Palestinians no longer welcome, says Lebanese Mufti


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The mufti of Lebanon, Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Qabbani, was quoted this week as saying that Palestinians are no longer welcome in his country. He also condemned Palestinians as “trash,” and said that he’s not afraid of their weapons.

Sheikh Qabbani’s remarks were made during a meeting he held in his office in Beirut with a Palestinian delegation, representing refugees and various Palestinian factions in Lebanon.

The furious mufti later kicked the Palestinian representatives out of his office.

More than 400,000 Palestinians live in Lebanon, most of them in extremely harsh conditions in refugee camps.

The meeting was called to discuss Palestinian “assaults” on state-owned and Islamic Wakf lands in Lebanon.

“We’ve hosted you and no longer want you,” the mufti told stunned members of the Palestinian delegation.

Accusing Palestinians of “usurping” Wakf lands to build houses, Qabbani told his visitors: “I will defend Wakf lands – even if that costs me all what I have.”

Attempts by the Palestinian representatives to muzzle the mufti further enraged the top religious official, who at one point shouted at them: “You are trash. You [Palestinians] will never be victorious. Nor will your cause. I’m no longer afraid of your weapons.”

Palestinians no longer welcome, says Leban... JPost - Middle East
People from Haifa are at home in Lebanon?

Their grandparents may have been from Haifa, but these people, with few exceptions, are from Lebanon because their grandparents abandoned their property and right to Israeli citizenship generations ago.

Suck up that propaganda, dude.

Not propaganda, facts. How many of the people who left Israel just before or during the fighting applied as individuals or families to the Israeli government after the war to come back? None. They may have been displaced by the war, but if they didn't make formal application to the new government to return, they abandoned their property and right to Israeli citizenship.
Their grandparents may have been from Haifa, but these people, with few exceptions, are from Lebanon because their grandparents abandoned their property and right to Israeli citizenship generations ago.

Suck up that propaganda, dude.

Not propaganda, facts. How many of the people who left Israel just before or during the fighting applied as individuals or families to the Israeli government after the war to come back? None. They may have been displaced by the war, but if they didn't make formal application to the new government to return, they abandoned their property and right to Israeli citizenship.

They should apply to an occupation for citizenship in their own country?

They are already citizens of Palestine.
Suck up that propaganda, dude.

Not propaganda, facts. How many of the people who left Israel just before or during the fighting applied as individuals or families to the Israeli government after the war to come back? None. They may have been displaced by the war, but if they didn't make formal application to the new government to return, they abandoned their property and right to Israeli citizenship.

They should apply to an occupation for citizenship in their own country?

They are already citizens of Palestine.

They are citizens of Palestine in the same sense that Mexicans are citizens of North America, but that doesn't mean Mexicans can move into the US without permission of the US government even if they claim their ancestors once lived here.
Not propaganda, facts. How many of the people who left Israel just before or during the fighting applied as individuals or families to the Israeli government after the war to come back? None. They may have been displaced by the war, but if they didn't make formal application to the new government to return, they abandoned their property and right to Israeli citizenship.

They should apply to an occupation for citizenship in their own country?

They are already citizens of Palestine.

They are citizens of Palestine in the same sense that Mexicans are citizens of North America, but that doesn't mean Mexicans can move into the US without permission of the US government even if they claim their ancestors once lived here.

That is a completely different story. Mexico and the US agreed to new borders.

Palestine has never agreed to new borders. They have not lost the war and there has been no peace agreement.
They should apply to an occupation for citizenship in their own country?

They are already citizens of Palestine.

They are citizens of Palestine in the same sense that Mexicans are citizens of North America, but that doesn't mean Mexicans can move into the US without permission of the US government even if they claim their ancestors once lived here.

That is a completely different story. Mexico and the US agreed to new borders.

Palestine has never agreed to new borders. They have not lost the war and there has been no peace agreement.

You are mistaken. The US occupied the southwest in two different military operations and then annexed it. Eventually, these occupied territories became states. Whether Mexico agreed or disagreed with what we were doing made no difference. Similarly, whether the Palestinian Arabs agree or disagree with the northern or southern borders Israel has set makes no difference since there is nothing they can do about it. It's possible but not likely they may have some influence over what eastern border Israel will set.
They are citizens of Palestine in the same sense that Mexicans are citizens of North America, but that doesn't mean Mexicans can move into the US without permission of the US government even if they claim their ancestors once lived here.

That is a completely different story. Mexico and the US agreed to new borders.

Palestine has never agreed to new borders. They have not lost the war and there has been no peace agreement.

You are mistaken. The US occupied the southwest in two different military operations and then annexed it. Eventually, these occupied territories became states. Whether Mexico agreed or disagreed with what we were doing made no difference. Similarly, whether the Palestinian Arabs agree or disagree with the northern or southern borders Israel has set makes no difference since there is nothing they can do about it. It's possible but not likely they may have some influence over what eastern border Israel will set.

I will not argue that point as I am not that versed in that aspect of our history.

The fact is that the Palestine, Lebanon is still the legal border. The war Israel started with the Palestinians a hundred years ago has never ended. Israel can't win anything until the winner of the war is decided.

You can't claim that you have won in the middle of a war.
That is a completely different story. Mexico and the US agreed to new borders.

Palestine has never agreed to new borders. They have not lost the war and there has been no peace agreement.

You are mistaken. The US occupied the southwest in two different military operations and then annexed it. Eventually, these occupied territories became states. Whether Mexico agreed or disagreed with what we were doing made no difference. Similarly, whether the Palestinian Arabs agree or disagree with the northern or southern borders Israel has set makes no difference since there is nothing they can do about it. It's possible but not likely they may have some influence over what eastern border Israel will set.

I will not argue that point as I am not that versed in that aspect of our history.

The fact is that the Palestine, Lebanon is still the legal border. The war Israel started with the Palestinians a hundred years ago has never ended. Israel can't win anything until the winner of the war is decided.

You can't claim that you have won in the middle of a war.

There has never been a war between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. There may have been some unrest among the Arabs in the territories that expressed itself from time to time as skirmishes or raids or riots, but Israel's war have been with the Arab nations, not with the Palestinian Arabs.

Israel's northern and southern borders are where Israel says they are for the same reason the US's southern border was where we said it was, because no party that was interested could do anything about it. That's how the world works, not with delicately worded diplomatic documents but with discrete exercises of power.
You are mistaken. The US occupied the southwest in two different military operations and then annexed it. Eventually, these occupied territories became states. Whether Mexico agreed or disagreed with what we were doing made no difference. Similarly, whether the Palestinian Arabs agree or disagree with the northern or southern borders Israel has set makes no difference since there is nothing they can do about it. It's possible but not likely they may have some influence over what eastern border Israel will set.

I will not argue that point as I am not that versed in that aspect of our history.

The fact is that the Palestine, Lebanon is still the legal border. The war Israel started with the Palestinians a hundred years ago has never ended. Israel can't win anything until the winner of the war is decided.

You can't claim that you have won in the middle of a war.

There has never been a war between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. There may have been some unrest among the Arabs in the territories that expressed itself from time to time as skirmishes or raids or riots, but Israel's war have been with the Arab nations, not with the Palestinian Arabs.

Israel's northern and southern borders are where Israel says they are for the same reason the US's southern border was where we said it was, because no party that was interested could do anything about it. That's how the world works, not with delicately worded diplomatic documents but with discrete exercises of power.

Israel's northern and southern borders are where Israel says they are..

It is just an Israeli propaganda say so thing. Until the Palestinians surrender and cede land Israel legally has none.

Israel won Palestinian land from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt? Hmmm, interesting legal concept.
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I will not argue that point as I am not that versed in that aspect of our history.

The fact is that the Palestine, Lebanon is still the legal border. The war Israel started with the Palestinians a hundred years ago has never ended. Israel can't win anything until the winner of the war is decided.

You can't claim that you have won in the middle of a war.

There has never been a war between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. There may have been some unrest among the Arabs in the territories that expressed itself from time to time as skirmishes or raids or riots, but Israel's war have been with the Arab nations, not with the Palestinian Arabs.

Israel's northern and southern borders are where Israel says they are for the same reason the US's southern border was where we said it was, because no party that was interested could do anything about it. That's how the world works, not with delicately worded diplomatic documents but with discrete exercises of power.

Israel's northern and southern borders are where Israel says they are..

It is just an Israeli propaganda say so thing. Until the Palestinians surrender and cede land Israel legally has none.

Israel won Palestinian land from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt? Hmmm, interesting legal concept.

There never was any Palestinian land in political terms, and as I explained before, when displaced Arabs failed to apply to the new Israeli government after the war to return to their property, if they had had any, and to claim Israeli citizenship, they had abandoned their rights and their property. Israel's norther border is where Israel says it is because neither Lebanon nor Syria can move it. None of these countries cares what the Palestinian Arabs think about it.
There has never been a war between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. There may have been some unrest among the Arabs in the territories that expressed itself from time to time as skirmishes or raids or riots, but Israel's war have been with the Arab nations, not with the Palestinian Arabs.

Israel's northern and southern borders are where Israel says they are for the same reason the US's southern border was where we said it was, because no party that was interested could do anything about it. That's how the world works, not with delicately worded diplomatic documents but with discrete exercises of power.

Israel's northern and southern borders are where Israel says they are..

It is just an Israeli propaganda say so thing. Until the Palestinians surrender and cede land Israel legally has none.

Israel won Palestinian land from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt? Hmmm, interesting legal concept.

There never was any Palestinian land in political terms, and as I explained before, when displaced Arabs failed to apply to the new Israeli government after the war to return to their property, if they had had any, and to claim Israeli citizenship, they had abandoned their rights and their property. Israel's norther border is where Israel says it is because neither Lebanon nor Syria can move it. None of these countries cares what the Palestinian Arabs think about it.

That is all Israeli propaganda. Israel has always denied the existence of Palestinians and Palestine. The Palestinians, being the legal inhabitants of Palestine, are the ones with the right to their country.

UN resolution 181 is a case in point. The UN had to have the approval from the Palestinians to partition their country and cede land to a proposed Jewish state. That is their right to make that decision. The Palestinians rejected giving some of their land. End of story. They exercised their right to reject that offer. Resolution 181 was never implemented because the Palestinians exercised their rights to their country.

If the Palestinians did not have a country as Israel propaganda states, then there would be nobody who could legally reject that offer.
It is just an Israeli propaganda say so thing. Until the Palestinians surrender and cede land Israel legally has none.

Israel won Palestinian land from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt? Hmmm, interesting legal concept.

There never was any Palestinian land in political terms, and as I explained before, when displaced Arabs failed to apply to the new Israeli government after the war to return to their property, if they had had any, and to claim Israeli citizenship, they had abandoned their rights and their property. Israel's norther border is where Israel says it is because neither Lebanon nor Syria can move it. None of these countries cares what the Palestinian Arabs think about it.

That is all Israeli propaganda. Israel has always denied the existence of Palestinians and Palestine. The Palestinians, being the legal inhabitants of Palestine, are the ones with the right to their country.

UN resolution 181 is a case in point. The UN had to have the approval from the Palestinians to partition their country and cede land to a proposed Jewish state. That is their right to make that decision. The Palestinians rejected giving some of their land. End of story. They exercised their right to reject that offer. Resolution 181 was never implemented because the Palestinians exercised their rights to their country.

If the Palestinians did not have a country as Israel propaganda states, then there would be nobody who could legally reject that offer.

Not even close to the truth. In 1947, the term, Palestinian referred to everyone who lived in the protectorate, Jews, Arabs, Christians and others. Neither Jews nor the Arabs that lived in the protectorate had any official status at the UN, being given only observer status, however the GA was interested in trying to do the right thing, as they understood it, for everyone and so they did want to hear what both the Jews and Arabs had to say. The Jews had plenty to say, but the Arabs deferred to the Arab countries to make decisions for them without ever taking an independent position.

181 was implemented in the sense that it had a time table for both Jews and Arabs to meet certain conditions in order to have a UN recognized state, but since the British were leaving and no one else wanted to take over the job, it was clear that the Jews and/or the Arabs would have a state if they could defend it and not otherwise. So it is correct to say the UN did not create the state of Israel; it simply abandoned the territory to whatever group or groups could take and hold it, and of course, this was Israel, Trans Jordan and Egypt.

It is fair to say that the Jews, not the UN, created Israel, and the UN later recognized the Jewish state when it was satisfied the Jews were going to be able to hold it. The Arabs who had left lost because they had put their fate into the hands of the Arab states that lost the war.
There never was any Palestinian land in political terms, and as I explained before, when displaced Arabs failed to apply to the new Israeli government after the war to return to their property, if they had had any, and to claim Israeli citizenship, they had abandoned their rights and their property. Israel's norther border is where Israel says it is because neither Lebanon nor Syria can move it. None of these countries cares what the Palestinian Arabs think about it.

That is all Israeli propaganda. Israel has always denied the existence of Palestinians and Palestine. The Palestinians, being the legal inhabitants of Palestine, are the ones with the right to their country.

UN resolution 181 is a case in point. The UN had to have the approval from the Palestinians to partition their country and cede land to a proposed Jewish state. That is their right to make that decision. The Palestinians rejected giving some of their land. End of story. They exercised their right to reject that offer. Resolution 181 was never implemented because the Palestinians exercised their rights to their country.

If the Palestinians did not have a country as Israel propaganda states, then there would be nobody who could legally reject that offer.

Not even close to the truth. In 1947, the term, Palestinian referred to everyone who lived in the protectorate, Jews, Arabs, Christians and others. Neither Jews nor the Arabs that lived in the protectorate had any official status at the UN, being given only observer status, however the GA was interested in trying to do the right thing, as they understood it, for everyone and so they did want to hear what both the Jews and Arabs had to say. The Jews had plenty to say, but the Arabs deferred to the Arab countries to make decisions for them without ever taking an independent position.

181 was implemented in the sense that it had a time table for both Jews and Arabs to meet certain conditions in order to have a UN recognized state, but since the British were leaving and no one else wanted to take over the job, it was clear that the Jews and/or the Arabs would have a state if they could defend it and not otherwise. So it is correct to say the UN did not create the state of Israel; it simply abandoned the territory to whatever group or groups could take and hold it, and of course, this was Israel, Trans Jordan and Egypt.

It is fair to say that the Jews, not the UN, created Israel, and the UN later recognized the Jewish state when it was satisfied the Jews were going to be able to hold it. The Arabs who had left lost because they had put their fate into the hands of the Arab states that lost the war.

The colonialist criminals in Britain allowed the Jews to create a military and killed and arrested any Palestinians moving in that direction. By the end of 1947 Israel had a formidable military that attacked the civilian population of Palestine driving them off their land.

There were about 300,000 Palestinian refugees and hundreds of destroyed Palestinian villages before the attack by foreign armies where Israel had to "defend" itself.
That is all Israeli propaganda. Israel has always denied the existence of Palestinians and Palestine. The Palestinians, being the legal inhabitants of Palestine, are the ones with the right to their country.

UN resolution 181 is a case in point. The UN had to have the approval from the Palestinians to partition their country and cede land to a proposed Jewish state. That is their right to make that decision. The Palestinians rejected giving some of their land. End of story. They exercised their right to reject that offer. Resolution 181 was never implemented because the Palestinians exercised their rights to their country.

If the Palestinians did not have a country as Israel propaganda states, then there would be nobody who could legally reject that offer.

Not even close to the truth. In 1947, the term, Palestinian referred to everyone who lived in the protectorate, Jews, Arabs, Christians and others. Neither Jews nor the Arabs that lived in the protectorate had any official status at the UN, being given only observer status, however the GA was interested in trying to do the right thing, as they understood it, for everyone and so they did want to hear what both the Jews and Arabs had to say. The Jews had plenty to say, but the Arabs deferred to the Arab countries to make decisions for them without ever taking an independent position.

181 was implemented in the sense that it had a time table for both Jews and Arabs to meet certain conditions in order to have a UN recognized state, but since the British were leaving and no one else wanted to take over the job, it was clear that the Jews and/or the Arabs would have a state if they could defend it and not otherwise. So it is correct to say the UN did not create the state of Israel; it simply abandoned the territory to whatever group or groups could take and hold it, and of course, this was Israel, Trans Jordan and Egypt.

It is fair to say that the Jews, not the UN, created Israel, and the UN later recognized the Jewish state when it was satisfied the Jews were going to be able to hold it. The Arabs who had left lost because they had put their fate into the hands of the Arab states that lost the war.

The colonialist criminals in Britain allowed the Jews to create a military and killed and arrested any Palestinians moving in that direction. By the end of 1947 Israel had a formidable military that attacked the civilian population of Palestine driving them off their land.

There were about 300,000 Palestinian refugees and hundreds of destroyed Palestinian villages before the attack by foreign armies where Israel had to "defend" itself.

Nonsense. The British had forbidden the Jews from arming, and what weapons they did manage to obtain were mostly obsolete or home made. However, the Jews did understand that they were going to be invaded by the Arab nations and laid out strategies to fight the Arab armies aways from their population centers and to deny them access to Arab populations that might want to help them. The Arab armies appear to have done very little planning, anticipating easy victories.

Studies have shown that the Arabs who were driven out of Israel all came from villages that had been in almost constant conflict with their Jewish neighbors since the mid 1920's. During the British occupation, both sides had to limit their activities, but once the British began to draw down their forces, both sides stepped up their activities, and the Jews, being better organized, were able to concentrate their forces on a few targets at a time, while each Arab village tended to act independently and quickly found they were no match for the Jews now that the British weren't able to protect them. Peaceful Arab populations were not attacked.

The Arabs who were made refugees in this way had been intent on making the Jews refugees, however most of the Arabs who were displaced by the fighting left of their own accord and were not driven out. Abbas has said his family was among this latter group. leaving because they were afraid that the Jews might seek revenge for Arab atrocities during the Arab uprising of the mid 1930's.

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