Patriotic Education Despised By Elites


Not the least bit Genocide.....

What a dope you are, ErroneousJoe.
Not only ignorant, but you are happy to spread lies and slander.

It was the Indians who wholesale-slaughtered the buffalo.

How about I show what what a knuckle-head you are?

A favourite Indian device was the ‘jump’, which meant stampeding herds of animals overa cliff, so that the fall would kill them. In his book "Playing God in Yellowstone," Alston Chase describes the effect of these jumps on species numbers:

"The Vore buffalo jump site in Wyoming...was used five times between 1550 and 1690,
and holds the remains of 20,000 buffalo. That means 4,000 or more buffalo were killed each time the jump was used. Other buffalo jumps in the West display the remains of as many as 300,000 buffalo. These sites were so numerous, in fact, and held such large deposits of bone, that for many years they were mined as a source of phosphorus for fertilizer!"
Chase cites Frison, G.C., "Prehistoric Hunters of the High Plains," pp.239-44.

"....the remains of 20,000 buffalo."


American Indians were almost certainly responsible for the extinction of many large mammal species:
"Until ten thousand years ago an incredible bestiary of mammals roamed North America.
These were the so-called mega-fauna, an exotic menagerie that included the woolly
mammoth, saber-toothed tiger, giant sloth, giant beaver, camel, horse, two-toed horse,
and dire wolf. These were the dominant fauna on this continent for tens of millions of
years. Then suddenly and mysteriously they disappeared."
It's a picture of skulls of Buffalo, which were killed to deprive various Indian tribes of their food and clothing source.

Now that is heavy! I wonder what happened to the rest of the animal?
did they make use of the meat & hide for whitey's use?

Please....note post #61 before believing anything you read from ErroneousJoe.
Hey, Postal Chick, the Buffalo was not in danger of extinction when the Indians hunted them.

But they got damned close to extinction in the 19th century when the white man tried to eliminate the species to deprive the Plains Indians of their way of life.
Hey, Postal Chick, the Buffalo was not in danger of extinction when the Indians hunted them.

But they got damned close to extinction in the 19th century when the white man tried to eliminate the species to deprive the Plains Indians of their way of life.

Are you ready to admit that

1. the pile of skulls was due to the Indians

2. you are clueless sans my providing the education that you dodged.

3. that the following ends any possibility that you know anything:
" ‘One successful kill of a number of adult animals,’ wrote
Wright, describing the effects on the ecosystem of a jump near Jackson Hole, ‘would have reduced the breeding potential of the local [bison] herd to a level where it was no longer a significant part of the valley ecosystem’

Once you admit the truth....I will allow you to refer to me a 'the national treasure.'
Has anyone explained to you that brevity is the soul of wit.

3. .... values [of honor and democratic merit, of civic participation and self-sacrifice for community] have not disappeared, but in our own time they have been severely challenged. With the shock of the 9/11 terror attacks, most Americans reacted by clearly and powerfully supporting their government's determination to use military force to stop such attacks and to prevent future ones. Most Americans also expressed a new unity, an explicit patriotism and love of their country not seen among us for a very long time.

Fair enough. And then Bush immediately took that as an excuse to invade Iraq, and when people didn't go along with everything he tried to do, he impugned their patriotism.

So you had absurd situations like Max Cleland, who had lost three limbs in Vietnam, being compared to Saddam and Bin Laden because he wanted to make sure that employees at the new DHS had collective barganing rights.

When she's brief, she writes like Palin speaks. Hence the text dumps.
Has anyone explained to you that brevity is the soul of wit.

3. .... values [of honor and democratic merit, of civic participation and self-sacrifice for community] have not disappeared, but in our own time they have been severely challenged. With the shock of the 9/11 terror attacks, most Americans reacted by clearly and powerfully supporting their government's determination to use military force to stop such attacks and to prevent future ones. Most Americans also expressed a new unity, an explicit patriotism and love of their country not seen among us for a very long time.

Fair enough. And then Bush immediately took that as an excuse to invade Iraq, and when people didn't go along with everything he tried to do, he impugned their patriotism.

So you had absurd situations like Max Cleland, who had lost three limbs in Vietnam, being compared to Saddam and Bin Laden because he wanted to make sure that employees at the new DHS had collective barganing rights.

When she's brief, she writes like Palin speaks. Hence the text dumps.

Why are you so afraid of me....I'm just like you...just smarter and better looking than you.

Besides...most folks who were unpopular in high school have gotten over it by your age....
PC speaks some truth here as the native Americans killed more than their fair share. When the railroads were built also contributed to the sick stupid slaughter of the buffalo as they provided an easier and cheaper means of getting the hides transported. Once that happened a bunch of loser sleezy helped the slaughter. It was a short sighted business venture that also helped contribute to the demise. Anything for the almighty buck. Call it a definite downside of progress and business. But PC is right, both parties are to blame. Another dark side of our history. That's the way I would teach it... dark side. Like that PC? That's factually correct. Humans were not too bright from 1776 on up.
PC speaks some truth here as the native Americans killed more than their fair share. When the railroads were built also contributed to the sick stupid slaughter of the buffalo as they provided an easier and cheaper means of getting the hides transported. Once that happened a bunch of loser sleezy helped the slaughter. It was a short sighted business venture that also helped contribute to the demise. Anything for the almighty buck. Call it a definite downside of progress and business. But PC is right, both parties are to blame. Another dark side of our history. That's the way I would teach it... dark side. Like that PC? That's factually correct. Humans were not too bright from 1776 on up.

"PC speaks some truth here..."


You seem to misunderstand either the term 'some'....
: of an unspecified amount or number

: of a fairly large amount or number

....or you do not fully appreciate that I always provide full wisdom, knowledge, insight, as well as truth.

...and a goodly amount of ebullition, as well.
I simply point out how the economic system downsides also hurt as it does in other things as well. Gotta take my jab when it fits and is factually correct. Capitalism helped the demise fo the buffalo.
Are you ready to admit that

1. the pile of skulls was due to the Indians

No. that's not what that picture represents.. Sorry.

2. you are clueless sans my providing the education that you dodged.

The only thing you taught me is that if you take someone and make her listen to Hate Radio all day, crazy ensues.
Are you ready to admit that

1. the pile of skulls was due to the Indians

No. that's not what that picture represents.. Sorry.

2. you are clueless sans my providing the education that you dodged.

The only thing you taught me is that if you take someone and make her listen to Hate Radio all day, crazy ensues.

" Sorry."

And sorry you should be, because...

1. are a bottomless pit of misinformation.

2. ....your outlook is based, not on knowledge, but on a whining, self-pitying soliloquy on how badly life has treated you.
You play the victim so well I bet you carry your own body-outline chalk.

3. ...if your tale doesn't end in some Liberal talking ain't in your repertoire.

Those buffalo skulls are the result of the savages, the Indians, stampeding the buffalo over a cliff.
How many soldiers and how much time would it have taken for the army to have done that????

I will accept nothing less than penitential prostration.

Those buffalo skulls are the result of the savages, the Indians, stampeding the buffalo over a cliff.
How many soldiers and how much time would it have taken for the army to have done that????

Probably not many. they have guns, the buffalo didn't.

PBS - Frontier House Frontier Life

The wanton killing of bison by some Indians, however, would soon be overshadowed by the irreversible impact of American settlers.

With the opening of the Oregon Trail in the 1840s, steady streams of settlers began encroaching on the buffalo's habitat. While the shooting of bison for sport by settlers certainly had an effect on the population, the emigrants' livestock took an even greater toll. Oxen and horses devoured grasses for miles on both sides of the trail, destroying grazing lands for many northern Plains herds. Simultaneously, settlers' livestock introduced new diseases to the Plains, which often proved fatal for buffalo. As steamboats began to make their way onto the Missouri and other rivers of the Plains, thousands of trees were felled for firewood, ruining the bison's winter habitats.

While the Federal government never officially sanctioned a policy regarding deliberate destruction of buffalo, there were many who noted that the elimination of the buffalo would also lead to the elimination of the "Indian problem." In 1874, the Secretary of the Interior stated, "The buffalo are disappearing rapidly, but not faster than I desire. I regard the destruction of such game as Indians subsist upon as facilitating the policy of the government, of destroying their hunting habits, coercing them on reservations, and compelling them to begin to adopt the habits of civilization."
Those buffalo skulls are the result of the savages, the Indians, stampeding the buffalo over a cliff.
How many soldiers and how much time would it have taken for the army to have done that????

Probably not many. they have guns, the buffalo didn't.

PBS - Frontier House Frontier Life

The wanton killing of bison by some Indians, however, would soon be overshadowed by the irreversible impact of American settlers.

With the opening of the Oregon Trail in the 1840s, steady streams of settlers began encroaching on the buffalo's habitat. While the shooting of bison for sport by settlers certainly had an effect on the population, the emigrants' livestock took an even greater toll. Oxen and horses devoured grasses for miles on both sides of the trail, destroying grazing lands for many northern Plains herds. Simultaneously, settlers' livestock introduced new diseases to the Plains, which often proved fatal for buffalo. As steamboats began to make their way onto the Missouri and other rivers of the Plains, thousands of trees were felled for firewood, ruining the bison's winter habitats.

While the Federal government never officially sanctioned a policy regarding deliberate destruction of buffalo, there were many who noted that the elimination of the buffalo would also lead to the elimination of the "Indian problem." In 1874, the Secretary of the Interior stated, "The buffalo are disappearing rapidly, but not faster than I desire. I regard the destruction of such game as Indians subsist upon as facilitating the policy of the government, of destroying their hunting habits, coercing them on reservations, and compelling them to begin to adopt the habits of civilization."

Read it closely, you dope, and it is filled with vague suggestions designed to hide the truth, and support a Liberal perspective.
So I see PC is being PC about a poli's for educating the youth of the USA...Will there be military arts also now?
What is with the fucking numbering? Do you suffer from some kind of OCD?

Anyway, we live in a country that was founded on the genocide of the people who lived here first, followed by the exploitation of slaves and immigrant labor, and for a brief moment, you had attempts to correct these injustices.

But you really can't address the issues of racism, inequality, injustice without first understanding WHY they came to be.

Once again you provide insight into a sick, indoctrinated mind....exactly what the Left's version of education produces.

Too bad you aren't wise enough to do your own research, and too weak to resist the propaganda.

"Anyway, we live in a country that was founded on the genocide....blah blah blah..."

There was no genocide.

Um, actually, there was. When you reduce a population from hundreds of millions to only a few million, that's called "Genocide".

And sorry, that's what I learned in CATHOLIC schools. Except they kind of soft-sold how their church was hip deep involved in it, or how the wonderful idea of shipping black folks to America to replace the Indians they were killing off came from a churchman,

Bartolom de las Casas - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Arriving as one of the first European settlers in the Americas, he participated in, and was eventually compelled to oppose, the atrocities committed against the Native Americans by the Spanish colonists. In 1515, he reformed his views, gave up his Indian slaves and encomienda, and advocated, before King Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, on behalf of rights for the natives. In his early writings, he advocated the use of African slaves instead of Natives in the West-Indian colonies; consequently, criticisms have been leveled at him as being partly responsible for the beginning of the Transatlantic slave trade. Later in life, he retracted those early views as he came to see all forms of slavery as equally wrong.

And if I prove that there was no such "genocide," will you admit that you are clueless about history, and are no more than an America-hating oaf?
You start with 45 million natives when the whites arrive and by the end of the 100 Year Indian War there was less than 4 million....and you want to discount one people but elevate the Jews...
Savages of every continent behaved the same way.
They wholesale slaughtered every animal they could.

It is the main difference between civilized folks and primitives.

1. When the Aborigines arrived in Australia the fauna ‘included a large variety of monotremes and marsupials, including ‘giant’ forms of macropodids (kangaroos and related species). Within 15,000 years all were extinct.
Alvard, M.S., ‘Conservation by Native Peoples: Prey Choice in a Depleted Habitat’, Human Nature, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1994, pp.127-154, citing Horton, J., 'Red Kangaroos: Last of the Australian Megafauna' in Martin, P., and Klein, R., (eds.) Quartenary Extinctions, Tuscon: University of Arizona Press, 1984, and Murray, P., 'Extinctions Down Under: A Bestiary of Extinct Australian Late Pleistocene Monotremes and
Marsupials, in Martin, P. and Klein, R. op.cit

2. The ‘prime peoples’ of Madagascar hunted several species of
giant lemurs to extinction, ...
Dewar, R., 'Extinctions in Madagascar: The Loss of the Subfossil Fauna’ in Martin, P. and
Klein, R. op.cit. and Tattersall, I., The Primates of Madagascar, New York: Colombia University Press,

3. .... while the arrival of the Maoris in New Zealand was quickly followed by the extinction of 34 species of birds.
Trotter, M., and McCulloch, B., 'Moas, Men and Middens', in Martin, P., and Klein, R.

4. As Matt Ridley puts it, ‘the first Maoris sat down and ate their way through all twelve species of the giant moa birds’, leaving about a third of the meat to rot, and entire ovens stuffed with roast haunches unopened, so plentiful was the initial supply.
Ridley, M., The Origins of Virtue, London: Viking, 1996, p.219.

5. American Indians were almost certainly responsible for the extinction of many large mammal species:
Until ten thousand years ago an incredible bestiary of mammals roamed North America.
These were the so-called mega-fauna, an exotic menagerie that included the woolly
mammoth, saber-toothed tiger, giant sloth, giant beaver, camel, horse, two-toed horse,
and dire wolf. These were the dominant fauna on this continent for tens of millions of
years. Then suddenly and mysteriously they disappeared.
Alton Chase, "Playing God In Yellowstone," p. 100

The disappearances cannot be accounted for by changes in climate or habitat, nor by
theories of the survival of the fittest. Furthermore, it was only the mammals which vanished, usually more resilient than other species. The only explanation is that the Indians had hunted them to extinction. may now return to the last seat in the dumb row.
Savages of every continent behaved the same way.
They wholesale slaughtered every animal they could.

So now you're a savage??

I just knew you were....

Do you live in a tent or a mud hut?

The white Americans had no problem putting the passenger pigeon on the extinct list...
1) those bones are piled to be shipped to fertilizer plants so it was probably a bunch of greedy, sleazy, ill begotten settlers who created that pile.... in this case not native Americans. Some might misguidedly call them entrepreneurs but they were bad people... if I were a teacher that is the way I would teach it. Once the railroad got up and running the numbers of buffalo declined very rapidly so therefore let's call them a tragedy of capitalism.

2). Some believe that they were destroyed by the army so the Indians lost an important food source and therefore it was easier to steal the land from them and drive them out.

Anything else is frankly way off base.

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