Oil in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming Equal to Entire World’s Proven Oil Reserves

You need "science" to get the oil.

Republicans don't believe in "science".

Bulletin: Liberals believe that science is only for white kids....

1. Berkeley High School is considering a controversial proposal to eliminate science labs and the five science teachers who teach them to free up more resources to help struggling students.

The proposal to put the science-lab cuts on the table was approved recently by Berkeley High's School Governance Council, a body of teachers, parents, and students who oversee a plan to change the structure of the high school to address Berkeley's dismal racial achievement gap, where white students are doing far better than the state average while black and Latino students are doing worse.
Berkeley High May Cut Out Science Labs | News | Oakland, Berkeley, Bay Area & California | East Bay Express

2. This breakdown of students proves the lamentable “gap” spoken of by Berkeley commandants isn’t in enrollment, but in grades. The white kids are doing better in excess of what is acceptable — or the non-white kids are doing worse, depending on your perspective — such that the heart-warming state of equality is absent. PJ Media » Out-of-Control Multiculturalism at Berkeley High School

OK...your turn, deanie...

Eliminate science teachers and science labs? Must be Republicans.

Mitt recently spoke at tier four Liberty University where they teach Mormonism is a "cult" and "magical creation" is actually taught as part of the science curriculum. It's not a "turn", it's a "tragedy".
In 2007 (the last good economic year) the US imported $166-billons of oil. If we were producing full out, that and the economic activity that that would produce could eradicate our negative balance of trade dollars on world markets, we could become a net exporter, and we would no longer be energy dependent on the most volatile and unstable region of the world, which could justify a smaller military presence for budget reductions.

We are exporting gasoline and diesel. To the point where it has become our biggest export. Were we to be able to produce all the oil that we could use, why do you think that the petroleum companies would keep it here? They will sell to where ever the price is highest. Which means, no matter how much we produce, the price will still be pegged at the world price.

However, it is a physical impossibility for us to produce as much as we use. For there is not that much oil in the US. And what is left is becoming more expensive to find, produce, and process. And don't bother to bring up the oil shales unless you have a way to process the kerogen out of the shale that does not use water, and only a small amount of energy.

The technology to get off the oil tit for transportation is rapidly developing. Bio fuels produced by single celled organisms, batteries that approach the energy density of gasoline, and alternate energies, including cold fusion, are all approaching a threshold where they will be competative in price with fossil fuels. And, while the cost of processing fossil fuels will continue to go up, the curve for the alternatives is down for all of them.

:cuckoo:Wrong we have new drilling technology which allows us to extract oil from old well,s we have plenty of oil here enough to get into the next century, which is plenty of time to develop other energy sources. We export gas because oil is shipped here for refinement, we are the largest refiner although the EPA is busy shutting them down:cuckoo:

You state that, but provide no links for backup.
Ok and what is the cost effective price of gasoline to make the shale oil viable to extract/process?

Creating liquid fuels from the kerogen of the oil shales is a viable process now. But equating that to the price of gasoline isn't the point, the point is, it can only become reserves if it is economically viable from a cost perspective. It will never become reserves if it costs $100 to extract $99 of liquids. Some chunk will become reserves tomorrow if it costs $100 to extract $101 of liquids. Doesn't matter what the price of gasoline is, in the least. You could turn the stuff into jet fuel instead, which sells for more than gasoline, or AVGAS, or diesel, all of which are worth more. That is not the determining factor.

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