Obama tries to stop Texas execution

It doesn't matter to a sicko like you that the gang of white boys that raped the girl go unpunished so long as a Mexican is killed and you get to slander Obama.
It sucks to be you!

Well, you are again showing how ignorant you are, you see, in Texas White boys dont get to hang with Mexican gang Bangers. Now you coward, show us your proof they were white and not black or Mexican (most likely). You have none. Now go say your prayers to the President of babe rapers Obama, but I warn you to be careful ware you drive your ice cream truck. Most folks shoot child molesters. Put the proof up, or shut up.
The fact that they were not even questioned says they were white as snow. If they were Mexican they would be on death row also.

In other words, you are a racist pig..

Thanks for playing but ASSUMING that someone got out of getting caught AFTER ASSUMING they are whites at the same time as challenging the courts findings and that of ALL the appeals over 17 years is absolute crap. You are a racist...

Add to that, NONE of his rights were violated and he was denied NONE of his legal recourses. Fact is, A treaty was violated that has no connection with the trial itself and, in fact, there is no legal recourse for what happened. The entire point of Obama asking for the stay was because there 'might' be a law that would give him a recourse in six months. He has been tried and convicted. He had tons of appeals as the usual for capital cases over a 17 year period. It is done.
In all fairness, there is a reasoned response here:

WH intervenes in Texas execution « Hot Air

"Garcia seems a poor poster boy for this effort, given his nearly lifelong residence in the US and the nature of his crime. However, for those Americans who do travel abroad, reciprocity in consular access is no small matter, and neither the Obama or Bush administrations can be much blamed for taking an interest in protecting it. "

I wonder what will happen tomorrow.

That's tonight. Liale takes a walk tonight, and then a dirt nap. Obama like Bush has no say what so ever.
This is the last illegal who tried to weasel out of paying for his crimes.

Texas Execution Information - Report: Jose Medellin

Texas Execution Information Center
Jose Medellin

Jose Ernesto Medellin, 33, was executed by lethal injection on 5 August 2008 in Huntsville, Texas for the rape and murder of two teenage girls.

Elizabeth Pena, 16, and Jennifer Ertman, 14, spent the evening of 24 June 1993 at the swimming pool of a friend's apartment complex in Houston. As their midnight curfew approached, they debated the fastest route to Pena's home. They decided to follow the railroad tracks through a city park.

That same evening, eight young men were in the park participating in a gang initiation ritual. Raul Villareal, 17, was being initiated into the Black and White gang. The other gang members present were Medellin, Derrick O'Brien, and Peter Cantu - all 18 - Efrain Perez, 17, and Roman Sandoval. Frank Sandoval and Vernancio Medellin, 14, brothers of two of the gang members, were also present. The initiation consisted of Villareal fighting each of the other gang members for several minutes. Following this ritual, they drank beer.
It's all political, he is trying to curry favor with the hispanic vote, but truth be told, that murderer needs to fry for what he did, I don't give a shit what color he is. What's next? Illegals come into our country, get caught and not be put in jail? Under Obama I could see it happening, it would be a back room deal with illegals "Vote for me, and you will have free reign to do what you want in this country, just get with acorn for your voter fraud info".
It's all political, he is trying to curry favor with the hispanic vote, but truth be told, that murderer needs to fry for what he did, I don't give a shit what color he is. What's next? Illegals come into our country, get caught and not be put in jail? Under Obama I could see it happening, it would be a back room deal with illegals "Vote for me, and you will have free reign to do what you want in this country, just get with acorn for your voter fraud info".

Bush, and sadly most of the Republicans in our state are quite illegal friendly. The good news is that, legal and illegal alike want the guy dead. He will go around midnight. Hope he gets right with his maker.
Obama is a scary guy, he does not need Congress, he does not follow the Constitution, will he deploy 82nd Airborne to rescue Humberto?
Every day 12 Americans are murdered by an illegal alien. Another 13 Americans are killed by uninsured drunk illegal aliens and 8 American Children are victims of a sex crime committed by an illegal alien each and every day.

"The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants in the United States".
Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, Ph.D. - Criminal Profiler : Crime & Terrorism investigation resources

The United Nations list Mexico as the number one center for the supply of young children to international pedophile organizations. http://www.uri.edu/artsci/wms/hughes/mexico.htm
This asshole got to appeal the decision of the original jury for a year longer than his victim spent on this earth........ that really sucks! His painless death was too easy, he should have spent the rest of his miserable life in general population being raped and beaten by others as depraved as he was........ that would have been fair and just.
If Illegal Aliens aren't free to rape and murder our 16 year old daughters, are any of us truly free?

Look at all of the idiots that thanked you. None of you know any of the facts or anything about this case, but you jump right on the bandwagon because Obama is against it. And another thing, I thought you all are opposed to the death penalty. No??? But you say abortion is murder. Let me get this straight. You are against abortion but for the death penalty??? How do you hypocrites reconcile that???
That asshole was brought to this country as a boy from Monterrey, Mexico......... He still yelled out Viva Mexico, twice, as the drugs were starting to kill his shit ass. Capital punishment is too easy for shit like this....... he should have been forced to crack rocks all day in the heat and cold while listening to the screams and crying of this girl's Mother 24 hours a day, everyday.
President George W. Bush in 2005 agreed with an International Court of Justice ruling that Leal and 50 other Mexican-born inmates nationwide should be entitled to new hearings in U.S. courts to determine if their consular rights were violated at the time of their arrests. The Supreme Court later overruled Bush, negating the decision from the Netherlands-based court.

It would be a shame if Texas doesn't get it's quota of executions
There are laws - break them and pay the consequence. They were not written after the piece of shit violated the law, the young girl and her family as well as society!!!
Send the piece of shit back to mexico he will return. Incarcerate for life and guess who foots the bill?
The shit stain in office gets into way to much bullshit rather than concentrating on the important issues like shovel ready jobs ... (laughter)

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