OMG They lied again! Lerner's emails were safely backed up.

Liberal media swallows the smidgen.

I have no idea what you mean by this, but I assume it's some pejorative way of referring to Shortfrican-Americans, the vertically challenged, Little Pyyple, and/or the extremely-noticeably-differently-sized community. In any case, I completely reject your bigoted wordchoice and urge you to edit your obscene and tasteless post.
Jesus LM...I thought you had your shit is the smidgen...

Not even a smidgen of corruption Obama downplays IRS other scandals Fox News

Prove that there was any corruption at all in the IRS under President Obama.

You forgot to put a bunch of dumbass y's in your post :cool:

Ny, Y dydn't. Y dylybyrytyly lyft thym yyt fyr ryydybylyty yn thy pyrt yf nyn-ynlyghtynyd fymynysts. Hywyvyr, yf yyy'd lyky my ty type yn ypprypryyty fymynyst lyngy, hyry yyy gy, systyr.

Imploding........your Hero is a with it.

You haven't proven any of your baseless accusations. Deal with it.
Liberal media swallows the smidgen.

I have no idea what you mean by this, but I assume it's some pejorative way of referring to Shortfrican-Americans, the vertically challenged, Little Pyyple, and/or the extremely-noticeably-differently-sized community. In any case, I completely reject your bigoted wordchoice and urge you to edit your obscene and tasteless post.
Jesus LM...I thought you had your shit is the smidgen...

Not even a smidgen of corruption Obama downplays IRS other scandals Fox News

Prove that there was any corruption at all in the IRS under President Obama.
What would you consider proof? Because the IRS has already admitted to: engaging in viewpoint discrimination and releasing confidential information to outside parties. Both of those are crimes.

A great start! Now cite the specific laws that they violate (making them crimes), link to where "the IRS" has admitted to discriminating and leaking confidential information, and post a detailed analysis on how these incidents, once proven, constitute corruption rather than merely the "bone-headed decisions" President Obama states that there were.
Here's an idea: Go fuck yourself. The facts are out there. No one disputes that. If you have evidence they either didnt admit to those things, or those things are not crimes then bring it.
Liberal media swallows the smidgen.

I have no idea what you mean by this, but I assume it's some pejorative way of referring to Shortfrican-Americans, the vertically challenged, Little Pyyple, and/or the extremely-noticeably-differently-sized community. In any case, I completely reject your bigoted wordchoice and urge you to edit your obscene and tasteless post.
Jesus LM...I thought you had your shit is the smidgen...

Not even a smidgen of corruption Obama downplays IRS other scandals Fox News

Prove that there was any corruption at all in the IRS under President Obama.

You forgot to put a bunch of dumbass y's in your post :cool:

Ny, Y dydn't. Y dylybyrytyly lyft thym yyt fyr ryydybylyty yn thy pyrt yf nyn-ynlyghtynyd fymynysts. Hywyvyr, yf yyy'd lyky my ty type yn ypprypryyty fymynyst lyngy, hyry yyy gy, systyr.

Imploding........your Hero is a with it.

You haven't proven any of your baseless accusations. Deal with it.

If Obama is indeed your hero - he's a confirmed liar

I mean all politicians are so that doesn't make him special, but to deny it is just silly
The Duty to Disclose Rule 37 c and Self-Executing Sanctions Trial Evidence Committee ABA Section of Litigation

Rule 37(c) was adopted with the intent that compliance with discovery rules be strictly enforced. The sanctions contemplated by the rule are intended not only to encourage compliance but also to penalize noncompliance and deter litigants who might be tempted to shirk their obligations in the future. Because there is no requirement that the parties meet and confer or that the disadvantaged party bring a motion to compel, a nondisclosing party may not have much notice of the other party’s intent to exclude evidence. And, because undisclosed evidence may be excluded even where the failure to disclose was not willful or in bad faith, litigants must take seriously their duty to disclose all required information and to supplement their discovery responses, even in the absence of a renewed request from opposing counsel. Rule 37(c) ensures that failure to comply with discovery obligations can have profound, even game-changing consequences.
Liberal media swallows the smidgen.

I have no idea what you mean by this, but I assume it's some pejorative way of referring to Shortfrican-Americans, the vertically challenged, Little Pyyple, and/or the extremely-noticeably-differently-sized community. In any case, I completely reject your bigoted wordchoice and urge you to edit your obscene and tasteless post.
Jesus LM...I thought you had your shit is the smidgen...

Not even a smidgen of corruption Obama downplays IRS other scandals Fox News

Prove that there was any corruption at all in the IRS under President Obama.
What would you consider proof? Because the IRS has already admitted to: engaging in viewpoint discrimination and releasing confidential information to outside parties. Both of those are crimes.

A great start! Now cite the specific laws that they violate (making them crimes), link to where "the IRS" has admitted to discriminating and leaking confidential information, and post a detailed analysis on how these incidents, once proven, constitute corruption rather than merely the "bone-headed decisions" President Obama states that there were.
Here's an idea: Go fuck yourself.

Thank you for your insightful post! I feel like I'm learning a lot from this discussion.
Liberal media swallows the smidgen.

I have no idea what you mean by this, but I assume it's some pejorative way of referring to Shortfrican-Americans, the vertically challenged, Little Pyyple, and/or the extremely-noticeably-differently-sized community. In any case, I completely reject your bigoted wordchoice and urge you to edit your obscene and tasteless post.
Jesus LM...I thought you had your shit is the smidgen...

Not even a smidgen of corruption Obama downplays IRS other scandals Fox News

Prove that there was any corruption at all in the IRS under President Obama.
What would you consider proof? Because the IRS has already admitted to: engaging in viewpoint discrimination and releasing confidential information to outside parties. Both of those are crimes.

A great start! Now cite the specific laws that they violate (making them crimes), link to where "the IRS" has admitted to discriminating and leaking confidential information, and post a detailed analysis on how these incidents, once proven, constitute corruption rather than merely the "bone-headed decisions" President Obama states that there were.
Here's an idea: Go fuck yourself.

Thank you for your insightful post! I feel like I'm learning a lot from this discussion.
You could just start reading a quality newspaper and shut off that ugly dyke in your avatar and learn at least as much.
Liberal media swallows the smidgen.

I have no idea what you mean by this, but I assume it's some pejorative way of referring to Shortfrican-Americans, the vertically challenged, Little Pyyple, and/or the extremely-noticeably-differently-sized community. In any case, I completely reject your bigoted wordchoice and urge you to edit your obscene and tasteless post.
Jesus LM...I thought you had your shit is the smidgen...

Not even a smidgen of corruption Obama downplays IRS other scandals Fox News

Prove that there was any corruption at all in the IRS under President Obama.

You forgot to put a bunch of dumbass y's in your post :cool:

Ny, Y dydn't. Y dylybyrytyly lyft thym yyt fyr ryydybylyty yn thy pyrt yf nyn-ynlyghtynyd fymynysts. Hywyvyr, yf yyy'd lyky my ty type yn ypprypryyty fymynyst lyngy, hyry yyy gy, systyr.

Imploding........your Hero is a with it.

You haven't proven any of your baseless accusations. Deal with it.


I heard you had surgery lately. I hope you are Ok. It seems Obama made a sudden stop and you got your head lodged into his ass, which had to be surgically removed.

Aye carumba! I want to see people wearing orange jumpsuits and silver bracelets over this IRS scandal.

I'm really glad Judicial Watch is on the Administrations case.

Tom Fitton:

"And there's no such thing as Lois Lerner's missing e-mails,' he insisted. 'It's all been a big lie. They've been lying to the courts, to the American people and to Congress.'"

They knew all along where the email records could be. How nuts is this? They were all safely backed up.

"All the focus on missing hard drives has been a diversion,' he said. 'The Obama administration has known all along where the email records could be – but dishonestly withheld this information. You can bet we are going to ask the court for immediate assistance in cutting through this massive obstruction of justice.' "

Obama administration lawyer admits missing Lois Lerner emails WERE backed up Mail Online

Has Lois been arrested yet ?

You forgot to put a bunch of dumbass y's in your post :cool:

Ny, Y dydn't. Y dylybyrytyly lyft thym yyt fyr ryydybylyty yn thy pyrt yf nyn-ynlyghtynyd fymynysts. Hywyvyr, yf yyy'd lyky my ty type yn ypprypryyty fymynyst lyngy, hyry yyy gy, systyr.

It sounds to me like someone failed Intro to Computer Science 101.

Just sayin'. :badgrin:
Aye carumba! I want to see people wearing orange jumpsuits and silver bracelets over this IRS scandal.

I'm really glad Judicial Watch is on the Administrations case.

Tom Fitton:

"And there's no such thing as Lois Lerner's missing e-mails,' he insisted. 'It's all been a big lie. They've been lying to the courts, to the American people and to Congress.'"

They knew all along where the email records could be. How nuts is this? They were all safely backed up.

"All the focus on missing hard drives has been a diversion,' he said. 'The Obama administration has known all along where the email records could be – but dishonestly withheld this information. You can bet we are going to ask the court for immediate assistance in cutting through this massive obstruction of justice.' "

Obama administration lawyer admits missing Lois Lerner emails WERE backed up Mail Online

Rush Limbaugh pointed out, months ago, these emails are backed up on central servers, so Lerner's hard drive going bad isn't going to destroy emails. They knew full well that excuse wasn't going to fool anyone with a brain (aka conservatives) but they knew the press would cover for them and the STUPID (aka Obama supporters) would buy it.

Why wouldn't they buy it?

They are so stupid, they believed Obama when he said they would keep their doctor.

Liberals are so stupid, they bought it when Obama said their healthcare premiums would go down by $2,500.

Hell, liberals are so stupid, they bought it when the press said oral sex isn't sex! (remember the Clinton years).

Liberals are stupid. The liberal press says it, they believe it, no matter how laughable it is.
I know nothing will happen to Lerner and no one will be held accountable for this that is just the reality here is something I have pointed out before and will again because it's reality as well. It has made it easier for all future administrations to use the I.R.S. as a political weapon and you can dam well bet when there is a Republican President again possibly in 2016 they will use the I.R.S. in the same way against liberal groups and when they and the media try and make a big deal out of it all the right will need to do is say phony scandal and remind them all they could not have cared less when this was being done to Republicans. When you allow an abuse of power by one party your making it acceptable for both.
To any of you dumb asses that know nothing about system backups, I got news for you:

Nobody uses backups as an archive anymore. Backups are for disaster recovery purposes only. So yes the emails may have been backed up, but the tapes used for the backups were most likely rotated back into the backup cycle within two weeks of the backups and would have been over written.

Using tape backups as an archive never worked and was nothing more than a fantasy. Tapes don't last more than a year usually.

Yeah, but did you know that the computer programs in the American missile silos that arm and deploy nuclear weapons still use floppy disks, guy?

Just because your technology is current doesn't mean the US government's is. :badgrin:

Tape backup drives and the tapes themselves are always relatively new. They have always been total pieces of crap that don't last more than a few years. Besides which older tape systems would never have the capacity to backup today's email systems.

If what you say is wonders why we taxpayers shelled out our hard earned tax dollars to a company who contracted to backup the computers at the IRS? Who signed off on THAT deal?

I'd like to hear from the people who run that company as to whether or not their tape backups are "obsolete". Quite frankly I don't trust ANYTHING that the IRS says at this point. They've lied so many times it's impossible to believe them anymore.
The only people lying are the usual Pub a-hole propagandists. The happiest people will be in the Obama administration- the e-mails will show that Lois likes to call GOP crazies and a-holes what they are...and nothing criminal in the least...
Liberal media swallows the smidgen.

I have no idea what you mean by this, but I assume it's some pejorative way of referring to Shortfrican-Americans, the vertically challenged, Little Pyyple, and/or the extremely-noticeably-differently-sized community. In any case, I completely reject your bigoted wordchoice and urge you to edit your obscene and tasteless post.
Jesus LM...I thought you had your shit is the smidgen...

Not even a smidgen of corruption Obama downplays IRS other scandals Fox News

Prove that there was any corruption at all in the IRS under President Obama.
What would you consider proof? Because the IRS has already admitted to: engaging in viewpoint discrimination and releasing confidential information to outside parties. Both of those are crimes.

A great start! Now cite the specific laws that they violate (making them crimes), link to where "the IRS" has admitted to discriminating and leaking confidential information, and post a detailed analysis on how these incidents, once proven, constitute corruption rather than merely the "bone-headed decisions" President Obama states that there were.
Here's an idea: Go fuck yourself.

Thank you for your insightful post! I feel like I'm learning a lot from this discussion.

Let us know how it works out for you.
To any of you dumb asses that know nothing about system backups, I got news for you:

Nobody uses backups as an archive anymore. Backups are for disaster recovery purposes only. So yes the emails may have been backed up, but the tapes used for the backups were most likely rotated back into the backup cycle within two weeks of the backups and would have been over written.

Using tape backups as an archive never worked and was nothing more than a fantasy. Tapes don't last more than a year usually.

They were required by a federal law to not only keep these records and to have made hard copies of all of her emails.

when, if ever has a law stood in the way of how this scumbag regime functions ?

here is my answer:


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