Opinions on this under reported event.

Hard to imagine how 'race' makes a crime like this 'worse.'

As Harry Calahan used to say, some people just need killing, and this bunch fits the bill.

It really doesn't, it's just interesting to watch everybody posture when it is white on black it is a hate crime and when it is black on white they are shocked that one would even think so. It is terribly amusing and predictable. I remember the Duke non crime, those white boys were guilty and racist and bla bla bla the black panthers and all the race baiters arrived the very next day and were ready to string those white boys up. and this crime? no big deal right?
Crime is crime.

Just because someone hates someone else because of race doesn't make it 'worse.'

Murder is murder, assualt is assult and so on.

I recall the duke case, I recall that simp Wendy Murphy saying they were 100% guilty because 'a woman would never lie about rape.'
How horrible.

If they need someone to put a round in each of their skulls, I'd be happy to do the job.

If you read the Snopes article, it said that the manner of killing is exaggerated. That, of course, doesn't excuse it. But it doesn't seem a cause for hysteria by the right wingnut anyway.

perhaps he'd do better to get his news from other than Stormfront.
Hard to imagine how 'race' makes a crime like this 'worse.'

As Harry Calahan used to say, some people just need killing, and this bunch fits the bill.

It really doesn't, it's just interesting to watch everybody posture when it is white on black it is a hate crime and when it is black on white they are shocked that one would even think so. It is terribly amusing and predictable. I remember the Duke non crime, those white boys were guilty and racist and bla bla bla the black panthers and all the race baiters arrived the very next day and were ready to string those white boys up. and this crime? no big deal right?

Isn't it odd that the truth DID out in the Duke case? You'd think from the way you told it that those innocent lacrosse players were found guilty just because they were white.

the truth did come out after the destruction of men's lives and nearly killing the program at duke...did you even realize the stigma this men will carry the rest of their lives...no matter what they achieve they will always be the "duke rapists"
the manner in which they died was horrible even if overstated at first.

and its unforunate that stormfront was the keeper of the flame in this story but they were.
How horrible.

If they need someone to put a round in each of their skulls, I'd be happy to do the job.

If you read the Snopes article, it said that the manner of killing is exaggerated. That, of course, doesn't excuse it. But it doesn't seem a cause for hysteria by the right wingnut anyway.

perhaps he'd do better to get his news from other than Stormfront.
If you read the snopes thing, only what they did to the girl was streched, they did rape and cut the cock off the guy before they killed him and set his body on fire.

The streched part for the girl was they didn't keep her alive and poured bleech in her mouth after she was dead...from suffication from the plastic bags they tied over her head.

Like i said, one round each, high caliber close range, and they get to watch while awaiting their turn.
It really doesn't, it's just interesting to watch everybody posture when it is white on black it is a hate crime and when it is black on white they are shocked that one would even think so. It is terribly amusing and predictable. I remember the Duke non crime, those white boys were guilty and racist and bla bla bla the black panthers and all the race baiters arrived the very next day and were ready to string those white boys up. and this crime? no big deal right?

Isn't it odd that the truth DID out in the Duke case? You'd think from the way you told it that those innocent lacrosse players were found guilty just because they were white.

the truth did come out after the destruction of men's lives and nearly killing the program at duke...did you even realize the stigma this men will carry the rest of their lives...no matter what they achieve they will always be the "duke rapists"

True...but the REAL reason for all that was a D.A. trying to make a political name for himself...and he was White. He's the real culprit here.
Isn't it odd that the truth DID out in the Duke case? You'd think from the way you told it that those innocent lacrosse players were found guilty just because they were white.

the truth did come out after the destruction of men's lives and nearly killing the program at duke...did you even realize the stigma this men will carry the rest of their lives...no matter what they achieve they will always be the "duke rapists"

True...but the REAL reason for all that was a D.A. trying to make a political name for himself...and he was White. He's the real culprit here.

he was a party to it but the real culprit is that lying bitch who made the false accusations. She should be serving time.
according to snopes the girl wasn't shot at all,, such a wild exaggeration,, no she had a more "humane" easy death, she suffocated in plastic garbage bags.. shit,, I'd rather be shot .
Isn't it odd that the truth DID out in the Duke case? You'd think from the way you told it that those innocent lacrosse players were found guilty just because they were white.

the truth did come out after the destruction of men's lives and nearly killing the program at duke...did you even realize the stigma this men will carry the rest of their lives...no matter what they achieve they will always be the "duke rapists"

True...but the REAL reason for all that was a D.A. trying to make a political name for himself...and he was White. He's the real culprit here.
He was swayed by the blacks screaming for "justice." Re-election in a highly black area was part of it, but just brings us back full circle to this being because the blacks convicted those boys in the court of public opinion.

Blacks whine and bitch about equality all the time. Even though I don't think hate crime law has a place in our justice system, I am all for applying the law evenly for black on white crimes just like blacks demand and get for white on black crime. That's equality.

Only problem is that the racist US AG Holder has said whites are not protected under hate crime laws. I guess he finds that equal protection clause in the 14th-A to be just a detail to be ignored.

the truth did come out after the destruction of men's lives and nearly killing the program at duke...did you even realize the stigma this men will carry the rest of their lives...no matter what they achieve they will always be the "duke rapists"

True...but the REAL reason for all that was a D.A. trying to make a political name for himself...and he was White. He's the real culprit here.

he was a party to it but the real culprit is that lying bitch who made the false accusations. She should be serving time.

Well, that is true too.
the truth did come out after the destruction of men's lives and nearly killing the program at duke...did you even realize the stigma this men will carry the rest of their lives...no matter what they achieve they will always be the "duke rapists"

True...but the REAL reason for all that was a D.A. trying to make a political name for himself...and he was White. He's the real culprit here.
He was swayed by the blacks screaming for "justice." Re-election in a highly black area was part of it, but just brings us back full circle to this being because the blacks convicted those boys in the court of public opinion.

Blacks whine and bitch about equality all the time. Even though I don't think hate crime law has a place in our justice system, I am all for applying the law evenly for black on white crimes just like blacks demand and get for white on black crime. That's equality.

Only problem is that the racist US AG Holder has said whites are not protected under hate crime laws. I guess he finds that equal protection clause in the 14th-A to be just a detail to be ignored.
Where did he say that? Because that is simply not true.
Where did he say that? Because that is simply not true.


RUSH: I want you to hear this. June 25th, a week ago, Senate Judiciary Committee, Eric Holder testifying, and this is the question. "Jeff Sessions presents a hypothetical where a minister gives a sermon, quotes the Bible about homosexuality and is thereafter attacked..." You know what the media didn't pick up yet? Whether liberalism is chosen or whether you're born with it. Once they get through the fog of the Jackson death, Media Matters will get that to 'em. I'm sure they have it. It's just a matter of it hasn't penetrated the fog there at the editors' desks. Anyway, a question, hypothetical. "[A] minister gives a sermon, quotes the Bible about homosexuality, is thereafter attacked by a gay activist because of what the minister said about his religious beliefs and what Scripture says about homosexuality." Is the minister protected, is what Sessions said. Here's a portion of the answer, the testimony from Eric Holder.

HOLDER: Well, the statute would not -- would not necessarily cover that. We're talking about crimes that have a historic basis. Groups who have been targeted for violence as a result of the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, that is what this statute tends -- is designed to cover. We don't have the indication that the attack was motivated by a person's desire to strike at somebody who was in one of these protected groups. That would not be covered by the statute.

RUSH: In other words: ministers and whites are not covered by the hate crime statute because we're talking about crimes that have a historic basis, groups who have been targeted for violence as a result of their skin color, sexual orientation. So hate crimes are reserved exclusively for blacks and homosexuals. Everybody else can get to the back of the bus on this one. So if you're a minister, if you're white, he didn't even say -- well, sexual orientation, that's not gender. Not unless you've got an addadictomy, and he didn't talk about that, either. So I guess at the front of the bus are blacks and gays on hate crimes.
Can you show me where Holder said that whites, especially white ministers and Christians, would have equal protection under hate crimes law? Hint: Holder specifically excluded whites, especially white ministers and Christians.
The persons pictured below; car-jacked, then raped Christopher Newsom, cut off his penis, then set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!

Channon Christian was beaten and gang-raped in many ways for four days by all of them, while they took turns urinating on her. Then they cut off her breasts and put chemicals in her mouth... and then murdered her.

Here are pic's of the couple and the alleged perpetraitors of this horrific crime.


Do you consider this a hate crime? Why or why not?

Hate crime? Nah, can't you feel the love in the air?

I guarantee if the couple had been black and the perpetrators white, it would without a doubt be a hate crime.
I can pull up 5000 links to a story and say it was the crime of the century. Obviously you haven't heard of it or you wouldn't have asked me for a link...ha ha ha ha ha ha

so your debunk has been de-bunked.


Actually no. I was wondering where you found this story if not MSM. Since I had taken the liberty before asking for a link, googling the name and finding it connected to Stormfront. So I figured you got this from Stormfront.

Besides, your accusation was that the MSM did not cover this story. It is quite obvious they did.

These fuckers should burn either way. However, don't turn this into a race thing which you clearly are. The media were all over the O.J trial and the Jena 6. So they aren't afraid to cover crimes committed by black people. Stop being dishonest.

oh pluuuueeeze. they covered the Jena six by saying the black thugs were unfairly sentenced after they attacked a single white kid. It's wasn't at all about the poor beaten up white kid. It was all about getting the poor victims the blacks out of hot water. It's called race baiting.
The persons pictured below; car-jacked, then raped Christopher Newsom, cut off his penis, then set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!

Channon Christian was beaten and gang-raped in many ways for four days by all of them, while they took turns urinating on her. Then they cut off her breasts and put chemicals in her mouth... and then murdered her.

Here are pic's of the couple and the alleged perpetraitors of this horrific crime.


Do you consider this a hate crime? Why or why not?

Hate crime? Nah, can't you feel the love in the air?

I guarantee if the couple had been black and the perpetrators white, it would without a doubt be a hate crime.

after reading the article posted just above yours I'd say you could safely come to that conclusion. We obviously live under a double standard. Justice for thee but not for me.
the news media controls a lot of this...what is the most exciting story etc..remember the black woman enslaved by the rednecks in wv....what became of that story...it hit the news then died..why did it die...o it was not really a story of white men enslaving black woman...but it got more coverage than this story.

i think people are terrified of this story...the newsom/christian murders. it threatens the white middle class....a young couple out on a date run into pure evil and pay the price. it could happen to anyone...wrong place at the wrong time. combined with the lack of shock and rage at the murders.
why are whites afraid to be outraged?
Where did he say that? Because that is simply not true.


RUSH: I want you to hear this. June 25th, a week ago, Senate Judiciary Committee, Eric Holder testifying, and this is the question. "Jeff Sessions presents a hypothetical where a minister gives a sermon, quotes the Bible about homosexuality and is thereafter attacked..." You know what the media didn't pick up yet? Whether liberalism is chosen or whether you're born with it. Once they get through the fog of the Jackson death, Media Matters will get that to 'em. I'm sure they have it. It's just a matter of it hasn't penetrated the fog there at the editors' desks. Anyway, a question, hypothetical. "[A] minister gives a sermon, quotes the Bible about homosexuality, is thereafter attacked by a gay activist because of what the minister said about his religious beliefs and what Scripture says about homosexuality." Is the minister protected, is what Sessions said. Here's a portion of the answer, the testimony from Eric Holder.

HOLDER: Well, the statute would not -- would not necessarily cover that. We're talking about crimes that have a historic basis. Groups who have been targeted for violence as a result of the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, that is what this statute tends -- is designed to cover. We don't have the indication that the attack was motivated by a person's desire to strike at somebody who was in one of these protected groups. That would not be covered by the statute.

RUSH: In other words: ministers and whites are not covered by the hate crime statute because we're talking about crimes that have a historic basis, groups who have been targeted for violence as a result of their skin color, sexual orientation. So hate crimes are reserved exclusively for blacks and homosexuals. Everybody else can get to the back of the bus on this one. So if you're a minister, if you're white, he didn't even say -- well, sexual orientation, that's not gender. Not unless you've got an addadictomy, and he didn't talk about that, either. So I guess at the front of the bus are blacks and gays on hate crimes.
Can you show me where Holder said that whites, especially white ministers and Christians, would have equal protection under hate crimes law? Hint: Holder specifically excluded whites, especially white ministers and Christians.

First of all, you have Rush Limpballs saying that. And that's a clue as to it being wrong right there. Here are some hate crime stats:

Victims - Hate Crime Statistics, 2007

From this site:

Hate Crime Statistics, 2007

I think I would go with the links over Rush's attempts to claim white persecution.
The persons pictured below; car-jacked, then raped Christopher Newsom, cut off his penis, then set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!

Channon Christian was beaten and gang-raped in many ways for four days by all of them, while they took turns urinating on her. Then they cut off her breasts and put chemicals in her mouth... and then murdered her.

Here are pic's of the couple and the alleged perpetraitors of this horrific crime.


Do you consider this a hate crime? Why or why not?

Hate crime? Nah, can't you feel the love in the air?

I guarantee if the couple had been black and the perpetrators white, it would without a doubt be a hate crime.

Why would it be classified a hate crime if their races were reversed?
The persons pictured below; car-jacked, then raped Christopher Newsom, cut off his penis, then set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!

Channon Christian was beaten and gang-raped in many ways for four days by all of them, while they took turns urinating on her. Then they cut off her breasts and put chemicals in her mouth... and then murdered her.

Here are pic's of the couple and the alleged perpetraitors of this horrific crime.


Do you consider this a hate crime? Why or why not?

Hate crime? Nah, can't you feel the love in the air?

I guarantee if the couple had been black and the perpetrators white, it would without a doubt be a hate crime.

Why would it be classified a hate crime if their races were reversed?

Because a racial double standard exists. Cases in point:

- Blacks “may not have some of the necessities to be, let’s say, a field manager, or, perhaps, a general manager” in baseball,” baseball executive Al Campanis said on Nightline. Also, he said blacks are not good swimmers “because they don’t have the buoyancy.” Campanis, who was a friend of baseball great Jackie Robinson, who broke the color barrier, was forced to resign over his remarks two days later.

- Legendary broadcaster Howard Cosell said during a broadcast on ABC’s Monday Night Football that elusive Washington Redskins player Alvin Garrett (an African American) was a “little monkey.” Cosell, who had done much to promote black athletes such as Muhammad Ali, was forced to resign from MNF over the controversy, even though his defenders say he used the same description for players of other ethnic groups.

- “I still can’t find my wallet. I don’t understand him, and I don’t want to sit close to him now.” So said baseball broadcaster Steve Lyons, joking after colleague Lou Pinella spoke of the luck of finding a wallet, and then briefly used some Spanish phrases. Fox Sports fired Lyons, who had made several other remarks deemed insensitive over the years, from his playoff assignment. The L.A. Dodgers, who employed Lyons during the regular season, announced they would keep him on if he underwent diversity training.

- “I think what we’ve had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. There is a little hope invested in [Eagles quarterback Donovan] McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn’t deserve. The defense carried this team.” So said Rush Limbaugh, who was forced to resign as a football analyst for ESPN, even though his criticism (though perhaps off the mark concerning McNabb) was directed at the media.

- “Somewhere there are some brothers. . . . [Maybe] his great, great, great, great grandma ran over in the hood or something went down. … Great, great, great, great Grandma pulled one of them studs up outta the barn.” ESPN personality Michael Irvin, who is black, said this about the athletic ability of Dallas quarterback Tony Romo, who is white. So far Irvin, who got into trouble as a player for using prostitutes and drugs, still has his ESPN gig.

- “Because [the Winter Olympics] are so trying, maybe over the next three weeks we should all try too. … So try not to laugh when someone says these are the world’s greatest athletes, despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention.” So said pompous broadcaster Bryant Gumbel, who is black. Gumbel has just started a gig as a play-by-play announcer for the NFL Network.

- After two black audience members heckled him at the Laugh Factory comedy club, Michael Richards retorted: “Shut up! Fifty years ago we’d have you upside down with a f------ fork up your a--. … You can talk, you can talk, you’re brave now mother------. Throw his a-- out. He’s a n-----!” Richards apologized on the Letterman show, but black leaders said this wasn’t enough and that he needs sensitivity training. Richards was scheduled to appear on Jesse Jackson’s radio show to make another apology. The club has banned him.

- In the infamous Tawana Brawley case, a 15-year-old black girl claimed that she had been assaulted and raped by six white men, some of them police officers. The claim, later found to be fraudulent, was hyped by black “community activist” Al Sharpton, who accused without evidence New York prosecutor Steven Pagones of being one of the men involved. Pagones later was awarded $345,000 in a defamation suit. Sharpton, a minister, refused to apologize, and one of his rich friends paid for him. Sharpton also contributed to the Crown Height Riots by accusing “diamond merchants” [Hasidic Jews] of shedding “the blood of innocent babies.” Sharpton has since been a candidate for president in the Democratic primaries.

- Jesse Jackson once said President Nixon didn’t do much about poverty in the U.S. because “four out of five [of Nixon’s top advisors] are German Jews and their priorities are on Europe and Asia.” Jackson once remarked that he was “sick and tired of hearing about the Holocaust”; that “very few Jewish reporters that have the capacity to be objective about Arab affairs.” He has referred to Jews as “hymies” and to New York City as “Hymietown.” Jackson remains a fixture of racialized activism in the Democratic Party.

- “The black is a better athlete because he’s been bred to be that way,” gambling oddsmaker Jimmy the Greek told a CBS television crew. “During slave trading, the slave owner would breed his big woman so that he would have a big, black kid, see. That’s where it all started.” A disgraced Jimmy the Greek was fired.

Mel Gibson, of course, said the following during a traffic arrest: “F-----g Jews. The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.” Gibson was drunk at the time and said later that the words did not represent what was in his heart. Jewish groups, already suspicious of Gibson because of his father’s anti-Semitic beliefs and because of his film The Passion of the Christ, were slow to forgive.

- White House tapes recorded evangelist Billy Graham saying little about the anti-Semitic rants of his friend Richard Nixon. A frail Graham apologized, but his sterling reputation was tarnished.

- Football great Reggie White, since deceased, addressing the Wisconsin legislature, praised various ethnicities for their gifts, including blacks for their worship, Hispanics for their commitment to family, Asians for their creativity, and whites for their managerial acumen. White said the groups together reveal a more complete picture of the image of God. White, who habitually used his fame and fortune to help the less fortunate, was the brunt of widespread ridicule, though his remarks (though stereotypical) disparaged no group.

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