Once again... the MSM bias is showing... They ask more Democrats than GOP!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Poll: Brett Kavanaugh faces unprecedented opposition to Supreme Court confirmation
The above poll sample includes:
333 Republicans,
343 Democrats, and
221 Independents.
Plurality of Americans oppose confirming Brett Kavanaugh as next Supreme Court justice

So with this constant BIASED polling, news presentations, is there ANY wonder that more and more Americans are NOT believing the MSM...
The American people seem to be catching on to the fact that the mainstream news can no longer be trusted.
A 2017 Gallup/Knight Poll on media trust showed that only 44 percent of respondents thought they could name one objective news source.
And 65 percent believed that bias in the reporting of news is a major problem.
Mainstream Media’s Credibility Problem Is of Their Own Making

The MSM and the Democrats are continuing to dig deeper and deeper holes in their credibility with crap like this!

For example:

This CNN poll loudly and often state this headline:
CNN Poll: Trump approval down 6 points in a month, hits low among independents
So how many Democrats versus GOP???
From the above survey of 1,003 people
Among the entire sample,
34% described themselves as Democrats,
25% described themselves as Republicans,
40% described themselves as independents or members of another party.

Don't these pollsters, MSM know that people are on to their biased polling and news reporting!

So how many people consider themselves Democrats vs GOP?
Party Affiliation
Gallup ask In politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an independent?
As of august 1 - 12 2018 Republican 28% Independents 43% Democrats 27%

More GOP than Democrats YET the above polls consistently ask MORE Democrats than GOP!

When will these idiots put 2 and 2 together and find out that this stupidity is another FACTOR in
fewer and fewer people believing the MSM and more people believing TRUMP???
Poll: Brett Kavanaugh faces unprecedented opposition to Supreme Court confirmation
The above poll sample includes:
333 Republicans,
343 Democrats, and
221 Independents.
Plurality of Americans oppose confirming Brett Kavanaugh as next Supreme Court justice

So with this constant BIASED polling, news presentations, is there ANY wonder that more and more Americans are NOT believing the MSM...
The American people seem to be catching on to the fact that the mainstream news can no longer be trusted.
A 2017 Gallup/Knight Poll on media trust showed that only 44 percent of respondents thought they could name one objective news source.
And 65 percent believed that bias in the reporting of news is a major problem.
Mainstream Media’s Credibility Problem Is of Their Own Making

The MSM and the Democrats are continuing to dig deeper and deeper holes in their credibility with crap like this!

For example:

This CNN poll loudly and often state this headline:
CNN Poll: Trump approval down 6 points in a month, hits low among independents
So how many Democrats versus GOP???
From the above survey of 1,003 people
Among the entire sample,
34% described themselves as Democrats,
25% described themselves as Republicans,
40% described themselves as independents or members of another party.

Don't these pollsters, MSM know that people are on to their biased polling and news reporting!

So how many people consider themselves Democrats vs GOP?
Party Affiliation
Gallup ask In politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an independent?
As of august 1 - 12 2018 Republican 28% Independents 43% Democrats 27%

More GOP than Democrats YET the above polls consistently ask MORE Democrats than GOP!

When will these idiots put 2 and 2 together and find out that this stupidity is another FACTOR in
fewer and fewer people believing the MSM and more people believing TRUMP???
/---/ There are liars, damn liars and then there is the Main Stream Media.
If you ask 100 Democrats the same question you get 100 different answers because of the diversity. But if you ask 10,000 Republicans the same question you get only one answer. So why bother asking 10,000 Republicans? They’re going to give the same answer anyway.
If you ask 100 Democrats the same question you get 100 different answers because of the diversity. But if you ask 10,000 Republicans the same question you get only one answer. So why bother asking 10,000 Republicans? They’re going to give the same answer anyway.

Well you know the difference you point out is RIGHT!
100 Democrats have no center. No moral compass. No distinction between right and wrong.
Yes MOST Republicans do answer questions STRAIGHT forward because you ask a question you expect an answer to the question, not a meandering well if ... wishy-washy response
which comes from people like you and the Democrats.

So you are 100% right! The pollsters have to ask MORE DEMOCRATS to get the answer the POLLSTERS want because GOPs like you pointed out deal with FACTS, Logic not emotional, one off, subjective hyperbole!
This is why this is so true! ‘"If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain."
Quotes Falsely Attributed to Winston Churchill - The International Churchill Society

YOU, the MSM and almost ALL (note I didn't use hyperbole by saying "ALL") Democrats have no brains obviously!
Poll: Brett Kavanaugh faces unprecedented opposition to Supreme Court confirmation
The above poll sample includes:
333 Republicans,
343 Democrats, and
221 Independents.
Plurality of Americans oppose confirming Brett Kavanaugh as next Supreme Court justice

So with this constant BIASED polling, news presentations, is there ANY wonder that more and more Americans are NOT believing the MSM...
The American people seem to be catching on to the fact that the mainstream news can no longer be trusted.
A 2017 Gallup/Knight Poll on media trust showed that only 44 percent of respondents thought they could name one objective news source.
And 65 percent believed that bias in the reporting of news is a major problem.
Mainstream Media’s Credibility Problem Is of Their Own Making

The MSM and the Democrats are continuing to dig deeper and deeper holes in their credibility with crap like this!

For example:

This CNN poll loudly and often state this headline:
CNN Poll: Trump approval down 6 points in a month, hits low among independents
So how many Democrats versus GOP???
From the above survey of 1,003 people
Among the entire sample,
34% described themselves as Democrats,
25% described themselves as Republicans,
40% described themselves as independents or members of another party.

Don't these pollsters, MSM know that people are on to their biased polling and news reporting!

So how many people consider themselves Democrats vs GOP?
Party Affiliation
Gallup ask In politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an independent?
As of august 1 - 12 2018 Republican 28% Independents 43% Democrats 27%

More GOP than Democrats YET the above polls consistently ask MORE Democrats than GOP!

When will these idiots put 2 and 2 together and find out that this stupidity is another FACTOR in
fewer and fewer people believing the MSM and more people believing TRUMP???

The last refuge of a scoundrel. Complain about the poll., The fact is that the polls are relatively consistent. No one believes Trump.

Interesting question in Fox poll about whether a Obama or Trump endorsement helps. A Obama endorsement would make 42% more likely to vote for the candidate while 31% would be less likely to vote for the candidate.

For Trump, 26% would be more likely to support a candidate he supports and 43% would be less likely. The numbers are better for Obama and worse for Trump among women, suburban voters, suburban women and educated women.
Poll: Brett Kavanaugh faces unprecedented opposition to Supreme Court confirmation
The above poll sample includes:
333 Republicans,
343 Democrats, and
221 Independents.
Plurality of Americans oppose confirming Brett Kavanaugh as next Supreme Court justice

So with this constant BIASED polling, news presentations, is there ANY wonder that more and more Americans are NOT believing the MSM...
The American people seem to be catching on to the fact that the mainstream news can no longer be trusted.
A 2017 Gallup/Knight Poll on media trust showed that only 44 percent of respondents thought they could name one objective news source.
And 65 percent believed that bias in the reporting of news is a major problem.
Mainstream Media’s Credibility Problem Is of Their Own Making

The MSM and the Democrats are continuing to dig deeper and deeper holes in their credibility with crap like this!

For example:

This CNN poll loudly and often state this headline:
CNN Poll: Trump approval down 6 points in a month, hits low among independents
So how many Democrats versus GOP???
From the above survey of 1,003 people
Among the entire sample,
34% described themselves as Democrats,
25% described themselves as Republicans,
40% described themselves as independents or members of another party.

Don't these pollsters, MSM know that people are on to their biased polling and news reporting!

So how many people consider themselves Democrats vs GOP?
Party Affiliation
Gallup ask In politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an independent?
As of august 1 - 12 2018 Republican 28% Independents 43% Democrats 27%

More GOP than Democrats YET the above polls consistently ask MORE Democrats than GOP!

When will these idiots put 2 and 2 together and find out that this stupidity is another FACTOR in
fewer and fewer people believing the MSM and more people believing TRUMP???

Weird how their percentages mirror the current registration of voters. Too bad you are too stupid to understand the basics of random sampling.

1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups | Pew Research Center


Altogether, there are 31 states (plus the District of Columbia) with party registration; in the others, such as Virginia, voters register without reference to party. In 19 states and the District, there are more registered Democrats than Republicans. In 12 states, there are more registered Republicans than Democrats. In aggregate, 40% of all voters in party registration states are Democrats, 29% are Republicans, and 28% are independents.

Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball » Registering By Party: Where the Democrats and Republicans Are Ahead
Poll: Brett Kavanaugh faces unprecedented opposition to Supreme Court confirmation
The above poll sample includes:
333 Republicans,
343 Democrats, and
221 Independents.
Plurality of Americans oppose confirming Brett Kavanaugh as next Supreme Court justice

So with this constant BIASED polling, news presentations, is there ANY wonder that more and more Americans are NOT believing the MSM...
The American people seem to be catching on to the fact that the mainstream news can no longer be trusted.
A 2017 Gallup/Knight Poll on media trust showed that only 44 percent of respondents thought they could name one objective news source.
And 65 percent believed that bias in the reporting of news is a major problem.
Mainstream Media’s Credibility Problem Is of Their Own Making

The MSM and the Democrats are continuing to dig deeper and deeper holes in their credibility with crap like this!

For example:

This CNN poll loudly and often state this headline:
CNN Poll: Trump approval down 6 points in a month, hits low among independents
So how many Democrats versus GOP???
From the above survey of 1,003 people
Among the entire sample,
34% described themselves as Democrats,
25% described themselves as Republicans,
40% described themselves as independents or members of another party.

Don't these pollsters, MSM know that people are on to their biased polling and news reporting!

So how many people consider themselves Democrats vs GOP?
Party Affiliation
Gallup ask In politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an independent?
As of august 1 - 12 2018 Republican 28% Independents 43% Democrats 27%

More GOP than Democrats YET the above polls consistently ask MORE Democrats than GOP!

When will these idiots put 2 and 2 together and find out that this stupidity is another FACTOR in
fewer and fewer people believing the MSM and more people believing TRUMP???

Weird how their percentages mirror the current registration of voters. Too bad you are too stupid to understand the basics of random sampling.

1. Trends in party affiliation among demographic groups | Pew Research Center

View attachment 218040

Altogether, there are 31 states (plus the District of Columbia) with party registration; in the others, such as Virginia, voters register without reference to party. In 19 states and the District, there are more registered Democrats than Republicans. In 12 states, there are more registered Republicans than Democrats. In aggregate, 40% of all voters in party registration states are Democrats, 29% are Republicans, and 28% are independents.

Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball » Registering By Party: Where the Democrats and Republicans Are Ahead

Weird how you didn't notice the distinction between the polling questions none of which asked what party the person polled was "REGISTERED" as in their state.

Rather he question Gallup ask "in politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or an independent?

NOTE Gallup didn't ask what are you registered.

Also there is such a thing as voter registration fraud.

Research commissioned by the Pew Center on the States highlights the extent of the challenge:
  • Approximately 24 million—one of every eight—voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate.
  • More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters.
  • Approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.

Meanwhile, researchers estimate at least 51 million eligible U.S. citizens are unregistered, or more than 24 percent of the eligible population.2


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