Palin Challenges Obama To A Debate

You have no idea why I started the thread. Since you have no way to get inside my head.

Your motives were obvious. They were to belittle Sarah Palin and lift your god onto a pedestal.

Are you really going to try to deny that?


I am not going to try, I AM going to deny it. Telling the truth about Palin is not trying to belittle her. I am not going to be like you and pretend she has no issues. As for the prez, saying that we think of him as, "a god" is so childish and stupid. Not to mention OLD!!!

After the incompetency of George W. Bush, Obama was a welcome change for us. The left finds him to be a good prez and we like him a lot. Why is that such a damn crime??? It comes off as jealousy to me. In the future, I'd appreciate it if you did not attempt to interpret my motives. You're way off base.

Why is it a crime for us to say we like Sarah? Are you jealous that the right actually has a competant woman on its side? It sure seems that way.

More double standards from the left wing.

And it is obvious from your post that I hit the nail on the head in regards to your motive for this thread.

Very funny!!! My nails are long and I keep making typing mistakes!!! I'm sure you know who I mean!!

AND I bet Palim did not quite mid-term as Governor. Not a Problem with Me! :clap2:

and I'll bet Obama didn't quit mid term of his Junior Senator job of TWO YEARS to run for President..
now isn't that comforting to know what you all voted for and we are now paying for it..

way to go

He didn't quite, but even if he did it was to run for another office. Not to go home and pout cause people were picking on him....ala Sarah.
Why would our president debate a former half term governor from one of our least populated states?


Aren't liberals always complaining how this woman could have been a hearbeat away from being president, and the leading voice of the "teabagger" she was never relevant?:lol:

If the woman is so irrelevant than stop making movies about her, writing books about her, making threads about her, etc......................................................................................-
Why would our president debate a former half term governor from one of our least populated states?

Why would he pay campaign funds to create attack adds against her? Why does the left keep harping on her? Why do we have thread after thread of you and every other lefty whining about her?
Yeah....right....she's (typically) been such a private-person, most of her Life. She never asked for endless-publicity.



[ame=]SARAH PALIN SWIMSUIT COMPETITION!! Miss Alaska Pageant 1984 ... - YouTube[/ame]​
Your motives were obvious. They were to belittle Sarah Palin and lift your god onto a pedestal.

Are you really going to try to deny that?


I am not going to try, I AM going to deny it. Telling the truth about Palin is not trying to belittle her. I am not going to be like you and pretend she has no issues. As for the prez, saying that we think of him as, "a god" is so childish and stupid. Not to mention OLD!!!

After the incompetency of George W. Bush, Obama was a welcome change for us. The left finds him to be a good prez and we like him a lot. Why is that such a damn crime??? It comes off as jealousy to me. In the future, I'd appreciate it if you did not attempt to interpret my motives. You're way off base.

Yes, he was such a welcome change, that his approval numbers have been low enough in the tank to rival the worst of them.

And he lost the house in two years (when the dems were supposed to keep it for ten years).

There is no doubt that GWB Was incompetent.

There is no doubt that BHO is no better.
That's what they said about Bill Clinton....when he was cleaning-up....​

I don't see how that's any different from using a Teleprompter

You're kidding!!!

The odd Republican war against teleprompters that began early in the Obama Administration continues, with the latest variation on the theme being Rick Santorum’s suggestion that it should be illegal for Presidential candidates to use teleprompters.

A leader isn’t just about what’s written on a piece of paper, this much is true, but a leader also is not about who makes the best off-the-cuff speeches, and that’s a pretty bad measure for picking a President. Santorum isn’t just denouncing teleprompters here, of course, he’s denouncing speechwriters, which have been a part of Presidential politics for at least the last 50 years, if not longer. Just as teleprompters have been used by every politician since they were invented, speechwriters have been used by Presidents. Every one of Ronald Reagan’s great speeches went through the hands of at least one speechwriter.

The Republicans’ war on TelePrompters is an example of why many in the party are wary about the GOP nomination fight extending all the way through June. Attacking TelePrompters might be a winning strategy (or at least part of one) in a Republican primary race but’s it hard to imagine any swing voters this November being persuaded by that line of attack.

So the President uses a teleprompter? So, what? So did Reagan, are Republicans insinuating that he was stupid and inauthentic too?
Why Do Republicans Hate Teleprompters So Much?

Have you listened to this supposedly intelligent asshole without a teleprompter? He needed two to speak to a 5th grade class.

[ame=]Classic Bush - What Mistakes? - YouTube[/ame]


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yeah the skill i look for most in a president is his ability to throw a fast ball...... thats gonna solve the nations problems after all
No doubt.

It ranks right-up-there with being the local bar-fly....with whom everyone wants to "have a beer".​
I keep hearing that W was exactly was he incompetent? I would have loved to se him veto more of the crap that the democrat Congress put in front of him and I wish he would have said "FUCK YOU" to the ridiculously leftist press but he had more natural and human caused disasters thrown at him in the span of 6 years(I don't believe he was really President for 8, the democrats ran the country from 2006 into 2008 and the purchase of the Presidency by O'Bamma's special interest money), What could President Bush have done to not be "incompetent" ?

Hey Shit news for you...........JR. INVADED THE WRONG FUCKING COUNTRY!!!!!!!

And.........he let Bin Laden go.

Obama got him, Jr. didn't. Yeah.........Jr. was a fucking soup sandwich.

"He just struck me as a guy who really had an idea of himself as very much a child of privilege, that he wasn't operating by the same rules."


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Yeah right, I could beat Obama in a debate.

Most concerned citizens could beat most politicians in a debate. Take a look at the town hall meetings where democrats were hammered into stuttering tyrants.

I would give my left nut to see Ron Paul debate Obama.. Ron Paul would beat Obamafuck to snot bubbles.
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Bush's competence is essentially irrelevant at this point. What's done is done, and he left behind a mess that could take a long time to fix. Not to mention the lives, limbs and minds of our brave soldiers, which can never be recovered. Ever.

Trying to defend this man, and what he left in his wake, is denial and diversion at its worst.

Why would our president debate a former half term governor from one of our least populated states?
he is your president !!! and she wouls kick his communist ass in a debate !!!

[ame=]Fox News Proves Sarah Palin Is Dumber Than Bush - YouTube[/ame]

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Your motives were obvious. They were to belittle Sarah Palin and lift your god onto a pedestal.

Are you really going to try to deny that?


I am not going to try, I AM going to deny it. Telling the truth about Palin is not trying to belittle her. I am not going to be like you and pretend she has no issues. As for the prez, saying that we think of him as, "a god" is so childish and stupid. Not to mention OLD!!!

After the incompetency of George W. Bush, Obama was a welcome change for us. The left finds him to be a good prez and we like him a lot. Why is that such a damn crime??? It comes off as jealousy to me. In the future, I'd appreciate it if you did not attempt to interpret my motives. You're way off base.

Why is it a crime for us to say we like Sarah? Are you jealous that the right actually has a competant woman on its side?
Yeah....right.....that's the problem.....she's so competent.


Stupid Teabaggers
My local Democrat Representative stopped holding Town Hall Meetings right after ObamaCare passed.
He must have been psychic......

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:


Tell Nita Lowey. She's terrified of defending it in public.

Also, since I'm the last person ion the board that hasn't put you on ignore, can you please stop swallowing so many crazy pills before posting?

The colors and big fonts the overall annoying nature of your posts make it hard for anyone to actually read what you write.


The Only USMB Poster that does not have Mr Charmin on ignore
Your motives were obvious. They were to belittle Sarah Palin and lift your god onto a pedestal.

Are you really going to try to deny that?


I am not going to try, I AM going to deny it. Telling the truth about Palin is not trying to belittle her. I am not going to be like you and pretend she has no issues. As for the prez, saying that we think of him as, "a god" is so childish and stupid. Not to mention OLD!!!

After the incompetency of George W. Bush, Obama was a welcome change for us. The left finds him to be a good prez and we like him a lot. Why is that such a damn crime??? It comes off as jealousy to me. In the future, I'd appreciate it if you did not attempt to interpret my motives. You're way off base.

Yes, he was such a welcome change, that his approval numbers have been low enough in the tank to rival the worst of them.

And he lost the house in two years (when the dems were supposed to keep it for ten years).

There is no doubt that GWB Was incompetent.

There is no doubt that BHO is no better.

That's how you want to see it because you're full of hate. It doesn't make it so.
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I keep hearing that W was exactly was he incompetent? I would have loved to se him veto more of the crap that the democrat Congress put in front of him and I wish he would have said "FUCK YOU" to the ridiculously leftist press but he had more natural and human caused disasters thrown at him in the span of 6 years(I don't believe he was really President for 8, the democrats ran the country from 2006 into 2008 and the purchase of the Presidency by O'Bamma's special interest money), What could President Bush have done to not be "incompetent" ?

You really have to ask???

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