Obama Wants Calorie Info Posted on Vending Machines

Sorry. T here has never been a credible study in over 30 years that suggests GMOs are harmful in any way. It's a religion with some people. Like global warming.
No studies have been done is the USA. There have been several studies in the UK.
It seems We in the US are they only western country that even allows GMO's in Anything!!
There is a direct link of auto immune disease & gluten.

In Oregon there was wheat plant that did not die with round up. Immediately sent in for testing. That Plant put sales to Japan in jeopardy as Oregon is the largest wheat grower for Japan.

Why no other country allows use of GMO if it's so safe?? Why no testing here in America??
MONSANTO is Chemical co not a food source.

GMO Wheat Found In Oregon Field. How Did It Get There? : The Salt : NPR

My point stands. You would think if it were that obviously harmful someone could find some kind of evidence for it. Alas, none exists. It's like global warming or Al Gore winning Florida.
More information is bad!

No, redundancy is bad.

Nutritional info is already posted on the food item. To post it again on the vending machine is redundant, wasteful, and idiotic.

Oh you mean after you buy it you'll be able to find out?

How stupid are you to not know that over indulging in soda, chips, and candy is not healthy for you?

If you get something out of the machine and don't care for the content after reading the label then you don't get it again. Is it really that hard? Maybe for you, but not normal people.
Yeah thin in shape people are known for being unhealthy. In Bangladesh.
An occasional McD's is fine. There is no evidence otherwise. But even so, what business is it of yours what someone sticks in his mouth? Yeah,none.
You have the choice. Every piece of food in America comes with a label saying what's in it. If it really bothers you then dont eat out of vending machines at all. Pack fruit, nuts, bean sprouts or wahtever other crap you want.

None of that McDongle's pretend-food has a label on it. Nor does anything you get in any restaurant (even real ones) unless they do so voluntarily. Nor do fruit or vegetables.

Chic-fil-A posts the cal counts on the menu board.

You can get the more informative nutritional info from the FF restaurants if you ask or go online.

That's why I said, "unless they do so voluntarily". Subway does that too.

But if you just walked into a fast food joint, you're obviously there spontaneously (and/or out of desperation) which means you didn't plan to go there, so you wouldn't have looked all that up in advance and you're certainly not going to run back home so you can see what's in the Turd McNuggets you're about to wash down with a giant cup of coloured sugar water.
There are plenty of thin in-shape people who buy food from vending machines. It is hardly reasonable to tax them because some fat oaf can't keep his hands off. Besides, now they have Obamacare so you're not paying for anything.

"thin, in-shape" does not mean healthy.

You'll also see people who actually believe that an occasional McDonald's "meal" is okay. Its not.

Be that as it may, the question is whether or not we should be able to see what is in our "food" before we pay for it. I believe we should have that choice. Those who disagree don't have to read.

You haven't figured out that vending machines are full of crap food & need a label posted?? Grow Up ~
Who is going to pay the 25 million every year for these labels. Small business owners will. And this will do exactly what the Gov wants. Put people out of business and loss of jobs. It's all about Control...regulating and mandating by the FDA.

We want clean healthy food but we Can't get GMO labels put on food. Only in America are we eating GMOs food products & without labels. There is a HUGE group of us trying very hard without much success to get the Government to put a stop to GMOs or at least a label so I know NOT to eat it. It isn't vending machine foods that is making people FAT. It's all the crap fillers made with Genetically Modified Organisms.
GMOs have not been tested on humans. It's put into our food and fed to the food we eat. And how about the hormones our food supply is soaking into our bodies. Hormones, PBA and soy is in lotions, shampoo and almost everything we rub or put on our bodies. Why all the infertility?? Cancer?? Our food supply is tainted by MONSANTO ~~ Big Bucks is killing us.

To eat a healthy clean diet is very hard to do. It's expensive and very time consuming finding Organic GMO free foods. One label I'm very happy to see is Gluten Free. No Gluten removes the grain that is grown with GMO seeds. Everything GF & GMO free is much more expensive. The poor can't afford healthy clean food. Unless you are eating grass fed meat and organic fruits and veggies your putting crap into you body vending machine or fine dining. $25 million per year could be used much effectively by putting proper labels on real food instead of the front of a vending machine.

And the finger pointing has already begun just by the tone of this thread to divide people even more...You're to fat..You smoke...I shouldn't have to pay for you doing this. Well I don't want to pay because you do that. This is America. What happened to personal responsibility? Our government is supposed to work for Us not we do what they say!! Wake Up. We can't afford to keep eating the crap that we call food.

We continue to scream and protest against GMOs and label GMO foods. But No we get a label on the front of a fucking vending machine instead...
Just say NO to GMOs. Every other western country doesn't allow GMO foods. Notice we are the fattest country, Obese and starving. Cut out the Grain and lose weight without even trying...

Obama isn't interested in vending machines...He's a LIAR ~ If he was concerned about what we eat he would have kept his promise to STOP GMOs and put labels on what we are eating.

Obamas Nothing but a Fucking Pathological LIAR.....
Obama's Broken Promise on GMO Food Labeling | Mother Jones
President Obama Breaks His Promise To Label GMO Foods - Super Human Radio Health Talk Show : Internet Radio Talk station


----- which includes appointing Michael Taylor of all creatures to the FDA ... talk about fox guarding the hen house :death:
Sorry. T here has never been a credible study in over 30 years that suggests GMOs are harmful in any way. It's a religion with some people. Like global warming.
No studies have been done is the USA. There have been several studies in the UK.
It seems We in the US are they only western country that even allows GMO's in Anything!!
There is a direct link of auto immune disease & gluten.

In Oregon there was wheat plant that did not die with round up. Immediately sent in for testing. That Plant put sales to Japan in jeopardy as Oregon is the largest wheat grower for Japan.

Why no other country allows use of GMO if it's so safe?? Why no testing here in America??
MONSANTO is Chemical co not a food source.

GMO Wheat Found In Oregon Field. How Did It Get There? : The Salt : NPR

My point stands. You would think if it were that obviously harmful someone could find some kind of evidence for it. Alas, none exists. It's like global warming or Al Gore winning Florida.

Yeah actually it is like that. Good analogy.

When you're Monfuckingsanto you can literally buy your own research.
None of that McDongle's pretend-food has a label on it. Nor does anything you get in any restaurant (even real ones) unless they do so voluntarily. Nor do fruit or vegetables.

Chic-fil-A posts the cal counts on the menu board.

You can get the more informative nutritional info from the FF restaurants if you ask or go online.

That's why I said, "unless they do so voluntarily". Subway does that too.

But if you just walked into a fast food joint, you're obviously there spontaneously (and/or out of desperation) which means you didn't plan to go there, so you wouldn't have looked all that up in advance and you're certainly not going to run back home so you can see what's in the Turd McNuggets you're about to wash down with a giant cup of coloured sugar water.

They can always look up the info on their smaht phone.

If someone is in a FF place they'd have to be daft not to know that pretty much everything on the menu is crap.

No studies have been done is the USA. There have been several studies in the UK.
It seems We in the US are they only western country that even allows GMO's in Anything!!
There is a direct link of auto immune disease & gluten.

In Oregon there was wheat plant that did not die with round up. Immediately sent in for testing. That Plant put sales to Japan in jeopardy as Oregon is the largest wheat grower for Japan.

Why no other country allows use of GMO if it's so safe?? Why no testing here in America??
MONSANTO is Chemical co not a food source.

GMO Wheat Found In Oregon Field. How Did It Get There? : The Salt : NPR

My point stands. You would think if it were that obviously harmful someone could find some kind of evidence for it. Alas, none exists. It's like global warming or Al Gore winning Florida.

Yeah actually it is like that. Good analogy.

When you're Monfuckingsanto you can literally buy your own research.

Yeah another plot by Big Scary EEVUL Corporations!
My point stands. You would think if it were that obviously harmful someone could find some kind of evidence for it. Alas, none exists. It's like global warming or Al Gore winning Florida.

Yeah actually it is like that. Good analogy.

When you're Monfuckingsanto you can literally buy your own research.

Yeah another plot by Big Scary EEVUL Corporations!

The links don't lie.

Yeah actually it is like that. Good analogy.

When you're Monfuckingsanto you can literally buy your own research.

Yeah another plot by Big Scary EEVUL Corporations!

The links don't lie.


There has been study showing harm from GMO foods, despite their use for 30 years. Surely someone, funded by George Soros or something, could find something negative to say. Yet not a peep. So there are two possibilities:
1) There are no harmful effects.
2) Monsanto is the de facto dictator of the United States.

Take your pick.
Just remember it's for our own good that Obama does these things...
Because government knows what's best for us.

Blood,urine and stool samples will be required by the WH soon....
But not if you had mexican food the night before... :eek:
Actually, I would appreciate being able to read the nutrition information about an item in a vending machine before I buy it. Probably dissuade me from buying a lot of it!

At my workplace the vending company has a new way of selling their goods. They have a "store," you can choose what you want from the shelves or the cooler, then scan and pay for it at a check-out machine. Therefore, you can read the label before you buy something. According to the vending people I've talked to this method is much more popular than the traditional vending machines. Of course, it won't work everywhere, but in the breakrooms at workplaces it works well. It's on the honor system, but at our workplace there is a camera, and you wouldn't want to be caught stealing the goods!
Just remember it's for our own good that Obama does these things...
Because government knows what's best for us.

Blood,urine and stool samples will be required by the WH soon....
But not if you had mexican food the night before... :eek:

With everything dribbling out of this OScamCare bill, like this with vending machines.

I wouldn't doubt blood, urine and stool samples is in there somewhere

They will now tell you if you are obese you won't get certain medical procedures...Death panels are in your future

And don't get old either


Obama Dooms Seniors to Ravages of Aging

Betsy McCaughey — January 2, 2014

On Oct. 1, 2012 the Obama administration started awarding bonus points to hospitals that spend the least on elderly patients. It will result in fewer knee replacements, hip replacements, angioplasty, bypass surgery and cataract operations.

These are the five procedures that have transformed aging for older Americans. They used to languish in wheelchairs and nursing homes due to arthritis, cataracts and heart disease. Now they lead active lives.

But the Obama administration is undoing that progress. By cutting $716 billion from future Medicare funding over the next decade and rewarding the hospitals that spend the least on seniors, the Obama health law will make these procedures hard to get and less safe.

The Obama health law creates two new entitlements for people under age 65 – subsidies to buy private health plans and a vast expansion of Medicaid. More than half the cost of these entitlements is paid for by cutting what hospitals, doctors, hospice care, home care and Advantage plans are paid to care for seniors.

Just Take Pill

Astoundingly, doctors will be paid less to treat a senior than to treat someone on Medicaid, and only about one-third of what a doctor will be paid to treat a patient with private insurance.

On July 13, 2011, Richard Foster, chief actuary for Medicare, warned Congress that seniors will have difficulty finding doctors and hospitals to accept Medicare. Doctors who do continue to take it will not want to spend time doing procedures such as knee replacements when the pay is so low. Yet the law bars them from providing care their patients need for an extra fee. You’re trapped.

President Obama seems to think too many seniors are getting these procedures. At a town hall debate in 2009, he told a woman “maybe you’re better off not having the surgery but taking the painkiller.”

all of it here
Obama Dooms Seniors to Ravages of Aging
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