Oh My!: Was Hillary Wearing An Earpiece At The Presidential Forum? Sure Looks Like It

There is a video where the piece is clearly there.
Takes a hell of a graphic artist to manipulate that and not make it obvious. and the software? Shit..

Another good way is to Google image search, if it's been manipulated no matching images will come up..because it's been manipulated
Hmmm interesting!
Regardless, it's my professional opinion that snopes is full of shit.

An IT guy taught me that. I agree with your professional opinion and by the way Googling the OP's images doesn't link to any other images :rolleyes:
"An IT guy taught me that"......:bsflag:
how quaint. A fucking liar trying to call someone else out. Awwww
Awwwwww....white knight complex? Good luck with that.

The old bat is sooo fucking foggy, she can't think for herself.. you desperate liberals ran an old haggard mental case who lies just to lie..

Lead Drudge story..

Was Hillary Wearing an Earpiece During Last Night’s Presidential Forum?

ORIGIN:On 7 September 2016, a photograph purportedly showing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton wearing a 'secret earpiece' during NBC's "Commander-In-Chief Forum" was widely circulated online:


This photograph was shared with a wide range of conspiracy theories — some claiming that the image somehow proved Clinton was in poor health, others maintaining it demonstrated she is a puppet of billionaire George Soros — but the most prevalent accusation was that Clinton was wearing an earpiece so her campaign team could furtively feed her answers to moderator Matt Lauer's questions.

Smialowski's image has been cropped to show only Clinton's face (and then blown up back to size), revealing what looks like a small light inside Clinton's ear. However, this "object" can't be seen in other photographs of the candidate from the same event:


The "earpiece" photograph most likely captured a light source temporarily reflecting on Clinton's ear

While "earpiece-gate" centered around Hillary Clinton, some Internet users accused her opponent Donald Trump of wearing a similar 'secret earpiece' during the same event and shared a purported photograph of it:


I find it truly amazing the power of Photoshop

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Wore 'Secret Earpiece' During Commander-in-Chief Forum
Snopes concludes the claim is made up, as other pictures that night showed no such thing in Clinton's ear.

Why does Drudge make so much shit up? He also was fact-checked on the claim that Obama wore an earpiece to a debate vs. Romney in 2012: Obama Earpiece

Those seeking to make fun of or embarrass the author of the "Hillary wore an earpiece" thread in this forum, posted by member "Ladygunslinger", here's the link: Hillary wore an earpiece at last night's forum

I hereby call on Ladygunslinger to apologize for attempting to make USmessageboard.com members dumber.

Snipes are nothing but lying shills.
Of course Alt-Righties don't like an organization that calls them out on their innumerable lies.
Of course a fact-hating Alt-Righter wouldn't like Snopes.

Snopes is a lefty hack site.

A legitimate fact checking source would be nice, but Snopes sure isn't one.

Not that a thought-hating Communist like you would understand...
You and your fellow conservatives are stupid as well, to think anyone would believe your ridiculous lies.

Ahhh shaddup Jones or we'll ask you to actually prove your bullshit and then watch you scamper off, toad
There is a video where the piece is clearly there.
Takes a hell of a graphic artist to manipulate that and not make it obvious. and the software? Shit..

Another good way is to Google image search, if it's been manipulated no matching images will come up..because it's been manipulated
Hmmm interesting!
Regardless, it's my professional opinion that snopes is full of shit.

An IT guy taught me that. I agree with your professional opinion and by the way Googling the OP's images doesn't link to any other images :rolleyes:
"An IT guy taught me that"......:bsflag:

You could prove otherwise Hairy Back....now go play pretend veteran
Tell us some more about what this IT guy "taught" you....
Of course a fact-hating Alt-Righter wouldn't like Snopes.

Snopes is a lefty hack site.

A legitimate fact checking source would be nice, but Snopes sure isn't one.

Not that a thought-hating Communist like you would understand...
You and your fellow conservatives are stupid as well, to think anyone would believe your ridiculous lies.

Nothing is as ridiculous as the size of the stinking turd that comes out a liberals mouth.
Another good way is to Google image search, if it's been manipulated no matching images will come up..because it's been manipulated
Hmmm interesting!
Regardless, it's my professional opinion that snopes is full of shit.

An IT guy taught me that. I agree with your professional opinion and by the way Googling the OP's images doesn't link to any other images :rolleyes:
"An IT guy taught me that"......:bsflag:
how quaint. A fucking liar trying to call someone else out. Awwww
Awwwwww....white knight complex? Good luck with that.
Don't give me that bullshit. I have never liked your lying ass
Snopes concludes the claim is made up, as other pictures that night showed no such thing in Clinton's ear.

Why does Drudge make so much shit up? He also was fact-checked on the claim that Obama wore an earpiece to a debate vs. Romney in 2012: Obama Earpiece

Those seeking to make fun of or embarrass the author of the "Hillary wore an earpiece" thread in this forum, posted by member "Ladygunslinger", here's the link: Hillary wore an earpiece at last night's forum

I hereby call on Ladygunslinger to apologize for attempting to make USmessageboard.com members dumber.

Snipes are nothing but lying shills.
Of course Alt-Righties don't like an organization that calls them out on their innumerable lies.

If it weren't for the corrupt media, you idiots wouldn't have any new words.
Of course a fact-hating Alt-Righter wouldn't like Snopes.

Snopes is a lefty hack site.

A legitimate fact checking source would be nice, but Snopes sure isn't one.

Not that a thought-hating Communist like you would understand...
You and your fellow conservatives are stupid as well, to think anyone would believe your ridiculous lies.

Ahhh shaddup Jones or we'll ask you to actually prove your bullshit and then watch you scamper off, toad
"Ahhh shaddup".....the RW mantra.
Hmmm interesting!
Regardless, it's my professional opinion that snopes is full of shit.

An IT guy taught me that. I agree with your professional opinion and by the way Googling the OP's images doesn't link to any other images :rolleyes:
"An IT guy taught me that"......:bsflag:
how quaint. A fucking liar trying to call someone else out. Awwww
Awwwwww....white knight complex? Good luck with that.
Don't give me that bullshit. I have never liked your lying ass
I'm sooooo devastated. Being liked by Alt-RWrs is what I was living for........:crybaby:
Snopes concludes the claim is made up, as other pictures that night showed no such thing in Clinton's ear.

Why does Drudge make so much shit up? He also was fact-checked on the claim that Obama wore an earpiece to a debate vs. Romney in 2012: Obama Earpiece

Those seeking to make fun of or embarrass the author of the "Hillary wore an earpiece" thread in this forum, posted by member "Ladygunslinger", here's the link: Hillary wore an earpiece at last night's forum

I hereby call on Ladygunslinger to apologize for attempting to make USmessageboard.com members dumber.

Snipes are nothing but lying shills.
Of course Alt-Righties don't like an organization that calls them out on their innumerable lies.

If it weren't for the corrupt media, you idiots wouldn't have any new words.
"If it weren't for the corrupt media".....lining up those excuses for November, I see.
An IT guy taught me that. I agree with your professional opinion and by the way Googling the OP's images doesn't link to any other images :rolleyes:
"An IT guy taught me that"......:bsflag:
how quaint. A fucking liar trying to call someone else out. Awwww
Awwwwww....white knight complex? Good luck with that.
Don't give me that bullshit. I have never liked your lying ass
I'm sooooo devastated. Being liked by Alt-RWrs is what I was living for........:crybaby:
Lol you are such a loser
She has to have an ear piece, for politicians can't think for themselves. And by the way snopes is extreme left progressive kiss ass organization.
You and your fellow conservatives are ridiculous liars.

What's sad is that this really is the extent of your rhetorical ability.

Snopes is a left wing hack site. They avoid any subject that fails to serve the left. While many of their claims are openly dubious, mostly they simply shun any claim that exposes the left.

In 2008, State Farm agent Bud Gregg hoisted a political sign in Mandeville, Louisiana referencing Barack Obama and made a big splash across the internet. The Mikkelson's were quick to "research" this issue and post their condemnation of it on Snopes.com. In their statement they claimed the corporate office of State Farm pressured Mr. Gregg into taking down the sign. In fact, nothing of the sort ever took place. A friend of Mr. Gregg personally contacted David Mikkelson to alert him of the factual inaccuracy, leaving him Mr. Gregg's contact phone numbers. Mr. Mikkelson was told that Mr. Gregg would give him the phone numbers to the big exec's at State Farm in Illinois who would inform them that they had never pressured Mr. Gregg to take down his sign.
But the Mikkelson's never called Mr. Gregg. In fact, Mr. Gregg found out that no one from Snopes.com had ever contacted any one with State Farm. Yet, Snopes.com has kept their false story of Mr. Gregg up to this day, as the "final factual word" on the issue.

What is behind Snopes' selfish motivation? A simple review of their "fact-checking" reveals a strong tendency to explain away criticisms towards liberal politicians and public figures while giving conservatives the hatchet job. Religious stories and issues are similarly shown no mercy. With the "main-stream" media quickly losing all credibility with their fawning treatment of President Obama, Snopes is being singled out, along with MSNBC and others, as being particularly biased and agenda-motivated.}

Accuracy In Politics: Snopes Got Snoped

Snopes is, and always has been a tool of left wing politics.

They lost credibility years ago, only DNC hacks view them as a credible source for anything.
Of course a fact-hating Alt-Righter wouldn't like Snopes.

Snopes is a lefty hack site.

A legitimate fact checking source would be nice, but Snopes sure isn't one.

Not that a thought-hating Communist like you would understand...
You and your fellow conservatives are stupid as well, to think anyone would believe your ridiculous lies.

Nothing is as ridiculous as the size of the stinking turd that comes out a liberals mouth.
You and your fellow conservatives have nothing but lies; your ideology is bankrupt and devoid of merit – you have nothing of value or consequence to offer, so you resort to lies.

You and your fellow conservatives have nothing but lies; your ideology is bankrupt and devoid of merit – you have nothing of value or consequence to offer, so you resort to lies.


Well said counselor. what impressive flair you have with logic..


This is why you run away, C_Coward, you lack the intellect to hold your own in an actual debate.

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