Oh, They're Calling For Changes To Police Dept's, Are They ?

Odd isn’t it? That untrained and lesser equipped baddies are infinitely more accurate with their weapons that the cop can’t afford to wait half a second. The video from Sacramento is interesting. The cops sought cover. Good. From there the likelihood that they will get shot drops dramatically. Then the cops open fire from what? Ten feet? They have an average hit rate of 40%. Twenty rounds fired, eight hits, six in the back. About what one expects from the professional police.

The cops are operating like it is some sort of perverted old west shootouts but here, the goal is to draw and start rapid fire as fast as possible. Why? Because the trained police are lousy shots. Piss poor marksmanship. Why? Because all they train for is that quick draw rapid fire throw a wall of lead in that general direction.

We are told they have to, because the baddies can draw and fire with an alleged accuracy that the cops can not match. In a word. Bullshit.

You DODGED my question, but that's OK.
I suppose there is no help for you. Continue to dwell in your cop-hate world you've dug for yourself. Not my problem. I've told you what you need to know. I'm not going to repeat.

I’ve answered your questions many times in many other threads. The problem is that you won’t even consider the idea that the police have gone too far. You want them to go even farther. You decry Liberal Fascism, while demanding Conservative Fascism.

Changes that are needed for police have been talked about ad nausea. One of the first changes is an end to the Police Officers Bill of Rights. The very premise of this nation, the ideals that the Founders wanted to instil in this fledgling experiment, was the idea that no one was above the law. The idea that everyone was equal before the law. The only exceptions listed in the Constitution was that members of Congress could not be detained. The reason for that should be obvious, it prevented a future where the states you had to travel through to get to Congress were prevented from delaying you so a vote would be adjusted. This way South Carolina could not prevent Florida from arriving to vote and represent their constituents. It did not shield them from any criminal prosecution, but said that while they were on their way to Congress, you could not arrest or detain them.

The way we know that is that Congress has the power to expel members of their own houses for ethical or criminal violations, thus ending the protections.

The Police Officers Bill of Rights not only insures that the civil rights of the officer are protected, but insures that they have greater protections than anyone else. Worse, it means that finding and prosecuting criminals wearing badges is almost impossible. Behavior that would be sufficient to see anyone else thrown behind bars, barely warrants a slap on the wrist, and many think that is too severe for their beloved cops.

What is funny, and I mean hilarious, is the police supporters like yourself. While arguing that the police have the right to shoot people instantly, or demanding that they lock up anyone who dare misbehave in the slightest, you resist any calls for accountability by the police.

It is literally impossible that all the shootings and use of force events are absolutely justified. It is literally impossible. But mistakes by police are not only forgiven by you, but should be a foundation for even more outrageous behavior in the future.

Give me a situation where it is not only justified, but a citizen would be required to shoot a police officer. Create one on these pages. A scenario no matter how outrageous.

One of the other founding principles of our nation was the idea that no one was so powerful that they could not be held accountable by someone. Judges have the final word, but Judges can be removed from their offices by someone. Congress can impeach a judge. Congress is immune from arrest, but a Judge can order that a congressman be arrested despite those prohibitions. The Congressman can be indicted for criminal behavior. Presidents can be impeached.

But only the cops are immune to such things. In fact, that immunity is in law in nearly every state. In Texas a cop shot a man. The shooting was so outrageous that the cops in Texas decided it was in no way justifiable. The cop argued that he was empowered by the FBI to investigate bank robberies, a Federal Offense, and was immune to prosecution as a Federal Agent. The Federal Court agreed, and the charges went away.

Immune from prosecution? Really? Show me where that is in the Constitution. I seem to have missed it.

Only the Feds can hold the Feds accountable?

The attitudes you decry that the police are facing with increasing regularity is not because of people like me. It is because of the cops, and morons like you. It is going to get worse, much worse, and I’d say it will be fairly soon that it gets much worse.

I have no power to make the cops shoot unarmed people. I have no power to make them lie. I have no power to make the other cops “investigate” and find the action justifiable. That is all the cops and the rabid supporters like you.

The funny thing is this. Changes are coming. The people are demanding it. The police could change a little themselves, and placate the demands of the people, or wait and even larger changes will run right over them. Stubborn fools like you, well you are going to stand and scream that there will be changes, for even more brutal and abusive actions. Because history shows how well that works. Or something. The fact that it does’t show anything like that, and in fact, shows just how such actions backfire, doesn’t matter.

That is what is so pathetic about people like you. Your arguments are dishonest, and flatly stupid. Historically the more brutal the police get, the more the civil unrest becomes. Even in Hungary, when the Soviets used the Army to put down civil unrest, the resentment towards the Soviets and the leadership in Hungary just increased.

When eventually the brutality can no longer be supported, or maintained, the changes that people of your ilk are fighting, happen, and they go well past where they would otherwise go.

The people are tired of the lies. A new Police Chief is hired, and they rush out to promise the community that things are going to change. That a new era of engagement is here. Then the brutality continues. The lies continue, and the cops still aren’t held responsible. A new police chief is hired, and the same thing happens. Now, when a new chief is brought in, nobody listens. They’ve heard it all before.

If you won’t hold the corrupt accountable, if you won’t stop the abuses, then the people won’t listen, or care. Nearly half the people distrust the police right now. How long until it becomes more than half? How long before people start running for political office on the platform of accountability?

You’ll blame California, or Liberals, or whatever. It’s always the same. When the indefensible is finally rejected, it’s the fault of anyone who doesn’t march in lock step with your narrow minded view of what should happen.

People like you always want to ask who we will call if we need a cop? Well we don’t call the cops. We know that the cop is going to be an ass if he shows up, and frankly, we prefer to live, than be killed by some jackass with a badge and a gun.

Black communities stop calling 911 after instances of police brutality, research shows

What makes you think that people will call their abusers for help? They know better. Something you are absolutely ignorant of. I guess you might keep calling the people abusing you for help, but not everyone is so slow to learn the lesson.

I remember not long ago when a cop got his ass beat on as subway platform, and nobody came to help. The crowd recorded it laughing. Why? They did not see the cops as people who helped. They didn’t see the cops as the good guys. The cops were thugs, just with badges, and more untouchable than even the most notorious made man of the mafia. So who cares if a thug gets his ass beat? It was not a horrible example of the community. It was predictable, and predicted. You keep harassing people, fucking with them, and then expect them to lift a finger to help you? You’re shit out of luck buddy.

You tell folks that they don’t understand. Pfui. They understand. They see the corruption and abuses first hand. They have relatives and friends abused. They know. I know. A friend like you, who is a full throated supporter of the cops asked me a question not long ago. One of those armed citizens saved a cop stories. He asked me what I would have done. I told him that I would have broken out the popcorn and enjoyed the show. You see, I have no legal, moral, or constitutional duty to protect the police. Just as they have no constitutional duty to protect anyone else.

The community, the citizens didn’t make it us versus them. It was the cops who did it. The citizens never had the authority to get that animosity going.

So be my guest, demand that they lock up whoever you want. Demand that the cops use more force. Because every time they do, another group of people come over to the side that distrusts and resents police.

A truism from Star Wars, the original, backed up by history. The more you tighten your grip, the more that slips through your fingers. As Sparta, oh wait, they’re gone. Ask the Roman Empire, or Kaiser, or the Czar’s of Russia. I could go on and on and on. It has been demonstrated time after time in history, but it is a lesson you won’t learn.

There are always a bunch of fools like you. Idiots who argue that Stalin wasn’t brutal enough. Idiots who argue that it works, it wasn’t taken far enough. Those fools, on both sides of the aisle, who argue that obviously failed policies would have worked, if it was only done bigger, more extremely, are blithering idiots. Socialists who argue for states like the Soviet Union ignore the inevitable failure of those states. Just as idiots who argue for more brutality, although they pretend it’s just tougher justice, or tough on crime, or whatever, ignore how it doesn’t work in the long run. Oh well, they weren’t tough enough right?

Your question was answered many times, but you pretend it wasn’t so you can stand fast on the podium of ignorance while pretending that you are the only one who sees it clearly. Pfui.
I’ve answered your questions many times in many other threads. The problem is that you won’t even consider the idea that the police have gone too far. You want them to go even farther. You decry Liberal Fascism, while demanding Conservative Fascism.

Changes that are needed for police have been talked about ad nausea. One of the first changes is an end to the Police Officers Bill of Rights. The very premise of this nation, the ideals that the Founders wanted to instil in this fledgling experiment, was the idea that no one was above the law. The idea that everyone was equal before the law. The only exceptions listed in the Constitution was that members of Congress could not be detained. The reason for that should be obvious, it prevented a future where the states you had to travel through to get to Congress were prevented from delaying you so a vote would be adjusted. This way South Carolina could not prevent Florida from arriving to vote and represent their constituents. It did not shield them from any criminal prosecution, but said that while they were on their way to Congress, you could not arrest or detain them.

The way we know that is that Congress has the power to expel members of their own houses for ethical or criminal violations, thus ending the protections.

The Police Officers Bill of Rights not only insures that the civil rights of the officer are protected, but insures that they have greater protections than anyone else. Worse, it means that finding and prosecuting criminals wearing badges is almost impossible. Behavior that would be sufficient to see anyone else thrown behind bars, barely warrants a slap on the wrist, and many think that is too severe for their beloved cops.

What is funny, and I mean hilarious, is the police supporters like yourself. While arguing that the police have the right to shoot people instantly, or demanding that they lock up anyone who dare misbehave in the slightest, you resist any calls for accountability by the police.

It is literally impossible that all the shootings and use of force events are absolutely justified. It is literally impossible. But mistakes by police are not only forgiven by you, but should be a foundation for even more outrageous behavior in the future.

Give me a situation where it is not only justified, but a citizen would be required to shoot a police officer. Create one on these pages. A scenario no matter how outrageous.

One of the other founding principles of our nation was the idea that no one was so powerful that they could not be held accountable by someone. Judges have the final word, but Judges can be removed from their offices by someone. Congress can impeach a judge. Congress is immune from arrest, but a Judge can order that a congressman be arrested despite those prohibitions. The Congressman can be indicted for criminal behavior. Presidents can be impeached.

But only the cops are immune to such things. In fact, that immunity is in law in nearly every state. In Texas a cop shot a man. The shooting was so outrageous that the cops in Texas decided it was in no way justifiable. The cop argued that he was empowered by the FBI to investigate bank robberies, a Federal Offense, and was immune to prosecution as a Federal Agent. The Federal Court agreed, and the charges went away.

Immune from prosecution? Really? Show me where that is in the Constitution. I seem to have missed it.

Only the Feds can hold the Feds accountable?

The attitudes you decry that the police are facing with increasing regularity is not because of people like me. It is because of the cops, and morons like you. It is going to get worse, much worse, and I’d say it will be fairly soon that it gets much worse.

I have no power to make the cops shoot unarmed people. I have no power to make them lie. I have no power to make the other cops “investigate” and find the action justifiable. That is all the cops and the rabid supporters like you.

The funny thing is this. Changes are coming. The people are demanding it. The police could change a little themselves, and placate the demands of the people, or wait and even larger changes will run right over them. Stubborn fools like you, well you are going to stand and scream that there will be changes, for even more brutal and abusive actions. Because history shows how well that works. Or something. The fact that it does’t show anything like that, and in fact, shows just how such actions backfire, doesn’t matter.

That is what is so pathetic about people like you. Your arguments are dishonest, and flatly stupid. Historically the more brutal the police get, the more the civil unrest becomes. Even in Hungary, when the Soviets used the Army to put down civil unrest, the resentment towards the Soviets and the leadership in Hungary just increased.

When eventually the brutality can no longer be supported, or maintained, the changes that people of your ilk are fighting, happen, and they go well past where they would otherwise go.

The people are tired of the lies. A new Police Chief is hired, and they rush out to promise the community that things are going to change. That a new era of engagement is here. Then the brutality continues. The lies continue, and the cops still aren’t held responsible. A new police chief is hired, and the same thing happens. Now, when a new chief is brought in, nobody listens. They’ve heard it all before.

If you won’t hold the corrupt accountable, if you won’t stop the abuses, then the people won’t listen, or care. Nearly half the people distrust the police right now. How long until it becomes more than half? How long before people start running for political office on the platform of accountability?

You’ll blame California, or Liberals, or whatever. It’s always the same. When the indefensible is finally rejected, it’s the fault of anyone who doesn’t march in lock step with your narrow minded view of what should happen.

People like you always want to ask who we will call if we need a cop? Well we don’t call the cops. We know that the cop is going to be an ass if he shows up, and frankly, we prefer to live, than be killed by some jackass with a badge and a gun.

Black communities stop calling 911 after instances of police brutality, research shows

What makes you think that people will call their abusers for help? They know better. Something you are absolutely ignorant of. I guess you might keep calling the people abusing you for help, but not everyone is so slow to learn the lesson.

I remember not long ago when a cop got his ass beat on as subway platform, and nobody came to help. The crowd recorded it laughing. Why? They did not see the cops as people who helped. They didn’t see the cops as the good guys. The cops were thugs, just with badges, and more untouchable than even the most notorious made man of the mafia. So who cares if a thug gets his ass beat? It was not a horrible example of the community. It was predictable, and predicted. You keep harassing people, fucking with them, and then expect them to lift a finger to help you? You’re shit out of luck buddy.

You tell folks that they don’t understand. Pfui. They understand. They see the corruption and abuses first hand. They have relatives and friends abused. They know. I know. A friend like you, who is a full throated supporter of the cops asked me a question not long ago. One of those armed citizens saved a cop stories. He asked me what I would have done. I told him that I would have broken out the popcorn and enjoyed the show. You see, I have no legal, moral, or constitutional duty to protect the police. Just as they have no constitutional duty to protect anyone else.

The community, the citizens didn’t make it us versus them. It was the cops who did it. The citizens never had the authority to get that animosity going.

So be my guest, demand that they lock up whoever you want. Demand that the cops use more force. Because every time they do, another group of people come over to the side that distrusts and resents police.

A truism from Star Wars, the original, backed up by history. The more you tighten your grip, the more that slips through your fingers. As Sparta, oh wait, they’re gone. Ask the Roman Empire, or Kaiser, or the Czar’s of Russia. I could go on and on and on. It has been demonstrated time after time in history, but it is a lesson you won’t learn.

There are always a bunch of fools like you. Idiots who argue that Stalin wasn’t brutal enough. Idiots who argue that it works, it wasn’t taken far enough. Those fools, on both sides of the aisle, who argue that obviously failed policies would have worked, if it was only done bigger, more extremely, are blithering idiots. Socialists who argue for states like the Soviet Union ignore the inevitable failure of those states. Just as idiots who argue for more brutality, although they pretend it’s just tougher justice, or tough on crime, or whatever, ignore how it doesn’t work in the long run. Oh well, they weren’t tough enough right?

Your question was answered many times, but you pretend it wasn’t so you can stand fast on the podium of ignorance while pretending that you are the only one who sees it clearly. Pfui.
If you think I'm going to waste my time, and bother to answer this pile of idiocy combined with lunacy, you're nuts. You are ignored. Your lengthy tantrums will have to go somewhere else.
I’ve answered your questions many times in many other threads. The problem is that you won’t even consider the idea that the police have gone too far. You want them to go even farther. You decry Liberal Fascism, while demanding Conservative Fascism.

Changes that are needed for police have been talked about ad nausea. One of the first changes is an end to the Police Officers Bill of Rights. The very premise of this nation, the ideals that the Founders wanted to instil in this fledgling experiment, was the idea that no one was above the law. The idea that everyone was equal before the law. The only exceptions listed in the Constitution was that members of Congress could not be detained. The reason for that should be obvious, it prevented a future where the states you had to travel through to get to Congress were prevented from delaying you so a vote would be adjusted. This way South Carolina could not prevent Florida from arriving to vote and represent their constituents. It did not shield them from any criminal prosecution, but said that while they were on their way to Congress, you could not arrest or detain them.

The way we know that is that Congress has the power to expel members of their own houses for ethical or criminal violations, thus ending the protections.

The Police Officers Bill of Rights not only insures that the civil rights of the officer are protected, but insures that they have greater protections than anyone else. Worse, it means that finding and prosecuting criminals wearing badges is almost impossible. Behavior that would be sufficient to see anyone else thrown behind bars, barely warrants a slap on the wrist, and many think that is too severe for their beloved cops.

What is funny, and I mean hilarious, is the police supporters like yourself. While arguing that the police have the right to shoot people instantly, or demanding that they lock up anyone who dare misbehave in the slightest, you resist any calls for accountability by the police.

It is literally impossible that all the shootings and use of force events are absolutely justified. It is literally impossible. But mistakes by police are not only forgiven by you, but should be a foundation for even more outrageous behavior in the future.

Give me a situation where it is not only justified, but a citizen would be required to shoot a police officer. Create one on these pages. A scenario no matter how outrageous.

One of the other founding principles of our nation was the idea that no one was so powerful that they could not be held accountable by someone. Judges have the final word, but Judges can be removed from their offices by someone. Congress can impeach a judge. Congress is immune from arrest, but a Judge can order that a congressman be arrested despite those prohibitions. The Congressman can be indicted for criminal behavior. Presidents can be impeached.

But only the cops are immune to such things. In fact, that immunity is in law in nearly every state. In Texas a cop shot a man. The shooting was so outrageous that the cops in Texas decided it was in no way justifiable. The cop argued that he was empowered by the FBI to investigate bank robberies, a Federal Offense, and was immune to prosecution as a Federal Agent. The Federal Court agreed, and the charges went away.

Immune from prosecution? Really? Show me where that is in the Constitution. I seem to have missed it.

Only the Feds can hold the Feds accountable?

The attitudes you decry that the police are facing with increasing regularity is not because of people like me. It is because of the cops, and morons like you. It is going to get worse, much worse, and I’d say it will be fairly soon that it gets much worse.

I have no power to make the cops shoot unarmed people. I have no power to make them lie. I have no power to make the other cops “investigate” and find the action justifiable. That is all the cops and the rabid supporters like you.

The funny thing is this. Changes are coming. The people are demanding it. The police could change a little themselves, and placate the demands of the people, or wait and even larger changes will run right over them. Stubborn fools like you, well you are going to stand and scream that there will be changes, for even more brutal and abusive actions. Because history shows how well that works. Or something. The fact that it does’t show anything like that, and in fact, shows just how such actions backfire, doesn’t matter.

That is what is so pathetic about people like you. Your arguments are dishonest, and flatly stupid. Historically the more brutal the police get, the more the civil unrest becomes. Even in Hungary, when the Soviets used the Army to put down civil unrest, the resentment towards the Soviets and the leadership in Hungary just increased.

When eventually the brutality can no longer be supported, or maintained, the changes that people of your ilk are fighting, happen, and they go well past where they would otherwise go.

The people are tired of the lies. A new Police Chief is hired, and they rush out to promise the community that things are going to change. That a new era of engagement is here. Then the brutality continues. The lies continue, and the cops still aren’t held responsible. A new police chief is hired, and the same thing happens. Now, when a new chief is brought in, nobody listens. They’ve heard it all before.

If you won’t hold the corrupt accountable, if you won’t stop the abuses, then the people won’t listen, or care. Nearly half the people distrust the police right now. How long until it becomes more than half? How long before people start running for political office on the platform of accountability?

You’ll blame California, or Liberals, or whatever. It’s always the same. When the indefensible is finally rejected, it’s the fault of anyone who doesn’t march in lock step with your narrow minded view of what should happen.

People like you always want to ask who we will call if we need a cop? Well we don’t call the cops. We know that the cop is going to be an ass if he shows up, and frankly, we prefer to live, than be killed by some jackass with a badge and a gun.

Black communities stop calling 911 after instances of police brutality, research shows

What makes you think that people will call their abusers for help? They know better. Something you are absolutely ignorant of. I guess you might keep calling the people abusing you for help, but not everyone is so slow to learn the lesson.

I remember not long ago when a cop got his ass beat on as subway platform, and nobody came to help. The crowd recorded it laughing. Why? They did not see the cops as people who helped. They didn’t see the cops as the good guys. The cops were thugs, just with badges, and more untouchable than even the most notorious made man of the mafia. So who cares if a thug gets his ass beat? It was not a horrible example of the community. It was predictable, and predicted. You keep harassing people, fucking with them, and then expect them to lift a finger to help you? You’re shit out of luck buddy.

You tell folks that they don’t understand. Pfui. They understand. They see the corruption and abuses first hand. They have relatives and friends abused. They know. I know. A friend like you, who is a full throated supporter of the cops asked me a question not long ago. One of those armed citizens saved a cop stories. He asked me what I would have done. I told him that I would have broken out the popcorn and enjoyed the show. You see, I have no legal, moral, or constitutional duty to protect the police. Just as they have no constitutional duty to protect anyone else.

The community, the citizens didn’t make it us versus them. It was the cops who did it. The citizens never had the authority to get that animosity going.

So be my guest, demand that they lock up whoever you want. Demand that the cops use more force. Because every time they do, another group of people come over to the side that distrusts and resents police.

A truism from Star Wars, the original, backed up by history. The more you tighten your grip, the more that slips through your fingers. As Sparta, oh wait, they’re gone. Ask the Roman Empire, or Kaiser, or the Czar’s of Russia. I could go on and on and on. It has been demonstrated time after time in history, but it is a lesson you won’t learn.

There are always a bunch of fools like you. Idiots who argue that Stalin wasn’t brutal enough. Idiots who argue that it works, it wasn’t taken far enough. Those fools, on both sides of the aisle, who argue that obviously failed policies would have worked, if it was only done bigger, more extremely, are blithering idiots. Socialists who argue for states like the Soviet Union ignore the inevitable failure of those states. Just as idiots who argue for more brutality, although they pretend it’s just tougher justice, or tough on crime, or whatever, ignore how it doesn’t work in the long run. Oh well, they weren’t tough enough right?

Your question was answered many times, but you pretend it wasn’t so you can stand fast on the podium of ignorance while pretending that you are the only one who sees it clearly. Pfui.
If you think I'm going to waste my time, and bother to answer this pile of idiocy combined with lunacy, you're nuts. You are ignored. Your lengthy tantrums will have to go somewhere else.

Not surprising. It is why I typed it. You are exposed as the worst sort of person. The kind that can not find a historical or logical or even a gee I know it would work argument. Just more brutality for the sake of brutality.

I’m not surprised that you didn’t even whip out the tired old demand. What do you want lawlessness and anarchy? Because you know that is an asinine question. It gives us two choices. Anarchy or corruption. Why is honesty and responsibility never an option. Just the same old corruption and brutality.

You didn’t even argue that the cops deserve the double standard enshrined in the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights. You know, because they have a tough job.

Nah, you prefer silly one liners that are dishonest. I could come down to your level but then once I’m sitting on the floor with crayons then what?

Instead I’ll repeat my point. Change is coming. Since it will be forced on the cops, instead of taken willingly, it will be far more extreme.
Not surprising. It is why I typed it. You are exposed as the worst sort of person. The kind that can not find a historical or logical or even a gee I know it would work argument. Just more brutality for the sake of brutality.

I’m not surprised that you didn’t even whip out the tired old demand. What do you want lawlessness and anarchy? Because you know that is an asinine question. It gives us two choices. Anarchy or corruption. Why is honesty and responsibility never an option. Just the same old corruption and brutality.

You didn’t even argue that the cops deserve the double standard enshrined in the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights. You know, because they have a tough job.

Nah, you prefer silly one liners that are dishonest. I could come down to your level but then once I’m sitting on the floor with crayons then what?

Instead I’ll repeat my point. Change is coming. Since it will be forced on the cops, instead of taken willingly, it will be far more extreme.
So you've been suckered by the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustlers police brutality sham ? Appears so. Not my problem.

EARTH TO SM: That was to gin up votes in 2016 election. Get a brain. :rolleyes:
Not surprising. It is why I typed it. You are exposed as the worst sort of person. The kind that can not find a historical or logical or even a gee I know it would work argument. Just more brutality for the sake of brutality.

I’m not surprised that you didn’t even whip out the tired old demand. What do you want lawlessness and anarchy? Because you know that is an asinine question. It gives us two choices. Anarchy or corruption. Why is honesty and responsibility never an option. Just the same old corruption and brutality.

You didn’t even argue that the cops deserve the double standard enshrined in the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights. You know, because they have a tough job.

Nah, you prefer silly one liners that are dishonest. I could come down to your level but then once I’m sitting on the floor with crayons then what?

Instead I’ll repeat my point. Change is coming. Since it will be forced on the cops, instead of taken willingly, it will be far more extreme.
So you've been suckered by the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustlers police brutality sham ? Appears so. Not my problem.

EARTH TO SM: That was to gin up votes in 2016 election. Get a brain. :rolleyes:

In reply 42 you said I was ignored. I guess that was a lie, just like the nonsense about how this was a thing just to gin up votes. Nonsense. It has historically been the was police have operated. In the 1950’s and 60’s the police told us that if they could not beat a confession out of people, encourage them to confess, that the criminals would go free. In the 1970’s, if the police had to advise people of their rights, the Miranda Rule, the criminals would go free. It’s always the same, and always a lie.

All your statements are simply untrue. I mean it’s astonishing when you consider that there is not one of them that holds up as true. As far as Race Hustling, nonsense. One of the internet stories that was around was the death of John Geer. It took more than two years to get the cop who murdered him charged. John Geer was white. I suppose that Al Sharpton was leading the march right? As I said, all lies.

One of us is buying the bullshit, believing the lies. And it isn’t me. Because I saw police brutality when I was growing up in the 1980’s. I saw it as an adult in the 1990’s. The only difference now is that we have the Internet, and the stories get a lot more play, but not nearly enough. Because for each one that makes the internet rounds and actually gets the people angry, there are a couple dozen more that don’t.

As I said. Changes are coming. It is only a matter of time. The Police could have done it the simple way, but instead they have morons like you out there running around screaming it isn’t really happening. The war on police meme didn’t get you anywhere, so now it’s all a race based lie. Now the changes are going to be way more extreme, and we’ll hear about how the cops are all going to die if we allow those changes to happen. The same lies we’ve heard time and time again.

Sadly, it’s not our fault, it’s yours. You could stand up and demand that the cops tell the truth, and stop Testilying. Instead, you think it’s fine for cops to lie. That wasn’t a race thing, it wasn’t a thing just for 2016. It’s been a thing for pretty much the entire 20th Century, and so far all the 21st. You could demand that cops who lie are kicked off the force, and stripped of their POST Certifications, or whatever the state requirements are, when they lie, or plant evidence, or whatever. But you don’t. So the cops stay on the force, and the others close ranks to protect the thug.


I for one never bought into the nonsense about war on police, and I laugh when I hear it, or read it. If there was a war on cops, there wouldn’t be a single cop left in the nation inside of two weeks. There just aren’t that many to begin with, and they wouldn’t show up to work if there was a war on cops in reality. That was a lie to gin up support after a series of brutal lying cops were exposed.

So why is it that we don’t expect our cops to obey the law? Why is it we do not hold them accountable? Why is it that they get special rights, above and beyond what everyone else gets through the Law Enforcemet Officers Bill of Rights? Or are you going to finally ignore me and walk away?

Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights - Wikipedia
In Sacramento, CA, black activists led by Al Sharpton, are calling for changes to be made in police departments, all across the country. Well OK. I'm all in favor of changing things to make them work better. Here's a few of my suggestions, for police department changes >>>

1. Mandatory arrests of protestors blocking traffic (In cities with Democrat mayors, protestors have been allowed to block traffic without arrests)

2. No stand downs of police in protestor confrontations (as in Baltimore, MD)

3. Mandatory police/citizen interaction classes in public schools, given by police.

4. Issuance of automatic rifles for use against gangs and violent crowds (Tanks and other military equipment too)

5. More funding for hiring more cops.

6. More funding for police investigations, leading to arrests of people shown committing crimes on video (Ex. guy lighting a fire in a convenience store during the Ferguson riot + vandalism and looting)
Mandatory police/citizen interaction classes in public schools, given by police.
Not a bad idea. Start very young.
I believe Hitler did the same thing before he Nationalize the Local Police Departments, this was after he picked up all the guns from the public. I should add he also took over all media control so that only place you could get information was outside radio stations in other Nations. (Radio Free Europe)
In Sacramento, CA, black activists led by Al Sharpton, are calling for changes to be made in police departments, all across the country. Well OK. I'm all in favor of changing things to make them work better. Here's a few of my suggestions, for police department changes >>>

1. Mandatory arrests of protestors blocking traffic (In cities with Democrat mayors, protestors have been allowed to block traffic without arrests)

2. No stand downs of police in protestor confrontations (as in Baltimore, MD)

3. Mandatory police/citizen interaction classes in public schools, given by police.

4. Issuance of automatic rifles for use against gangs and violent crowds (Tanks and other military equipment too)

5. More funding for hiring more cops.

6. More funding for police investigations, leading to arrests of people shown committing crimes on video (Ex. guy lighting a fire in a convenience store during the Ferguson riot + vandalism and looting)
Mandatory police/citizen interaction classes in public schools, given by police.
Not a bad idea. Start very young.

unless you like it when unarmed young black males are shot by the police for no reason. then you feel threatened by it.
In Sacramento, CA, black activists led by Al Sharpton, are calling for changes to be made in police departments, all across the country. Well OK. I'm all in favor of changing things to make them work better. Here's a few of my suggestions, for police department changes >>>

1. Mandatory arrests of protestors blocking traffic (In cities with Democrat mayors, protestors have been allowed to block traffic without arrests)

2. No stand downs of police in protestor confrontations (as in Baltimore, MD)

3. Mandatory police/citizen interaction classes in public schools, given by police.

4. Issuance of automatic rifles for use against gangs and violent crowds (Tanks and other military equipment too)

5. More funding for hiring more cops.

6. More funding for police investigations, leading to arrests of people shown committing crimes on video (Ex. guy lighting a fire in a convenience store during the Ferguson riot + vandalism and looting)
Mandatory police/citizen interaction classes in public schools, given by police.
Not a bad idea. Start very young.
I believe Hitler did the same thing before he Nationalize the Local Police Departments, this was after he picked up all the guns from the public. I should add he also took over all media control so that only place you could get information was outside radio stations in other Nations. (Radio Free Europe)

ok typical butt backward wingnut.

I'd say its more likely hitler and his scum thought it was a great thing to shoot people for no reason.
I think they should take more donut breaks in neighborhoods that hate cops............

Less paperwork that way............

Police HELP..................we'll be right there.........

Miss could you refill my coffee.
I think they should take more donut breaks in neighborhoods that hate cops............

Less paperwork that way............

Police HELP..................we'll be right there.........

Miss could you refill my coffee.

What makes you think they get a lot of calls in those neighborhoods?


During the 1980s-90s, my twelve years of life experiences as a uniform cop, robbery and death investigator serving young 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims Shawn Jay-Z Carter's and the late Christopher Biggie Smalls Wallace's Brooklyn, NY neighborhoods, assure me that at this point in American societal evolution, better training in recognizing and reporting "Suspected Cases of Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect and Maltreatment" should be our Nation's NUMBER ONE PRIORITY.

In Sacramento, CA, black activists led by Al Sharpton, are calling for changes to be made in police departments, all across the country. Well OK. I'm all in favor of changing things to make them work better. Here's a few of my suggestions, for police department changes >>>

1. Mandatory arrests of protestors blocking traffic (In cities with Democrat mayors, protestors have been allowed to block traffic without arrests)

2. No stand downs of police in protestor confrontations (as in Baltimore, MD)

3. Mandatory police/citizen interaction classes in public schools, given by police.

4. Issuance of automatic rifles for use against gangs and violent crowds (Tanks and other military equipment too)

5. More funding for hiring more cops.

6. More funding for police investigations, leading to arrests of people shown committing crimes on video (Ex. guy lighting a fire in a convenience store during the Ferguson riot + vandalism and looting)

I'm for all of that except for the militarization of the police. We already have a military, we don't need two. Also, we need more public oversight of police, especially where people are killed under highly questionable circumstances, rather than being "internally resolved." Asking police to judge the actions of their own is akin to the IRS asking you if you were accurate on your taxes. There are far too many killings where people are gunned down in cold blood when the perp was either harmless, innocent, no threat or could have been stopped through non-lethal means.
Mandatory police/citizen interaction classes in public schools, given by police.
Not a bad idea. Start very young.
This would finally get them to know they must keep their HANDS VISIBLE & EMPTY.

As long as liberals control schools, kids will never know this. Unfortunately, liberals are not too swift on the subject of guns & law enforcement.

This would help to prevent riots too.

Sure. Make sure the kiddies know at a very young age that a cop just might kill them at any time on a whim, and they should fear for their life if the cops think they aren't responding fast enough. I'll bet that restores the trust and respect that cops need to do their jobs.
unless you like it when unarmed young black males are shot by the police for no reason. then you feel threatened by it.
They're not "unarmed" (NOBODY is), and they're not shot for no reason. Are there anyone dumber in America than liberals ? Sheeeesh!! :rolleyes:
Sure. Make sure the kiddies know at a very young age that a cop just might kill them at any time on a whim, and they should fear for their life if the cops think they aren't responding fast enough. I'll bet that restores the trust and respect that cops need to do their jobs.
Typical liberal idiocy. Take what is factual reality, and twist it into something idiotic.

1. There is no "whim"

2. Response speed isn't in the scenario. It is a matter of being able to see the suspects hands, which you ALREADY KNEW from the previous post, thereby showing you to be the cheap, 2 bit, fleabag, turd, full of shit LIAR, that your are.Tell the truth, or get the fuck out of the thread, scumbag!

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