Abbas's militia continue to kidnap Hamas supporters

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
WEST BANK, (PIC) Abbas's Militia continued its campaign against Hamas supporters in the West Bank kidnapping 19 of them in the districts of Bethlehem, Nablus, Jenin, Tulkarem, Qalqilya and Ramallah.

In the Bethlehem district the militia kidnapped Dr. Ghassan Hirmas, lecturer at Bethlehem university, who was previously imprisoned by the Israeli occupation authority. They also kidnapped Mahmoud Abu Laban, who was formerly imprisoned by the Israeli occupation.

In the Jenin district Abbas's militia raided the village of Brouqin and kidnapped eight activists who were released from Israeli jails, two of them spent 7 years each in Israeli captivity.

In Qalqilya district three freed prisoners were kidnapped from the town of Qalqilya itself, one of them is a member of the local council.

In Nablus, Abbas's militia kidnapped Muhammad al-Hafi after calling him for an interview and they continue to issue summonses for leaders and supporters of Hamas in the city.

In Ramallah and after graffiti supporting Hamas was written on walls in the village of Nilin, Abbas's militia launched a campaign of kidnappings in the ranks of Hamas's supporters, four were known to have been kidnapped.

Sheikh Jamal Hamed, head of Sharia Court in Atteel, Tulkarem district, was also kidnapped by the militia.

Abbas's militia continue to kidnap Hamas supporters
GAZA, (PIC)-- The Palestinian center for human rights has condemned the arbitrary detention and the political arrest campaign at the hands of PA security forces in the West Bank against Hamas supporters, urging the immediate release of six professors kidnapped a couple of days ago.

The center called on the ill-famed preventive security apparatus, in a statement on Wednesday, to halt political arrest campaign against Hamas members in the West Bank, and to respect orders of the Palestinian supreme court in this regard.

According to the center, the apparatus kidnapped six professors lecturing at Al-Najah University in Nablus city, north of the West Bank, one municipal council, two engineers, a university student, and nine women over the past few days for being sympathizers of Hamas Movement.

“The warrant of arrest is clearly regulated in the Palestinian law as it is the sole authority of the prosecution and the civil police, and not any other apparatus in the PA security departments”, the center emphasized.

It also stressed that the Palestinian law prohibits the arrest of any Palestinian citizen for political reasons regardless of his political affiliation, underscoring that the six kidnapped professors are known for their good conduct.

Legal institutions urge Abbas militia to release 6 kidnapped Najah professors
Did you run any posts on Hamas openly murdering Fatwa members? Openly shooting supporters , kidnapping and murdering none Hamas politicians in Gaza? Didn't think so.
RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- The Palestinian media forum strongly denounced Mahmoud Abbas's security militias in Nablus for kidnapping journalist Ahmed Al-Beitawi without legal grounds.

The forum stated Wednesday that Beitawi is the fourth journalist who is locked up in the Palestinian Authority's jails.

It affirmed that it is following up the deterioration of freedoms and the mouth-muzzling policy pursued against journalists and media institutions in the West Bank, describing the suppression of freedoms there as a black spot in the history of the Palestinian people.

The media center demanded the immediate release of the four journalists from West Bank jails and called on Salam Fayyad, the illegitimate premeir in Ramallah, to instruct the security apparatuses to stop interfering in the media work.

Another woman called Hanin Darwaza, who was kidnapped along with her husband and son by Abbas's militias, is still in hospital after she was maltreated during interrogation.

Palestinian media forum slams Abbas's militias for kidnapping journalist
NABLUS, (PIC)-- The Palestinian families of political prisoners in the West Bank appealed to the Palestinian authority (PA) to release their sons from its jails on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan.

In a separate incident, Mahmoud Abbas's security militias kidnapped six Palestinian citizens affiliated with Hamas Movement in the cities of Nablus and Ramallah, according to local sources on Sunday.

The militias also summoned ex-detainee in Israeli jails Sheikh Saleh Qasem, 53, a few days after they stormed and ransacked his home in Bethlehem city.

Sheikh Qasem worked as a manger of orphans' affairs in Al-Islah charity and suffers from cancer and different health problems caused by chemotherapy and surgeries.

West Bank families appeal for releasing their sons from jails

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