Palestinian Noor Daod, race car driver

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
In this photo taken Friday, June 25, 2010, Palestinian Noor Daod, left, a race car driver, talks to another driver while awaiting her turn to race in the West Bank town of Ramallah. Palestinian women are speeding into record books by participating in their first all-female car racing team, the Speed Sisters.

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It is good to see something out of Palestine besides the standard Israeli load of crap.

This happen in the West Bank not in Gaza.
West Bank is were the palestine who dosent support terror=Hamas live, this is the the part of palestine that you despise the ones who choose life over terror.
I tried to explain to you over and over the difference between the life of Gaza residents who support terrorism and the life of the West Bank residents.
I hope that now you understand the difference.
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It is good to see something out of Palestine besides the standard Israeli load of crap.

This happen in the West Bank not in Gaza.
West Bank is were the palestine who dosent support terror=Hamas live, this is the the part of palestine that you despise the ones who choose life over terror.
I tried to explain to you over and over the difference between the life of Gaza residents who support terrorism and the life of the West Bank residents.
I hope that now you understand the difference.

Sure, Gaza has no checkpoints and has no settlers. Foreign troops kidnap West Bank residents every day. In Gaza almost never. West Bank resident are having their land stolen out from under them every day. Not so in Gaza.

Gaza is governed by the elected government who protects its citizens. The West Bank is ruled by a US armed and paid dictator whose job it is to protect Israel. Gaza chose its government. The West Bank didn't.

Anything else?

BTW, go peddle your terrorist crap elsewhere. I am not buying.
It is good to see something out of Palestine besides the standard Israeli load of crap.

This happen in the West Bank not in Gaza.
West Bank is were the palestine who dosent support terror=Hamas live, this is the the part of palestine that you despise the ones who choose life over terror.
I tried to explain to you over and over the difference between the life of Gaza residents who support terrorism and the life of the West Bank residents.
I hope that now you understand the difference.

Sure, Gaza has no checkpoints and has no settlers. Foreign troops kidnap West Bank residents every day. In Gaza almost never. West Bank resident are having their land stolen out from under them every day. Not so in Gaza.

Gaza is governed by the elected government who protects its citizens. The West Bank is ruled by a US armed and paid dictator whose job it is to protect Israel. Gaza chose its government. The West Bank didn't.

Anything else?

BTW, go peddle your terrorist crap elsewhere. I am not buying.

These girls in the West Bank don't seem to have it too bad. And I don't think these girls would be allowed to speed cars, or go with their hair uncovered, or be dressed like that, in Gaza.

This happen in the West Bank not in Gaza.
West Bank is were the palestine who dosent support terror=Hamas live, this is the the part of palestine that you despise the ones who choose life over terror.
I tried to explain to you over and over the difference between the life of Gaza residents who support terrorism and the life of the West Bank residents.
I hope that now you understand the difference.

Sure, Gaza has no checkpoints and has no settlers. Foreign troops kidnap West Bank residents every day. In Gaza almost never. West Bank resident are having their land stolen out from under them every day. Not so in Gaza.

Gaza is governed by the elected government who protects its citizens. The West Bank is ruled by a US armed and paid dictator whose job it is to protect Israel. Gaza chose its government. The West Bank didn't.

Anything else?

BTW, go peddle your terrorist crap elsewhere. I am not buying.

These girls in the West Bank don't seem to have it too bad. And I don't think these girls would be allowed to speed cars, or go with their hair uncovered, or be dressed like that, in Gaza.

It takes an Arab to live in the midst of political divisions, years of siege and occupation, and still say, "everything is fine." Specifically, it must be an Arab man. Ask any woman in Gaza and she will tell you the opposite.

That is, at least, the main message that comes across so clearly in the latest play staged in the Gaza Strip bearing the name "Kull Shi Tamaam" (Everything is Fine), written by local playwright Atef Abu Seif -- a prolific author from Jabalia refugee camp.

It is not commonplace for women to take center stage in Gaza, but 36-year-old Abu Seif tackles head on the thorny issue of their discrimination in the well-received play staged in Gaza City.

On stage, three women play the roles of the diverse situations of Palestinian women in a an overwhelmingly conservative and male-dominated society, on top of a crippling occupation and blockade that also tends to shape the dynamics between women and men.

ei: Play shows that for Gaza women, everything is not fine


This happen in the West Bank not in Gaza.
West Bank is were the palestine who dosent support terror=Hamas live, this is the the part of palestine that you despise the ones who choose life over terror.
I tried to explain to you over and over the difference between the life of Gaza residents who support terrorism and the life of the West Bank residents.
I hope that now you understand the difference.

Sure, Gaza has no checkpoints and has no settlers. Foreign troops kidnap West Bank residents every day. In Gaza almost never. West Bank resident are having their land stolen out from under them every day. Not so in Gaza.

Gaza is governed by the elected government who protects its citizens. The West Bank is ruled by a US armed and paid dictator whose job it is to protect Israel. Gaza chose its government. The West Bank didn't.

Anything else?

BTW, go peddle your terrorist crap elsewhere. I am not buying.

These girls in the West Bank don't seem to have it too bad. And I don't think these girls would be allowed to speed cars, or go with their hair uncovered, or be dressed like that, in Gaza.

Foreign troops kidnap West Bank residents every day - What the hell you talking about? ?
Gaza is governed by the elected government who protects its citizens - protectts its citiziens? realy? how exactly? you're the one who says life unbearable in Gaza no one can say that about the life in the West Bank.
The West Bank is ruled by a US - you keep claim this and i cant understand why everyone who have or want to have a good relationship with US or feel that he shares the same values with US or polite to US automatically considered contemptible in your eyes -What is so bad in US? Why you hate US? you prefer to live in reality where US is a "not important" country in the wrold eyes? US is not perfect but she's certainly not as bad as she appears in your posts.
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Sure, Gaza has no checkpoints and has no settlers. Foreign troops kidnap West Bank residents every day. In Gaza almost never. West Bank resident are having their land stolen out from under them every day. Not so in Gaza.

Gaza is governed by the elected government who protects its citizens. The West Bank is ruled by a US armed and paid dictator whose job it is to protect Israel. Gaza chose its government. The West Bank didn't.

Anything else?

BTW, go peddle your terrorist crap elsewhere. I am not buying.

These girls in the West Bank don't seem to have it too bad. And I don't think these girls would be allowed to speed cars, or go with their hair uncovered, or be dressed like that, in Gaza.

Foreign troops kidnap West Bank residents every day - What the hell you talking about? ?

TULKAREM, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) have stormed the home of Palestinian businessman Ali Al-Dadu in Tulkarem city and kidnapped his daughter Yasmin after confiscating a number of personal computers in the house.

Local sources said that the IOF troops broke into the house before dawn Friday and thoroughly searched it, wreaking havoc in the process.

The IOF soldiers had detained Dia, Yasmin's brother, a couple of days ago at the Karame crossing on returning from Jordan into the West Bank.

Hebrew press had reported that the IOF soldiers rounded up six Palestinians on Friday in northern and southern areas of the West Bank including two brothers in Qabatia, Jenin district.

IOF soldiers abduct daughter of businessman, serve demolition notice

This is just one report. This happens regularly. Israel has 8,000-10,000 Palestinians in prison. Where did they all come from?

Gaza is governed by the elected government who protects its citizens - protectts its citiziens? realy? how exactly?

Israel cannot get troops into Gaza without hiding in in tanks or airplanes. They cannot get out and kidnap people like they do in the West Bank.

you're the one who says life unbearable in Gaza no one can say that about the life in the West Bank.

Life is unbearable in Gaza because of Israel not the government.

And yes, they do say that about the West Bank. You need to read up.

The West Bank is ruled by a US - you keep claim this and i cant understand why everyone who have or want to have a good relationship with US or feel that he shares the same values with US or polite to US automatically considered contemptible in your eyes

It has nothing to do with good relationships. Abbas left the government in June of 2007. The government put together in the Mecca Agreement in Feb. 2007 is still the legal government of Palestine. Abbas had the authority to change that government but he did not do that. Instead, he walked away from the legal government and created an illegal government in the West Bank with the help of US money and weapons. I believe that defines him as a US dictator. He does not protect the Palestinians. He protects Israel.

-What is so bad in US? Why you hate US? you prefer to live in reality where US is a "not important" country in the wrold eyes? US is not perfect but she's certainly not as bad as she appears in your posts.

Irrelevant conjecture.
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This happen in the West Bank not in Gaza.
West Bank is were the palestine who dosent support terror=Hamas live, this is the the part of palestine that you despise the ones who choose life over terror.
I tried to explain to you over and over the difference between the life of Gaza residents who support terrorism and the life of the West Bank residents.
I hope that now you understand the difference.


Hamas swept to power in the 2006 Palestinian elections by winning a majority of votes in both the West Bank and Gaza. (There are about 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza and close to 3 million in the West Bank - so not enough votes in Gaza to swing the election by itself.)

The Palestinian regime currently in control of the West Bank is not elected. They have been in fact funded and armed by the U.S. and Israel to seize power from the elected government in order to facilitate the implementation of U.S./Israeli policies.

However, this regime was unable to dislodge the elected government from Gaza.
This happen in the West Bank not in Gaza.
West Bank is were the palestine who dosent support terror=Hamas live, this is the the part of palestine that you despise the ones who choose life over terror.
I tried to explain to you over and over the difference between the life of Gaza residents who support terrorism and the life of the West Bank residents.
I hope that now you understand the difference.


Hamas swept to power in the 2006 Palestinian elections by winning a majority of votes in both the West Bank and Gaza. (There are about 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza and close to 3 million in the West Bank - so not enough votes in Gaza to swing the election by itself.)

The Palestinian regime currently in control of the West Bank is not elected. They have been in fact funded and armed by the U.S. and Israel to seize power from the elected government in order to facilitate the implementation of U.S./Israeli policies.

However, this regime was unable to dislodge the elected government from Gaza.

The propaganda media always states that Hamas "violently seized control of the Gaza Strip." How can they say that with a straight face when Hamas was already the elected government?

How can they say something that makes no sense and have people believe it?
This happen in the West Bank not in Gaza.
West Bank is were the palestine who dosent support terror=Hamas live, this is the the part of palestine that you despise the ones who choose life over terror.
I tried to explain to you over and over the difference between the life of Gaza residents who support terrorism and the life of the West Bank residents.
I hope that now you understand the difference.


Hamas swept to power in the 2006 Palestinian elections by winning a majority of votes in both the West Bank and Gaza. (There are about 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza and close to 3 million in the West Bank - so not enough votes in Gaza to swing the election by itself.)

The Palestinian regime currently in control of the West Bank is not elected. They have been in fact funded and armed by the U.S. and Israel to seize power from the elected government in order to facilitate the implementation of U.S./Israeli policies.

However, this regime was unable to dislodge the elected government from Gaza.

The propaganda media always states that Hamas "violently seized control of the Gaza Strip." How can they say that with a straight face when Hamas was already the elected government?

How can they say something that makes no sense and have people believe it?

“There is nothing so absurd that it cannot be believed as truth if repeated often enough.”

- William James
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Hamas swept to power in the 2006 Palestinian elections by winning a majority of votes in both the West Bank and Gaza. (There are about 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza and close to 3 million in the West Bank - so not enough votes in Gaza to swing the election by itself.)

The Palestinian regime currently in control of the West Bank is not elected. They have been in fact funded and armed by the U.S. and Israel to seize power from the elected government in order to facilitate the implementation of U.S./Israeli policies.

However, this regime was unable to dislodge the elected government from Gaza.

The propaganda media always states that Hamas "violently seized control of the Gaza Strip." How can they say that with a straight face when Hamas was already the elected government?

How can they say something that makes no sense and have people believe it?

“There is nothing so absurd that it cannot be believed as truth if repeated often enough.”

- William James

You mean, like repeating Islam is the religion of peace?
The propaganda media always states that Hamas "violently seized control of the Gaza Strip." How can they say that with a straight face when Hamas was already the elected government?

How can they say something that makes no sense and have people believe it?

“There is nothing so absurd that it cannot be believed as truth if repeated often enough.”

- William James

You mean, like repeating Islam is the religion of peace?

More like repeating fabricated mistranslations of the Qur'an, Hadith etc. in pathetically lame attempts to try to "prove" that it isn't.
“There is nothing so absurd that it cannot be believed as truth if repeated often enough.”

- William James

You mean, like repeating Islam is the religion of peace?

More like repeating fabricated mistranslations of the Qur'an, Hadith etc. in pathetically lame attempts to try to "prove" that it isn't.

I'm quoting the Noble Quran, the official Quran distributed by Saudi Arabia.
I'm quoting Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith, second in importance to the Quran and as important in key ways.

Stupid Arab!

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