Obamas Morning Presser

B. Kidd

Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2010
Western Lands
The Prez referred to the Boston bombers as "self-radicalized individuals" during this mornings press conference.
What kind of 'doublespeak' is this? No reporter followed up with a clarification question in using this term and I bet no one in the MSM will question it.
I guess one explanation could be that a Muslim puts on dorothys' ruby slippers one day, looks in the mirror while clicking their heels together two times, and then is automatically transformed into a Jihadist terrorist.
What kind of bullsh*t term is this and WTF has the 4th estate become?
Anything to keep from admitting that Homeland security dropped the ball big time under his watch.

By all means frisk babies but don't find real terrorists. Instead give them welfare so they can build bombs here and kill children.

The terrorist was laughing about how "we" gave him the money.
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The pack is out there yelping and whelping.

Yes, some jihadists are self-taught. I am sure some of our libertarians were self-taught then went looking for guidance.

Keep a sensible head, folks, please.
They were students protecting their friend, not jihadists.

Keep a sensible head, B. Kidd.

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