Obamanomics fails because it's supposed to, just like FDR Depression


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
It's no surprise to me that the US economy continues to cough, sputter and wheeze. What did you think would happen when you copy play for play the EXACT steps FDR used to preside over an economy worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years?

Deficit spending and a centrally planned economy have only brought despair and ruin to the vast majority. That's what Obama wanted and got.

Case in point: Government control and regulation. The main reason the FDR Depression lasted so long was because it was supposed to. Both FDR and Obama issued massive regulation all in an effort to control and centrally plan the economy, terrorizing business in the process.

Here's an article that in the midst of what appears to the the beginning of a Double Dip, Obama is issuing business strangling regulation at a staggering clip

"Many House and Senate conservatives are reviving their battle against federal regulations, claiming that the president hasn't stopped issuing job-killing rules during the debt ceiling fight. "While Washington and Americans have been focused on the debt ceiling, the Obama administration has continued to roll out more crushing red tape," said a spokesperson for Wyoming Republican Sen. John Barrasso, who's been championing the regulation fight."
Report: Obama Administration Added $9.5 Billion in Red Tape in July - US News and World Report

That's why Obama, ObamaCare and FinReg must get piled on the ash heap of history after Nov 2012
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I assume you meant "piled", not "oiled."
Easy mistake to make.

ANyway, there are two views here.
The first, like you, says that Obama's failures are part of some plot to destroy America and remake it into a Eurosocialist state. I think that's Rush Limbaugh's thesis.

The second is that he is merely incompetent and surrounded by boobs.

Generally I hold with the maxim of "Never attribute to malice what can easily be attributed to simple stupidity."
Let's look at it. Obama has zero experience running anything except his mouth. He was never engaged in making money, only spending other people's. His advisors are all academics who also have limited experience in business. He comes in with an agenda of "fairness" which generally holds that business is both the source of all evil and the source of all solutions since they are the breadwinners. Thus you can press businesses for money and behavioral changes and it won't have any effect on their profitability because they'll figure out some way to deal with it. That of course is wrong, as we've seen.
No, I think we have the most clueless president since Carter, worse even, who is flayling blindly around to find a solution but cannot because it would mean discarding his core notions of the economy and society.
I assume you meant "piled", not "oiled."
Easy mistake to make.

ANyway, there are two views here.
The first, like you, says that Obama's failures are part of some plot to destroy America and remake it into a Eurosocialist state. I think that's Rush Limbaugh's thesis.

The second is that he is merely incompetent and surrounded by boobs.

Generally I hold with the maxim of "Never attribute to malice what can easily be attributed to simple stupidity."
Let's look at it. Obama has zero experience running anything except his mouth. He was never engaged in making money, only spending other people's. His advisors are all academics who also have limited experience in business. He comes in with an agenda of "fairness" which generally holds that business is both the source of all evil and the source of all solutions since they are the breadwinners. Thus you can press businesses for money and behavioral changes and it won't have any effect on their profitability because they'll figure out some way to deal with it. That of course is wrong, as we've seen.
No, I think we have the most clueless president since Carter, worse even, who is flayling blindly around to find a solution but cannot because it would mean discarding his core notions of the economy and society.

Agreed... Obama is simply clueless I'll bet he is confused as to why all his great Ideas aren't working, Pathetic really.. how so many People can be fooled into voting for such an incompetent, base on a great campaign production "Hope and Change" which is all it was. Like a plot in a movie, not real but in the minds of the bleeding hearts that think with their emotions rather than their intellect it worked like a charm, to the countries detriment.:(
It's no surprise to me that the US economy continues to cough, sputter and wheeze. What did you think would happen when you copy play for play the EXACT steps FDR used to preside over an economy worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years?

Cru you so don't know what you're talking about.

Seriously, read a book.
GDP, 1929-1936
1929: 103.6B
1930: 91.2B
1931: 76.5B
1932: 58.7B
1933: 56.4B <-----FDR takes office.
1934: 66.0B
1935: 73.3B
1936: 83.8B
It's easy to pump up GDP numbers when you count the hiring of on an army of bureaucrats, to administer and supervise a bunch of make-work.

Unfortunately, the gubmint side of the trumped up GDP equation doesn't account for any productivity worth mentioning.
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GDP, 1929-1936
1929: 103.6B
1930: 91.2B
1931: 76.5B
1932: 58.7B
1933: 56.4B <-----FDR takes office.
1934: 66.0B
1935: 73.3B
1936: 83.8B
It's easy to pump up GDP numbers when you count the hiring of on an army of bureaucrats, to administer and supervise a bunch of make-work.

Wha....what? So production expanded across virtually every sector at record pace, incomes increased by 30% and the unemployment rate fell by a third...Because we hired an army of bureaucrats? Somewhere, an Austrian is crying in his schnapps.

Impressive bureaucrats!
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GDP, 1929-1936
1929: 103.6B
1930: 91.2B
1931: 76.5B
1932: 58.7B
1933: 56.4B <-----FDR takes office.
1934: 66.0B
1935: 73.3B
1936: 83.8B
It's easy to pump up GDP numbers when you count the hiring of on an army of bureaucrats, to administer and supervise a bunch of make-work.

Wha....what? So production expanded across virtually every sector at record pace, incomes increased by 30% and the unemployment rate fell by a third...Because we hired an army of bureaucrats?

Impressive bureaucrats!
Also easy to do when you're running the printing presses at capacity.

The numbers go up, but IRL productivity still staggers along.

Look at the DOW...At about 12,000, yet the USD never bought less.
It's easy to pump up GDP numbers when you count the hiring of on an army of bureaucrats, to administer and supervise a bunch of make-work.

Wha....what? So production expanded across virtually every sector at record pace, incomes increased by 30% and the unemployment rate fell by a third...Because we hired an army of bureaucrats?

Impressive bureaucrats!
Also easy to do when you're running the printing presses at capacity.

The numbers go up, but IRL productivity still staggers along.

Look at the DOW...At about 12,000, yet the USD never bought less.

Productivity staggers along? That's a mathematical impossibility. Hours worked did not grow as fast as total production. Total Factor Productivity increased at a faster pace during the Depression than just about any time since.
They will continue to spit all over the generation who lived through the GD.

Those people lived it and KNEW it on the ground and could tell in their own lies what was working and what was not working.

The people who lived in this time and fought and worked REAL hard to pull us out of this depression LOVED FDR.

These dishonest politcal hacks will spit all over those people , you know the very people who bravely fought and won a world war for this countrys survival.
They will continue to spit all over the generation who lived through the GD.

Those people lived it and KNEW it on the ground and could tell in their own lies what was working and what was not working.

The people who lived in this time and fought and worked REAL hard to pull us out of this depression LOVED FDR.

'Tis a good point. For all the gloom and doom some folks claim FDR created, he won the 1936 election in a complete and utter landslide - garnering 61% of the vote to his next-closest opponents 36%.
GDP, 1929-1936
1929: 103.6B
1930: 91.2B
1931: 76.5B
1932: 58.7B
1933: 56.4B <-----FDR takes office.
1934: 66.0B
1935: 73.3B
1936: 83.8B

a good way to deflect when you cant win the argument.
Anyway, note that GDP never got even close to where it had been before the crash, and took 5 years to reach where it had been two years after the crash.
In 1936 orders from Europe began picking up, both for the Spanish Civil War and WW2.

You've pretty much proven both the New Deal and Obamanomics are failures.
They will continue to spit all over the generation who lived through the GD.

Those people lived it and KNEW it on the ground and could tell in their own lies what was working and what was not working.

The people who lived in this time and fought and worked REAL hard to pull us out of this depression LOVED FDR.

'Tis a good point. For all the gloom and doom some folks claim FDR created, he won the 1936 election in a complete and utter landslide - garnering 61% of the vote to his next-closest opponents 36%.

This history had dogged the right for decades.

They need to distory FDRs record in peoples mind so that they will be willing to vote for the republicans who crashed the economy back then too with their failed ideas.

Nowe their ideas are historically failed and they only way to restore those failed ideas in peoples minds is to distory the history.

The people who lived it are now very old or dead.

They think the timing is right to try and distroy the real history.

I have alwasy wondered why dont they just give up the historically failed ideas and get some new ideas that might work.

That is because the real reason these historically failed ideas are set up for the people to accept is they only benifit the uber wealthy and they are the ones who set out the pablum for the right leaning masses to lap up.
GDP, 1929-1936
1929: 103.6B
1930: 91.2B
1931: 76.5B
1932: 58.7B
1933: 56.4B <-----FDR takes office.
1934: 66.0B
1935: 73.3B
1936: 83.8B

a good way to deflect when you cant win the argument.
Anyway, note that GDP never got even close to where it had been before the crash, and took 5 years to reach where it had been two years after the crash.
In 1936 orders from Europe began picking up, both for the Spanish Civil War and WW2.

You've pretty much proven both the New Deal and Obamanomics are failures.

Ah...an instant fix kind of guy.
GDP, 1929-1936
1929: 103.6B
1930: 91.2B
1931: 76.5B
1932: 58.7B
1933: 56.4B <-----FDR takes office.
1934: 66.0B
1935: 73.3B
1936: 83.8B

Let me ask you a question; if you had a heart condition, would you blame the doctor for not immediately curing you after your first visit? Because FDR took office, everything that preceded him is HIS fault?

Keep in mind that fiscal years begin Oct. 1, so the first year that can be counted as a FDR year is fiscal 1934. The appropriations bills for fiscal year 1933 was signed by FDR's predecessor, Herbert Hoover.

FDR and the New Deal created the LARGEST increase in GDP in American history.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Percent change from preceding period

GDP percent change based on current dollars

1930 -12.0
1931 -16.1
1932 -23.2
1933 -3.9
<-----FDR takes office. BUT, it is still Hoover's budget
1934 17.0 <-----FDR's FIRST budget year.
1935 11.1
1936 14.3
1937 9.7

1938 -6.3
1939 7.0
1940 10.0
1941 25.0
1942 27.7
1943 22.7
1944 10.7
1945 1.5
<-----FDR dies.

FDR had his own right wing regressives to contend with, HERE is where that led.

The Recession of 1937–1938 was a temporary reversal of the pre-war 1933 to 1941 economic recovery from the Great Depression in the United States. Economists disagree about the causes of this downturn, but agree that government austerity reversed the recovery. wiki


FDR and the New Deal created the LARGEST increase in GDP in American history.

GDP, 1929-1936
1929: 103.6B
1930: 91.2B
1931: 76.5B
1932: 58.7B
1933: 56.4B <-----FDR takes office.
1934: 66.0B
1935: 73.3B
1936: 83.8B

a good way to deflect when you cant win the argument.
Anyway, note that GDP never got even close to where it had been before the crash, and took 5 years to reach where it had been two years after the crash.
In 1936 orders from Europe began picking up, both for the Spanish Civil War and WW2.

You've pretty much proven both the New Deal and Obamanomics are failures.

Ah...an instant fix kind of guy.

I would say the same about you.....
GDP, 1929-1936
1929: 103.6B
1930: 91.2B
1931: 76.5B
1932: 58.7B
1933: 56.4B <-----FDR takes office.
1934: 66.0B
1935: 73.3B
1936: 83.8B

a good way to deflect when you cant win the argument.

Deflect from a baseless opinion by providing actual factual information? Indeed.

Anyway, note that GDP never got even close to where it had been before the crash, and took 5 years to reach where it had been two years after the crash.

That's not because growth was slow - in fact, the pace of growth was record pace. It's because the depth of the hole created was so great.

In 1936 orders from Europe began picking up, both for the Spanish Civil War and WW2.

Well that didn't do us much good!

You've pretty much proven you're an idiot.

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