Offers Anyone?


Mommy Dearest
Aug 29, 2003
I now have full control of Sir Evil's computer (not to mention his whole house) - so how much am I offered to blow the motherboard? Or kill a couple of those disgusting lizards?
Hell with that, I am coming over to clean out the computer and help myself! oh yeah, I want the monitor too! hahahaha!
Having control of SE's computer is pure power....please dont ban me....:D think about that power???? piss me off will you, be off with ya BYE-BYE...;)
Originally posted by jon_forward
Having control of SE's computer is pure power....please dont ban me....:D think about that power???? piss me off will you, be off with ya BYE-BYE...;)

haha, she might be on his computer jon, but she isn't logged into him! so :funnyface !!! she can't ban, atleast I don't think so! hhahahahaha! now be nice to me, or I will ban ya! :p:
Now Miss Smarty Pants, what makes you so sure Sir Evil didn't give me his info??? How much would you pay for that???
Originally posted by Joan
Now Miss Smarty Pants, what makes you so sure Sir Evil didn't give me his info??? How much would you pay for that???

Nadda thing! I can ban you too! :D John's information means nothing to me! Jim will do as I say, or no new members!! hahahha! ok, I guess I won't get too cocky so I don't get banned!
He has a DVD collection greater than Blockbuster - but the sad thing is that this mentally challenged idiot can't quite figure out how to work the stupid player - we're dealing here with 5 different remote controls - so far, I've only figured out the TV!! But that's okay, I'll just scan the titles, and take whatever I want home!! As for the guitars, I was thinking of taking the strings off of them, inserting a lizard in each - and sending them on a road trip down the Raritan River!
Jon - sorry to say, I can't take credit for some of her antics!!
Originally posted by Joan
Jon - sorry to say, I can't take credit for some of her antics!!

Hey Joan when are you going to join into the fattie posting club ?
You would fit in quite nicely !! :clap1:
Hell no - that's one of the traits she didn't inherit from me - there must be a sicko somewhere way back in the family tree! But then again, I honestly can't call my other offspring exactly normal either. I'm learning through this board, that it would be in my better interests never to piss Jimmy off!!
How many you want? They're laying all over the place - also a quite large supply of amps! Now you can only play one guitar at a time - so why does this fool need so many?
Well, looky here - I just found the keys for the Infiniti - ROAD TRIP!!
Originally posted by Joan
Well, looky here - I just found the keys for the Infiniti - ROAD TRIP!!

Damn, i sure could have used that today!

Hey John, when you do peek at board, which I know in a few days you will - thanks! I am taking over the Infiniti for the week! :p:
Originally posted by janeeng
Damn, i sure could have used that today!

Hey John, when you do peek at board, which I know in a few days you will - thanks! I am taking over the Infiniti for the week! :p:

Thats right John she is coming down to Louisiana !!:thewave: :teeth: :dev1:

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