okay if texas has gone maskless whats up with this?

No. She will not be facing federal charges. She will be facing local charges of trespassing. Private individuals and businesses have the right to make the rules on their property. When they ask you to leave private property they must.

I would agree.

They put up signs all the time....no shirt, no service.....no shoes no service.

Yeah, I have seen many signs - No Mask. No service. Especially in large places like supermarkets and a few restaurants. Not sure if it is now in all the states. But at least where I am that it's all over the place now.

Not in all states.

I've been to plenty where masks are rare.
No. She will not be facing federal charges. She will be facing local charges of trespassing. Private individuals and businesses have the right to make the rules on their property. When they ask you to leave private property they must.

I would agree.

They put up signs all the time....no shirt, no service.....no shoes no service.

Yeah, I have seen many signs - No Mask. No service. Especially in large places like supermarkets and a few restaurants. Not sure if it is now in all the states. But at least where I am that it's all over the place now.

Not in all states.

I've been to plenty where masks are rare.
Would not know about other states other than where I live. The last time I was out of state I flew down to Lake Cumberland to put my boat away. Did not really see or talk to any one. Just took the boat for one last spin. Skied for a short period. Water was cold. Put my boat in storage hopped in my plane and flew home. That was mid November.
Private business can still require masks on their premises. That woman should have known better.

If any pissant private business can so easily strip us of our constitutional rights, well then those rights of ours must not mean much at all.
No constitutional right was infringed. She didn’t own that bank. It wasn’t public space. Even if it was there would still be rules enforced.
I mean really,we been hearing all over the place texas is not requiring masks anymore so whats up with this bs?:cuckoo:

While she is being arrested for her practicing her constitutional rights, we have a flood of diseased illegal, illegally crossing our borders....I cant wait till this goes to court. XiBiden is in deep shit.....

What court? The one with all the cabal inside that were and are being paid off? The same courts that said there is no proof of election tampering?
I mean really,we been hearing all over the place texas is not requiring masks anymore so whats up with this bs?:cuckoo:

We don't have a mask mandate in my city, but merchants can, and in many cases do, still require the wearing of masks in their establishments...
While she is being arrested for her practicing her constitutional rights, we have a flood of diseased illegal, illegally crossing our borders....I cant wait till this goes to court. XiBiden is in deep shit.....

Ok just a question, I thought Governor Greg Abbott had already overturned this in his state? Is this a Federal matter now? If so, will she be facing a federal charge now?
No. She will not be facing federal charges. She will be facing local charges of trespassing. Private individuals and businesses have the right to make the rules on their property. When they ask you to leave private property they must.
But they can't tell black people to leave and must bake a cake for faggots.
If there is no mandate for masks but a business still insists on it...go somewhere else. That's what I do. If my bank did that...I would no longer be at that bank.
I mean really,we been hearing all over the place texas is not requiring masks anymore so whats up with this bs?:cuckoo:

You may not have known this.....but some businesses require shoes and a shirt too......

And they didn't just start requiring that because of COVID -- they have been requiring people to conform to their communist standards for years......we must rebel!!!!
While she is being arrested for her practicing her constitutional rights, we have a flood of diseased illegal, illegally crossing our borders....I cant wait till this goes to court. XiBiden is in deep shit.....

Ok just a question, I thought Governor Greg Abbott had already overturned this in his state? Is this a Federal matter now? If so, will she be facing a federal charge now?
No. She will not be facing federal charges. She will be facing local charges of trespassing. Private individuals and businesses have the right to make the rules on their property. When they ask you to leave private property they must.
But they can't tell black people to leave and must bake a cake for faggots.
Then you should get Republicans to repeal the Civil Rights Act......and stop whining like a bitch
I mean really,we been hearing all over the place texas is not requiring masks anymore so whats up with this bs?:cuckoo:

We Texans don't cotton to threats by kingpins against others' wishes. If painting an obnoxious piece of porn is acceptable back east as free speech, its equivalent is walking around unmasked where senior citizens gather as far as many people are concerned. It just isn't humane to throw a redneck in the slammer if his mask fogged up his glasses on his trip to work or a senior forgot to mask up on her trip to the grocery store. People have reasons, and covid is less lethal than the flu. I mask up only because if I catch something, I don't want to besomeone else catching my cough. And I automatically distance so as not to share in super spreading should I have unwittingly caught something transmitted in moisture sneezes, cough
A lot of my Texas friends mask, regardless. We got this covered. :thup:
I mean really,we been hearing all over the place texas is not requiring masks anymore so whats up with this bs?:cuckoo:

A private business can still require someone to wear a mask, and tell people to leave or refuse service....if they don't leave, they are trepassing

I fully support the business making that requirement if they decide to. That woman has little respect for the officer, and the business and should be arrested and treated the way she was.
While she is being arrested for her practicing her constitutional rights, we have a flood of diseased illegal, illegally crossing our borders....I cant wait till this goes to court. XiBiden is in deep shit.....

Ok just a question, I thought Governor Greg Abbott had already overturned this in his state? Is this a Federal matter now? If so, will she be facing a federal charge now?
No. She will not be facing federal charges. She will be facing local charges of trespassing. Private individuals and businesses have the right to make the rules on their property. When they ask you to leave private property they must.
But they can't tell black people to leave and must bake a cake for faggots.
Then you should get Republicans to repeal the Civil Rights Act......and stop whining like a bitch
Um the Civil Rights Act doesn't keep businesses from kicking African-Americans out if they are violating the businesses policies, like not wearing a mask. Nor does it force a baker to violate their First Amendment rights to bake a cake....
I mean really,we been hearing all over the place texas is not requiring masks anymore so whats up with this bs?:cuckoo:

Private wacko businesses

I think the business is smart to do this. All it takes is some Dembot to get Covid after visiting, then filing a lawsuit against the business...now, they may or may not win, but it certainly would cost money to defend.
Well the cops are in deep shit far worse for not following the governors orders.I take it then I was not misinformed about Texas going maskless then which is what I was beginning to think?I mean why would any cops be stupid enough to the extremes to violate a governors order?
He removed the state mandate. He did not make an order, which he's powerless to do anyway.

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