Palin Challenges Obama To A Debate

This shit again?

they've got nothing else.

I suggest you go to the grocery store and check the food prices, or stop at a gas station and check those prices. Then I would invite you to check stop by your unemployed neighbors, see how they are doing. Then come back to me and try to tell me we have nothing else.

What are you saying?? It is all Obama's fault, Clinton never left a surplus, and Bush was the second coming of Abraham Lincoln?? You all live in a dream world and you will come crashing down.
I mad that picture of Palin's hand

So why won't Obama debate her?

you mad?
for real?

i got that, it is not working unless you think palin can't remember even such simplistic statements. if you aimed at libs, then own-goal. you are a bright guy. surely you can see that.

Got it. My writing "Libs R Stupid" across Palins hand mocks Palin and not Libs, cause you're smart, not like everyone says, like dumb.

Bet you want respect too, right Freddo?

Why didn't I know that when I made that picture? Whatever was I thinking?

why did palin have stuff written on her hand?

to remember it during a speech, crib notes.

you should make a pic with sarah's name on her hand. so that she can remember that.
As time goes on, Palin just can't help but reveal herself to be the intellectual lightweight she really is. All that great PR from the late summer and early fall of 2008 has pretty much been revealed to be little more than hype.

Yet Obama ran a commercial specifically against her, so which is it?

Is she a light weight or a danger to Obammy's reelection?

She's emblematic, as is her rhetoric. Palin can't help but try to jump on the rhetorical hyperbole bandwagon, ala talk radio hosts all across the country -- and certain lesser-known first term House Republicans looking for their first real 15 minutes of 24 hour news cycle fame. But, as usual, Palin's inarticulate (and apparently, poorly rehearsed) public, on-air statements (and personae) both overshot and missed the mark at the same time.
you mad?
for real?

i got that, it is not working unless you think palin can't remember even such simplistic statements. if you aimed at libs, then own-goal. you are a bright guy. surely you can see that.

Got it. My writing "Libs R Stupid" across Palins hand mocks Palin and not Libs, cause you're smart, not like everyone says, like dumb.

Bet you want respect too, right Freddo?

Why didn't I know that when I made that picture? Whatever was I thinking?

why did palin have stuff written on her hand?

to remember it during a speech, crib notes.

you should make a pic with sarah's name on her hand. so that she can remember that.
I don't see how that's any different from using a Teleprompter
Got it. My writing "Libs R Stupid" across Palins hand mocks Palin and not Libs, cause you're smart, not like everyone says, like dumb.

Bet you want respect too, right Freddo?

Why didn't I know that when I made that picture? Whatever was I thinking?

why did palin have stuff written on her hand?

to remember it during a speech, crib notes.

you should make a pic with sarah's name on her hand. so that she can remember that.
I don't see how that's any different from using a Teleprompter

depends on what is written on the prompter.

if it's: "bush bad", "republicans stupid", then it is comparable.
if palin is going to debate obama, she's gonna need a bigger hand.

well do i....but with me aint no secret.....:eusa_angel:

I use to think that way..until I saw her with no makeup.

Man. :doubt:

that could be a lot of women Sallow......a Magazine i was delivering had a feature in there....."Hollywood Stars without Makeup on"....some you did not even recognize...but the Bodies were still there.....:razz:......

I thought you guys were not supposed to read our mail?

I have wondered (in the past) why my Netflix envelopes arrive a day or two later than normal and the envelope was torn.

Although, I suspect my current mail person has Netflix because that has not happened in a while. Either that or she doesn't like the movies we choose. :D

I use to think that way..until I saw her with no makeup.

Man. :doubt:

that could be a lot of women Sallow......a Magazine i was delivering had a feature in there....."Hollywood Stars without Makeup on"....some you did not even recognize...but the Bodies were still there.....:razz:......

I thought you guys were not supposed to read our mail?

I have wondered (in the past) why my Netflix envelopes arrive a day or two later than normal and the envelope was torn.

Although, I suspect my current mail person has Netflix because that has not happened in a while. Either that or she doesn't like the movies we choose. :D

Magazines not in plastic will be looked at if there is a story that gets your attention just have to remember to not leave your Sandwich in the Mag.....:lol:
that could be a lot of women Sallow......a Magazine i was delivering had a feature in there....."Hollywood Stars without Makeup on"....some you did not even recognize...but the Bodies were still there.....:razz:......

I thought you guys were not supposed to read our mail?

I have wondered (in the past) why my Netflix envelopes arrive a day or two later than normal and the envelope was torn.

Although, I suspect my current mail person has Netflix because that has not happened in a while. Either that or she doesn't like the movies we choose. :D

Magazines not in plastic will be looked at if there is a story that gets your attention just have to remember to not leave your Sandwich in the Mag.....:lol:

Is that based on experience?

Maybe a piece of lettuce or something. Hope it wasn't something that appeared to look like a drop of mayonaise but came with and "odor".

Now... back on topic!

You know........I've watched this ad, and there is nothing in there against Palin. She's simply talking on FAUX Nooze about what she thinks about Obama, as well as points out that rhetoric like that will end up dividing this country further.

For those who haven't seen it yet? Here ya go..........

[ame=]Sarah Palin and the Far Right - YouTube[/ame]
We need to make a list of how many Private Citizens this administration has went after for criticizing them..

we got
You know........I've watched this ad, and there is nothing in there against Palin. She's simply talking on FAUX Nooze about what she thinks about Obama, as well as points out that rhetoric like that will end up dividing this country further.

For those who haven't seen it yet? Here ya go..........

Sarah Palin and the Far Right - YouTube

Palin never called Democrats the enemy, Fluffer.

My advice: stop sucking Obama cock and snorting Hopey Change Kool Aid straight from the can; it's damaged your 2 remaining brain cells
who is Palim?

Very funny!!! My nails are long and I keep making typing mistakes!!! I'm sure you know who I mean!!

AND I bet Palim did not quite mid-term as Governor. Not a Problem with Me! :clap2:

and I'll bet Obama didn't quit mid term of his Junior Senator job of TWO YEARS to run for President..
now isn't that comforting to know what you all voted for and we are now paying for it..

way to go
You two do realize who started the thread and for what purpose, don't you?


You have no idea why I started the thread. Since you have no way to get inside my head.

Your motives were obvious. They were to belittle Sarah Palin and lift your god onto a pedestal.

Are you really going to try to deny that?


I am not going to try, I AM going to deny it. Telling the truth about Palin is not trying to belittle her. I am not going to be like you and pretend she has no issues. As for the prez, saying that we think of him as, "a god" is so childish and stupid. Not to mention OLD!!!

After the incompetency of George W. Bush, Obama was a welcome change for us. The left finds him to be a good prez and we like him a lot. Why is that such a damn crime??? It comes off as jealousy to me. In the future, I'd appreciate it if you did not attempt to interpret my motives. You're way off base.
Got it. My writing "Libs R Stupid" across Palins hand mocks Palin and not Libs, cause you're smart, not like everyone says, like dumb.

Bet you want respect too, right Freddo?

Why didn't I know that when I made that picture? Whatever was I thinking?

why did palin have stuff written on her hand?

to remember it during a speech, crib notes.

you should make a pic with sarah's name on her hand. so that she can remember that.
I don't see how that's any different from using a Teleprompter

You're kidding!!!

The odd Republican war against teleprompters that began early in the Obama Administration continues, with the latest variation on the theme being Rick Santorum’s suggestion that it should be illegal for Presidential candidates to use teleprompters.

A leader isn’t just about what’s written on a piece of paper, this much is true, but a leader also is not about who makes the best off-the-cuff speeches, and that’s a pretty bad measure for picking a President. Santorum isn’t just denouncing teleprompters here, of course, he’s denouncing speechwriters, which have been a part of Presidential politics for at least the last 50 years, if not longer. Just as teleprompters have been used by every politician since they were invented, speechwriters have been used by Presidents. Every one of Ronald Reagan’s great speeches went through the hands of at least one speechwriter.

The Republicans’ war on TelePrompters is an example of why many in the party are wary about the GOP nomination fight extending all the way through June. Attacking TelePrompters might be a winning strategy (or at least part of one) in a Republican primary race but’s it hard to imagine any swing voters this November being persuaded by that line of attack.

So the President uses a teleprompter? So, what? So did Reagan, are Republicans insinuating that he was stupid and inauthentic too?
Why Do Republicans Hate Teleprompters So Much?
Why are some of you making such a big deal about my typo??? I guess you were all glad to find ANYTHING to criticize me for. I think I get it!!!



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