson?

Tucker Carlson - Dems: We Must Protect MS-13

No one in their right mind defends the Maratrucha Salva 13.
The point that the Dems are making is the fact that, far as Trump is concerned, ALL Mexicans might as well be MS-13.

Well, unfortunately for your political chances, that's total Bull Shit.
Everyone knows what he meant.
Except for a lying POS like yourself.
Have a nice day.

Again, this entire thread is an echo chamber for lying POS who are only capable of parroting Tucker Carlson. Show me fifteen different online forums and I'll show you thirty-five identical threads full of parrots and their steaming piles of parrot droppings.

Everyone knows MS-13 is a terrorist organization but only POS RW snowflakes would try to imply that anyone is defending MS-13. That's a LIE.

On the other hand, if you do a search for Trump's use of the word "animals":
Donald Trump Complete - Search Tweets, Speeches, Policies | Factbase

Turns out Donald Trump thinks that anyone from a foreign land is an animal, except for his wife and a few Norwegians. Of course, most Norwegians would rather stick needles in their eye rather than live here with Trump as President.
Trump has made a living out of pissing up your leg and saying it's raining.

One thought shared between all democrats.

That Trump is disgusting for endangering his wife? You're right.

She's better protected than any woman in the country.
STFU idiot.
Good advice.....because regardless what your corrupt media is telling you.....people are wise to your lies.
I really don't think they're watching your propaganda anymore, commie bastard.

Hey mudwhistle, you should probably change your handle to Dogwhistle, because the only people who are enamored of your bullshit red-baiting and hatred normalizing are all your fellow
Stephen Paddock wannabes on this forum.
There once was a man who had unprotected sex with a porn star who could have had HIV.
Then he went home to his wife and newborn baby and had unprotected sex with his wife not knowing if he was giving her a death sentence.
Republicans made him their moral and cultural leader.
That's where today's Republican party is. It's what they've become.
He was a Democrat when acting in such a dangerous and shameful manner.
He was still a Trump.
He knew Democrats would find his behavior disgusting.
He knew he would be accepted by Republicans.
Both times, he was right.
Democrat. It's what those people do.
Good advice.....because regardless what your corrupt media is telling you.....people are wise to your lies.
I really don't think they're watching your propaganda anymore, commie bastard.

Hey mudwhistle, you should probably change your handle to Dogwhistle, because the only people who are enamored of your bullshit red-baiting and hatred normalizing are all your fellow
Stephen Paddock wannabes on this forum.
Yeah.....we're all imagining all of the 17 year old problem children that should be behind bars, but instead Obama made sure they're still in schools getting picked on until they blow their tops and cap a bunch of their classmates. Weird how that seems to be happening so much and you can't get a single Democrat to lift a finger to stop the next one, other than attacking the NRA and the 2nd Amendment.
She's better protected than any woman in the country.
STFU idiot.

Dogwhistle, you and all your future school mass shooters should get together and have a circle jerk.
Trump is the why the idiot white bitch called police over a bbq, why two normal people at Starbucks had the cops called on them, why the napping crisis at Yale, the Airbnb bullshit, why the entitled lawyer yelled at people speaking to each other in Spanish.
This isn't normal, it's the kind of crap that starts out at this level and escalates. You are the enabling factor in a hyper-nationalistic mindset that desperately needs an ever increasing number of scapegoats to excuse your own failed miserable lives.

And normal patriotic Americans recognize your brand of cancer for what it is. We're going to stomp a mudhole in your reich in November, so get lots of Kleenex. You're gonna need it.
Good advice.....because regardless what your corrupt media is telling you.....people are wise to your lies.
I really don't think they're watching your propaganda anymore, commie bastard.

Hey mudwhistle, you should probably change your handle to Dogwhistle, because the only people who are enamored of your bullshit red-baiting and hatred normalizing are all your fellow
Stephen Paddock wannabes on this forum.
Yeah.....we're all imagining all of the 17 year old problem children that should be behind bars, but instead Obama made sure they're still in schools getting picked on until they blow their tops and cap a bunch of their classmates. Weird how that seems to be happening so much and you can't get a single Democrat to lift a finger to stop the next one, other than attacking the NRA and the 2nd Amendment.

Obama is living rent-free in your head but you OWN ALL of this now. Your party has been in control going on a year and a half and all you have is your Obama dogwhistle.
Stop making excuses.
How about ANOTHER TAX CUT, Dogwhistle? Maybe then we'll have even LESS resources to deal with the problem.
Democrats? Democrats are not in power, Dogwhistle...they can't even take a dump without Mitch or Ryan's permission.
So you also don't have any idea how Congress works either?
God, you're an ignorant dumbass.

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