Organizers planning Birth Certificate March on Washington to tell President to Quit.

A total of 494,365 people have signed a petition to see Obama's birth certificate so I imagine a lot of people will show up that will make the Obama Administration take notice. You think the Tea Party was a massive march, this ought to rival it.

I personally signed it three times as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy.

The birthers have reached their high water mark as far as media attention goes. They chose to throw their lot in with an incompetent lawyer, Orly Taitz, and got burned for it. Now no one takes them seriously.

Berg is hardly better than Taitz. In fact, Taitz's sole legal victory in this matter has been against Berg.

But if you enjoy banging your head against a wall, have at it.
Whats the problem?

America will ignore this group like they did code pink.

Marches are a waste of time.

Tell that to MLK supporters. Marches that make sense are not a waste of time. Tea baggers are idiots who are funded by corporations who are against tea baggers. Its amazing really.


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This should have been done along time ago. If this doesn't get media attention then I don't know what will.

March on Washington to tell president to quit

Organizers of a new march on Washington are offering Americans the opportunity to show President Obama their birth certificates and declare that unless he produces documentation of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, he should quit.

The event is headed by Philip Berg, the first to bring court challenges to Obama's eligibility under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that presidents be a "natural born citizen."

While a number of cases, including several of his own, remain pending, Berg told WND today the issue needs to be pressed.

"Since the courts are taking their time to get to the point of allowing 'discovery,' it is time to motivate the citizens of the United States for a 'peaceful revolution' to expose the 'hoax' of Obama, the biggest 'hoax' in the history of our country, in over 230 years," he said.
More at link above:

Wish I could go on that march, I'd bring my birth certificate AND my citizenship papers.
This should have been done along time ago. If this doesn't get media attention then I don't know what will.

March on Washington to tell president to quit

Organizers of a new march on Washington are offering Americans the opportunity to show President Obama their birth certificates and declare that unless he produces documentation of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, he should quit.

The event is headed by Philip Berg, the first to bring court challenges to Obama's eligibility under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that presidents be a "natural born citizen."

While a number of cases, including several of his own, remain pending, Berg told WND today the issue needs to be pressed.

"Since the courts are taking their time to get to the point of allowing 'discovery,' it is time to motivate the citizens of the United States for a 'peaceful revolution' to expose the 'hoax' of Obama, the biggest 'hoax' in the history of our country, in over 230 years," he said.
More at link above:

IMO there's lots to march about regarding the current fuckup in Washington without falling for that same fuckups game by continuing the "birther" nonsense.

I don't think it's nonsense:

"Renewing an Indonesian passport after the age of 18 is an affirmative act, as you are swearing allegiance to another country. Soetoro/Obama renewed his Indonesian passport when he traveled to Pakistan, that is why he had to stop in Indonesia first. Remember, in 1981, [his mother] was divorcing Soetoro in Hawaii and was not in Indonesia. Obama/Soetoro admits to traveling to Indonesia first and then on to Pakistan. Soetoro/Obama claims in his book 'Dreams from my Father' that he stopped in Indonesia to visit his mother. But again, his mother was not in Indonesia, she was in Hawaii with Maya, divorcing Lolo Soetoro. In addition, the State Department has stated in response to a FOIA request that they do not have a U.S. Passport application
on file for Barack H. Obama," he explained.
Nothing I would like more than to prove that Obama is ineligible for the Office of President due to him not being an American born in America. However, doesn't the Honolulu newspapers mention his birth back in 1961? I really doubt there is conspiracy with the news media from 49 years ago.
The birther nonsense is so unbelievably stupid.

Do they honestly think the Bush administration either never checked his birth location or knew it wasn't in the US and did nothing?

The man doesn't need to show his birth certificate to a bunch of conspiracy nuts who won't be satisfied even if he does.
It was the Hillary Clinton campaign that brought up the birth certificate issue originally. She is a Democrat.
Whats the problem?

America will ignore this group like they did code pink.

Marches are a waste of time.

Tell that to MLK supporters. Marches that make sense are not a waste of time. Tea baggers are idiots who are funded by corporations who are against tea baggers. Its amazing really.
You wouldn't know a good march from a bad march if it was dipped on your nose.

But I am always amused by an idiot calling others idiots.....
Nothing I would like more than to prove that Obama is ineligible for the Office of President due to him not being an American born in America. However, doesn't the Honolulu newspapers mention his birth back in 1961? I really doubt there is conspiracy with the news media from 49 years ago.

They cant address this. Ever!
Whats the problem?

America will ignore this group like they did code pink.

Marches are a waste of time.

Tell that to MLK supporters. Marches that make sense are not a waste of time. Tea baggers are idiots who are funded by corporations who are against tea baggers. Its amazing really.
You wouldn't know a good march from a bad march if it was dipped on your nose.

But I am always amused by an idiot calling others idiots.....

Are you equating the MLK marches to the tea baggers march? Are you serious?
Tell that to MLK supporters. Marches that make sense are not a waste of time. Tea baggers are idiots who are funded by corporations who are against tea baggers. Its amazing really.
You wouldn't know a good march from a bad march if it was dipped on your nose.

But I am always amused by an idiot calling others idiots.....

Are you equating the MLK marches to the tea baggers march? Are you serious?




Nothing I would like more than to prove that Obama is ineligible for the Office of President due to him not being an American born in America. However, doesn't the Honolulu newspapers mention his birth back in 1961? I really doubt there is conspiracy with the news media from 49 years ago.
There is a answer to that. Hawaii in 1961 issued one out of their 4 state Birth Certificates to infants born out of country. Obama's Grandmother easily could have put the announcement in the Honolulu Papers back then.
Nothing I would like more than to prove that Obama is ineligible for the Office of President due to him not being an American born in America. However, doesn't the Honolulu newspapers mention his birth back in 1961? I really doubt there is conspiracy with the news media from 49 years ago.
There is a answer to that. Hawaii in 1961 issued one out of their 4 state Birth Certificates to infants born out of country. Obama's Grandmother easily could have put the announcement in the Honolulu Papers back then.

And you just as easily could have been a communist plant in the army to be in position to . . . whatever. Sheesh, you guys are mental.

That refers to meeting minimum age, not producing legal documents.

The other one had no source for the government not checking. Got any proof that isn't more conspiracy ramblings?
Nothing I would like more than to prove that Obama is ineligible for the Office of President due to him not being an American born in America. However, doesn't the Honolulu newspapers mention his birth back in 1961? I really doubt there is conspiracy with the news media from 49 years ago.
There is a answer to that. Hawaii in 1961 issued one out of their 4 state Birth Certificates to infants born out of country. Obama's Grandmother easily could have put the announcement in the Honolulu Papers back then.

And your proof of this is...
This should have been done along time ago. If this doesn't get media attention then I don't know what will.

March on Washington to tell president to quit

Organizers of a new march on Washington are offering Americans the opportunity to show President Obama their birth certificates and declare that unless he produces documentation of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, he should quit.

The event is headed by Philip Berg, the first to bring court challenges to Obama's eligibility under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that presidents be a "natural born citizen."

While a number of cases, including several of his own, remain pending, Berg told WND today the issue needs to be pressed.

"Since the courts are taking their time to get to the point of allowing 'discovery,' it is time to motivate the citizens of the United States for a 'peaceful revolution' to expose the 'hoax' of Obama, the biggest 'hoax' in the history of our country, in over 230 years," he said.
More at link above:

IMO there's lots to march about regarding the current fuckup in Washington without falling for that same fuckups game by continuing the "birther" nonsense.

I don't think it's nonsense:

"Renewing an Indonesian passport after the age of 18 is an affirmative act, as you are swearing allegiance to another country. Soetoro/Obama renewed his Indonesian passport when he traveled to Pakistan, that is why he had to stop in Indonesia first. Remember, in 1981, [his mother] was divorcing Soetoro in Hawaii and was not in Indonesia. Obama/Soetoro admits to traveling to Indonesia first and then on to Pakistan. Soetoro/Obama claims in his book 'Dreams from my Father' that he stopped in Indonesia to visit his mother. But again, his mother was not in Indonesia, she was in Hawaii with Maya, divorcing Lolo Soetoro. In addition, the State Department has stated in response to a FOIA request that they do not have a U.S. Passport application
on file for Barack H. Obama," he explained.

Nothing in that rambling paragraph is evidence Obama wasn't born in Hawaii.
Anyone else in favor of removing the born in US requirement from the constitution so we don't have to deal with this garbage again? (That requirement served little purpose anyway)

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