Sometimes I really love my life...


Oct 16, 2003
Today has been a GREAT day...last week, things were pretty stressful for me - talk of moving my office, maybe having to find a new job; just general humdrums.

Today I learned a guy who is setting up a new 'cell' to which my current section will belong, was campaigning for me; saying things like 'how usefull I'll be to the new group' etc. My duties will change a little bit; going from Program Analyst/Graphics Bitch, to a IT Guy/Graphics Bitch. That 'could' bring a promotion!! IT guys tend to be of a certain pay grade, for the group of ppl I'd be 'IT'ing'. I'm one grade BELOW that grade now.

To top it off, I'm going out w/ a good friend for a beer afterwork. :)

Here's what got me feeling pretty blessed, though.

My wife, who is a woman, Mary, told me there's a Birthday party for a nephew around 6, in Des Moines, WA (30?40 minutes up the freeway from me). I 'thought' about driving home quick-like so I could ride the bike there...but decided against it. The miata will be sufficiently fun.

Being a 'car' or a 'motorsports' guy, I feel COMPLETELY Blessed with owning TWO outlets for my hobby. I've been blessed by having a VERY Fun car, AND a rather neat motorcycle.

I don't deserve things like this - and truth-be-told, they aren't near and dear to my heart by ANY stretch. They are just 'neat'.

That's all.


Darin Jesus Sha'Niel Martinez-Pemberton
Darin, I'm very happy that you are feeling blessed today!! Congrats!! And Good Luck on the new job "IT"ing, LOL!
I'm feeling pretty blessed myself, my bills for the month are paid early for a change, LOL!

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