Our most excellent POTUS Biden has forgiven student debt

Not a conspiracy, an actual fact when I worked at Jo-Line Tools.
The indoctrination sure did take with you.
That wasnt the conspiratorial part I was referring to, this was "Nothing has changed and the government doesn't care, not their dime. It's the taxpayers dime. Wake up, dude."

For you, the governments sole purpose is they are out to get you.
It is always amazing to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats justify thievery. It is like these shitheads think they are entitled to the money just because they are alive. That is the Socialist root moral conviction.

Of course we all know that these stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know anymore about Ethics than they know about Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science or the Constitution, don't we?

Some worthless piece of shit goes out and borrows tens of of thousands of dollars to get a worthless degree in Black Studies to learn how to be a professional racist and now the government is forcing somebody else to pay the debt.

Stolen elections have consequences.
It is always amazing to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats justify thievery. It is like these shitheads think they are entitled to the money just because they are alive. That is the Socialist root moral conviction.

Of course we all know that these stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know anymore about Ethics than they know about Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science or the Constitution, don't we?

Some worthless piece of shit goes out and borrows tens of of thousands of dollars to get a worthless degree in Black Studies to learn how to be a professional racist and now the government is forcing somebody else to pay the debt.

Stolen elections have consequences.
Instead of sitting there maybe you should get up and call your Congressman so you can get a return on your tax dollar as well. But you wont. Because that would then eliminate 90% of what you bitch about on a daily basis.
Biden seems ... stuck. I realize his age and even his mental state dating back decades doesn't allow him to make judgments based on a clear set of Positive and Negative or hear reasons to change his mind, and discard those reasons because changing course would be contrary to public good .....

But he really did have a mandate to reset how people got loans (show a pattern of passing classes and matriculating to a degree) and then allow loans to be forgiven - even if not repayed - by community service.

But because the progressives simply think giving people money is a valid economic policy, it never made it into their recocilliation bill.
That wasnt the conspiratorial part I was referring to, this was "Nothing has changed and the government doesn't care, not their dime. It's the taxpayers dime. Wake up, dude."

For you, the governments sole purpose is they are out to get you.
You can't even comprehend what I was talking about, John. No wonder you are a lost cause.
They overpay on almost everything if not everything. They don't care because it's not coming out of their pockets,
it's coming out of ours. Good grief, if nothing else grow up
Me pointing out someone elses logical fallacy means I have a high opinion of myself? If you say so lol.......

One post does not an opinion make kid. It's the body of your interaction that does that. Fact, you think your shyte doesn't doesn't stink, you see yourself as superior.
One post does not an opinion make kid. It's the body of your interaction that does that. Fact, you think your shyte doesn't doesn't stink, you see yourself as superior.
Do I think I'm superior to a guy that quotes a child psychologist that pushes Ivermectin to a state governor?

Instead of sitting there maybe you should get up and call your Congressman so you can get a return on your tax dollar as well. But you wont. Because that would then eliminate 90% of what you bitch about on a daily basis.

You are confused Moon Bat.

This country is too fucked up to be fixed at the ballot box.

The Democrats are hell bent on making this country a Socialist shithole and the Republicans are all too willing to help them. They are both parties of big government.

You welfare queen assholes are living in hog heaven.
I guess cowards like you will have to accept that we won and you lost.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The Democrats didn't win you moron. The Democrats stole the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Potatohead's Chinese buddies were very pleased. You know who they are don't you? They are the ones that made Potatohead's family filthy rich. Now their man is in the White House doing his best to turn this country into a shithole.
Thank you for admitting that per usual, it's all about you. Nothing can ever change because we cant go back in time and apply the law to you so you benefit. What is wrong with you people?
Thank you for admitting that per usual, it's all about you.

You say that, while arguing for something that would be "all about them". You don't see anything wrong with someone reaching into someone else's pocket to pay for college, but see everything wrong with those other people being unhappy about it. Who's being selfish here?

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