Our most excellent POTUS Biden has forgiven student debt

what does tuckee tirades have to do with it? you wanna expand your bitching I want to equalize your rage.
Why are all these animals at school board meeting yelling nonsense? You just think this just happened organically? LOL! Get real. Every right wing nut job out there on TV and radio is telling people to go to their school board meetings and behave like animals
Why are all these animals at school board meeting yelling nonsense? You just think this just happened organically? LOL! Get real. Every right wing nut job out there on TV and radio is telling people to go to their school board meetings and behave like animals
man, you need a hug.
Why are all these animals at school board meeting yelling nonsense? You just think this just happened organically? LOL! Get real. Every right wing nut job out there on TV and radio is telling people to go to their school board meetings and behave like animals
and now should I list up all the timea the left had riled up their base?
These Moon Bats are stupid as shit.

There is no such thing as "forgive".

It is taking the debt away from the shitheads that incurred it and making somebody else pay it.

Common thievery.
These Moon Bats are stupid as shit.

There is no such thing as "forgive".

It is taking the debt away from the shitheads that incurred it and making somebody else pay it.

Common thievery.
ANNNNNNNND you are gonna sit there and take it and do nothing, right racist?
That would not be applicable to what we are discussing here. But I'm sure that wont stop you.
neither was tucker to crt in schools.

I rest my case. you feel only how you want the convo to go is valid. all else a no.

have fun. I'd rather clean tile grout.

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