Obama's 15 Gaffes At The U.n.


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
I got to shake my head and laugh, in disgust. The Democrats leader is delusional.

Ben Shapiro says it best in this article from the hated ex-liberal David Horowitz's website

Obama 8217 s 15 Worst Moments At The UN FrontPage Magazine

Obama’s 15 Worst Moments At The UN
September 26, 2014 by Ben Shapiro

“Together, we have learned how to cure disease, and harness the power of the wind and sun.” Which is, of course, why disease remains rampant in Africa – so much so that Obama is sending 3,000 troops there to combat Ebola virus – and why America garners a whopping 4.13 percent of her electricity from wind and 0.23 percent from the sun. But the Godking hath reined global forces to his chariot, and shall ride
I couldn't get past number one. who in the hell speaks that way?

“Together, we have learned how to cure disease, and harness the power of the wind and sun.”

it's as bad AS, he's going to stop the seas rising and heal the planet
what he doesn't tell you is HOW MUCH it is going to cost you, your livelihoods and your living standards. because with his plan: rates will Necessarily skyrocket and it will be put onto you the middle class and the poor. now since he's rich he can absorb it no sweat

He talks above, and all around you people and some of you still fall for it
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More of the Democrat's, leader.


“We are here because others realized that we gain more from cooperation than conquest.”
Well, no. We are here because civilized nations banded together to defeat Nazis and then communism, not because of some global revelation about the power of cooperation. This is a third grade rendition of history.

Obama 8217 s 15 Worst Moments At The UN FrontPage Magazine
Ben Shapiro says
Little Benny "The Bully" Shapiro, the founder, president and CEO of "Friends of Hamas." Now there is a good source of truth.

what, we thought you all like Bullies?
and you have a source I guess for that last statement?
This is the reason the Right is known as No-Information Voters. The non-existent "Friends of Hamas" was "reported" by Little Benny the Bully when he worked for BigotBarf to smear an honest person.

8220 Friends of Hamas 8221 and Andrew Breitbart 8217 s Legacy - The New Yorker

The most recent example of this issue, of course, is the suddenly infamous “Friends of Hamas” story. About two weeks ago, Breitbart News editor-at-large Ben Shapiro reported:

On Thursday, Senate sources told Breitbart News exclusively that they have been informed that one of the reasons that President Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, has not turned over requested documents on his sources of foreign funding is that one of the names listed is a group purportedly called “Friends of Hamas.”

There was, it turns out, a problem with the story: Friends of Hamas does not exist, and never has.
Ben Shapiro says
Little Benny "The Bully" Shapiro, the founder, president and CEO of "Friends of Hamas." Now there is a good source of truth.

what, we thought you all like Bullies?
and you have a source I guess for that last statement?
This is the reason the Right is known as No-Information Voters. The non-existent "Friends of Hamas" was "reported" by Little Benny the Bully when he worked for BigotBarf to smear an honest person.

8220 Friends of Hamas 8221 and Andrew Breitbart 8217 s Legacy - The New Yorker

The most recent example of this issue, of course, is the suddenly infamous “Friends of Hamas” story. About two weeks ago, Breitbart News editor-at-large Ben Shapiro reported:

On Thursday, Senate sources told Breitbart News exclusively that they have been informed that one of the reasons that President Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, has not turned over requested documents on his sources of foreign funding is that one of the names listed is a group purportedly called “Friends of Hamas.”

There was, it turns out, a problem with the story: Friends of Hamas does not exist, and never has.
But, a friend of hamas did donate to hagel, so your assertion here is simply absurd.
Ben Shapiro says
Little Benny "The Bully" Shapiro, the founder, president and CEO of "Friends of Hamas." Now there is a good source of truth.
He quoted Obama, you think the quote is not true?

Shapiro's characterization of the quotes differs widely from the truth. It's just a list of lines from a speech with the worst possible interpretation of the lines offered as "truth".
Ben Shapiro says
Little Benny "The Bully" Shapiro, the founder, president and CEO of "Friends of Hamas." Now there is a good source of truth.
He quoted Obama, you think the quote is not true?

Shapiro's characterization of the quotes differs widely from the truth. It's just a list of lines from a speech with the worst possible interpretation of the lines offered as "truth".
Offer your interpretation.
More of the Democrat's, leader.


“We are here because others realized that we gain more from cooperation than conquest.”
Well, no. We are here because civilized nations banded together to defeat Nazis and then communism, not because of some global revelation about the power of cooperation. This is a third grade rendition of history.

Obama 8217 s 15 Worst Moments At The UN FrontPage Magazine

^ Worst, most unAmerican POTUS POS Ever
Ben Shapiro says
Little Benny "The Bully" Shapiro, the founder, president and CEO of "Friends of Hamas." Now there is a good source of truth.
He quoted Obama, you think the quote is not true?

Shapiro's characterization of the quotes differs widely from the truth. It's just a list of lines from a speech with the worst possible interpretation of the lines offered as "truth".
Offer your interpretation.

Obama spoke for himself. I don't need Shapiro's help. Sorry for those who do.
Ben Shapiro says
Little Benny "The Bully" Shapiro, the founder, president and CEO of "Friends of Hamas." Now there is a good source of truth.

what, we thought you all like Bullies?
and you have a source I guess for that last statement?
This is the reason the Right is known as No-Information Voters. The non-existent "Friends of Hamas" was "reported" by Little Benny the Bully when he worked for BigotBarf to smear an honest person.

8220 Friends of Hamas 8221 and Andrew Breitbart 8217 s Legacy - The New Yorker

The most recent example of this issue, of course, is the suddenly infamous “Friends of Hamas” story. About two weeks ago, Breitbart News editor-at-large Ben Shapiro reported:

On Thursday, Senate sources told Breitbart News exclusively that they have been informed that one of the reasons that President Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, has not turned over requested documents on his sources of foreign funding is that one of the names listed is a group purportedly called “Friends of Hamas.”

There was, it turns out, a problem with the story: Friends of Hamas does not exist, and never has.
But, a friend of hamas did donate to hagel, so your assertion here is simply absurd.
Friends Of Hamas donate to BigotBarf and little Benny the Bully, not Hagel.
Ben Shapiro says
Little Benny "The Bully" Shapiro, the founder, president and CEO of "Friends of Hamas." Now there is a good source of truth.

what, we thought you all like Bullies?
and you have a source I guess for that last statement?
This is the reason the Right is known as No-Information Voters. The non-existent "Friends of Hamas" was "reported" by Little Benny the Bully when he worked for BigotBarf to smear an honest person.

8220 Friends of Hamas 8221 and Andrew Breitbart 8217 s Legacy - The New Yorker

The most recent example of this issue, of course, is the suddenly infamous “Friends of Hamas” story. About two weeks ago, Breitbart News editor-at-large Ben Shapiro reported:

On Thursday, Senate sources told Breitbart News exclusively that they have been informed that one of the reasons that President Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, has not turned over requested documents on his sources of foreign funding is that one of the names listed is a group purportedly called “Friends of Hamas.”

There was, it turns out, a problem with the story: Friends of Hamas does not exist, and never has.

lol, and I suppose the left is considered the most informed? you post a tantrum on Brietbart and say, that isn't true because I say it isn't
Ben Shapiro says
Little Benny "The Bully" Shapiro, the founder, president and CEO of "Friends of Hamas." Now there is a good source of truth.

what, we thought you all like Bullies?
and you have a source I guess for that last statement?
This is the reason the Right is known as No-Information Voters. The non-existent "Friends of Hamas" was "reported" by Little Benny the Bully when he worked for BigotBarf to smear an honest person.

8220 Friends of Hamas 8221 and Andrew Breitbart 8217 s Legacy - The New Yorker

The most recent example of this issue, of course, is the suddenly infamous “Friends of Hamas” story. About two weeks ago, Breitbart News editor-at-large Ben Shapiro reported:

On Thursday, Senate sources told Breitbart News exclusively that they have been informed that one of the reasons that President Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, has not turned over requested documents on his sources of foreign funding is that one of the names listed is a group purportedly called “Friends of Hamas.”

There was, it turns out, a problem with the story: Friends of Hamas does not exist, and never has.

lol, and I suppose the left is considered the most informed? you post a tantrum on Brietbart and say, that isn't true because I say it isn't
It isn't true because "Friends of Hamas" is a fabrication, as you would have been informed if you could read, but you chose not to read in order to maintain your N0-Information status.
While small gains can be won at the barrel of a gun, they will ultimately be turned back if enough voices support the freedom of nations and peoples to make their own decisions.” Again, no. Millions of voices have cried out for freedom in North Korea and China for decades, to no avail. It isn’t about raising voices. It’s about strategically outflanking evil nations and crippling their capacity to continue functioning.

If enough voices are heard, give support, people will simply give up? Supporting freedom means fighting with weapons, it always has, maybe in the far future this could be true, a century from now, but in this century, while Obama is the leader of the World, Obama is making speeches while little girls in Africa are kidnapped and raped, the response in these threads are its not Obama's problem.

Well, I guess Obama's voice just aint that loud.


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