O'Reilly slanders American WWII heroes and then FOX washes it's transcripts...


Senior Member
May 31, 2006
The guilty pleasure offered by the existence of Bill O‘Reilly is simple but understandable, 99 times out of 100, when we belly up to the Bill-O bar of bluster, nearly every time we partake of the movable falafel feast he serves us nothing but comedy, farce, slapstick, unconscious self-mutilation, the Sideshow Bob of commentators forever stepping on the same rake, forever muttering the same grunted, inarticulate surrender, forever resuming the circle that will take him back to the same rake. The Sisyphus of morons, if you will. But this is the 100th time out of 100. It is not funny at all. Bill O‘Reilly has, for the second time in under eight months, slandered at least 84 dead American servicemen. He has turned them again from victims of the kind of atrocity our country has always fought against into perpetrators of that kind of atrocity. He has made these Americans into war criminals. They are dead and have been dead for 61 years. They cannot defend themselves against O‘Reilly. We will have to do it for them.

O‘REILLY: In Malmady, as you know, U.S. forces captured S.S. forces who had their hands in the air and they were unarmed and they shot them down. You know that. That‘s on the record. Been documented.


OLBERMANN: Thus was the full depth of Bill O‘Reilly‘s insult to the American debt of World War II made clear. The mistake of last October was not some innocent slip nor misrembered history. This was the way O‘Reilly understood and thus, this way it had to be. No errors corrected, no apologies offered, no stopping the relentless tide of bull even briefly enough to check one fact.

The facts of Malmady are terrifying as described by Michael Reynolds in his painstakingly detailed article from a 2003 issue of “World War II” magazine. One week before Christmas, 1944, 139 U.S. soldiers, most of them from the 285th Field Artillery, encountered the German comf (ph) group, Piper, the leading formation of the German first S.S. Panzer Division, one of only two German units in the entire war which actually carried Adolf Hitler‘s name. The American were overrun. The 11 of the 139 soldiers were killed in the very short battle of Malmady, two more were killed as they tried to flee, seven escaped, six became prisoners of war. The other 113 Americans, nearly all of whom had surrendered outright, were ordered to assemble in an open field next to a restaurant, the Cafe Bodarue (ph). What happened next has been attributed to many things, a cold-blooded decision by that unit Panzer commander, Colonel Joachim Piper, that he could not handle the prisoners, or an unjustifiable overreaction to some kind of escape attempt or simply horrible mass murder.

Within 15 minutes the S.S. Colonel or someone directly under him had ordered his men to shoot the unarmed American POWs. The bodies at Malmedy were not found until a month later. There were 84 of them, all American soldiers, more than half shotgun wounds to their heads. Six had received fatal blows to the head, nine were found with their arms still raised above their heads. The fact that O‘Reilly got these horrible facts completely backwards twice offended even his usually compliant viewers. From his program Wednesday night:


O‘REILLY: Don Caldwell, Fort Worth, TX. Bill, you mentioned that Malmady as the site of an American massacre during World War II. It was the other way around, the S.S. shot down U.S. prisoners.”

In the heat of the debate with General Clark, my statement wasn‘t clear enough, Mr. Caldwell. After Malmady, some were executed by American troops.

Watch Bill O'Reilly first slander American WWII heroes by calling them the perpetrators of the Malmady Massacre... then watch FOX News actually change what the transcript says even though the video of O'Reilly's words proves otherwise.

Well, I guess the transcripts will be balanced... Quicktime video and transcript of video which outs Bill O
In Malmady, as you know, U.S. forces captured S.S. forces who had their hands in the air and they were unarmed and they shot them down. You know that. That‘s on the record. Been documented.

Your thread title is a lie. O'Reilley stated fact. The fact is, shooting an unarmed prisoner is murder, and a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and Geneva Convention concerning the treatment of POWs.

You haven't even done a good job of trying to twist this one. Basically, you are trying to paint Bill as anti-armed forces when his statement is clearly anti-crime. By taking an opposing stance, you are condoning the out of hand murder of unarmed POWs.

And, one crime does not justify another. What the SS did to US prisoners was irrelevant in regard to the law.

Bad form, dude.
GunnyL said:
Your thread title is a lie. O'Reilley stated fact. The fact is, shooting an unarmed prisoner is murder, and a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and Geneva Convention concerning the treatment of POWs.

You haven't even done a good job of trying to twist this one. Basically, you are trying to paint Bill as anti-armed forces when his statement is clearly anti-crime. By taking an opposing stance, you are condoning the out of hand murder of unarmed POWs.

Bad form, dude.


At Malmedy, SS troops murdered American troops. Not the other way around.

Dude, at least read the transcripts of Olberman's video before you start shooting your mouth off... or, better yet, hit Wikipedia.

Well, I think this is definitive proof that you'll believe anything that comes out of the right-wing talk machine's mouth.
jasendorf said:

At Malmedy, SS troops murdered American troops. Not the other way around.

Dude, at least read the transcripts of Olberman's video before you start shooting your mouth off... or, better yet, hit Wikipedia.

Well, I think this is definitive proof that you'll believe anything that comes out of the right-wing talk machine's mouth.

Dude - you got pwn3ed by Gunny. He's RIGHT on. Your thread title AND understanding of what O'Reilly said are 'off base'.
jasendorf said:

At Malmedy, SS troops murdered American troops. Not the other way around.

Dude, at least read the transcripts of Olberman's video before you start shooting your mouth off... or, better yet, hit Wikipedia.

Well, I think this is definitive proof that you'll believe anything that comes out of the right-wing talk machine's mouth.

O‘REILLY: In Malmady, as you know, U.S. forces captured S.S. forces who had their hands in the air and they were unarmed and they shot them down. You know that. That‘s on the record. Been documented.

I will quote the first line in your post AGAIN for those of you unable to comprehend the English language. Correct me if I am wrong, but does it not say above that, "U.S. forces captured S.S. forces who had their hands in the air and they were unarmed and they shot them down."?

Please feel free, oh nimrod from dipstickville, to show me EXACTLY where I have erred.
Are you two kidding me????????? Is this some kind of sick joke the two of you are pulling?

O'Reilly says that our troops at Malmedy murdered SS troops... then says it again... then defends saying it again... and you're saying that he didn't?

Malmedy was a NAZI attrocity... not an American attrocity.
GunnyL said:
I will quote the first line in your post AGAIN for those of you unable to comprehend the English language. Correct me if I am wrong, but does it not say above that, "U.S. forces captured S.S. forces who had their hands in the air and they were unarmed and they shot them down."?

Please feel free, oh nimrod from dipstickville, to show me EXACTLY where I have erred.


Jesus. Can you read??????
jasendorf said:

Jesus. Can you read??????

Try reading your own post dumbass, instead of skimming it with you obviously sub-par reading and comprehension skills. Start with the FIRST-freakin'-line.
GunnyL said:
Try reading your own post dumbass, instead of skimming it with you obviously sub-par reading and comprehension skills. Start with the FIRST-freakin'-line.

What do you want me to read? O'Reilly's LIE?

Or, do you want me to read the part where I say O'Reilly slanders American WWII heroes?

Are you friggin' clueless?
"It was in the wake of the Malmedy incident at Chegnogne that on New Year's Day 1945 some 60 German POWs were shot in cold blood by their American guards. The guilt went unpunished. It was felt that the basis for their action was orders that no prisoners were to be taken."

America had signed the Geneva Convention of 1929 which required the treatment of German POWs according to the rules of the convention. In the Dachau trials of concentration camp staff members, the judges had ruled that Germany was required to follow the rules of the Geneva convention, which they had signed, even with respect to Russian POWs, although the Russians had not signed the convention and were not following its rules.

No American soldier was ever punished for the killing of German POWs; the accused Germans were not even allowed to mention in court that German POWs had been murdered in cold blood by American soldiers, including those killed during the Battle of the Bulge.


For your edification, oh genius of the message boards.
jasendorf said:
What do you want me to read? O'Reilly's LIE?

Or, do you want me to read the part where I say O'Reilly slanders American WWII heroes?

Are you friggin' clueless?

Just follow the link, Einstein, and edu-micate yourself. O'Reilly's "lie" has basis in fact.

Go back to Bush-bashing. You're much better at that than you are history.
jasendorf said:
What do you want me to read? O'Reilly's LIE?

Or, do you want me to read the part where I say O'Reilly slanders American WWII heroes?

Are you friggin' clueless?
Take a deep breath. O'Reilly just wasn't crystal clear. It's obvious what he was talking about.
jasendorf said:
So, in other words, you're siding with the Nazi revisionists instead of the Americans who actually fought there? What's next? Gonna tell me the Holocaust didn't really happen?

Geez .... History Class for the Simplest of Minds ......

I did not say the SS did not execute US troops at Malmedy. Clearly, they did. Obviously, you skimmed your own damned thread and jumped to judgement in your zeal to villify a so-called conservative.

I said that crime does not excuse nor justify the subsequent crime committed by US troops in executing POWs, and I stated that O'Reilly is not lying about the fact that it happened, nor is O'Reilly "slandering" nor dishonoring the US military, nor WWII vets for stating fact.

You REALLY need to slow down and pronounce each syllable of each word, and put them all together to form a sentence, and then at least put some attempt into comprehension within the context the sentence is made.
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GunnyL said:
Clearly, they did. Obviously, you skimmed your own damned thread and jumped to judgement in your zeal to villify a so-called conservative.

And that is EXACTLY accurate. I feel that's exactly what's going on with this thread.
And let's dissect this just a bit further. O'Reilly made the statement:

General, you need to look at the Malmady Massacre in World War II in the 82nd airborne.

in a conversation concerning war crimes with Wesley Clark on TNSZ. Here's the FULL context in which the statement was made:

Transcript follows...

Gen. Wesley Clark: Because in the United States Army that I served in proudly for 34 years, we did not beat up and torture prisoners. Just a second, Bill ---

Bill O'Reilly: Yeah, but with all due respect, there were atrocities in Vietnam, there were atrocities in World War Two --

Clark: Yes, and they were found, and they were punished.

O'Reilly: -- in World War One, in the Civil War, and the Revolutionary War.

Clark: They were not condoned by the chain of command.

O'Reilly: Yes they were!

Clark: No they weren't.

O'Reilly: Lt. Calley, and Medina in Vietnam.

Clark: They were not condoned by the chain of command, those guys were court-martialed.

O'Reilly: You know -- listen, with all due respect --

Clark: And let me explain something. You go all the way up the chain of command --

O'Reilly: General! You need to look at the Malmedy massacre in World War Two, and the 82nd Airborne who did it!


The conversation begins with Clark saying there were no war crimes committed in the Army he served in, and escalated from there. Then along comes this dipshit Olbermann to take one sentence out of context and spin up some naive, left-wing hack like you.

Dude, I got some West Texas swamp land for sale if you're interested.:banana:
GunnyL said:
I said that crime does not excuse nor justify the subsequent crime committed by US troops in executing POWs, and I stated that O'Reilly is not lying about the fact that it happened, nor is O'Reilly "slandering" nor dishonoring the US military, nor WWII vets for stating fact.

You have some proof for those crimes you say the Americans committed? Maybe a trial? Maybe some American being demoted? Maybe some American being brought up on charges? Anything? Anything other than Nazi reivisonists telling you that American troops were cold-blooded murderers?

Even one of the authors cited in your link Hugh Cole stated in his official history, "...it is probable that Germans who attempted to surrender in the days immediately after the 17th ran a greater risk" of being killed than earlier in the year, even so "there is no evidence... that American troops took advantage of orders, implicit or explicit, to kill their SS prisoners." - Chapter XI. The 1st SS Panzer Division's Dash Westward, and Operation Greif, The Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge

But, your link doesn't mention that little tidbit.
dmp said:
And that is EXACTLY accurate. I feel that's exactly what's going on with this thread.

You can call it what you want... now explain why FOX doctored its transcripts O'Reilly's show.
GunnyL said:
And let's dissect this just a bit further. O'Reilly made the statement:

in a conversation concerning war crimes with Wesley Clark on TNSZ. Here's the FULL context in which the statement was made:


The conversation begins with Clark saying there were no war crimes committed in the Army he served in, and escalated from there. Then along comes this dipshit Olbermann to take one sentence out of context and spin up some naive, left-wing hack like you.

Dude, I got some West Texas swamp land for sale if you're interested.:banana:

I did Basic at Ft. Bliss... you ain't gonna fool me with that sale!

Gen. Clark is right when he says attrocities committed by rogue American servicemen and women are properly punished by our country and out military. Unlike the attrocities of terrorists. That still doesn't offer a shred of evidence that Americans committed any war crimes at Malmedy.

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