Obama's Health Care Doublespeak


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
East Japip
From top to bottom, Mr. Obama's claims about what's included in Democratic health care legislation - and the ostensible benefits of change - are misleading. He has assured over and over again that if you like your current insurance, "nothing in our plan requires you to change what you have." Well, nothing in the plan orders anyone to change their policy, but it is going to happen anyway as a major changes are forced on insurance providers.

Under the Democratic plans, insurance companies are mandated to provide unlimited benefits, reduce co-pays and total out-of-pocket expenses, provide "free" preventive care, change what is covered and eliminate restrictions on pre-existing conditions. The government also plans to help the insurance industry figure out exactly where it is wasting money, which is absurd on its face given that no one wastes money like government bureaucracies.

But one thing is for sure: All these new rules will change the insurance plans Americans currently have. There is no way to simultaneously let people keep existing insurance plans while upgrading them substantially without raising premiums.

Mr. Obama has said, "Under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions." Even the liberal Factcheck.org Web site noted that an amendment adopted in the House Energy and Commerce Committee "states that some abortions 'shall' be covered by the 'public option' plan" and "for other types of abortions ... [the amended bill] leaves it to the secretary of Health and Human Services to decide whether or not they will be covered."

There's also a big hitch to the president's statement that "buying insurance on your own costs you three times as much as the coverage you get from your employer." To buy into this claim, people have to think that employer costs for health coverage do not affect wages. But there are no bottomless resources that institutions use to cover salary and benefits. If employers have to pay workers more in terms of health care, they will pay less in terms of wages.

Mr. Wilson's ire was understandable given the president's claim that, "There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false." Even the Congressional Research Service's evaluation of HR 3200 - the main Democratic health care bill in the House - points out that some illegals are already eligible for some types of government-paid health care and expanding the programs will make more eligible. Many illegal immigrants already get government health care for which they are ineligible because enforcement is lax.

Mr. Obama's congressional lecture claimed that his health care program could be funded simply by eliminating "waste and fraud," that people would get a lot more benefits than they currently do for less money, that the uninsured will be covered, and that "the plan will not add to our deficit." What the president is advocating is impossible. Making up "facts" won't make Mr. Obama's promises come true.

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Anyone who believes a word that comes out of Obama's mouth is an idiot. The man is a pathelogical liar. Case in point: In 2003 he said he was a supporter of single payer healthcare aka Universal healthcare system. Then on August 11th 2009, he said "I have not said I am a single payer supporter."
Anyone who believes a word that comes out of Obama's mouth is an idiot. The man is a pathelogical liar. Case in point: In 2003 he said he was a supporter of single payer healthcare aka Universal healthcare system. Then on August 11th 2009, he said "I have not said I am a single payer supporter."

Yup. Another case in point, his moronic spouting about 'not being aware of federal funding for ACORN' . . . wtf? He pulls a Pelosi and, just like her, looks like a complete and total bumbling boob.
First of all , nobody believes insurance providers.
Second it's not the governments job to protect Insurance companies.
Please tell me what insurance company provides? a service? what?
If insurance companies don't want to be in the business? So What? I certainly do not care!
All industrialized country's have national insurance, except us.
Pretty simple , a government health care option is good for America!
“I think it’s important to realize that I was actually black before the election.” – Pres. Barack Obama

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