OMG They lied again! Lerner's emails were safely backed up.

To any of you dumb asses that know nothing about system backups, I got news for you:

Nobody uses backups as an archive anymore. Backups are for disaster recovery purposes only. So yes the emails may have been backed up, but the tapes used for the backups were most likely rotated back into the backup cycle within two weeks of the backups and would have been over written.

Using tape backups as an archive never worked and was nothing more than a fantasy. Tapes don't last more than a year usually.

They were required by a federal law to not only keep these records and to have made hard copies of all of her emails.
I think you need to look up federal law

I think you need to become aware of the federal law that requires keeping records before you begin to lecture me on what I need to look up asshole.

Here sparky. Read and learn.

Archivist: IRS did not follow law on lost emails


The U.S. Archivist told lawmakers on Tuesday that the IRS “did not follow the law” when it failed to report the lost Lois Lerner’s emails, which could have included official documents.

During a House Oversight and Government Reform hearing David Ferriero stopped short of saying the tax-collecting agency “broke” the law, saying “I am not a lawyer.”

Archivist IRS did not follow law on lost emails - Rachael Bade -

From the article:

The law requires agencies to save official records — defined in a National Archives guidance post as “documentary materials that agencies create and receive while conducting business that provide evidence of the agency’s organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and operations, or that contain information of value.”

At the IRS, employees who send such official correspondences via email are supposed to print them out and file hard copies.

Read more: Archivist IRS did not follow law on lost emails - Rachael Bade -
Aye carumba! I want to see people wearing orange jumpsuits and silver bracelets over this IRS scandal.

I'm really glad Judicial Watch is on the Administrations case.

Tom Fitton:

"And there's no such thing as Lois Lerner's missing e-mails,' he insisted. 'It's all been a big lie. They've been lying to the courts, to the American people and to Congress.'"

They knew all along where the email records could be. How nuts is this? They were all safely backed up.

"All the focus on missing hard drives has been a diversion,' he said. 'The Obama administration has known all along where the email records could be – but dishonestly withheld this information. You can bet we are going to ask the court for immediate assistance in cutting through this massive obstruction of justice.' "

Obama administration lawyer admits missing Lois Lerner emails WERE backed up Mail Online
Not surprising, they lie all the time.
Aye carumba! I want to see people wearing orange jumpsuits and silver bracelets over this IRS scandal.

I'm really glad Judicial Watch is on the Administrations case.

Tom Fitton:

"And there's no such thing as Lois Lerner's missing e-mails,' he insisted. 'It's all been a big lie. They've been lying to the courts, to the American people and to Congress.'"

Bullshit, prove it. You're just butthurt because this case PROVES that there is no massive datamining scheme by the NSA, otherwise they would've happily turned over the alleged emails long ago.

Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of Tea Party Patriots, one of the groups the IRS hamstrung for years, said Monday that the latest revelations are 'part of a continuing pattern of dishonesty and thuggery we've seen from this administration.'

'When the government launches intimidation campaigns against private citizens simply because they may not agree with the government – and then lies about evidence being "lost" – it should outrage all Americans.'

I find this hilarious. TPP is one of the groups that is a massive scam, siphoning literally tens of millions of dollars off of Tea Partiers, libertardians, conservatards, and old white manpigs throughout the country, for the benefit of a conservatard-run corporations. The overwhelming majority of the money TPP gets in goes towards paying the salaries of their few employees, enormous "consulting" fees and other payments to said corporations, and the endless cycle of fundraising they do to keep the pyramid scheme running. Very rarely do they actually contribute to candidates. From January to April of this year alone, 92% of TPP's $2 million spent went towards their scam; only 8% actually went towards any political races.

TPP is literally one of the best examples in favor of Myss Lyrnyr's completely sensible and entirely justified investigation of conservatard groups.
Libtarded denial is so funny.
An anonymous Justice Dept. attorney (there are about 11,000 attorneys employed by the USDJ) voices an opinion that the missing emails are backed up "somewhere" and Fox news says "An irate Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said Monday that after 15 months of wrangling, the federal government has conceded that all of former IRS official Lois Lerner's emails are backed up somewhere"

So an unnamed nobody who may be one of 11,000 nobody attorneys becomes "the Federal Government". This is exactly how Fox News manufactures Faux News. I'll wait and see if the Judge has a smidgeon of interest in this non-evidentiary guesswork from some peon toiling away in the bowels of the DOJ. Much ado about nothing - again.
If there was any doubt you are an idiot here's the proof.
He is a lawyer representing the Justice Dept in an official capacity during the discovery phase of a trial. That makes his statement the official view of Justice, and authoritative.
What is it about liberals that truth and reality are merely pawns in a game?
what's his name? why don't we have anything other than judicial watch's say so that he said what he supposedly said

and further... why is it that nobody cares that what he was referring to was the tape backups everyone already knew about?
Bullshit, prove it. You're just butthurt because this case PROVES that there is no massive datamining scheme by the NSA, otherwise they would've happily turned over the alleged emails long ago.

I find this hilarious. TPP is one of the groups that is a massive scam, siphoning literally tens of millions of dollars off of Tea Partiers, libertardians, conservatards, and old white manpigs throughout the country, for the benefit of a conservatard-run corporations. The overwhelming majority of the money TPP gets in goes towards paying the salaries of their few employees, enormous "consulting" fees and other payments to said corporations, and the endless cycle of fundraising they do to keep the pyramid scheme running. Very rarely do they actually contribute to candidates. From January to April of this year alone, 92% of TPP's $2 million spent went towards their scam; only 8% actually went towards any political races.

TPP is literally one of the best examples in favor of Myss Lyrnyr's completely sensible and entirely justified investigation of conservatard groups.

What part of the government lawyer admitted that her emails were backed up don't you fucking get?

"A U.S. government lawyer has conceded that tens of thousands of long-missing emails belonging to former IRS official Lois Lerner – messages the Obama administration has claimed were lost in a 2011 computer crash – were safely backed up along with the computer records of every other federal employee."

Obama administration lawyer admits missing Lois Lerner emails WERE backed up Mail Online

So here's the question: for weeks some folks here have been lamenting that the emails were destroyed to cover up the 'smoking gun' of correspondence that proves that Lerner was targeting tea party groups or Obama ordered her to.

Now that the emails have been found....if no 'smoking gun' shows up, then what? Its been 3 years now and there's still not even an indication of political motive, let alone that it was ordered by the President. Is there some additional trove of data that will be the next supposed repository of this so far imaginary 'smoking gun'?
How long will it take it to soak in the RW's thick skull THEY'VE GOT NOTHING !

They never have anything either.

Has Lois been arrested Y-E-T ?


The only people lying are the usual Pub a-hole propagandists. The happiest people will be in the Obama administration- the e-mails will show that Lois likes to call GOP crazies and a-holes what they are...and nothing criminal in the least...

Um, yeah that would show she was biased against the tea party and deliberately targeting them. Sorry but that's a smoking gun, and that's why the emails are being hidden.
Aye carumba! I want to see people wearing orange jumpsuits and silver bracelets over this IRS scandal.

I'm really glad Judicial Watch is on the Administrations case.

Tom Fitton:

"And there's no such thing as Lois Lerner's missing e-mails,' he insisted. 'It's all been a big lie. They've been lying to the courts, to the American people and to Congress.'"

They knew all along where the email records could be. How nuts is this? They were all safely backed up.

"All the focus on missing hard drives has been a diversion,' he said. 'The Obama administration has known all along where the email records could be – but dishonestly withheld this information. You can bet we are going to ask the court for immediate assistance in cutting through this massive obstruction of justice.' "

Obama administration lawyer admits missing Lois Lerner emails WERE backed up Mail Online

Has Lois been arrested yet ?


Here you are people. Democrats approve of a lawless president.

Funny, because that's what they claimed Bush was (although he wasn't). They said he was a war criminal, blah blah blah. But when the shoe is on the other foot and there's a smoking gun of law breaking? See their attitude?

Makes their faux outrage against Republicans pretty suspect, huh?
Bullshit, prove it. You're just butthurt because this case PROVES that there is no massive datamining scheme by the NSA, otherwise they would've happily turned over the alleged emails long ago.

I find this hilarious. TPP is one of the groups that is a massive scam, siphoning literally tens of millions of dollars off of Tea Partiers, libertardians, conservatards, and old white manpigs throughout the country, for the benefit of a conservatard-run corporations. The overwhelming majority of the money TPP gets in goes towards paying the salaries of their few employees, enormous "consulting" fees and other payments to said corporations, and the endless cycle of fundraising they do to keep the pyramid scheme running. Very rarely do they actually contribute to candidates. From January to April of this year alone, 92% of TPP's $2 million spent went towards their scam; only 8% actually went towards any political races.

TPP is literally one of the best examples in favor of Myss Lyrnyr's completely sensible and entirely justified investigation of conservatard groups.

What part of the government lawyer admitted that her emails were backed up don't you fucking get?

"A U.S. government lawyer has conceded that tens of thousands of long-missing emails belonging to former IRS official Lois Lerner – messages the Obama administration has claimed were lost in a 2011 computer crash – were safely backed up along with the computer records of every other federal employee."

Obama administration lawyer admits missing Lois Lerner emails WERE backed up Mail Online

So here's the question: for weeks some folks here have been lamenting that the emails were destroyed to cover up the 'smoking gun' of correspondence that proves that Lerner was targeting tea party groups or Obama ordered her to.

Now that the emails have been found....if no 'smoking gun' shows up, then what? Its been 3 years now and there's still not even an indication of political motive, let alone that it was ordered by the President. Is there some additional trove of data that will be the next supposed repository of this so far imaginary 'smoking gun'?
The bigger question is what will libs do when the emails reveal a big conspiracy among Democrats to use the regulatory state to suppress opposition?
That of course is rhetorical. We all know what they will do: They all do it, At this point what difference does it make, September was a long time ago, BOOSH.
It's what lying liberals do when confronted with evidence they dont like.

We already know Democrat Senators and Reps were putting pressure on the IRS to "do something". We already know Lois Lerner said she was under tremendous pressure to do something int he wake of Citizens United. So the next link, coordination between her office and Congressmen is hardly a stretch.
They were required by a federal law to not only keep these records and to have made hard copies of all of her emails.

First, that doesn't meant that tape backups are a valid method for keeping those records.

Second, I doubt that the law requires anybody to make hard copies of all their emails. That's a total ROFLMAO idea. Could you imagine what it would be like if people actually had to print all their emails? One spam could shut down the entire world economy!

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