Obamacare cuts out Medicare Advantage







:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

what a dumbass.....you can't even see the basic problem.....

Advantage programs exist in the first place because Medicare does NOT COVER everything and it is there to help the poor seniors....
Then, ALLOW Medicare to negotiate lower-prices (from the Big Pharms), like the VA DOES!!!


Stupid fuckin' Teabagger


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QwX_soZ1GI]BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | Wendell Potter | PBS - YouTube[/ame]​

just another Obama promise that fell through....

...just what exactly were the particulars in the secret backroom big business cronyism deal ObAMA made with Big Pharma.....:eusa_shhh:
this is why the Ryan plan is attempting to bring around more competition in the healthcare market.....to LOWER PRICES....
Would this be the same LyinRyan who voted against Medicare being able to negotiate lower-prices from the giant drug companies who own him?

The goal is to slowly defund medicare and fold it all into obamacare where government panels will decide who gets medication or treatment.

WTF? Why do rw's say such STOOOPID things when they know they have no evidence that its true?
ScreamingEagle said:
this little video quickly explains what Obama is REALLY doing....
Yes trying to force everyone to use HIS BS HEALTH PLAN where they decide what someone gets treatment for!!
ScreamingEagle said:
this little video quickly explains what Obama is REALLY doing....
Yes trying to force everyone to use HIS BS HEALTH PLAN where they decide what someone gets treatment for!!

Fucking hell, is there a stoopid drug people are becoming addicted to? Or are they just shills that spew for their party masters and a few quick bucks?

Look, you guys are social retards. Most of us are at a higher level. Here, dig this: If you get private insurance, YOU ARE NOT COVERED FOR EVERYTHING!!! Yep, that's right. See, THE INSURANCE COMPANIES DECIDE WHAT BENEFITS YOU'LL RECIEVE AND HOW MUCH YOU'LL PAY FOR THEM.

Now, think real hard (I know, it makes your head hot, but bear with me) Do you want your benefits and costs determined by some faceless billionaire that you know nothing about or do you want your benefits and costs determined by someone you can vote out of office and replace?
Now, think real hard (I know, it makes your head hot, but bear with me) Do you want your benefits and costs determined by some faceless billionaire that you know nothing about or do you want your benefits and costs determined by someone you can vote out of office and replace?

Neither. I don't won't government determining my benefits and costs, and I don't want to be forced into doing business with 'faceless billionaire'. Is that all ya got?
So you donn't want to have insurance at all, because those are you options - government or private insurance.

If you wish to have no insurance then you're expecting the rest of society to pay your bills (do not imagine that you can afford to, especially after you hit age 45, or if you have a serious injury or long-term illness.) So in other words, you feel entitled.
Congressman Darrell Issa Chair of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
plans to press ahead with a subpoena for health department documents on a program he claims is being used to "buy"the election by hiding the effects of ObamaCare.*

"It's an unbelievable abuse of power," he said Thursday. Issa said the program basically funds "what ObamaCare took away.

A top official with the GAO also testified in July that he has "neverencountered" a demonstration project of this size."
Committee On Oversight & Government Reform

"...Earlier this year, the Government Accountability Office recommended that the* Obama administration kill the bonus payment program -- questioning the legal* authority behind the system.

A top official with the GAO also testified in July that he has "never* encountered" a demonstration project of this size."
Scout.com: Obama administration masking true costs of Obamacare...
I knew Issa was a crook, but it's amazing that cons believe everything he says.
If you wish to have no insurance then you're expecting the rest of society to pay your bills (do not imagine that you can afford to, especially after you hit age 45, or if you have a serious injury or long-term illness.) So in other words, you feel entitled.

In other words, no.
If you wish to have no insurance then you're expecting the rest of society to pay your bills (do not imagine that you can afford to, especially after you hit age 45, or if you have a serious injury or long-term illness.) So in other words, you feel entitled.

In other words, no.

Oh, so you're wealthy enough to pay your way as health issues arise? Congratulations.
ScreamingEagle said:
this little video quickly explains what Obama is REALLY doing....
Yes trying to force everyone to use HIS BS HEALTH PLAN where they decide what someone gets treatment for!!

But... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=1LRcLMScEqo]Obama You can keep your doctor - YouTube[/ame]
If you wish to have no insurance then you're expecting the rest of society to pay your bills (do not imagine that you can afford to, especially after you hit age 45, or if you have a serious injury or long-term illness.) So in other words, you feel entitled.

In other words, no.

Oh, so you're wealthy enough to pay your way as health issues arise? Congratulations.

You're good at coming to unfounded, inane conclusions. No. Again.
Congressman Darrell Issa Chair of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
plans to press ahead with a subpoena for health department documents on a program he claims is being used to "buy"the election by hiding the effects of ObamaCare.*

"It's an unbelievable abuse of power," he said Thursday. Issa said the program basically funds "what ObamaCare took away.

A top official with the GAO also testified in July that he has "neverencountered" a demonstration project of this size."
Committee On Oversight & Government Reform

"...Earlier this year, the Government Accountability Office recommended that the* Obama administration kill the bonus payment program -- questioning the legal* authority behind the system.

A top official with the GAO also testified in July that he has "never* encountered" a demonstration project of this size."
Scout.com: Obama administration masking true costs of Obamacare...
I knew Issa was a crook, but it's amazing that cons believe everything he says.

Obviously you are not very bright. There are more than enough sources in this thread to back him up. You are typical Obama Idiot living in a delusional world of your own design.
you know, the funny part is, the republicans have wanted this for years, and its ADVANTAGE! its the rich person medicare, so your telling me the rich deserve more than the rest of us?

I disagree. Advantage is a Bush plan I like. I live in a low income mixed neighborhood in California near a large Kaiser facility. The seniors are all on Kaiser Advantage and swear by it. I'm a democrat, I'm on Advantage and I swear by it. Without Advantage I'd have to go to a medigap policy which would cost about $450 more a month. Since Medicare pays 80%, medigap makes up the difference. Now I can probably afford that increase. Most of my neighbors can't. I will try to research this over the weekend.
Such a surprise that Issa came up with this.
He couldn't get to be governor of California after financing the expulsion of Gray Davis. He's gone as far in government as he can.
The Affordable Care Act actually reduces Medicare costs, so some of the funding from there can be applied to ACA. The truth is that the ACA provides better coverage to everyone. Under the "old way"; insurance companies used as little as 40 percent toward health care costs. Under ACA, they have to use 80 percent of the premiums for health care. Under ACA, people can get coverage for pre existing conditions. Which means if you lose your job and insurance and your child gets a major illness, you can buy insurance. Before ACA, no insurance would cover that, so you would watch your child die with no care. Of course, if you were wealthy, that was not an issue; but many middle class Americans like me like to know that our children and our parents will get the medical care they need. Which leads to the fact that under ACA, there are no more caps on what insurance pays for an illness. Now, if you don't like that, then you must be childless and parentless or filthy rich.
Democrat$ are puni$hing middle-cla$$ Republican$ by taking away what they paid for in $ocial $ecurity payment$ in the pa$t, but they dipped into their money and took it away, already. Democrat$ don't write law$ anymore that benefit anyone but them$elve$. They hone in to voter list$, figure out how to $teal $aving$ from likely Republican voter$ by passing attachment$ to law$ they're working on, and benefit their member$ only, writing in tax disclaimer$ for investment$ of Code Pink$, illegal$, Democrat$ with huge investment$ going bad (tax break$), and laughing all the way to their re$pective bank$. All Republican$ are potential No-Help Li$t candidate$. Tax and $pend, but no repre$entation, not ever.

Former $peaker Nancy Pelo$i wanted it hurried up and pa$$ed so she could benefit directly from little ob$cure write-in$ that "$eem" relevant to the untrained eye, but are $orry little ca$h pipeline$ to her children$' and inlaw$' fortune-$eeking venture$. Going-bankrupt $$$olyndra? Not an accident! A nephew had his hand$ in it and $he wanted to make $ure he got hi$ inve$tment back, $o $he got Obama to pre$$ure the U.S. Trea$ury for an in$tant loan. The $unbelt energy $cam? Not only her bill, but Reid'$ son too, and benefitting $ine$e inve$tor$ too.

$he was hoping to get the hou$e back for $ome more $self-$erving write-in$, too.

$he will lead in a Republican calumniou$ caterwaul for 4 year$ to get them out $o her replacement can funnel more money to Democrat$ than ever.

Think anyone will catch on to her $cam$ who can do anything about it?
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Oh, so you're wealthy enough to pay your way as health issues arise? Congratulations.

You're good at coming to unfounded, inane conclusions. No. Again.

Well, then, what is your plan?

My plan is my business, not yours. That's what I'm getting at. Freedom means we get to make our own decisions, our own "plans", and we don't need to have our plans pre-approved by government. Responsibility means we deal with the outcome of our decisions and plans and accept accountability for the results.

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