Part 2: CNN Director Charlie Chester Reveals How Network Practices ‘Manipulation’ to ‘Change the World’:


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
CNN Director Charlie Chester Reveals How Network Practices ‘Manipulation’ to ‘Change the World’:

‘There’s an Art to Manipulation… Inflection, Saying Things Twice … It’s Always Like Leading Them in a Direction Before They Even Open Their Mouths
PART 2: CNN Director Charlie Chester Reveals How Network Practices ‘Manipulation’ to ‘Change the World’: ‘There’s an Art to Manipulation… Inflection, Saying Things Twice … It’s Always Like Leading Them in a Direction Before They Even Open Their Mouths’ | Project Veritas
  • CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester: “Any reporter on CNN -- what they're actually doing is they're telling the person what to say…
  • Chester: "It's always like leading them in a direction before they even open their mouths. The only people that we [CNN] will let on the air, for the most part, are people that have a proven track record of taking the bait.”
  • Chester: “COVID? Gangbusters with ratings, right? Which is why we [CNN] constantly have the [COVID] death toll on the side, which I have a major problem with – with how we’re tallying how many people die every day.”
  • Chester: “Like, why isn’t it high enough, you know, today? Like it would make our point better if it was higher. And I’m like, what am I f***ing rallying for? That’s a problem that we’re doing that.”
  • Chester: “It's fear. Fear really drives numbers [TV ratings] … Fear is the thing that keeps you tuned in.”
  • Chester: “The special red phone rings and this producer picks it up. You hear [murmurs], and every so often they put it on speaker and it's the head of the network being like, ‘There's nothing that you're doing right now that makes me want to stick. Put the [COVID death toll] numbers back up, because that's the most enticing thing that we had. So, put it back up.’”
  • Chester: “No one ever says those things out loud, but it's obvious based on the amount of stories that we [CNN] do. The fact that we have a segment called 'The Good Stuff', which is a feel-good thing, but it's a dedicated moment at the end to almost be the ice cream to alleviate everything that you've been through. Something sweet to end it with, because everything else is doom and gloom.”
[NEW YORK – Apr. 14, 2021] Project Veritas released the second installment of a new #ExposeCNN series today, featuring Technical Director Charlie Chester - who described how the network uses “manipulation” to shape public opinion and garner higher ratings.

Seems as though the majority of the public, at least to see and hear it told, are dumb enough to buy the lie, what do you think is gonna happen?
This is why even Republicans were not allowed to go on any channel after the election until they first said they did not believe it was stolen.
Unfortunately, too many chose to play the game instead of simply walking away. For them, the screen time for themselves was too important.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies have perfected disinformative propgandist messaging, be it a candidate on the trail or a leftist scumbag "journalist". You can always expect an entirely emotional message from a leftist, condensed into a 10 second sound byte.
The right, on the other hand, ALWAYS relies on cold hard facts and statistics, which bore the average voter. Once they are bored, you've lost them.
I knew long ago CNNCBSNBCABC and so on were full of shit, it is why I haven't watched their TV news for 20 years now.

It amazes me to see so many people still think they are worth listening to.

The only times I've watched CNN is when I'm at the airport and then I concentrate concentrate on my Kindle via my Android....
Who really needs to stare at a network station when people can do their own reporting and investigating due to their ability to film anything with their phone?

God bless you always!!!

Intelligent people do not watch CNN.
CNN is just for fools and fanatics.
2 university studies tell us that FOX news watchers are less informed than a person who watches no news at all. That`s right, my German Shepherd is better informed than you are and she only watches Rin-Tin-Tin reruns.
STUDY: Watching Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News at All (
Some of the things that FOX viewers are less likely to know? Thanks for asking.

A Rigorous Scientific Look Into The 'Fox News Effect' (

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