Parents Must Affirm Child's Gender Identity?


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
They just can't leave children alone
No, they cant.

They plant the seed of doubt in children's heads very early in life and then nurture the idea in children that they are members of the opposite sex while treating it as a given.

It's like Munchausen syndrome somehow crossed with virtue signaling to create this unique pathology.
No, they cant.

They plant the seed of doubt in children's heads very early in life and then nurture the idea in children that they are members of the opposite sex while treating it as a given.

It's like Munchausen syndrome somehow crossed with virtue signaling to create this unique pathology.

I find it strange that this phenomenon of children thinking they are the opposite sex wasn't around until recently. Sounds sorta like it's an agenda
There is definitely an agenda behind it. It is obviously a top-down rather than grass roots movement.

It's all about the great reset.

When I was in school we had a couple of classmates that were light in the loafers but none of them thought they were transfluxxed
Or face child abuse charges? Are these people out of their minds?

This is a bridge too far and needs to end.

Newly amended California bill could punish parents refusing to ‘affirm’ child’s gender identity

That is not what the law states.
No doubt there will be a questionnaire sent to parents on the matter to maximize the harvest
to legally declare non-affirmation of a child's gender identity

Hell, I'm not even willing to declare the gender identity of the sick bitch(?) who wrote the bill!

Screen Shot 2023-06-10 at 10.00.49 PM.png

Clearly, this dude/gal is confused about his/hers/its gender to begin with! You see, these people GIVE AWAY their clear intentions! If they had an HONEST interest in the welfare of children, they would have written the bill to read that in a custody battle, as in any child welfare situation, to simply ASK THE CHILD first if they even have any gender issues, and if they don't, you are done! Drop it. But if they do, to refer them to a qualified counselor for further investigation to see what direction they need to go in, whether it is an internal question or confusion or external; whether they are happy with how their parents relate to them. Then if the child ISN'T happy with how the parents relate to them gender-wise, to sit down with the family and talk to the parents and get more information. THEN you can decide a course of action suitable to the situation!

Which might vary anywhere from helping the parents cope with the gender of the child (considering that it is NORMAL for children to sometimes go through confusion as they grow up going through puberty!), which means that just because a 9 year old is confused about their identity does not mean they will STILL be confused at age 13, to helping the child resolve their confusion and get right with whatever gender they were born with. But the LAST thing anyone needs here is to FORCE anything against the wishes of the family under threat of legal action by the state getting right in the middle of a very personal family matter!

And much further research needs done to determine WHY people are confused about or feel their gender is opposite their sex to begin with and offer treatments.

But under NO circumstance does a parent, responsible for the welfare of the child, not have final say in what that welfare should be, short of any obvious physical or emotional abuse, nor do they ever agree that the state has final say or control in the raising of their kids up to including having secret operations on their body! I mean, even if if the kid is BEGGING for a sex change, wouldn't they be discussing that with their parents? And if the parents are against it (as one might expect they would be), then have the family get counseling over the matter making suggestions, but IN NO SITUATION:
  1. Does the state have authority to seize a child from its parents like it is some sort of plant and operate on and alter the look and body of their child AGAINST THEIR WISHES and even AGAINST THEIR KNOWLEDGE! I mean, how does a child decide they want to change their bodies for life and have the state handle it at the hospital, PAY for it, etc., and the parents having NO KNOWLEDGE of the desire or intention until the child literally walks in the door a different sex?! And who is going to tell me that THIS family situation isn't more traumatic to the WHOLE family throwing child against parent against state than the kid just waiting a few more years and deal with themselves as they were born until they are a little older and sure???
  2. Does a child get a sex change operation until they are at least 16, going through puberty, and with the parent's knowledge if not permission, if not 18 years old and graduated from high school.
Before that, it is simply too great a decision for any kid to be making in the middle of the physical and emotional turmoil of growing up and puberty.

The upside to all of this is that such a law can only result in more upheaval, crime in the state as well as driving people out of the state even faster. Let Newsom run the state when all that is left are poor people, illegal immigrants and mentally disturbed freaks. That I could ramble off such a clear, sensible, and equitable solution off the top of my head in five minutes yet the STATE of Ca comes up with this horsehit just goes to show that the people running the state are at best, idiots, and at worse, sex freaks, mental cases and pedophiles.
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Hell, I'm not even willing to declare the gender identity of the sick bitch(?) who wrote the bill!

View attachment 793874

Clearly, this dude/gal is confused about his/hers/its gender to begin with! You see, these people GIVE AWAY their clear intentions! If they had an HONEST interest in the welfare of children, they would have written the bill to read that in a custody battle, as in any child welfare situation, to simply ASK THE CHILD first if they had any gender issues, and if they do, to refer them to a qualified counselor for further investigation to see what direction they need to go in, whether it is an internal question or confusion or external; whether they are happy with how their parents relate to them. Then if the child ISN'T happy with how the parents relate to them gender-wise, to sit down with the family and talk to the parents and get more information. THEN you can decide a course of action suitable to the situation!

Which might vary anywhere from helping the parents cope with the gender of the child (considering that it is NORMAL for children to sometimes go through confusion as they grow up going through puberty!), which means that just because a 9 year old is confused about their identity does not mean they will STILL be confused at age 13, to helping the child resolve their confusion and get right with whatever gender they were born with .

And much further research needs done to determine WHY people are confused about or feel their gender is opposite their sex to begin with and offer treatments.

But under NO circumstance does a parent, responsible for the welfare of the child, not have final say in what that welfare should be, short of any obvious physical or emotional abuse, nor do they ever agree that the state has final say or control in the raising of their kids up to including having secret operations on their body! I mean, even if if the kid is BEGGING for a sex change, wouldn't they be discussing that with their parents? And if the parents are against it (as one might expect they would be), then have the family get counseling over the matter making suggestions, but IN NO SITUATION:
  1. Does the state have authority to seize a child from its parents like it is some sort of plant and operate on and alter the look and body of their child AGAINST THEIR WISHES and even AGAINST THEIR KNOWLEDGE! I mean, how does a child decide they want to change their bodies for life and have the state handle it at the hospital, PAY for it, etc., and the parents having NO KNOWLEDGE of the desire or intention until the child literally walks in the door a different sex! And who is going to tell me that THIS family situation isn't more traumatic to the WHOLE family than the kid just waiting a few more years and deal with themselves as they were born???
  2. Does a child get a sex change operation until they are at least 16, going through puberty, and with the parent's knowledge if not permission, if not 18 years old and graduated from high school.
Before that, it is simply too great a decision for any kid to be making in the middle of the physical and emotional turmoil of growing up and puberty.

The upside to all of this is that such a law can only result in more upheaval, crime in the state as well as driving people out of the state even faster. Let Newsom run the state when all that is left are poor people, illegal immigrants and mentally disturbed freaks. That I could ramble off such a clear, sensible, and equitable solution off the top of my head in five minutes yet the STATE of Ca comes up with this horsehit just goes to show that the people running the state are at best, idiots, and at worse, sex freaks, mental cases and pedophiles.
They are not going to let the child go with a hostile parent
Or face child abuse charges? Are these people out of their minds?

This is a bridge too far and needs to end.

Newly amended California bill could punish parents refusing to ‘affirm’ child’s gender identity

The state "cares" about children when its politically convenient, except when they are in the womb.

I've read the bill, and not sure if the Fox article covered this -- while I don't agree with it, this only applies during custody battles, and democrats have baked gender identity affirmation into the "health and well-being" clause of the existing legislation.

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