Why not a brokered convention?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Not that it will last long, but the Romney supporters are absolutely panicked at the notion of a "brokered convention", one where the GOP delegates take a look at their sad roster of candidates and say what most GOP voters have probably been saying since the Ames Straw Poll.

"Shit, people, we can do better than this!"

I say, why not?

What is the purpose of a convention? If the nominating process is supposed to be an actual process, where you have debates, you see how candidates do in various parts of the country, you see who looks strong and who looks vulnerable, shouldn't the purpose of a convention be to actually be a convention?

I know this is a new concept to many of us, who have not seen a convention be a convention in our lifetime. They've become big infomercials for pre-selected candidates, and as such, the media pays less and less attention to them, and rightfully so.

What is obvious is that the four candidates who are left are awful choices, and they will make it easier for Obama to get that second term which he probably doesn't really deserve.

NOw, I will admit, the decline of the convention really goes back to 1972, when McGovern strong-armed his way to the nomination even though Hubert Humphrey got more votes.
I could be considered a Romney supporter, though Im still debating between Romney and Santorum. Im not at all panicked about a brokered convention.

Of course, I dont see a scenario Romney doesnt get the nomination if it goes brokered. atleast if the current voting trends continue.

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