Palin staff won't comply with subpoenas


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Palin staff won't testify in trooper probe, AG says -

Palin initially denied that anyone in her administration or family had pressed for action against Wooten, whom she has branded a "rogue trooper." But in August, two weeks before her nomination as a vice presidential candidate, she acknowledged that members of her staff had contacted Monegan's office nearly two dozen times about the trooper. An aide was suspended after being taped telling a state trooper lieutenant that the Palins were concerned that there had been "absolutely no action for a year on this issue."

let me get this straight. She denied everything until McCain chose her as VP...hhhmmmmm. So she didn't lie? Was she confused? IS SHE OUT OF HER FRIGIN MIND?

Sounds like a bush/DICK repeat to me!
ok what about her husband? what grounds would he have to ignore the subpoena?
ok what about her husband? what grounds would he have to ignore the subpoena?

Maybe because he sleeps with the Gov? :eusa_liar:

I JUST DON'T GET IT! These people lie on both sides of the isle and because there are dogmatic mindless sheep following them, the lies are denied and down right ignored all because of blind politics.

Clinton lied! We all know that. He admitted it. We all admitted it. He lied to conceal having an affair. Why can't the GOP faithful admit Palin lied when she said her staff did not pressure for the firing of her brother-in-law.

Where is the media? The "liberal" media is letting is pass. I guess she "mispoke." This woman is grandstaanding. She is trouble.
Palin is stonewalling because she knows she is guilty.

The prosecutor has audio tapes, emails, and multiple witnesses.
Palin initially welcomed the investigation, saying "hold me accountable," but she has increasingly opposed it since Republican presidential candidate John McCain tapped her as his vice presidential running mate.

I admired her "hold me accountable" statement. She has changed that to "Hold me accountable but not until after the election."

Smells pretty rotten. Sounds like obstruction, even if she is innocent. The elctorate has a right to know this woman's past.

This part is encouraging though:

Meanwhile, Alaska Senate President Lyda Green, a Republican, said she does not believe the investigation will collapse or be delayed by "outside interlopers" trying to protect Palin.

"I see no reason why we need to have infighting over a previously authorized investigation that still has its original purpose," said Green, a Palin critic.

She said the attempt to block the investigation will lead to closer scrutiny of how Palin and her administration's stories have changed.

"Go back and compare all the statements of everybody in charge: 'We'll be happy to testify, we don't need any subpoenas, we don't have anything to hide.' Now the implication is, 'We have something to hide,'" Green said.

And there is a lot of press coverage of this, at least I had no trouble finding lots.
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check out what the enquirer is saying.....lots of new things may come can knock the enquirer but a lot of times they are the first to print the "news" or so called "news" concerns her son being a oxxie user....her tossing her daughter out of the house for being preggies....sarah has some issues...
It's kind of funny, it sounds like all the pols in Alaska, Dem or Rep, are Palin critics.

Wonder why that is?
check out what the enquirer is saying.....lots of new things may come can knock the enquirer but a lot of times they are the first to print the "news" or so called "news" concerns her son being a oxxie user....her tossing her daughter out of the house for being preggies....sarah has some issues...

the enquirer of old was a total rag and lie they actually get the scoop on more reputable news organizations, it's kind of disturbing :eek:

It's kind of funny, it sounds like all the pols in Alaska, Dem or Rep, are Palin critics.

Wonder why that is?

I think because she's a nasty vindictive person who tries to squash people who disagree with her.
It's kind of funny, it sounds like all the pols in Alaska, Dem or Rep, are Palin critics.

Wonder why that is?

don't know, don't know why she has an 80% approval rating either. But hey! that's the way it goes.
Laughs, I have to laugh at all this, do you democrats ever actually read anything but the Daily Kos, watch MSNBC? I suppose Branchflower is a Prosecutor now? and what is Hollis French? the king? give me a break. The reason she and her staff do not have to comply with the subpeonas is very simple, Branchflower handed the subpeona list over to Hollis French for pre approval before the subpeoas were issued. So guess what, withtout the FULL legislature voting on it, no more subpeonas now, thats from the AG. So your little "October Surprise" per Hoills French, Oh yes hes the head of the committee running this so called unbiased investigation, is pretty much dead until the legislature votes on it.
I don't believe I would either.

It's smelly on both sides.

It was less smelly on the McCain side when she said she would cooperate fully. I have always thought that you do more harm than good when you take an aggressive stance - The psychology of people, is, to not look so favorably upon you. Had McCain and Palin been entirely forthcoming, imo, it would go better for them on this troopergate thing. It would be transparent, and people would give her the benefit of the doubt.

That the dems are pushing an agenda is smelly too.
I don't believe I would either.

It's smelly on both sides.

It was less smelly on the McCain side when she said she would cooperate fully. I have always thought that you do more harm than good when you take an aggressive stance - The psychology of people, is, to not look so favorably upon you. Had McCain and Palin been entirely forthcoming, imo, it would go better for them on this troopergate thing. It would be transparent, and people would give her the benefit of the doubt.

That the dems are pushing an agenda is smelly too.
What agenda are they pushing? This investigation began long before Palin was picked as McCain's VP pick, and it was began by Republicans.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight it's all Obama bats. What a stupid defense.

I guess when they went after Clinton, it wasn't all Starr Bats.

If she was the dem VP, you would be screaming for her investigation.
What agenda are they pushing? This investigation began long before Palin was picked as McCain's VP pick, and it was began by Republicans.

It was began by HER, she called for the investigation. But now that there's more at stake, neither side of the investigation committee is going to be objective.
It was began by HER, she called for the investigation. But now that there's more at stake, neither side of the investigation committee is going to be objective.
Of course there's more at stake. What's really amusing that McCain is happily dabbling in obstruction of justice.
It was began by HER, she called for the investigation. But now that there's more at stake, neither side of the investigation committee is going to be objective.

what exactly is at stake for her other than clearing her name?

If she's innocent then she shouldn't be worried. isn't that what everyone said about Clinton and the Paula Jones matter when he tried to block the investigation during his administration?
She's being investigated for abuse of power, you idiot.

It's an ethics investigation, not a criminal investigation. She fired an employee. Alaska is an AT-WILL state. She could fire him for wearing the wrong-colored tie on Tuesdays, and there's not shit that can be done about it.

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